No Americans hurt, America warned, no war. Trump and USA wins again


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Per Trumps statement.

This all went about as smoothly as I had hoped. The U.S were warned, it was a domestic save face campaign. They could have done great damage.

They lose their #2, and leading terror sponsor. USA need not go to war. The EU, China, Russia must do their part as well. Trump sends a strong message while not costing himself politically and the U.S militarily and financially.

Now we can wait for the spin from the unpatriotic left in our own country who are the only ones rooting for the terrorists.
Stocks are already soaring, as will the President’s approval ratings.

Dems will be very disappointed to hear such good news for America.
Still no answer from our leftwing lunatics on any thread on why President Trump isn’t bombing Iran right now.

No war from the supposed “warmonger”.

Bueller? Bueller?
Per Trumps statement.

This all went about as smoothly as I had hoped. The U.S were warned, it was a domestic save face campaign. They could have done great damage.

They lose their #2, and leading terror sponsor. USA need not go to war. The EU, China, Russia must do their part as well. Trump sends a strong message while not costing himself politically and the U.S militarily and financially.

Why the media got Iran wrong

Iran's attack last night on 2 American bases in Iraq proved once again Iran has the military capabilities and acumen of Paraguay. The retaliation showed the genius of President Donald John Trump's killing of the terrorist General.

Peter Beinart, a journalism professor at the City University of New York, set the template for media coverage.

"Over the past 18 months, Donald Trump has picked a fight with Iran that he won’t end and can’t win. That fight has had horrifying consequences for the Iranian people, led Tehran to restart its nuclear program, and now left parts of the American embassy compound in Baghdad in flames. In the days and weeks to come, Trump’s policy will likely lead either to war or to additional American humiliation, or both."​

Totally wrong. Completely. But why would anyone expect instant in-depth analysis on Iran from a J-school teacher?

For years, General قاسم سلیمانی operated openly, believing America would not attack him for fear of starting World War 3. President Trump called his bluff. And here we are. Last night, Iran threw some missiles at us and immediately announced it will stop as long as we do not retaliate for their retaliation for our retaliation.

This was face-saving. Sun Tzu said,

"When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard."​

He also said,

"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."​

How worried was the president before the attack? He sent the Pentagon home early due to snow.

President Trump knew Iran could not retaliate. The media portrayed him as a madman starting World War 3. After Iran embarrassed itself, the media embarrassed itself.

At every step of the way, the nation's media has been wrong about Donald Trump. They said he was not a serious candidate, that he would not win the nomination, that he would not be elected, that he would quit before taking office, that he would resign, that the economy would crash, that Comey would bring him down, that Mueller would bring him down, that bombing Syria would start World War 3, that tweeting Kim Jong Un would start World War 3, that his tax cuts would not work....

Readers get the picture. Reporters do not. They never learn which shows a tenacious stupidity.

President Trump does not want war. He has said that all along. He also said he was preventing a war by killing General Terrorist. It certainly seems like he has prevented one.
Now negotiations can begin between the USA and Iran, a land of 81 million people that was once Westernized.


He ended his gloom and doom piece in Atlantic,

"When it comes to Iran, Trump has shifted Republican foreign policy away from war without shifting it toward diplomacy — the only stable alternative to war. So he’s caught in a kind of purgatory. The American embassy compound in Baghdad, now covered in pro-Iranian graffiti and strewn with broken glass, is the latest symbol of that purgatory. It probably won’t be the last."​

Exactly a week later, Beinart's reputation is in the Dumpster along with four years of all the other media predictions.
I agree that it ended up as a win. We killed their guy and they killed none of ours.

For a minute there, it looked likely that we were going to get dragged into another big war in the middle east. Thankfully that doesn't appear to be the case, at least for now.
I was encouraged by his speech.
I don't have television out here in the sticks, but I had the privilege of visiting You Tube and hearing it. I have never been prouder of supporting someone than when I saw him diffusing war and setting an example for mankind to reach for. Unfortunately, the Iranians must now do their part to leave American citizens and our allies alone and stop declaring war on people who do not belong to their religion.
I agree that it ended up as a win. We killed their guy and they killed none of ours.

For a minute there, it looked likely that we were going to get dragged into another big war in the middle east. Thankfully that doesn't appear to be the case, at least for now.
Good post, XC. I hope also the peace extends to all nations for a thousand years.
I agree that it ended up as a win. We killed their guy and they killed none of ours.

For a minute there, it looked likely that we were going to get dragged into another big war in the middle east. Thankfully that doesn't appear to be the case, at least for now.
Good post, XC. I hope also the peace extends to all nations for a thousand years.

Thanks. Unfortunately, it's just going to be a matter of time before this conflict flares up again.

But for now, neither side wants to escalate things, and that's great.
I agree that it ended up as a win. We killed their guy and they killed none of ours.

For a minute there, it looked likely that we were going to get dragged into another big war in the middle east. Thankfully that doesn't appear to be the case, at least for now.
Good post, XC. I hope also the peace extends to all nations for a thousand years.

Thanks. Unfortunately, it's just going to be a matter of time before this conflict flares up again.

But for now, neither side wants to escalate things, and that's great.
The reason it may work is because if negotiations work to mutual benefit, Iran will no longer have to endure nor will we have to inflict economic measures against them so long as they act in peace with our nation and their neighbors. For example, Arabian people are related to Hebrew people through a common ancestor whose name was Moses. They need to think of themselves as brothers with them and stop treating them worse than animals. When men of the world learn to interact with each other with a semblance of respect and discipline themselves to kindness for everyone, they will be superior human beings.
I agree that it ended up as a win. We killed their guy and they killed none of ours.

For a minute there, it looked likely that we were going to get dragged into another big war in the middle east. Thankfully that doesn't appear to be the case, at least for now.
Good post, XC. I hope also the peace extends to all nations for a thousand years.

Thanks. Unfortunately, it's just going to be a matter of time before this conflict flares up again.

But for now, neither side wants to escalate things, and that's great.
The reason it may work is because if negotiations work to mutual benefit, Iran will no longer have to endure nor will we have to inflict economic measures against them so long as they act in peace with our nation and their neighbors. For example, Arabian people are related to Hebrew people through a common ancestor whose name was Moses. They need to think of themselves as brothers with them and stop treating them worse than animals. When men of the world learn to interact with each other with a semblance of respect and discipline themselves to kindness for everyone, they will be superior human beings.

I hope you're right, but you're far more optimistic than I am.
Trump asked the world to back out of JCPAC yesterday, in lieu of some 'plan' he has yet to make any details public of

Trumps only playing card ,revealed so far, are sanctions

Sanctions against Iran to behave , sanctions against Iraq should they kick our military out

But sanctions do not work well if only ONE country imposes them

he comes across to the American public foisting this ' peaceful prosperity for Iran' , w/out a shred of direction, and the entire world is waiting on his RX.....

Donald Trump has no Iran strategy after Suleimani killing in Iraq

Trump now responsible for many Americans´ death. You think he is disclosing the truth?
"Dear Americans, my madness costed 80+ American lives."

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