NO comment from democrats

I think all you folks are being manipulated by the corporate elites and agent provocateurs.

The reason the left is not commenting on it, is they did not approve of the behavior. They even pleaded with the folks that were doing it to stop.

Why do you all just go along with the paradigm the corporate elites are feeding you, like that is reality or something? Obviously this whole incident was manufactured to create eyeball views, sell ad revenue on cable channels, and create a buzz.

It was all AstroTurfed to trigger folks, and you all bought it.


Rogue protesters blamed in ICE flag vandalism: 'They have compromised our movement'
Rogue protesters blamed in ICE flag vandalism: ‘They have compromised our movement’

". . . Claudia Castillo, a 22-year military intelligence major in the U.S. Army and current legal services coordinator for the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition, tells the Post that she pleaded with the group of about 25 at that pulling down the flag wasn’t part of the plan. Castillo says that rather than pull back, members of the group spit on her, shoved her, and cursed at her.

“It was disgusting and shameful,” Castillo told the Post. “They have compromised our movement, and they stole the spotlight and endangered our undocumented people.”
I think all you folks are being manipulated by the corporate elites and agent provocateurs.

The reason the left is not commenting on it, is they did not approve of the behavior. They even pleaded with the folks that were doing it to stop.

Why do you all just go along with the paradigm the corporate elites are feeding you, like that is reality or something? Obviously this whole incident was manufactured to create eyeball views, sell ad revenue on cable channels, and create a buzz.

It was all AstroTurfed to trigger folks, and you all bought it.


Rogue protesters blamed in ICE flag vandalism: 'They have compromised our movement'
Rogue protesters blamed in ICE flag vandalism: ‘They have compromised our movement’

". . . Claudia Castillo, a 22-year military intelligence major in the U.S. Army and current legal services coordinator for the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition, tells the Post that she pleaded with the group of about 25 at that pulling down the flag wasn’t part of the plan. Castillo says that rather than pull back, members of the group spit on her, shoved her, and cursed at her.

“It was disgusting and shameful,” Castillo told the Post. “They have compromised our movement, and they stole the spotlight and endangered our undocumented people.”

Sounds to me like my joke about the rightwingnutjobs doing it may have been right after all.
Wow. You supposed freedom loving conservative types really aren't are you.

No one is free to commit crimes asshole.


It appears that you guys feel the President can? :5_1_12024:

Really! What crime would that be?


Thank you for proving my point!

What point would that be, you have yet to prove a damn thing.

I think all you folks are being manipulated by the corporate elites and agent provocateurs.

The reason the left is not commenting on it, is they did not approve of the behavior. They even pleaded with the folks that were doing it to stop.

Why do you all just go along with the paradigm the corporate elites are feeding you, like that is reality or something? Obviously this whole incident was manufactured to create eyeball views, sell ad revenue on cable channels, and create a buzz.

It was all AstroTurfed to trigger folks, and you all bought it.


Rogue protesters blamed in ICE flag vandalism: 'They have compromised our movement'
Rogue protesters blamed in ICE flag vandalism: ‘They have compromised our movement’

". . . Claudia Castillo, a 22-year military intelligence major in the U.S. Army and current legal services coordinator for the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition, tells the Post that she pleaded with the group of about 25 at that pulling down the flag wasn’t part of the plan. Castillo says that rather than pull back, members of the group spit on her, shoved her, and cursed at her.

“It was disgusting and shameful,” Castillo told the Post. “They have compromised our movement, and they stole the spotlight and endangered our undocumented people.”

Sounds to me like my joke about the rightwingnutjobs doing it may have been right after all.

The folks that do this shit?

They are neither rightwing nor leftwing, they don't give a shit about partisan politics, they USE divide et impera as means to control all of society, and YOU and the folks you argue with, OBLIGE them, and continue to go along with their plans. They blame you, you think the agent provocateurs are them, and the folks really causing the problem? They laugh and stay in power the whole time. These folks do what they need to do for their end game, which neither you, nor your perceived opponents will like.
Wow. You supposed freedom loving conservative types really aren't are you.

No one is free to commit crimes asshole.

Shoot them?

Yep, it would put a stop to that shit.

So, as previously mentioned, you are not really interested in freedom, are you.

As previously mentioned, no one is free to commit a crime.

Hey, it's makes as much sense as you rightwingnutjobs story. It's under investigation and they have it on tape. The guilty will be apprehended in time. And at a later date, the tape will be released. Until then, the general public won't know anything. But it's a criminal act and will be dealt with regardless whom has done it.

So what you are saying anyone who is on the CCTV being recorded all they have to say is that they are not a Democrat and they will be let go because...

This was NOT done by the Democrats. The Democrats were well within the law and permits.


Wow, you are one stupid SOB. That's strike one.
I don't really care which flag was replaced with which, but I do want to point out that if your position is the correct one, and you have a solid argument for your position, you wouldn't need to resort to an adhom attack. Acting this way only damages the collective reputation of your personal group of party voters.

Surely you can do better.

But he can't. He was trying to turn what I said around into something I didn't say so he could appear to be the brightest SOB in the world. He's the dumbest MF I have seen in a long time. Well, until now.
If an argument is weak, it can be refuted, which you could have shown instead of using an adhom attack. Good argumentation devoid of fallacious components, which is why I'm telling you that you can do better.

I'm not telling you that you shouldn't be annoyed when someone introduces a weak or dishonest argument, but at that point, you can just show that it's dishonest.

I don't see why you're disagreeing with me, when I said that you can do better. Do you think that you can't?
Hey, it's makes as much sense as you rightwingnutjobs story. It's under investigation and they have it on tape. The guilty will be apprehended in time. And at a later date, the tape will be released. Until then, the general public won't know anything. But it's a criminal act and will be dealt with regardless whom has done it.

So what you are saying anyone who is on the CCTV being recorded all they have to say is that they are not a Democrat and they will be let go because...

This was NOT done by the Democrats. The Democrats were well within the law and permits.


Wow, you are one stupid SOB. That's strike one.
I don't really care which flag was replaced with which, but I do want to point out that if your position is the correct one, and you have a solid argument for your position, you wouldn't need to resort to an adhom attack. Acting this way only damages the collective reputation of your personal group of party voters.

Surely you can do better.

But he can't. He was trying to turn what I said around into something I didn't say so he could appear to be the brightest SOB in the world. He's the dumbest MF I have seen in a long time. Well, until now.
If an argument is weak, it can be refuted, which you could have shown instead of using an adhom attack. Good argumentation devoid of fallacious components, which is why I'm telling you that you can do better.

I'm not telling you that you shouldn't be annoyed when someone introduces a weak or dishonest argument, but at that point, you can just show that it's dishonest.

I don't see why you're disagreeing with me, when I said that you can do better. Do you think that you can't?

This entire thread, literally the entire thread, was already built on an Argument from Ignorance Fallacy, so who cares.

Maybe somebody should have pointed that out at the beginning. Oh wait --- I did.

The OP started this echo thread because another thread built the exact same way got closed. Maybe somebody should have pointed that out too. Oh wait --- I did again.

And yet ---- here's seventy posts going on and on as if it's a real point.

Boggles the mind, this place.
After a US flag was removed and replaced by a Mexican Flag not one comment from the democrats on it, NONE NADA..

BY the way for the Mods, there is NO LINK cause there is NO STORY to link to since NO DAMN Democrat has commented.


There won't be a link right now. It just happened. I saw it on the 10pm load KREX News Channel 5. It was well covered and it's not on the KREX web site as of yet. Since it's under investigation, chances are the news outlets are cooperating with the law enforcement to apprehend the culprits and any footage of it will be considered evidence. Give it a couple of days. But as far as I can tell, there are NO links as of right now.

No, I mean a link to the OP's claim of "no comment from democrats [sic]". He's claiming a negative, so he has to show that literally no such comments exist.

I already know he can't do it. That's the point.

Actually ---- I see he did respond. Here it is, in full:

Prosecution rests.
Hey, it's makes as much sense as you rightwingnutjobs story. It's under investigation and they have it on tape. The guilty will be apprehended in time. And at a later date, the tape will be released. Until then, the general public won't know anything. But it's a criminal act and will be dealt with regardless whom has done it.

So what you are saying anyone who is on the CCTV being recorded all they have to say is that they are not a Democrat and they will be let go because...

This was NOT done by the Democrats. The Democrats were well within the law and permits.


Wow, you are one stupid SOB. That's strike one.
I don't really care which flag was replaced with which, but I do want to point out that if your position is the correct one, and you have a solid argument for your position, you wouldn't need to resort to an adhom attack. Acting this way only damages the collective reputation of your personal group of party voters.

Surely you can do better.

But he can't. He was trying to turn what I said around into something I didn't say so he could appear to be the brightest SOB in the world. He's the dumbest MF I have seen in a long time. Well, until now.
If an argument is weak, it can be refuted, which you could have shown instead of using an adhom attack. Good argumentation devoid of fallacious components, which is why I'm telling you that you can do better.

I'm not telling you that you shouldn't be annoyed when someone introduces a weak or dishonest argument, but at that point, you can just show that it's dishonest.

I don't see why you're disagreeing with me, when I said that you can do better. Do you think that you can't?

I called it as I saw it. And I was about as plain as I can get. No explanation should be needed.
Wow. You supposed freedom loving conservative types really aren't are you.

No one is free to commit crimes asshole.


It appears that you guys feel the President can? :5_1_12024:

Really! What crime would that be?


Thank you for proving my point!

What point would that be, you have yet to prove a damn thing.


It proves EVERYTHING. You can't see or want to ignore what Trump does.
Hey, it's makes as much sense as you rightwingnutjobs story. It's under investigation and they have it on tape. The guilty will be apprehended in time. And at a later date, the tape will be released. Until then, the general public won't know anything. But it's a criminal act and will be dealt with regardless whom has done it.

So what you are saying anyone who is on the CCTV being recorded all they have to say is that they are not a Democrat and they will be let go because...

This was NOT done by the Democrats. The Democrats were well within the law and permits.


Wow, you are one stupid SOB. That's strike one.
I don't really care which flag was replaced with which, but I do want to point out that if your position is the correct one, and you have a solid argument for your position, you wouldn't need to resort to an adhom attack. Acting this way only damages the collective reputation of your personal group of party voters.

Surely you can do better.

But he can't. He was trying to turn what I said around into something I didn't say so he could appear to be the brightest SOB in the world. He's the dumbest MF I have seen in a long time. Well, until now.

Now you've done it!
So what you are saying anyone who is on the CCTV being recorded all they have to say is that they are not a Democrat and they will be let go because...


Wow, you are one stupid SOB. That's strike one.
I don't really care which flag was replaced with which, but I do want to point out that if your position is the correct one, and you have a solid argument for your position, you wouldn't need to resort to an adhom attack. Acting this way only damages the collective reputation of your personal group of party voters.

Surely you can do better.

But he can't. He was trying to turn what I said around into something I didn't say so he could appear to be the brightest SOB in the world. He's the dumbest MF I have seen in a long time. Well, until now.
If an argument is weak, it can be refuted, which you could have shown instead of using an adhom attack. Good argumentation devoid of fallacious components, which is why I'm telling you that you can do better.

I'm not telling you that you shouldn't be annoyed when someone introduces a weak or dishonest argument, but at that point, you can just show that it's dishonest.

I don't see why you're disagreeing with me, when I said that you can do better. Do you think that you can't?

This entire thread, literally the entire thread, was already built on an Argument from Ignorance Fallacy, so who cares.

Maybe somebody should have pointed that out at the beginning. Oh wait --- I did.

The OP started this echo thread because another thread built the exact same way got closed. Maybe somebody should have pointed that out too. Oh wait --- I did again.

And yet ---- here's seventy posts going on and on as if it's a real point.

Boggles the mind, this place.
I agree, though I was never interested in the subject in the first place, otherwise I'd have pointed that out, too. I literally don't care if someone replaces one flag with another, I only care if the flag was stolen, in which case the person is clearly in the wrong, and I don't think anyone would disagree with that since it's literal theft.

So, yeah, this thread is silly.
So what you are saying anyone who is on the CCTV being recorded all they have to say is that they are not a Democrat and they will be let go because...


Wow, you are one stupid SOB. That's strike one.
I don't really care which flag was replaced with which, but I do want to point out that if your position is the correct one, and you have a solid argument for your position, you wouldn't need to resort to an adhom attack. Acting this way only damages the collective reputation of your personal group of party voters.

Surely you can do better.

But he can't. He was trying to turn what I said around into something I didn't say so he could appear to be the brightest SOB in the world. He's the dumbest MF I have seen in a long time. Well, until now.
If an argument is weak, it can be refuted, which you could have shown instead of using an adhom attack. Good argumentation devoid of fallacious components, which is why I'm telling you that you can do better.

I'm not telling you that you shouldn't be annoyed when someone introduces a weak or dishonest argument, but at that point, you can just show that it's dishonest.

I don't see why you're disagreeing with me, when I said that you can do better. Do you think that you can't?

I called it as I saw it. And I was about as plain as I can get. No explanation should be needed.
Well, then, what you call 'calling it as I see it' is what makes people take your party voter group of choice less seriously in mainstream discourse, and if you're trying to sell your views to the lurkers, maybe you should give your arguments a bit more thought.

If you can't do better, then I suppose people know what to expect from you. If we're both okay with that, then suppose that's all there is to be said on the subject.
No one is free to commit crimes asshole.


It appears that you guys feel the President can? :5_1_12024:

Really! What crime would that be?


Thank you for proving my point!

What point would that be, you have yet to prove a damn thing.


It proves EVERYTHING. You can't see or want to ignore what Trump does.

So you still got nothing but hyperbole, good job commie.

It appears that you guys feel the President can? :5_1_12024:

Really! What crime would that be?


Thank you for proving my point!

What point would that be, you have yet to prove a damn thing.


It proves EVERYTHING. You can't see or want to ignore what Trump does.

So you still got nothing but hyperbole, good job commie.


No hyperbole. If you still have to ask what laws Trump has broken after the amount of news on all the things he has done since 2015, you are doing exactly like I said.
Really! What crime would that be?


Thank you for proving my point!

What point would that be, you have yet to prove a damn thing.


It proves EVERYTHING. You can't see or want to ignore what Trump does.

So you still got nothing but hyperbole, good job commie.


No hyperbole. If you still have to ask what laws Trump has broken after the amount of news on all the things he has done since 2015, you are doing exactly like I said.
He hasn't broken any laws retard. Talk about partisan spin.
After a US flag was removed and replaced by a Mexican Flag not one comment from the democrats on it, NONE NADA..

BY the way for the Mods, there is NO LINK cause there is NO STORY to link to since NO DAMN Democrat has commented.
As you are a military person you are not allowed to think on your own so why reply to you?
Thank you for proving my point!

What point would that be, you have yet to prove a damn thing.


It proves EVERYTHING. You can't see or want to ignore what Trump does.

So you still got nothing but hyperbole, good job commie.


No hyperbole. If you still have to ask what laws Trump has broken after the amount of news on all the things he has done since 2015, you are doing exactly like I said.
He hasn't broken any laws retard. Talk about partisan spin.
Spoken like a true military man, no thinking allowed and my CIC is never wrong!!!
Really! What crime would that be?


Thank you for proving my point!

What point would that be, you have yet to prove a damn thing.


It proves EVERYTHING. You can't see or want to ignore what Trump does.

So you still got nothing but hyperbole, good job commie.


No hyperbole. If you still have to ask what laws Trump has broken after the amount of news on all the things he has done since 2015, you are doing exactly like I said.

You watch too much mslsd, yet you can't name one charge. Good job commie.


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