Trump takes commanding 6% lead over Biden (after 4 indictments) in Reuters/Ipsos poll

Conservative from Georgia

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2018
Mind you, this isn't Rasmussen or Trafalgar, which have a right-wing bias. this is an independent mainstream-media pollster.
It looks like it won't be difficult for Trump to become President again:

"In a hypothetical match-up between President Joe Biden, a Democrat, and Trump, the larger pool of respondents, including Democrats and independents, were asked who they would pick "if the election for president were held today."

Trump had 38% to Biden's 32%. The rest said they weren't sure, wouldn't vote or would pick someone else."

they created a monster :)
will they cry when Trump is elected again?
No way Trump wins again. If he does, he wlll be compared to Napoleon Boneparte, Peter the Great or Rasputin in his ability to survive and avoid losses.
Of course they are. The media is wall-to-wall Trump 24/7, and the DemoKKKrats can't even let Joe Biden out in public, because every time they do, he does or says something racist, pedophilic, or illegal.

Yup. They are in a bad spot. If Biden is impeached or resigns before the election, then the Affirmative Action idiot becomes president - a nightmare - and will make the Democrats look worse than ever.

Their plans to kill Trump’s chances with all these fake indictments have backfired. The majority of Americans don’t want a Banana Republic.
We keep moving left. Not one Prog leader lives off of government rations. All live off of capitalism to the max.
Mind you, this isn't Rasmussen or Trafalgar, which have a right-wing bias. this is an independent mainstream-media pollster.
It looks like it won't be difficult for Trump to become President again:

"In a hypothetical match-up between President Joe Biden, a Democrat, and Trump, the larger pool of respondents, including Democrats and independents, were asked who they would pick "if the election for president were held today."

Trump had 38% to Biden's 32%. The rest said they weren't sure, wouldn't vote or would pick someone else."

Have no fear, Democrats will likely find boxes and boxes of uncounted ballots if Trump is ahead on election night.
I read an article today and they said Democrats need to realize what they have done and be prepared to lose. :)
There’s no way for them to back out of it now. All normal Americans see what is done under a Democrat Regime, and they don’t like it.
What a fucking shitshow. These two clowns are the best we can do. Think about that. Let it sink in.

We should just throw in the towel already.
Mind you, this isn't Rasmussen or Trafalgar, which have a right-wing bias. this is an independent mainstream-media pollster.
It looks like it won't be difficult for Trump to become President again:

"In a hypothetical match-up between President Joe Biden, a Democrat, and Trump, the larger pool of respondents, including Democrats and independents, were asked who they would pick "if the election for president were held today."

Trump had 38% to Biden's 32%. The rest said they weren't sure, wouldn't vote or would pick someone else."

With 30% of the vote undecided, you claim a commanding lead for Trump. What a desperate fool you are.
What a fucking shitshow. These two clowns are the best we can do. Think about that. Let it sink in.

We should just throw in the towel already.
There’s a real opportunity for your stoned as fuck hippie party… All they have to do is close the fucking border and pretend to be interested in an American’s First agenda.

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