Nixon's Folly


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Nixon's folly was that he was too honest to think ahead with good lies, and in that one time when his guys got caught in the break in at the Watergate to uncover some slithery deeds by the democrats deserving exposure, all he thought of was not to further tarnish the nation by revealing the democrat's foul ways and for the good of the office, take the fall and resign his presidency. And the liberals called for Nixon's head.

Leap forward to the Obama years, with a president who weaponized our IRS to illegally target Americans, secretly obtained phone records from Associated Press journalists, supported warrantless wiretapping, had four US citizens killed without judicial process, ordered a private company to fire 1,000 employees, fired the Inspector General for discovering that Obama’s friend had embezzled government funds, tried to silence criticism of the auto-bailouts, was cited by nine states for committing 21 illegal acts, tried to make recess appointments when Congress was not even in recess, supported installation of hidden cameras on private property without a search warrant, accepted illegal campaign contributions from foreign citizens, added 20,000 extra pages to Obamacare without Congressional approval, tried to rig federal auctions of radio spectrum space, put someone in jail for making an anti-Muslim video, asked contractors to disclose their political donations before bidding on government contracts, falsely accused a law abiding news reporter of being “an aider and abettor and/or co-conspirator” in a criminal investigation, used Obamacare to illegally give the IRS additional powers without approval from Congress, refused to fire or prosecute more than 1,000 IRS employees who illegally used their IRS credit cards for their own personal use, had the Secret Service visit a law abiding citizen who had criticized his policies on Twitter, illegally forced 2,200 privately owned auto dealerships to close which destroyed 120,000 jobs, gave 23,994 tax refunds worth a total of $46,378,040 to illegal aliens who all used the same address, used tax money to pay federal employees to organize protests against George Zimmerman, illegally continued giving foreign aid to Egypt after it had a coup, broke promise to end Bush’s surveillance of U.S. citizens who were not suspected of committing a crime, threatened internet service providers with contempt of court if they did not install surveillance software, spied on journalists, the NSA spying scandal that Edward Snowden exposed, and nominated a six-time tax cheater to head the government agency that enforces the tax laws,

DESPITE ALL THAT (I bet you forgot a lot of the above!) and much, much more, Obama has escaped prosecution for ANY of it with impunity, here is a guy who now is found out to have wiretapped Paul Manafort in the Trump Tower both before and after Trump's election!

The OUTGOING President of the United States Barack H Obama had wiretapped both the building of the incoming President and one of his temporary employees both before his election and continuing after his election, long after Manafort had left the Trump campaign!

And when Trump claimed he had been wiretapped, the Washington media laughed at him. Further proof of this unstable, deluded fool of being incompetent! Remember?

And the reason? Suspicion of cavorting with foreign entities! I bet Nixon is kicking himself in his grave for never thinking of that one! Meantime, HALF the president's job is talking to and building relationships with leaders all around the world.

Well, the wiretapping of Manafort was done almost a year ago. The break-in into his home more recently. All of the above done with nary a batted eye. If ANYTHING had been found giving substance to Obama's suspicions, surely it would have been brought out long ago! It wouldn't take a year's worth of investigation and sifting by a special prosecutor.

So now after this, Obama first immediately restructured all of the intel agencies for all 17 to share in info BEFORE it was even vetted, leaving an impossible path to trace against presidential leaks which were immediately beset upon the new president, then aggressively forced a special prosecutor to investigate Trump and all tied to his campaign for foreign help in winning! All the while it is publicly known that Hillary did JUST THAT getting help from the Ukrainians trying to get poop on Trump (and failed).

And again, nary an eyelash batted at these criminal activities.

Oh, if only Nixon had thought of the clever ploy to actually commit the crimes then accuse your opponent of them, to accuse your opponent of nefarious actions then instigate deep probing and investigation far and wide to not only try to hamper them, but to dig up any dirt you can! ANYTHING to defeat and ruin your opponent ANY WAY YOU CAN. Obama, with a long history of illegal actions, illegal break-ins, wiretapping and much more, never charged but protected by the deep State now used the power of the President's office to SPY ON an incoming President before, during and even after election! And what are they interested in? Whether little Paulie Manafort whom no one ever even heard of before all this, whether he ever had any minor business ties in Russia, a country desperately in need of building business for their economy.

I bet Nixon is just spinning in his grave. If only he had known that you could be a crook of the 12th magnitude much less the first, and not only lie about it through your teeth, have it all white-washed over, but accuse your opponent of far worse to deflect the attention turning your country into a banana republic using the power of your office for personal gain!. And perhaps he WAS after uncovering far worse in the democrats but was ratted out before he was finished. So now here are the Obamas and the democrats living in the lap of luxury doing what Nixon did and far far worse, and NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON has pointed out the contradictions much less a single republican suggest Obama be prosecuted for it! And does Obama even get compared to Nixon? No! Trump!!!

But you watch, now they will get Paul Manafort for a parking violation.

If only Nixon had realized that the way to get away with a misdemeanor crime was to commit 112 crimes all at once! So many that not only is the system overwhelmed to keep up, but the scope and length of it soon tires public interest and opinion as a meer witch hunt.

In Nixon's humility, he has once again proven that the Republicans are mere pikers at corrupt politics, humbled at the feet of its masters, the Democrats.
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