No charges filed in Palin brawl

With a coke scandal arriving on The Executive Doorstep one must worry that The First Pickanninies are being exposed to Vice President Joey B's little boy's recreational pursuits. Ain't it wonderful, the license to employ racism and attacks on politicians chillin's that this thread had made respectable?
race card much shit stain?
With a coke scandal arriving on The Executive Doorstep one must worry that The First Pickanninies are being exposed to Vice President Joey B's little boy's recreational pursuits. Ain't it wonderful, the license to employ racism and attacks on politicians chillin's that this thread had made respectable?

Quit smoking that stuff, it's making you sound retarded.
I'm still waiting to hear one of you liberal Palin haters tell me what YOU would have done if it was you who was facing dozens of frivolous ethics lawsuits with dozens more promised. I keep asking and you all keep dodging the question.

Because you haven't provided any proof of any such dozens of frivolous ethics lawsuits with dozens more promised. Sounds to me your just blowing smoke in her defense. Why should we answer an imaginary supposition?
Gov. Sarah Palin Quietly Cleared of All Ethics Charges

Funny, she never made mentioned of quitting due to frivolous lawsuits.....seems to me that she might have come up with that excuse only after she found herself being criticized even by Republicans for quitting like she did.

Why Sarah Palin Quit - TIME

Ah, Mertle? Did you not get the memo that TIME has become such a liberal mouthpiece that nobody takes it seriously anymore and it's about to fold up and cease to exist?

You mean the Faux News Memo? Bwahahaha, I heard her speech, she didn't mention any lawsuits for her quitting, quit trying to find excuses for the loser, Oldman.

Unlike you, Joe...I'm rather content. I live in Florida. Play a lot of golf. Do a little consulting. Most importantly, I don't hate anyone because they have more than I do because I have a good life.

I don't hate them because they have more.

I hate them because they cheat the people who do the actual work.

I'm sorry you can't seem to get this.
Sarah Palin dealt with petty politics and lawyers as a Mayor and a Governor with little problem at all...her problem was dealing with activist liberals who decided to use loopholes in the Alaskan ethics laws to bring the Palin Governorship to a screeching halt.

Once again, you condone the actions of those liberals who decided that Palin needed to be made an example of for running against their candidate? Why did they feel the need to use frivolous lawsuits and dozens upon dozens of freedom of information demands to hamstring someone duly elected by the voters of Alaska? Wasn't winning the election victory enough? Who DOES what they did?

Oh, DogStyle, whatever happened to the party of personal responsibility?

Those mean old liberals made Palin resign by asking to see documents? Those mean old liberals made Palin look bad by pointing out here family were a bunch of drunken louts at a snowmobile party.

When does Palin become responsible for anything she does?

Whew- good thing she didn't expect her employer to pay her medical bills. Then you'd really turn on her ass.
Sarah Palin dealt with petty politics and lawyers as a Mayor and a Governor with little problem at all...her problem was dealing with activist liberals who decided to use loopholes in the Alaskan ethics laws to bring the Palin Governorship to a screeching halt.

Once again, you condone the actions of those liberals who decided that Palin needed to be made an example of for running against their candidate? Why did they feel the need to use frivolous lawsuits and dozens upon dozens of freedom of information demands to hamstring someone duly elected by the voters of Alaska? Wasn't winning the election victory enough? Who DOES what they did?

Oh, DogStyle, whatever happened to the party of personal responsibility?

Those mean old liberals made Palin resign by asking to see documents? Those mean old liberals made Palin look bad by pointing out here family were a bunch of drunken louts at a snowmobile party.

When does Palin become responsible for anything she does?

Whew- good thing she didn't expect her employer to pay her medical bills. Then you'd really turn on her ass.

You know what's telling, Joe? It was Sarah Palin put some of those ethics laws on the books in Alaska to deal with corruption in her own party. She used them to go after the Good Ole Boy's in the GOP.

So what do you liberals do?

You ass holes use those laws not to get rid of a corrupt politician...oh use those laws to get rid of someone who simply wanted to do the job she was elected to do after running for national office and losing. You used the very same ethics laws that Palin used to get rid of corrupt Republicans to get rid of the person who got rid of the corrupt Republicans! You clowns used ethics laws in about as UNETHICAL a fashion as is possible and gloated when you put Palin in a position where she couldn't govern. THAT is who you people have become!

Unlike you, Joe...I'm rather content. I live in Florida. Play a lot of golf. Do a little consulting. Most importantly, I don't hate anyone because they have more than I do because I have a good life.

I don't hate them because they have more.

I hate them because they cheat the people who do the actual work.

I'm sorry you can't seem to get this.

How do you "cheat" someone when you give them a job?

You know who's "cheated" people, Joey? An Administration that has let a record number of people linger on long term unemployment because their policies were so anti job creation!
More people have seen their life's savings evaporate under Barack Obama than any President since FDR. There are literally millions of Americans who have burned through every thing they put away for the future because Barry was more concerned with getting ObamaCare passed than he was about putting Americans back to work.
But you don't SEE you, Joey! You're so concerned that some rich guy might have more than you do that you're oblivious to what's taken place right in front of you.
What exactly would you have had Palin DO, Toro? She was being subjected to a barrage of frivolous lawsuits...dozens of lawsuits whose only purpose were to bankrupt her and her family. She had been sued so that she couldn't accept donations to pay for a defense of those lawsuits. That was going to continue until the Palin's were bankrupt. So would you have had Palin simply let herself be "bled out" by this tactic? Would you have allowed that if it were YOU that was under this kind of sleazy attack?

But she did create a legal defense fund. It raised $390,000. It was found to be in violation of ethics laws in 2011 only because the website implied that it was an official website of the governor of Alaska, and the money had to be returned. Had they not made that mistake, the legal defense fund would have been fine.

But by this time, she had become rich. She resigned after she had been a VP candidate, and after she had become a rock-star within her base who made her rich.

I don't know why she resigned. What I do know is that I want a Presidential candidate with a backbone and who will fight when needed. And if she can be driven from office over this, she isn't strong enough to be President of the United States.

Here's a bit of advice for you, Toro! If you want good candidates who run for office for the right reasons then you should be appalled at what was done to Sarah Palin after she accepted the nomination to run for Vice President. You pretend not to know why she resigned and then accuse her of not having a back bone? That's akin to criticizing a mugging victim for not having the courage to walk the streets! Where is the criticism for the muggers?

When I said I didn't know, I was giving her the benefit of the doubt. For example, she might have resigned because she wanted to go make $20 million but used her reason as an excuse.

If she was speaking honestly, then that proves my original point. If she can't deal with petty politics and lawyers, how can she deal with al-Qaeda?

Sarah Palin dealt with petty politics and lawyers as a Mayor and a Governor with little problem at all...her problem was dealing with activist liberals who decided to use loopholes in the Alaskan ethics laws to bring the Palin Governorship to a screeching halt.

Once again, you condone the actions of those liberals who decided that Palin needed to be made an example of for running against their candidate? Why did they feel the need to use frivolous lawsuits and dozens upon dozens of freedom of information demands to hamstring someone duly elected by the voters of Alaska? Wasn't winning the election victory enough? Who DOES what they did?

Quit your damn whining. Palin couldn't deal with anything that required thinking, that's why she quit.

If Palin was such a failure as a leader, Mertle then why didn't you liberals simply sit back and let her lead Alaska? Surely her incompetence would manifest itself just as Barack Obama's has at leading the United States!

Why the need to use all those records requests and frivolous ethics lawsuits to prevent her from doing her job?
Someone who's convinced that their rival can't do a job is only to happy to let them fail at it...on the other hand...someone who is worried that their rival might succeed at a job doesn't want to give them the opportunity.
The problem that you liberals have is that Palin was rather good at doing the job of leading. She'd been a success as both a Mayor and a Governor. Don't want someone like THAT hanging around doing a competent do you!
Oldstyle, the whole world sees Palin to be a corrupt and incompetent joke, and the world is correct. Denying how you were bamboozled by a professional grifter isn't going to change that.

She fooled you so easily because you wanted to be fooled, because it gave you an excuse to play the victim. Until you reject your victimhood lifestyle, you're going to keep getting fleeced by every con artist coming down the line.
Oldstyle, the whole world sees Palin to be a corrupt and incompetent joke, and the world is correct. Denying how you were bamboozled by a professional grifter isn't going to change that.

She fooled you so easily because you wanted to be fooled, because it gave you an excuse to play the victim. Until you reject your victimhood lifestyle, you're going to keep getting fleeced by every con artist coming down the line.

You know what's amusing about that comment, Mamooth? You come here declaring Sarah Palin to be an "incompetent joke" when she in fact has been totally competent as both a Mayor and a Governor...but at the same time...the guy that you LOVE, Barack Obama, has turned out to be completely incompetent. The world started out with such a great impression of Barry and in six years he's totally changed that to where he's become a laughingstock.

As for "my" being a victim? Dude, it's JoeB that fills these pages with his whines about being the victim of heartless bosses...not I!
The difference between you and I, that I judge people by what they DO...not what they SAY they will do! That's what keeps me from falling for vague notions like "Hope & Change".
Clinton didn't commit any crimes..........

Of course not, the threat caught on tape to 62 year old Betty Currie that if she did not perjure herself that Clinton would fire her and ensure her pension was lost isn't a crime to you, because democrats are above the law to you. Contacting Revlon to give Monica Lewenski a job in exchange for he silence isn't witness tampering to you, because democrats are above the law, right retard?

that Faux News really has people all fucked up.

The problem you have Playtex, is that you have less intelligence than a pile of bricks.

You don't know the facts, you don't grasp the implications, but you're fiercely partisan

And, you're just so butthurt because all the "scandals" you keep throwing at the wall hoping one will stick, keep falling off....some don't even reach the wall....tsk, tsk, such piss poor reactionaries.

The issue is Playtex, that you really are stupid.

8220 Operation Choke Point 8221 - The Washington Post

Oh, and that is the Washington Post, retard.

It's interstate extortion, a felony. Obama and Holder belong in prison
With a coke scandal arriving on The Executive Doorstep one must worry that The First Pickanninies are being exposed to Vice President Joey B's little boy's recreational pursuits. Ain't it wonderful, the license to employ racism and attacks on politicians chillin's that this thread had made respectable?

You would be a better poster if you dropped the racism.

Obama is a pile of shit, but it is because he is red, not because he is black.
The GOP nominating Palin for vice president was pretty much like sending an armored vehicle into battle with a huge red and white target painted on the side.
Gosh, Gummo!

Cocaine abuse among the children - kids! - of an actual Vice President! That, by your standards, qualifies the entire Biden family as WHITE TRASH!

Suck it Gummy-boy.
The GOP nominating Palin for vice president was pretty much like sending an armored vehicle into battle with a huge red and white target painted on the side.

Yeah, you democrats demand that women are not qualified for higher office. :thup:

So strongly do you object, you continue to wage a war on women, even 6 years after she no longer seeks office.

Hey, I get it, hatred and stupidity are the motive force for democrats...

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