NFL Negotiations Collapse

Evidently, talks have failed and the parties have walked out.

If they strike, I've watched my last NFL game ever.

I haven't watched a MLB game in years, never cared about the NBA.

Just give me NCAA sports and the NHL, and you can have the rest.

The NFL is becoming just a mirror of the NBA.

Fuck them.

:clap2::clap2: good for you.I hope you do watch your last NFL game ever.I been saying for ages that in both baseball and football,the players and the owners dont give a shit about the fans.they take a shit on us all the time moving their franchises away from one city to another deserting their loyal fuck much as I love football,I hope there is no NFL season or a superbowl because the NFL sucks today and is a joke thanks to the players and owners.
Everything the Obama touches,immediately turns to shit. This obviously includes our Football. DeMaurice Smith is an Obama crony douchebag. The NFLPA needs to dump his ass right now. Period,end of story.

Dood. Why. The. Fuck.

Are you talking about Obama.

yeah please give us a break.Hate Obozo all you want but stop this rambling of him having anything to do with this football lost season.
How did this turn into an Obama bashing thread?? Has he seized the NFL?

Yes. His good bud DeMaurice Smith is head of the NFLPA. Do the Math. Obama Crony = No Football. Gee what a surprise. This President can't do anything right so it's no surprise one of his cronies can't either. Dump DeMaurice Smith right now! It's our only hope for getting our Football back.

Seven...nope miscounted, that's the eighth time for the same post

this guy seriously has some obsession over Obama .He brings his hatred over him to the sports section.Geez.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
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The NFL hasn't been worth anything since the CBA was signed in 1994. Parity. Revenue Sharing. Expansion. All that other happy horse****. Destroyed a perfectly decent league with all of that Socialist bologna.

My Redskins weren't going to win anything this year anyway, so losing the season just means I have more free time and less stress in my life. Neither side has any moral high ground to stand on. They're all just a bunch of vultures who couldn't care less about anything other than their pocketbooks.
How did this turn into an Obama bashing thread?? Has he seized the NFL?

Good question.amazing how this went to an Obama discussion.

It was bound to be either a blame Obama or Blame Bush thread from the moment it started as are all threads. What the heck did you expect?


Well I dont follow many of his posts.He doesnt use logic most the time but i never would have figured to come here to the SPORTS section and see a post about it.:lol: guess it should not surprise me though.Elvis himself cant get over some pitiful grudge with me about Bush from years ago and has to always bring it here to the sports section with me.He cant do the mature thing and leave it in the conspiracy section.:cuckoo:

The NFL hasn't been worth anything since the CBA was signed in 1994. Parity. Revenue Sharing. Expansion. All that other happy horse****. Destroyed a perfectly decent league with all of that Socialist bologna.

My Redskins weren't going to win anything this year anyway, so losing the season just means I have more free time and less stress in my life. Neither side has any moral high ground to stand on. They're all just a bunch of vultures who couldn't care less about anything other than their pocketbooks.

Yeah the NFL has gone to the shitcan with that stupid parity revenue sharing.You dont have players that stay with one team their whole career anymore hardly.there are a few,but not near as many as in the hit the nail on the head,could not have said it better myself.
Good question.amazing how this went to an Obama discussion.

It was bound to be either a blame Obama or Blame Bush thread from the moment it started as are all threads. What the heck did you expect?


Well I dont follow many of his posts.He doesnt use logic most the time but i never would have figured to come here to the SPORTS section and see a post about it.:lol: guess it should not surprise me though.Elvis himself cant get over some pitiful grudge with me about Bush from years ago and has to always bring it here to the sports section with me.He cant do the mature thing and leave it in the conspiracy section.:cuckoo:

Well, I was thinking that in one way or another just about every thread ends up being either a blame Bush or Blame Obama if not both of them thread. Sooner or later it is bound to happen.

Did you know that the fact that ice water has been banned in Hell is somehow Bushes fault? I read that somewhere. Also it is Obama's fault that Atlantis has sunk into the ocean. I know I read that somewhere once or twice as well.


PS: I'm making those up, don't go looking for them. :eusa_whistle:
Forget about the money. The NFL needs to do a better job of taking care of it's players . Players barely last a 16 game season without breaking down 18 games is too much wear and tear. Concussions, excessive weight and drugs are ending too many careers too early.

NFL uses em up and then spits them out

The NFL could do a better job on health care, but the players know the dangers just as well as the owners. Blaming one side is the sign of an idiot, especially when they side you want to excuse makes millions themselves.

The NFL hasn't been worth anything since the CBA was signed in 1994. Parity. Revenue Sharing. Expansion. All that other happy horse****. Destroyed a perfectly decent league with all of that Socialist bologna.

My Redskins weren't going to win anything this year anyway, so losing the season just means I have more free time and less stress in my life. Neither side has any moral high ground to stand on. They're all just a bunch of vultures who couldn't care less about anything other than their pocketbooks.

Yeah the NFL has gone to the shitcan with that stupid parity revenue sharing.You dont have players that stay with one team their whole career anymore hardly.there are a few,but not near as many as in the hit the nail on the head,could not have said it better myself.
Redskin fan. That explains it. :razz:

As a Packer fan, I feel cheated we may not defend our title... but at least if it was the last Superbowl, the right team won it. :lol:
Redskin fan. That explains it. :razz:

Hey, just because you don't have a 100,000 seat stadium to produce revenue and control pretty much every bit of even reasonable parking anywhere near the stadium isn't our problem. If you smaller markets aren't capable of keeping up with the Big Boys monetarily, I'm sure the CFL will gladly accept your applications for teams. Besides, the NFL needs to contract to 24 teams anyway. The Packers are among the teams I believe should stay (based on Super Bowl victories and appearances), but we need to cut back before the talent is SO thinly spread that the game becomes unwatchable.

The NFL hasn't been worth anything since the CBA was signed in 1994. Parity. Revenue Sharing. Expansion. All that other happy horse****. Destroyed a perfectly decent league with all of that Socialist bologna.

My Redskins weren't going to win anything this year anyway, so losing the season just means I have more free time and less stress in my life. Neither side has any moral high ground to stand on. They're all just a bunch of vultures who couldn't care less about anything other than their pocketbooks.

Yeah the NFL has gone to the shitcan with that stupid parity revenue sharing.You dont have players that stay with one team their whole career anymore hardly.there are a few,but not near as many as in the hit the nail on the head,could not have said it better myself.
Redskin fan. That explains it. :razz:

As a Packer fan, I feel cheated we may not defend our title... but at least if it was the last Superbowl, the right team won it. :lol:

No doubt they were the best team on the field that day
Rational self-interest, the linchpin of capitalism. :eusa_clap:

On the Owner's side, I'm completely and totally in agreement with you. On the Union side, however, that is totally contrary to the entire concept of a Union.

As one of our Union Officers told me the first time we sat down at contract negotiations.... "Despite the english spelling there is no 'I' in Union. There is, however, a 'WE'." As I look at the player's demands I don't see anything about safety, off-season health benefits, retirement health benefits, etc... I see a demand to audit the team's financial books. Nothing more.

Personlly, I don't believe EITHER side has any moral high ground to stand on in this thing.
Redskin fan. That explains it. :razz:

Hey, just because you don't have a 100,000 seat stadium to produce revenue and control pretty much every bit of even reasonable parking anywhere near the stadium isn't our problem. If you smaller markets aren't capable of keeping up with the Big Boys monetarily, I'm sure the CFL will gladly accept your applications for teams. Besides, the NFL needs to contract to 24 teams anyway. The Packers are among the teams I believe should stay (based on Super Bowl victories and appearances), but we need to cut back before the talent is SO thinly spread that the game becomes unwatchable.
LOL... Let the team smacktalk begin! LOL

It would help if you could sell out every game like we have since 1980ish or so. We'll take our sold out 74k seats plus luxury boxes in the Mecca of the NFL.

As for thinly spread talent... we had 19 starters on injured reserve or out for the season this year and still won the superbowl. 32 teams is fine, and yes I've lived through many a lean year and bad drafts as well as good. We mined our talent out of the draft, just like the Steelers did the last few years. Our players stepped up mightily in the last third of the season and run through the playoffs. That has more to do with a culture of stability and trust generated between coaches, staff and players.

Helps that we don't have a nutty owner too. :mrgreen:
It would help if you could sell out every game like we have since 1980ish or so. We'll take our sold out 74k seats plus luxury boxes in the Mecca of the NFL.

Actually the Redskins DO sell out most of their games (if not all), and even if they don't, a 90% capacity at FedEx is almost 20,000 more attendees than you guys have, so it's not like they're losing revenue.

As for thinly spread talent... we had 19 starters on injured reserve or out for the season this year and still won the superbowl. 32 teams is fine, and yes I've lived through many a lean year and bad drafts as well as good. We mined our talent out of the draft, just like the Steelers did the last few years. Our players stepped up mightily in the last third of the season and run through the playoffs. That has more to do with a culture of stability and trust generated between coaches, staff and players.

You won the Super Bowl in a league that I don't think has even as much value as the NCAA Division I. The NFL is a FARCE these days. The salary cap, revenue sharing, etc.... It's just one big socialist boys club that has no interest in how things SHOULD be done.

I have ABSOLUTELY NO USE for the NFL Draft. I haven't since the advent of free agency. I would rather trade away every pick for proven veterans. I have less than no interest in having ANY rookies on the team. Give me vets every day of the week and at least three times on Sunday. Player and coaches are paid to WIN FOOTBALL GAMES. If they don't do it, they need to go, QUICKLY.

Helps that we don't have a nutty owner too. :mrgreen:

Actually I used to like Snyder. He and Al Davis are the only two NFL Owners I've ever had any respect for. Snyder has started to buy into the same BS as every other NFL owner and he's lost pretty much all the respect I had for him in the past.
It would help if you could sell out every game like we have since 1980ish or so. We'll take our sold out 74k seats plus luxury boxes in the Mecca of the NFL.

Actually the Redskins DO sell out most of their games (if not all), and even if they don't, a 90% capacity at FedEx is almost 20,000 more attendees than you guys have, so it's not like they're losing revenue.

As for thinly spread talent... we had 19 starters on injured reserve or out for the season this year and still won the superbowl. 32 teams is fine, and yes I've lived through many a lean year and bad drafts as well as good. We mined our talent out of the draft, just like the Steelers did the last few years. Our players stepped up mightily in the last third of the season and run through the playoffs. That has more to do with a culture of stability and trust generated between coaches, staff and players.

You won the Super Bowl in a league that I don't think has even as much value as the NCAA Division I. The NFL is a FARCE these days. The salary cap, revenue sharing, etc.... It's just one big socialist boys club that has no interest in how things SHOULD be done.

I have ABSOLUTELY NO USE for the NFL Draft. I haven't since the advent of free agency. I would rather trade away every pick for proven veterans. I have less than no interest in having ANY rookies on the team. Give me vets every day of the week and at least three times on Sunday. Player and coaches are paid to WIN FOOTBALL GAMES. If they don't do it, they need to go, QUICKLY.

Helps that we don't have a nutty owner too. :mrgreen:

Actually I used to like Snyder. He and Al Davis are the only two NFL Owners I've ever had any respect for. Snyder has started to buy into the same BS as every other NFL owner and he's lost pretty much all the respect I had for him in the past.
mmmmkay... you keep telling yourself that. ;) When you look at the history, very few if any teams have won championships based on free agency and ignoring the draft.

As for being no better than NCAA 1, that's just bitterness talking. Even the Detroit Lions at their worst could snuff any Rosebowl Champion because they are made up of the best players that came out of college football at all levels, plus years more experience and discipline. You put up Texas or USC, I'll still take Detroit or any other NFL team.
mmmmkay... you keep telling yourself that. ;) When you look at the history, very few if any teams have won championships based on free agency and ignoring the draft.

Which is part of why I really have very little to no interest in the league as a whole. I haven't watched a game the Redskins aren't part of in over a decade. I haven't watched the Super Bowl since 1992.

As for being no better than NCAA 1, that's just bitterness talking. Even the Detroit Lions at their worst could snuff any Rosebowl Champion because they are made up of the best players that came out of college football at all levels, plus years more experience and discipline. You put up Texas or USC, I'll still take Detroit or any other NFL team.

True, but at least in college the players get schools don't have to worry about a salary cap or revenue sharing. They bring in the big bucks, pay their players under the table, and are actually interested in DECIMATING their opponents on a weekly basis rather than trying to make sure that everyone has an equal chance to win on any given Saturday.

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