Nice Save, Jill !!


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Carefully managed, meticulously crafted. The things you don't know are just amazing.

I did a cursory glance to look for this on the front page. Shocking it's not there..... :dunno:

So here it is for your viewing pleasure

Carefully managed, meticulously crafted. The things you don't know are just amazing.

I did a cursory glance to look for this on the front page. Shocking it's not there..... :dunno:

So here it is for your viewing pleasure

Looked pretty normal for a campaign kickoff speech.
You are imagining things.
He seemed lost even after she came out to help him. Not a good look, we all need to reject Biden and Trump, way too old.
Looked pretty normal for a campaign kickoff speech.
You are imagining things.

Really? Now you think most campaigns start off with a disastrous incumbent unable to run on a single horrible thing he has done calling his opponent, who he has tried to flim-flam into prison a devil and half the people of the nation a bunch of dangerous insurrectionists?
He had no idea which way to walk .

Jill was his Guide Bitch .

How long will America continue to let the Cabal make you look a bunch of idiots ?
Do you really think intelligent and percetive people are fooled for even seconds ?
Really? Now you think most campaigns start off with a disastrous incumbent unable to run on a single horrible thing he has done calling his opponent, who he has tried to flim-flam into prison a devil and half the people of the nation a bunch of dangerous insurrectionists?
I didn't watch the whole thing. You don't mean he didn't brag like hell, about the economic records set, such as GDP, durable goods factory production, employment numbers, wage increases, petrolium production, increased exports, factory construction, infrastructure and maybe mention the drop in violent crime, nationally?

Wow! I guess he thought only the terminally stupid and those that cannot read or understand number, didn't already know. I mean, I'm sure you were already aware, even though a trumper (so can understand why you hated the speech), but others out there somewhere.
I didn't watch the whole thing. You don't mean he didn't brag like hell, about the economic records set, such as GDP, durable goods factory production, employment numbers, wage increases, petrolium production, increased exports, factory construction, infrastructure and maybe mention the drop in violent crime, nationally?

Seriously? Do you actually believe any of that crap? Do you have any idea the state 80-90% of the people in this country are in now as a result of Joe Biden? Their savings wiped out, crime rampant, the dollar on a precipitous edge, 34 billion in debt and now Joe is handing out free healthcare and food for 10 million illegal invaders, America involved in three wars now and a forth looming on the edge. DO YOU REALLY THINK THE PETROLEUM PRODUCTION OF EXXON MATTERS ONE DIDDLYSQUAT TO THE AVERAGE PERSON???
Carefully managed, meticulously crafted. The things you don't know are just amazing.

I did a cursory glance to look for this on the front page. Shocking it's not there..... :dunno:

So here it is for your viewing pleasure

Eh, What's Up, Doc?

Jill must have put her Easter Bunny outfit in the cleaners.
Seriously? Do you actually believe any of that crap? Do you have any idea the state 80-90% of the people in this country are in now as a result of Joe Biden? Their savings wiped out, crime rampant, the dollar on a precipitous edge, 34 billion in debt and now Joe is handing out free healthcare and food for 10 million illegal invaders, America involved in three wars now and a forth looming on the edge. DO YOU REALLY THINK THE PETROLEUM PRODUCTION OF EXXON MATTERS ONE DIDDLYSQUAT TO THE AVERAGE PERSON???
Wow! "80-90% of the people in this country are in now as a result of Joe Biden"? I knew he was old, but had no idea he was the prolific a stud.

As to your other stuff. I do not know anybody whose savings have been wiped out since the 2008-2009 crash at the end of 8 years of the SonovaBush administration. I hope you put yourself together again, real soon. If you think violent crime is up, stay away from the reports. The debt is actually Trillion with a "T" Trump adding 7.37 Trillion and Joe so far adding 2.267 Trillion, so far. On the war thing, I have no problem with financially helping Ukraine defend against Russian invasion, nor helping Israel defend against those terrorist Hamas assholes. I am not sure what other war you are referring to us being involved in. As for future war, I will wait until I see it. As for oil (now at highest production in history) I thought you were unhappy with gas prices and thought domestic production was the answer. It isn't, by the way.
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Wow! "80-90% of the people in this country are in now as a result of Joe Biden"? I knew he was old, but had no idea he was the prolific a stud.

As to your other stuff. I do not know anybody whose savings have been wiped out since the 2008-2009 crash at the end of 8 years of the SonovaBush administration. I hope you put yourself together again, real soon. If you think violent crime is up, stay away from the reports. The dept is actually Trillion with a "T" Trump adding 7.37 Trillion and Joe so far adding 2.267 Trillion, so far. On the war thing, I have no problem with financially helping Ukraine defend against Russian invasion, nor helping Israel defend against those terrorist Hamas assholes. I am not sure what other war you are referring to us being involved in. As for future war, I will wait until I see it. As for oil (now at highest production in history) I thought you were unhappy with gas prices and thought domestic production was the answer. It isn't, by the way.
I lost 30% of my IRA after Sponge Brains Shits Pants took orifice.

And I live on it. I have SS and a small pension while my Wife has nothing. But that's how we planned it.

I'm not going to go hungry, we're not going to lose our house, we can afford to keep up.

But our Dreams for the future were/are badly, very badly damaged.

I'd like to move to some property. Build a house. We have the little farm but we can't afford to build a house on it now. everything is so expensive, workers are almost impossible to find. Sponge Brains Shits Pants really fucked up the whole Country. On purpose.

Living in the 'burbs is often necessary when you both have jobs. I drove 10 miles one way, my wife drone ten miles the other way. Central location.

But I'm tired of the Rat Race. Been tired of it for a long, really long time. Living in the 'burbs sucks. I mean it really sucks. In fact, I HATE it. Especially when it's in SW Florida where half the Country is trying to move because dimocrap scum FUCKED the areas they came from so incredibly bad. Big time and in a big way. I live in Fort Myers. It went from a sleepy little Fishing Village of about 80k in the County back in '77 (when I moved here) to, right now, well over a Million People. And in Season (which is now)-- much more than that. Wall-to-wall sphincters. Everywhere. On the road, in restaurants, at the grocery store and don't even think about going near the Beaches or parks. The glare from all the Fat FUcking cellulite-covered Yankee females and giant guts hanging over the belts of the males like one giant boob. Plus, they're assholes.

But that's okay. I doubt the suffering of others bothers you all that much.

Hopefully when Trump gets back in, my IRA will rebound enough for me to live my dream. Thanks, Sponge Brains Shits Pants, for ruining the dreams of millions.
I do not know anybody whose savings have been wiped out since the 2008-2009 crash at the end of 8 years of the SonovaBush administration.
Then you really need to get out more, Millions of businesses and individuals were wiped out from two years of Covid shutdowns and covid restrictions, which all turned out false. Add to that fuel costs which went from as low as 2.00 a gallon up to $7.00 a gallon, rent which increased by 50%, food costs which in m any cases doubled and even tripled. And that is just the beginning. Gee, just what planet do you live on anyway?

If you think violent crime is up, stay away from the reports.
The reports are not what people are dealing with, it is the roaming crime gangs looting stores and holding up people in broad daylight that the US Capitol is no longer safe even in daylight to congress people.

Maybe if you are totally clueless and have no idea what is going on, you should stay out of the conversation?
Wow! "80-90% of the people in this country are in now as a result of Joe Biden"? I knew he was old, but had no idea he was the prolific a stud.

As to your other stuff. I do not know anybody whose savings have been wiped out since the 2008-2009 crash at the end of 8 years of the SonovaBush administration. I hope you put yourself together again, real soon. If you think violent crime is up, stay away from the reports. The debt is actually Trillion with a "T" Trump adding 7.37 Trillion and Joe so far adding 2.267 Trillion, so far. On the war thing, I have no problem with financially helping Ukraine defend against Russian invasion, nor helping Israel defend against those terrorist Hamas assholes. I am not sure what other war you are referring to us being involved in. As for future war, I will wait until I see it. As for oil (now at highest production in history) I thought you were unhappy with gas prices and thought domestic production was the answer. It isn't, by the way.
When I was working at Wage Jobs, the kind that just barely pay the bills, I wasn't very much in debt.

But when I finally got to my 'Career' jobs and started making a little bit of money, I went further into debt. $100k in debt when you make that much in a year is nothing. When you make $25k a year, it's a big deal.

The economy under Trump Ballooned, so did the debt. Under Sponge Brains Shits Pants the economy is shit. But the Debt keeps going up.

Must I explain it any further??
I lost 30% of my IRA after Sponge Brains Shits Pants took orifice.

And I live on it. I have SS and a small pension while my Wife has nothing. But that's how we planned it.

I'm not going to go hungry, we're not going to lose our house, we can afford to keep up.

But our Dreams for the future were/are badly, very badly damaged.

I'd like to move to some property. Build a house. We have the little farm but we can't afford to build a house on it now. everything is so expensive, workers are almost impossible to find. Sponge Brains Shits Pants really fucked up the whole Country. On purpose.

Living in the 'burbs is often necessary when you both have jobs. I drove 10 miles one way, my wife drone ten miles the other way. Central location.

But I'm tired of the Rat Race. Been tired of it for a long, really long time. Living in the 'burbs sucks. I mean it really sucks. In fact, I HATE it. Especially when it's in SW Florida where half the Country is trying to move because dimocrap scum FUCKED the areas they came from so incredibly bad. Big time and in a big way. I live in Fort Myers. It went from a sleepy little Fishing Village of about 80k in the County back in '77 (when I moved here) to, right now, well over a Million People. And in Season (which is now)-- much more than that. Wall-to-wall sphincters. Everywhere. On the road, in restaurants, at the grocery store and don't even think about going near the Beaches or parks. The glare from all the Fat FUcking cellulite-covered Yankee females and giant guts hanging over the belts of the males like one giant boob. Plus, they're assholes.

But that's okay. I doubt the suffering of others bothers you all that much.

Hopefully when Trump gets back in, my IRA will rebound enough for me to live my dream. Thanks, Sponge Brains Shits Pants, for ruining the dreams of millions.
Don't feel "by yourself", I lost 42% of mine in the SonovaBush crash, and haven't forgiven them yet, especially with the factory closing that ended my 22 year corporate job (unless I would relocate 5 years before my planned retirement, while putting two kids in college. I not only hear you, but feel you on the "very badly damaged". It scared the liven' shit outa me. But, I did make enough of it back to retire on my schedule at age 60 with relatively assured comfort and freedom. Though it is true, we planned it different with having everything paid off and debt free (which we were in our mid50s before the crash). And both having multiple retirement income streams corporate, military and SS, independent of each other, but going into the joint drawing account, as well as 401K and IRA. Mine were hit much worse than hers. My plan for us and some good fortune is what saved us. I can see why you are pissed. I never forgave, either, but got over it, when I retired and saw our situation and knew I would not be forced back into the workforce, unless I just got bored.

No matter who wins, I wish you luck. Looks like neither one of us settled in a Democrat shithole. If that many people are really moving to your area, maybe real estate prices will make it, so you can move and do your thing. I visit Florida about every year, sometimes more than once. If you aren't just tied to the beaches, you might want to check cost of living in other non-income tax states. PJ would love to be where you are, but with cost of living and real estate down there, compare to here, that ain't happening.
I lost 30% of my IRA after Sponge Brains Shits Pants took orifice.

And I live on it. I have SS and a small pension while my Wife has nothing. But that's how we planned it.

I'm not going to go hungry, we're not going to lose our house, we can afford to keep up.

But our Dreams for the future were/are badly, very badly damaged.

I'd like to move to some property. Build a house. We have the little farm but we can't afford to build a house on it now. everything is so expensive, workers are almost impossible to find. Sponge Brains Shits Pants really fucked up the whole Country. On purpose.

Living in the 'burbs is often necessary when you both have jobs. I drove 10 miles one way, my wife drone ten miles the other way. Central location.

But I'm tired of the Rat Race. Been tired of it for a long, really long time. Living in the 'burbs sucks. I mean it really sucks. In fact, I HATE it. Especially when it's in SW Florida where half the Country is trying to move because dimocrap scum FUCKED the areas they came from so incredibly bad. Big time and in a big way. I live in Fort Myers. It went from a sleepy little Fishing Village of about 80k in the County back in '77 (when I moved here) to, right now, well over a Million People. And in Season (which is now)-- much more than that. Wall-to-wall sphincters. Everywhere. On the road, in restaurants, at the grocery store and don't even think about going near the Beaches or parks. The glare from all the Fat FUcking cellulite-covered Yankee females and giant guts hanging over the belts of the males like one giant boob. Plus, they're assholes.

But that's okay. I doubt the suffering of others bothers you all that much.

Hopefully when Trump gets back in, my IRA will rebound enough for me to live my dream. Thanks, Sponge Brains Shits Pants, for ruining the dreams of millions.
And most of it is back unless you have been withdrawing.

You did not plan for a retirement of high uneared income and low taxes.

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