No debate bounce for Ramaswamy in Reuters poll

Conservative from Georgia

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2018
The debate happened on August 23.
The poll is from August 24 to the 25th .
Everyone was under the impression that Remaswany’s poll number would skyrocket after the debate, but:

Many had not warmed to Ramaswamy and Haley enough, however, to say they were now backing their bids. Only 5% of Republicans said they outright backed Ramaswamy while only 4% supported Haley, similar shares to what they had before the debate.
It may be because at first hearing, many Repubs (and even Independents & some Dems) mostly only heard his “unite the nation” rap and took it for true coin. I myself until a few weeks before the debate had heard on TV only short snippets of him sounding young, clever, saying he was an independent businessman on nobody’s payroll, etc. I almost told my friends he sounded really interesting!

But it soon became clear this “new guy on the block” was just a MAGA crazy “stalking horse” and avatar for Donald Trump! The debate clarified that, so of course the brainwashed convinced Trumpsters loved him even more, but he lost any Repubs who thought he might be an alternative to Trumpism.

Of course he’s running for a future job if Trump wins in his Administration, or to be a new Trump-like “Big Liar” politician if Trump himself doesn’t run, or loses in ‘24. He’s now getting close not just to Trump but to all the remaining big money Trump funders.
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....seems he changes his mind frequently and quickly

He sure does! Seems Soros Foundation people spotted him early on as a very smart smooth-talking minority American who claimed to be progressive, and he got scholarship money from them and got into Yale.

Of course in Yale he met business connections and money types, then launched his “alternative Pharma” business, and after getting mildly rich made the transition to smooth talking rightwinger.

The man knows how to smell out money and opportunity alright. He will probably get some big oil industry funding before he’s through. He now probably is convinced he has a shot at big time politics.
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Ramaswamy is taking positions in opposition to old guard Repubs. Mocking Reagan's "morning in America" and positing a darker vision of America. His problem is those folks, the ones who see a dystopian future for the country, are wedded to P01135809.
If he is not an airhead, why does Vivek have two open rooms in his head: one of them listed as 'for rent' and the other filled with rocks.

He is as goofy as Kennedy Jr.
LOL. Republicans said that about Dan Quayle, Dick Cheney, and of course Sarah Palin. :auiqs.jpg:
Maybe GWB or the Lincoln project jive turkeys would say something stupid like that, but no America first Republican would ever crow about that bunch of nincompoops. Still and all, they're better than Kamala.
He would easily be the best VP we've had in my lifetime.
So not her anymore??

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I thought she was the second coming of Reagan?

Anyhoo, she reminds me of why I don't pay attention to anyone right-wingers hype as the best ever - because its mostly bullshit......

Yall were the same ones who wanted this guy to be a US Congressman

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And was trying to send this chick to the Senate.......

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The debate happened on August 23.
The poll is from August 24 to the 25th .
Everyone was under the impression that Remaswany’s poll number would skyrocket after the debate, but:

Many had not warmed to Ramaswamy and Haley enough, however, to say they were now backing their bids. Only 5% of Republicans said they outright backed Ramaswamy while only 4% supported Haley, similar shares to what they had before the debate.

What a shocker! The "conservative from Georgia" doesn't like ANY of the conservative candidates.



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