No charges filed in Palin brawl

All you have to do is look at the "cast of characters" in this string and you'll understand what I'm saying about how Progressives on this board react when Barry is having a rough patch.

You've got Winger, JoeB, Luddly, Dottie, Guno, Old School...all posting about the Vice Presidential candidate who lost a race six YEARS ago! It's an amazing display.

I am a little worried about RDerp not chiming in. Is Deanie sick? Incarcerated? Committed?
Once again, a thread degenerates into childish name-calling and drivel - plus all the diverting from the original thread which brought out so much vitriol from the left.
The whole incident (sans the patently ludicrous ‘embellishments’ from anti-Palin bloggers) if anything made me love and admire the Palins all the more.

Sarah and her family have such grit, in the old-fashioned sense of what America used to be. Such a stark contrast to the metrosexual wimpishness that has totally enveloped modern American society and its culture. I couldn’t help but lhe story uses Klingenmeyer’s account, with unnamed supporting witness testimony, throughout.

It is one thing to have "grit". You can have grit and still exhibit class. The Palin clan acts like a bunch of fucking redneck trash. Can you imagine if McCain was elected and Palin and her family were hanging around the White House? There would be empty Budweiser cans on the front lawn, used condoms in the bushes, and occasional drunken brawls at official functions. Mr. Palin would be cashing Sarah's VP paycheck at a local DC liquor store.

As a political conservative I think that the best thing would be for the Palins to fade away from public life.
For a self proclaimed conservative you should be ashamed of yourself for making such false allegations of what they would do. The Palins would be a breath of fresh air in the oval office compared to untrustworthy elitists who are out of touch with mainstream America.

A speculation - what may happen at a future time - is necessarily not going to constitute a "false allegation", ever. As a conservative you should be ashamed of being so fucking stupid (notice here that I am being kind to you since we are apparently both Republicans).

Second, based on recent behavior you have got to admit that the Palin crew lack class. There is a reason they live in Alaska: they belong in the woods. Of course I do not believe that the front lawn of the WH would be littered with empty beer cans if the Palins came to Washington. In addition to the Secret Service keeping them out of sight, and cleaning up said beer cans, I am embellishing and being satirical to make a point. Are you too fucking much of a cock-brained hillbilly to get that I did not intend my speculations to be taken literally? Were you cooking moonshine last night and getting bombed out of your puny mind?
All you have to do is look at the "cast of characters" in this string and you'll understand what I'm saying about how Progressives on this board react when Barry is having a rough patch.

You've got Winger, JoeB, Luddly, Dottie, Guno, Old School...all posting about the Vice Presidential candidate who lost a race six YEARS ago! It's an amazing display.

I am a little worried about RDerp not chiming in. Is Deanie sick? Incarcerated? Committed?

Don't worry. The RW nutter side is fairly represented too. Hell, Steve_McGarrett says drunken brawls happen in all the best families. Yep, they're the best of good old fashioned christian family values.
Then there's Obama's drunk driving uncle: And charges WERE filed against him.

All you have to do is look at the "cast of characters" in this string and you'll understand what I'm saying about how Progressives on this board react when Barry is having a rough patch.

You've got Winger, JoeB, Luddly, Dottie, Guno, Old School...all posting about the Vice Presidential candidate who lost a race six YEARS ago! It's an amazing display.

I am a little worried about RDerp not chiming in. Is Deanie sick? Incarcerated? Committed?

Again, we didn't make the Palin Clan go to that party and act all the fool.

They did that all on their own.

and by your standard, Obama is always having a "rough patch". shit, you guys want to blame him for Ebola.
All you have to do is look at the "cast of characters" in this string and you'll understand what I'm saying about how Progressives on this board react when Barry is having a rough patch.

You've got Winger, JoeB, Luddly, Dottie, Guno, Old School...all posting about the Vice Presidential candidate who lost a race six YEARS ago! It's an amazing display.

I am a little worried about RDerp not chiming in. Is Deanie sick? Incarcerated? Committed?

Again, we didn't make the Palin Clan go to that party and act all the fool.

They did that all on their own.

and by your standard, Obama is always having a "rough patch". shit, you guys want to blame him for Ebola.
yeah Oldstyle Stop w/ your rw damage control son :eusa_hand:
All you have to do is look at the "cast of characters" in this string and you'll understand what I'm saying about how Progressives on this board react when Barry is having a rough patch.

You've got Winger, JoeB, Luddly, Dottie, Guno, Old School...all posting about the Vice Presidential candidate who lost a race six YEARS ago! It's an amazing display.

I am a little worried about RDerp not chiming in. Is Deanie sick? Incarcerated? Committed?

Again, we didn't make the Palin Clan go to that party and act all the fool.

They did that all on their own.

and by your standard, Obama is always having a "rough patch". shit, you guys want to blame him for Ebola.
yeah Oldstyle Stop w/ your rw damage control son :eusa_hand:

Damage control over someone who unsuccessfully ran for Vice President SIX YEARS AGO? Seriously? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Damage control over someone who unsuccessfully ran for Vice President SIX YEARS AGO? Seriously? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Uh, yeah, guy.

The problem isn't that she ran for Veep six years ago.

The problem is that even though she's been outed as piss-ignorant chillbilly white trash, some of you on the right hang on her every word.

The sad thing about the GOP is that she's still considered an influential voice.

Damage control over someone who unsuccessfully ran for Vice President SIX YEARS AGO? Seriously? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Uh, yeah, guy.

The problem isn't that she ran for Veep six years ago.

The problem is that even though she's been outed as piss-ignorant chillbilly white trash, some of you on the right hang on her every word.

The sad thing about the GOP is that she's still considered an influential voice.

What's hilarious is that the people who "hang on her every word" are you Libs that are obsessed with Palin.

You idiots MADE Palin "influential" because you wouldn't let her go back to Alaska and be Governor after she lost that race! Oh had to move in next door to her house to report on her every move! You had to file frivolous law suit after frivolous law suit until you forced her to quit the job as Governor! This string is just one more example of how you buffoons turned the next Dan Quail into someone that people listened to!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
What's hilarious is that the people who "hang on her every word" are you Libs that are obsessed with Palin.

You idiots MADE Palin "influential" because you wouldn't let her go back to Alaska and be Governor after she lost that race! Oh had to move in next door to her house to report on her every move! You had to file frivolous law suit after frivolous law suit until you forced her to quit the job as Governor! This string is just one more example of how you buffoons turned the next Dan Quail into someone that people listened to!

1) I thought you clowns were the "Party of Personal Responsibility". No one "forced" her to resign, she chose to do that on her own because there was simply more money to be made telling you clowns what you wanted to hear. No one forced her family to start a brawl.

2) It's spelled Dan Quayle. and I give Quayle some credit, he actually is a pretty bright guy who suffered from media characterizations that were unfair. Palin, on the other hand, really is trailer trash.

3) The ironic thing about Palin is that when she was a governor, she had a pretty decent record because she WASN'T a fanatic. She was a middle of the road, smart government conservative. But she realized there was more money to be made throwing red meat to people like you who obsess all day we have a Negro in the White House.
Palin had a great record as a Governor because she actually WAS a great Governor,'s what separated her from Obama and Biden...who couldn't run a neighborhood bake sale without fucking it up!

What drives you Libs NUTS is that Palin continues to outsmart your every attempt to destroy her and her family as some kind of "retribution" for having the GALL to run against "Barry the Anointed One"! Get a life and Palin would have disappeared just like Dan Quayle. (I didn't remember how to spell his name because he became a non-entity almost as soon as that Presidential race ended...see how that works!)
Palin had a great record as a Governor because she actually WAS a great Governor,'s what separated her from Obama and Biden...who couldn't run a neighborhood bake sale without fucking it up!

What drives you Libs NUTS is that Palin continues to outsmart your every attempt to destroy her and her family as some kind of "retribution" for having the GALL to run against "Barry the Anointed One"! Get a life and Palin would have disappeared just like Dan Quayle. (I didn't remember how to spell his name because he became a non-entity almost as soon as that Presidential race ended...see how that works!)

Great Governors don't try to get their brother in laws fired. That's what a petty ward boss in Chicago does.

and, no, walking off and quitting in the middle of your term so you can go do reality TV is not being a great governor.

The smart thing that Palin did was that she let all the appartcheks in the Alaska Political Machine continue to run the state and she signed off on whatever they put in front of her.

Palin is like the person who has an awesome resume and when you get her in for the interview, you knows she's bullshitting.

(I didn't remember how to spell his name because he became a non-entity almost as soon as that Presidential race ended...see how that works!)

Really, did you forget he ran for President in 1996? Or are you just hiding your ignorance?

No, guy, the reason why Palin refuses to disappear is because you guys all treat her facebook postings (that someone else probably writes) as wisdom.
Who REALLY reads Palin's Facebood postings? It isn't me! Look at this string. The people that read Palin's postings are you liberals that are obsessed with "getting" her.

You far left liberals were so obsessed with "getting" her after the failed Vice Presidential bid that you filed frivolous law suit after frivolous law suit until you forced Palin to quit as Governor. I remember that you were all SO excited when that happened because you thought you'd "gotten" Palin...but then she got the job at FOX...then she wrote her book and it became a best seller...then she went out on the stump for the Tea Party and became a political force...and you suddenly realized that you HADN'T gotten Palin...that in fact you'd made her millions!

And that drives you crazy...doesn't it!!!:blowup::blowup::blowup:
All you have to do is look at the "cast of characters" in this string and you'll understand what I'm saying about how Progressives on this board react when Barry is having a rough patch.

You've got Winger, JoeB, Luddly, Dottie, Guno, Old School...all posting about the Vice Presidential candidate who lost a race six YEARS ago! It's an amazing display.

I am a little worried about RDerp not chiming in. Is Deanie sick? Incarcerated? Committed?
All you have to do is admit that Palin is lowlife white trash and we can put this thread to rest

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