No Budget?...No Problem!...We'll Just Skip Town!


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Cowardice, thy name in Nancy Pelosi.

The democrat scumbuckets in charge knew that their asses would get kicked even worse had they passed the Jabba-the-Hutt budget they know they're going to have to ram through, complete with yet another bailout of USPS, so the simpering little poltroons jam a continuing resolution through the back door at the eleventh hour and skulk out of town.

Don't you democrat Gomers bellyache about no links or about republicans...You own this cowardly crap.

I don't know how y'all can go out in public without a paper sack over your heads.
Four words...Worst Congress in History. They're FIRED!

really? did they start a 200 bilion dollar war of choice?

Is that some kind of 'get out of jail free' card now?

Oh, and how does 'we'll have to pass the bill to see what's in it' work for you? Seriously, Jillian, this is just not good enough. Have the courage to see what you voted for - approve of it if you want, but stop the 'Bush' defense. You're better than that.
SS is paid for for quite a few more years.

Unfortunately the Govt will have to start paying back the SS surplus that they squandered.

THAT is the issue, not that it is going broke, but that a debt must be repaid from general funds.

Of course the dems could do like Reagan and raise the withholding to give the govt more surplus to squander.
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really? did they start a 200 bilion dollar war of choice?

Are you referring to the increased government spending that was not paid for? Hmmmm...I swear I saw something about that being a bad thing in the BS "Pledge to America"?

Medicare is paid for?

Social Security is paid for?

Who passed the largest increase to MediCare costs without stipulating how it was to be paid for? You know, the same guy who brokered the sweetheart deal with big Pharma. Why didn't Bush or the GOP controlled Congress have to pay for things again?
Four words...Worst Congress in History. They're FIRED!

really? did they start a 200 bilion dollar war of choice?

Are you referring to the increased government spending that was not paid for? Hmmmm...I swear I saw something about that being a bad thing in the BS "Pledge to America"?


but tax cuts that decrease the amount of available cash don't reaaaaaaaaallly count, do they? :eusa_whistle:
really? did they start a 200 bilion dollar war of choice?

Are you referring to the increased government spending that was not paid for? Hmmmm...I swear I saw something about that being a bad thing in the BS "Pledge to America"?


but tax cuts that decrease the amount of available cash don't reaaaaaaaaallly count, do they? :eusa_whistle:

Nope. In fact they are a centerpiece of trickle down economics.....
I swear Obama could kill jillian and vayank's Mom and they would still defend obama.... Unreal...
Not one to fancy defending the idiots currently in charge, but continuing resolutions are almost standard, irrespective of majority.

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