No City Run By Democrats Is Safe To Live In


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
No city run by Democrats is safe to live in. None have proper policing. In all, citizens are highly at risk, and cops are crazy to work their jobs with Democrats in control.

Carmen Best is finding that out in Seattle right now.

Seattle police chief blasts city officials, says leaving precinct ‘not my decision’
Seattle’s police chief told her department Thursday it was “not my decision” to abandon a precinct in an area of the city taken over by protesters — and blasted city officials for givin…

Trump Needs To Enact Insurrection Act In Seattle, Right Now!
Asshole mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkan needs to be made an example of. This jerk is not only reckless and irresponsible, but she has the gall to make light of a very dangerous situation, that she is causing by keeping her police away from the screwballs who have taken over a small section of...
If it is a choice between living in the state of or any city in Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Oklahoma, or living in Washington State and the City of Seattle, the choice is easy. Seattle wins hands down. Not even close. It is a run away.
Democrats are incompetent. They still can't get an act together in Minneapolis.

I think incompetence runs deep on both sides of the aisle. But the Dems are mother-fucking, bat-shit crazy with all this weird socialistic nonsense they want push through.

" We should all move to Iowa. "

Just don't come to Texas. But if you do, leave your politics back where you came from.
I suppose proper policing to you is people getting their heads kicked in? The police treating Americans like an enemy to be defeated is why we are where we are.
The problem is, they are not doing that. Any of it. This is the lie that is being told. Policing is not out of control nor is it systemically racist.

Here is an idea. When a cop stops and questions you, just answer the questions honestly and with civility and you won't get your head kicked in.
I suppose proper policing to you is people getting their heads kicked in? The police treating Americans like an enemy to be defeated is why we are where we are.
The problem is, they are not doing that. Any of it. This is the lie that is being told. Policing is not out of control nor is it systemically racist.

Here is an idea. When a cop stops and questions you, just answer the questions honestly and with civility and you won't get your head kicked in.

" When a cop stops and questions you, just answer the questions honestly and with civility and you won't get your head kicked in. "

And keep your hands out where they can see them. Not being a wiseass here, seriously. You don't want them to wonder if you got a gun on you somewhere. That and just do what you're told. If you resist, you could find yourself on the ground with somebody's knee on your neck. Yeah, they shouldn't do that. Don't give 'em a reason.
I suppose proper policing to you is people getting their heads kicked in? The police treating Americans like an enemy to be defeated is why we are where we are.
Proper policing to me, and to all normal thinking people, is ARRESTING criminals, including rioters, looters, arsonist, and occupiers, not allowing them to riot, loot, arson, and occupy. Get it ?

Or maybe you share looey mayor Dunce Durkam's idea that the occupation in Seattle is entitled to occur and keeping going through a "Summer of Love".

And no, lol, it's not police activity "why we are where we are". It is a deranged group of leftist lunatics who have co-opted a singled isolated incident, the George Floyd death, to push for a revolution, by any means necessary.

Maybe you're one of them ? You've got the right display name in this forum for it.
I suppose proper policing to you is people getting their heads kicked in? The police treating Americans like an enemy to be defeated is why we are where we are.
The problem is, they are not doing that. Any of it. This is the lie that is being told. Policing is not out of control nor is it systemically racist.

Here is an idea. When a cop stops and questions you, just answer the questions honestly and with civility and you won't get your head kicked in.
If a cop stops me I expect them to treat me with honesty and civility as befits a public servant. If the entire rationale for the stop is bullshit it's unrealistic for cops to expect sweetness and sunshine from the people they single out.
I lived in the District of Columbia for several years. It was as safe as any other city of its size. It doesn't matter which political party is in control.
My first job was in 11th st nw in DC. I had to walk past the White House to get to my parking garage, during the civil rights era. When I would get to the White House there were thousands of protesters just milling around shooting the breeze, but when the WTOP news truck came around the corner they would go into full riot mode.
I suppose proper policing to you is people getting their heads kicked in? The police treating Americans like an enemy to be defeated is why we are where we are.
Proper policing to me, and to all normal thinking people, is ARRESTING criminals, including rioters, looters, arsonist, and occupiers, not allowing them to riot, loot, arson, and occupy. Get it ?

Or maybe you share looey mayor Dunce Durkam's idea that the occupation in Seattle is entitled to occur and keeping going through a "Summer of Love".

And no, lol, it's not police activity "why we are where we are". It is a deranged group of leftist lunatics who have co-opted a singled isolated incident, the George Floyd death, to push for a revolution, by any means necessary.

Maybe you're one of them ? You've got the right display name in this forum for it.
You still think it is the job of the police to make you feel safe? Wise up, They do not give a damn if you live or die and have never done a thing to actually make you safe. They show up after the crime, file a report and forget all about you. They deserve no more respect than a garbage man.

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