No Budget?...No Problem!...We'll Just Skip Town!

I swear Obama could kill jillian and vayank's Mom and they would still defend obama.... Unreal...

That's a good little righwinger. When faced with facts you can't refute, turn to personal attacks. Been reading Hannity lately?
I'm gonna vote for all Democrats to stay adjourned forever. You should do that too. Does America really want them back? Time to wave bye bye to the Worst U.S. Congress in History.
Nope. In fact they are a centerpiece of trickle down economics.....

about that... what a bunch of hokum. lol.

they had their shot at trickle down for the last 10 years. where are all the jobs?

daddy bush was right when he called it voodoo economics.

bummer the smart repubs all seem to be scared of their shadows.
"EEEETZ DA BOOOOOOOSH!!" And "YOO A RAAACEEEEEEEST!!" are all the Democrats have left at this point. Pretty stale & lame stuff. Hopefully most Americans see this and give them the boot in November. I guess we'll see though.
Why are so many liberals incapable criticizing their own?

Why is it almost always "...but what about the other sde?"

Barry is sitting there making it worse and the vast majority are completely ignoring it...

so obviously you have never heard of or seen and American Express Black Card.... to bad for you. :lol:

Oh come on....I THOUGHT you had a sense of humor. I was TRYING to poke fun at some of the liberals who throw the race card around a little too often around here....

Did i neg you? :lol: nnnooooo Generally when you are joking you add a ...:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

My apologies. I will keep this in mind for future posts.
How was Stimulus "paid for"?


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