NK targets Tokyo

John Fool Kerry is in China begging for help and insisting diplomacy will work. obama is partying and no one is in charge. The admiral in command of the Pacific fleet, Locklear, says the biggest danger is global warming. I'll bet that makes Japan feel real secure. Right on cue, Chuck Hagel pops up to tell the world we are too broke to have an air force.

What could possibly go wrong with this kind of genius running the show.
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This is a delicate situation, Gracie. If North Korea follows through on their threats, we respond, we don't know how China will respond. China is North Korea's only ally. These two nations have been doing trade with one another under the radar for a very long time. North Korea uses their own population for slave labor - they manufacture the products with labels made in China and then the products are exported worldwide. When North Koreans escape to China - if found - they are returned to North Korea.

We don't know that this isn't a plan between the NK, Russia and China. I think we might be getting set up here. Think about it. If you were Russia and still had ambitions to strike the USA would you let this opportunity pass? With no one at the helm of the ship over here?

I believe Russia has serious ambitions in the middle east. They are not going to chance the USA interupting those plans and are most likely going to try to disable us from being able to respond on behalf of Israel. This is Obama's second term. It is doubtful they would ever have such a golden opportunity again. About NK...

The North Koreans could be helping them with a plan where NK makes the provocative move, USA responds, China responds, and finally Russia responds with a limited nuclear strike on the USA enough to take us down, seize the land and property - hand it over to China and then move forward with their plans in Mid east.

I hope the conflict can be diffused quickly and buy us some time. After reading John Kerry's statements I believe he was a terrible choice to replace Hillary and they are going to have to find someone who understands the meaning of the word diplomacy. - Jeri
I am laughing out loud at the hysteria. What a bunch of cattle Americans have turned into. Some fat assed kid running a shit for brains nation basically blackmails civilization for food,



John Fool Kerry is in China begging for help and insisting diplomacy will work. obama is partying and no one is in charge. The admiral in command of the Pacific fleet, Locklear, says the biggest danger is global warming. I'll bet that makes Japan feel real secure. Right on cue, Chuck Hagel pops up to tell the world we are too broke to have an air force.

What could possibly go wrong with this kind of genius running the show.

John Kerry can assist all of us by resigning immediately. If his most recent statements to North Korea are an example of his diplomacy skills? He doesn't have any!
All little Kimmi wants is attention, and that is surely what he is getting. He wouldn't dare fire any attack at the U.S. or their allies for he must know that would bring about the end of his family's regime. I understand we have to keep our defenses up in case he does go off the deep end, but the probability of that happening is very small. This is all a front from NK to unify little Kimmi with his people, and show the world he is a "tough guy."
All little Kimmi wants is attention, and that is surely what he is getting. He wouldn't dare fire any attack at the U.S. or their allies for he must know that would bring about the end of his family's regime. I understand we have to keep our defenses up in case he does go off the deep end, but the probability of that happening is very small. This is all a front from NK to unify little Kimmi with his people, and show the world he is a "tough guy."

The kid has no connection to reality. He could easily attack.

My point is all this hysteria is exactly what he wants. With that ratty little cocksucker Bush having broke the bank the US has no business with troops there, let alone meddling.

Let these fucking Asians settle their own scores. It's time for some kind of global housecleaning. If the US had some Schwartzkopf or Wes Clark quality leadership instead of ReagaNUT neocon scum and bag licking generals like mcrystal and that bunch of clowns maybe we could get something right again.
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All little Kimmi wants is attention, and that is surely what he is getting. He wouldn't dare fire any attack at the U.S. or their allies for he must know that would bring about the end of his family's regime. I understand we have to keep our defenses up in case he does go off the deep end, but the probability of that happening is very small. This is all a front from NK to unify little Kimmi with his people, and show the world he is a "tough guy."

That works only if China and Russia didn't put him up to this in the first place. If you look at each nation - the situation in the middle east right now and picture this as a chess game it is very likely that they are behind this latest provocation. These nations are NOT our friends. People need to wake up and see what is happening here. - J.

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