Nine of the Top 10 States Most Dependent on the Federal Government Voted for Trump


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
I wonder if they know the GOP wants to cut their spending?


2018’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States
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The union is dead. We should break it up and let the non-dependent states be free.

It is going to happen sooner or later, sometimes I think we are dragging it on too long.

We had a hell of a run, but all good things must come to an end.

I am thinking that maybe 5 to 7 separate nations based on location.
The union is dead. We should break it up and let the non-dependent states be free.

I've been saying for years that the states need more ability to govern themselves. Let the left states run their way and the same for right states. Do that and it'll become real obvious real quick which ideologies work and which ones don't.
^^^ I hate libertarians. Lucky for you guys you're in good health and aren't a single mother or some other victim of post modernist degenerate culture.
Many of the Red states have large populations of poor Democrat voters, they just aren't 51% of the voters.
I wonder if they know the GOP wants to cut their spending?


2018’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

How did the Representatives in those states vote in regards to providing for government dependence.
I mean if the people who voted for the programs what to bitch about who is getting more ... So what ... :dunno:

Oh boo-hoo ... Y'all are getting more aid from programs you never supported in the first place.
Geeze ... You are carrying on about if they know the GOP wants to cut spending on the programs ... When they didn't vote for the programs to start with.

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I wonder if they know the GOP wants to cut their spending?


2018’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States
Many republican voters don’t even know what the actual GOP platform is.

Trump did not run on the GOP platform, did he?
Lol tax cuts for the wealthy and hardline immigration aren’t GOP positions?

He ran on immigration reform first and foremost, bringing back jobs second. If these states voters were so enamored of living dependent on the govt teat, then they would have went for the dems' free stuff platform.
I wonder if they know the GOP wants to cut their spending?


2018’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States
Many republican voters don’t even know what the actual GOP platform is.

Trump did not run on the GOP platform, did he?
Lol tax cuts for the wealthy and hardline immigration aren’t GOP positions?

How the fuck does open borders policies help low income white people? Why should they vote for the party hell bent on replacing them with 3rd world subhuman filth?
These Moon Bats are confused.

Federal funds for welfare goes to big Democrat controlled cities. Those cities can be in red states the same as the blue states. Cities like Atlanta, Houston, Memphis. Miami etc.
These Moon Bats are confused.

Federal funds for welfare goes to big Democrat controlled cities. Those cities can be in red states the same as the blue states. Cities like Atlanta, Houston, Memphis. Miami etc.

they need to cast blame on some poor people but it's taboo to look down your noses at black criminals and Hispanic welfare queens so instead they pick on white folks who voted for a guy who promised to bring jobs back to their communities.
Here’s my impression of a red state tool:

“I hate Big government and welfare !”

(Hurricane and or flood hits)

“Big government save meeeeee! Where’s my free money !”

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