No, Democrat Presidents aren't Great Job Creators


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This article truly puts a nail in the claim that Clinton created a boom while Bush was responsible for the bust. Here's a key point most Dimbocraps either ignore or chose to forget:

Towards the end of the Clinton presidency, in March 2000, the Dot Com bubble burst, the NASDAQ crashed, and the 10-year economic expansion halted. By March 2001, just two months into George W. Bush’s first term, the U.S. was in a recession.

Read more: Articles: No, Democrat Presidents aren't Great Job Creators
Government does not create jobs, period. It can create conditions conducive to job creation but it never, ever, creates jobs. It only robs jobs from one entity to give to another.
72 years was selected as the timeframe because each party has controlled the presidency for 36 of those 72 years. During those 36 years each, 58 million jobs have been created under Democratic presidents, but only 26 million jobs under Republican Presidents. Oct 29, 2015
72 years was selected as the timeframe because each party has controlled the presidency for 36 of those 72 years. During those 36 years each, 58 million jobs have been created under Democratic presidents, but only 26 million jobs under Republican Presidents. Oct 29, 2015

Plus Republicans caused the Great Depression and the Great Bush Recession of 2008
72 years was selected as the timeframe because each party has controlled the presidency for 36 of those 72 years. During those 36 years each, 58 million jobs have been created under Democratic presidents, but only 26 million jobs under Republican Presidents. Oct 29, 2015
Where does it say that?
Hillary and Bernie's plans: Tax the wealthy more. Raise the taxes on corporations and close their tax loopholes. The wealthy are already paying the lion's share of the federal income tax. Taxing corporations more and closing their tax loopholes will only lead to more corporations moving out of the country, job loss, and result in lower returns on investments of our elderly and many others who invest in the stocks of corporations. Hillary and Bernie's plans will kill off more jobs in an already depressed economy. Bernie did admit that the actual unemployment rate was 10% - not 5.6% as is touted by the Obama Administration. Bernie also stated that the unemployment rate in the Black community was 15% and that the unemployment rate among Black males with a high school education was 51%. So much for the two leading candidates of the Democrat Party's plans for jobs creation and the overall economy.
Hillary and Bernie's plans: Tax the wealthy more. Raise the taxes on corporations and close their tax loopholes. The wealthy are already paying the lion's share of the federal income tax. Taxing corporations more and closing their tax loopholes will only lead to more corporations moving out of the country, job loss, and result in lower returns on investments of our elderly and many others who invest in the stocks of corporations. Hillary and Bernie's plans will kill off more jobs in an already depressed economy. Bernie did admit that the actual unemployment rate was 10% - not 5.6% as is touted by the Obama Administration. Bernie also stated that the unemployment rate in the Black community was 15% and that the unemployment rate among Black males with a high school education was 51%. So much for the two leading candidates of the Democrat Party's plans for jobs creation and the overall economy.
Their plan is always to tax the wealthy more. Unfortunately it always backfires. 100%. Because the majority of income in this country is in the middle class. The AMT started off being about 67 families. Now millions of middle class filers are caught in it. Why does anyone think this time will be different?
72 years was selected as the timeframe because each party has controlled the presidency for 36 of those 72 years. During those 36 years each, 58 million jobs have been created under Democratic presidents, but only 26 million jobs under Republican Presidents. Oct 29, 2015
Where does it say that?

Which Political Party Has Created More Jobs?

now all you need to do is pretend you can comprehend what you read.
You didn't post any content. Do you know what that means? What is it with you liberals and your lazy links? Intellectually=liberalism.

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