Next Tea Party Targets

Next Tea Party Targets

After conservative upsets in Indiana and Nebraska, these GOP senators should fear primary challenges in 2014

Lindsey Graham (South Carolina): Graham, a long-time irritant to national conservative leaders, is the face of the compromise-friendly approach to governing that the GOP base is revolting against. And South Carolina is arguably ground zero for the Tea Party revolt, home of Sen. Jim DeMint and the “four horsemen” quartet of true believer House freshmen. Any of them could be a viable primary foe against Graham (and one of them, Trey Gowdy, already beat an incumbent, then-Rep. Bob Inglis, by 42 points in a 2010 primary). Graham has said he expects to get a primary challenge, which seems inarguable.

Saxby Chambliss (Georgia): Chambliss, too, says he expects a primary. His voting record is reliably conservative (a career mark of over 90 percent from the ACU), but he was part of the bipartisan Gang of 6 deficit reduction negotiations last year and argued that tax increases had “to be part of the mix.”

Lamar Alexander (Tennessee): His reputation as a moderate has never quite matched up with his voting record, but the 71-year-old Alexander seems cut from the same cloth as Lugar – collegial manner, lots of talk of cooperation with the other side, occasional breaks with party orthodoxy, and a voting record that’s reliably Republican overall. But his age, his image, and his decades in state and national politics (he was governor from 1979 to 1987 and ran for president in 1996 and 2000) make him particularly vulnerable to an anti-establishment uprising. Alexander could take some consolation from the fact that his fellow Tennessee senator, Bob Corker, escaped a serious primary challenge this year.

Mitch McConnell (Kentucky): One of McConnell’s biggest humiliations came in 2010, when he threw his vaunted home state political operation behind Trey Grayson, only to watch his protégé lose the GOP Senate primary to Rand Paul. A five-term incumbent, the 70-year-old McConnell reeks of Washington insiderdom, so there’s plenty of speculation that he’ll be a primary season target. But there’s good news for McConnell: Paul is now on board with his ’14 reelection effort, and other veterans of Paul’s ’10 campaign are sending similar signals. For now, McConnell seems to be in good shape, but as the Senate’s GOP leader, there’s always a chance his fingerprints will end up on a legislative compromise that infuriates the base.

Pat Roberts (Kansas): He’s old (76) and has been on Capitol Hill for 32 years – the first 16 in the House and the last 16 in the Senate. He’s also a quiet, behind-the-scenes player whose voting record is only now evolving to synch up with the GOP base’s prevailing mood. It wouldn’t be too hard for an opponent to portray Roberts as a tired insider with Potomac Fever. Plus, the Kansas Republican Party is unusually prone to civil war. Roberts could provide an inviting target for, say, Kris Kobach, the youthful Kansas secretary of state who has become the leading national voice of the anti-immigration right.


More at the link.

Add in Susan Collins for sure. She has the added "baggage" of being female.

I can only assume that the ultimate goal of Tea Partiers is to essentially shut down the functionality of the federal government by promoting and achieving an even wider chasm between the GOP and the Democrats. When both parties commit to "sticking to their principles" 100%, that will essentially bring the government to a grinding halt. Taxes will remain where they are, funding stops, everything stops.

That outcome would be preferable to giving Democrats anything they want.

Neither party should be getting everything it wants. The two parties should be having spirited and intellectually honest debates on the issues and then moving forward via rational and mature cooperation to deal with the critical and imminent problems that are causing this country to clearly decay. Sure as hell worked in the nineties, the last time this country was humming.

Instead, our system is now paralyzed by wild-eyed, narcissistic absolutists who absolutely refuse to give an inch whatsoever, somehow self-convinced that only their answers can work, and clearly terrified that mature cooperation with the "bad guys" will cause them to lose their next election, which would mean they'd no longer have their cushy government jobs with perks galore.

The zealots and their inexplicable egos are bringing us down.

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That's a good start.

because the Republican Party hasn't shown itself to be nutty enough.

There might be one person left who isn't a complete fanatic....

Conservatism is not being fanatic, it was the principles this country was founded on. Liberalism/communism/socialism/progressivism is however fanatic and foreign to the founding principles of this country. Just because conservatism went to sleep for awhile does not make it fanatic because it is coming back with a vengeance.

I can only assume that the ultimate goal of Tea Partiers is to essentially shut down the functionality of the federal government by promoting and achieving an even wider chasm between the GOP and the Democrats. When both parties commit to "sticking to their principles" 100%, that will essentially bring the government to a grinding halt. Taxes will remain where they are, funding stops, everything stops.

Okay, I guess that's a plan, but both parties will have to answer to the outcome.


The way it works in DC now is quite simple. Democrats never compromise, they are unyielding in their goal of expanding the government and increasing spending. They rarely budge an inch on anything. Whenever the Politicians in DC trumpet "Bi-partisanship", that means a Republican or two caved in, voted against their own principles, and went along with the Democrats.

The problem with Republicans is that they make deals and expect the other side to be honorable and hold up their end of the bargain. For instance - if we have a "bipartisan" deal to cut spending and raise taxes (that seems to be the "grand bargain" that most R's fall for of late) the tax increases start immediately, and the spending cuts...well they simply never materialize. They get stuck in committee or axed in a new piece of legislation. It's like Lucy yanking the football just as Charlie gets ready to kick it- it works because Charlie really wants to kick the ball ( Republicans really want spending cuts) and Lucy doesn't give a shit (Democrats just want power- screw the country!).

I can only assume that the ultimate goal of Tea Partiers is to essentially shut down the functionality of the federal government by promoting and achieving an even wider chasm between the GOP and the Democrats. When both parties commit to "sticking to their principles" 100%, that will essentially bring the government to a grinding halt. Taxes will remain where they are, funding stops, everything stops.

Okay, I guess that's a plan, but both parties will have to answer to the outcome.


The way it works in DC now is quite simple. Democrats never compromise, they are unyielding in their goal of expanding the government and increasing spending. They rarely budge an inch on anything. Whenever the Politicians in DC trumpet "Bi-partisanship", that means a Republican or two caved in, voted against their own principles, and went along with the Democrats.

The problem with Republicans is that they make deals and expect the other side to be honorable and hold up their end of the bargain. For instance - if we have a "bipartisan" deal to cut spending and raise taxes (that seems to be the "grand bargain" that most R's fall for of late) the tax increases start immediately, and the spending cuts...well they simply never materialize. They get stuck in committee or axed in a new piece of legislation. It's like Lucy yanking the football just as Charlie gets ready to kick it- it works because Charlie really wants to kick the ball ( Republicans really want spending cuts) and Lucy doesn't give a shit (Democrats just want power- screw the country!).
All government, indeed every human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue, and every prudent act, is founded on compromise and barter.
Edmund Burke

That is the DUMBEST damn thing I think I've ever heard. You mean like using Deem and Pass to FORCE Obamacare in the middle of the night when democrats had the majority 2 years ago...THAT kind of compromise?

Compromise like give illegal immigrates amnesty in exchange for closing the borders and fixing the immigration 1984?

The problem you useful idiots have is that like Reagen, Americans have found with Obamacare, cutting funding for the fence the INSTANT they took control of the house and senate in 06 just exactly what compromise means to a democrat. It means lie, cheat, steal, bribe, bully or stroke ANYone to get what you want and SCREW what America wants!!!

The reason liberalism is being run back under the frig is because the very technology that sparked the boom and crash economy of the 90's....the internet. The lies no longer go unchallenged. The atrocities committed in the name of progress can no longer be swept under the rug only to turn up in historical text 20 or 30 years later.

You want to know what this is about...WHY TEA Party, Constitutional conservatives, Conservatives and others are unwilling to compromise with progressivism/socialism/liberalism?

Because the very thing that happened in the 90's is what is at stake. Clinton and the Republicans did NOT balance the budget...and there was NOT a robust economy and had the information age happened in the 80's...politically, the 90's would have looked a lot like NOW!

In 1988, the democrat controlled congress passed a nifty bit of insanity that didn't kick in until AFTER Clinton was elected. Instead of dealing with out of control spending and cutting the budget, they passed a law that kept Social Security expenditures OFF budget and put the Social Security Trust Fund ON budget. In 1992 when the law kicked in, we went from a 450 billion dollar deficit to a 1.3 trillion dollar surplus OVER NIGHT!

Yet one more broken promise by democrats. SS Trust Fund was NEVER to be used for anything but Social Security...FOR EVER.

At any rate, ll of a sudden, we AREn't broke and unrealistic expectations, combined with an explosion of government spending on a new technology sparks what should have been a MODEST increase in dot com IPO values into a BOOM that went bust less than 10 years later. Leaving the economy in tatters, the SS trust fund raped, and a Half a trillion dollar deficit for Bush when he took office.

We then repeated the EXACT SAME MISTAKES with government intrusion into housing and the housing market boom and bust in the 2000's!

The debate that is going on over Paul Ryan's budget and the INSANE budgets Obama and the democrats have proposed is because of that EXACT SAME KIND OF TRICKERY!

We can no longer compromise with our future and allow our elected officials to use slight of hand to fool us and steal the future our founding and the Constitution promises. It's OVER and America is waking up. We can NOT continue kicking the can down the road!

These liars and fools claim they are looking out for the middle class, but their insanity only hurts the middle class and concentrates more wealth in the hands of those who already have it. Just keep WILL soon find you've compromised your way into slavery!

Oh, sorry. Rant off! ;~)
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That is the DUMBEST damn thing I think I've ever heard. You mean like using Deem and Pass to FORCE Obamacare in the middle of the night when democrats had the majority 2 years ago...THAT kind of compromise?

Compromise like give illegal immigrates amnesty in exchange for closing the borders and fixing the immigration 1984?

The problem you useful idiots have is that like Reagen, Americans have found with Obamacare, cutting funding for the fence the INSTANT they took control of the house and senate in 06 just exactly what compromise means to a democrat. It means lie, cheat, steal, bribe, bully or stroke ANYone to get what you want and SCREW what America wants!!!

The reason liberalism is being run back under the frig is because the very technology that sparked the boom and crash economy of the 90's....the internet. The lies no longer go unchallenged. The atrocities committed in the name of progress can no longer be swept under the rug only to turn up in historical text 20 or 30 years later.

You want to know what this is about...WHY TEA Party, Constitutional conservatives, Conservatives and others are unwilling to compromise with progressivism/socialism/liberalism?

Because the very thing that happened in the 90's is what is at stake. Clinton and the Republicans did NOT balance the budget...and there was NOT a robust economy and had the information age happened in the 80's...politically, the 90's would have looked a lot like NOW!

In 1988, the democrat controlled congress passed a nifty bit of insanity that didn't kick in until AFTER Clinton was elected. Instead of dealing with out of control spending and cutting the budget, they passed a law that kept Social Security expenditures OFF budget and put the Social Security Trust Fund ON budget. In 1992 when the law kicked in, we went from a 450 billion dollar deficit to a 1.3 trillion dollar surplus OVER NIGHT!

Yet one more broken promise by democrats. SS Trust Fund was NEVER to be used for anything but Social Security...FOR EVER.

At any rate, ll of a sudden, we AREn't broke and unrealistic expectations, combined with an explosion of government spending on a new technology sparks what should have been a MODEST increase in dot com IPO values into a BOOM that went bust less than 10 years later. Leaving the economy in tatters, the SS trust fund raped, and a Half a trillion dollar deficit for Bush when he took office.

We then repeated the EXACT SAME MISTAKES with government intrusion into housing and the housing market boom and bust in the 2000's!

The debate that is going on over Paul Ryan's budget and the INSANE budgets Obama and the democrats have proposed is because of that EXACT SAME KIND OF TRICKERY!

We can no longer compromise with our future and allow our elected officials to use slight of hand to fool us and steal the future our founding and the Constitution promises. It's OVER and America is waking up. We can NOT continue kicking the can down the road!

These liars and fools claim they are looking out for the middle class, but their insanity only hurts the middle class and concentrates more wealth in the hands of those who already have it. Just keep WILL soon find you've compromised your way into slavery!

Oh, sorry. Rant off! ;~)
Your rejection of comprise and working together to solve our problems is exactly why Americans have a higher opinion of Paris Hilton and America “going Communist” than they do the US Congress. With each change of control of Congress it's payback time for the loser and the hostility between right and left increases. Regardless of which party is in power, it acts unilaterally in pursuit of it's goals. This galvanizes the opposition usually resulting in a loss within 2 years. Look at our history over the last 40 years; neither party has gained control of government for more than 4 years. In fact most of the time power is shared by the two parties.

The idea that one party can change everything is ridiculous. The country is too evenly divided. No party has control for very long and as soon as they lose control, the other party works to undue the work of the opposition.

I can only assume that the ultimate goal of Tea Partiers is to essentially shut down the functionality of the federal government by promoting and achieving an even wider chasm between the GOP and the Democrats. When both parties commit to "sticking to their principles" 100%, that will essentially bring the government to a grinding halt. Taxes will remain where they are, funding stops, everything stops.

That outcome would be preferable to giving Democrats anything they want.

Neither party should be getting everything it wants. The two parties should be having spirited and intellectually honest debates on the issues and then moving forward via rational and mature cooperation to deal with the critical and imminent problems that are causing this country to clearly decay. Sure as hell worked in the nineties, the last time this country was humming.

Instead, our system is now paralyzed by wild-eyed, narcissistic absolutists who absolutely refuse to give an inch whatsoever, somehow self-convinced that only their answers can work, and clearly terrified that mature cooperation with the "bad guys" will cause them to lose their next election, which would mean they'd no longer have their cushy government jobs with perks galore.

The zealots and their inexplicable egos are bringing us down.


That outcome would be preferable to giving Democrats anything they want.

Neither party should be getting everything it wants. The two parties should be having spirited and intellectually honest debates on the issues and then moving forward via rational and mature cooperation to deal with the critical and imminent problems that are causing this country to clearly decay. Sure as hell worked in the nineties, the last time this country was humming.

Instead, our system is now paralyzed by wild-eyed, narcissistic absolutists who absolutely refuse to give an inch whatsoever, somehow self-convinced that only their answers can work, and clearly terrified that mature cooperation with the "bad guys" will cause them to lose their next election, which would mean they'd no longer have their cushy government jobs with perks galore.

The zealots and their inexplicable egos are bringing us down.


Lovely photos, indeed. Yuck.

Just curious, how many of those people are elected officials, gumming up the system with their absolutism?

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I guess it's time to find a teabagger with an Obama=African Witch Doctor poster, and broad-brush all teabaggers as racists!

Lovely photos, indeed. Yuck.

Just curious, how many of those people are elected officials, gumming up the system with their absolutism?

Not sure how many are elected officials, but the rent for their new offices in New York are being paid for by AFL-CIO union dues. And that groups former president NOW works for Obama and their CURRENT president has been to the White House more than a dozen times since this occupy nonsense started. So...I don't know, maybe someone will tell me what the connection is!

Your rejection of comprise and working together to solve our problems is exactly why Americans have a higher opinion of Paris Hilton and America “going Communist” than they do the US Congress. With each change of control of Congress it's payback time for the loser and the hostility between right and left increases. Regardless of which party is in power, it acts unilaterally in pursuit of it's goals. This galvanizes the opposition usually resulting in a loss within 2 years. Look at our history over the last 40 years; neither party has gained control of government for more than 4 years. In fact most of the time power is shared by the two parties.

The idea that one party can change everything is ridiculous. The country is too evenly divided. No party has control for very long and as soon as they lose control, the other party works to undue the work of the opposition.
Actually, outside of 2 presidents, democrats controlled EVERYTHING for over 60 years...until Newt and republicans took the House and Senate in 1992. So that is just not historically accurate!

The problem with compromise with the NUTTERS on the left that are in control of the democrat party in Congress is that it's like trying to negotiate with Osama bin Laden. They are...for the most part...the far left fringe of the democrat party. They ONLY negotiate to gain advantage for THEIR PERSONAL AGENDA, which is NOT what the VAST MAJORITY of this country wants. But they don't give a shit!

They want what they want and will do what ever they can to get it!

Less than 20% of Americans say they are liberal. And if they are asked more specifically about the kinds of socialist politics that the progressive movement inside Congress is forcing down out throats...that figure drops to less than 12%. On the other hand, 40% of Americans describe themselves as conservatives and if you ask them about the kinds of politics that the TEA Party espouses...without attaching them to the TEA Party, that number goes up to nearly 60%. We are a center right country...NOT left, center left OR a socialist country!

So to claim that the vast majority of America should "COMPROMISE" away our founding and our future to the radical fringe is just flat STUPID...and it AIN'T gonna happen!

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