Next Stage In Scandal: White House Claims They Didn’t Edit Benghazi Talking Points


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Next Stage In Scandal: White House Claims They Didn’t Edit Benghazi Talking Points​

So who is lying? Could it be Axelrod?​

Rob Port @ Say Anything:

Earlier this week David Petraeus told Congress that talking points the CIA issued in the aftermath of the Benghazi attack were edited to exclude references to al-Qaeda involvement. UN Ambassador Susan Rice, in the days after the attack, used talking points in media appearances which made no reference to a planned terrorist attack. She further stated that “the currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo.”

In other words, the attack wasn’t an act of terrorism planned and executed by terrorists but rather a protest of a YouTube clip which spiraled out of control.

So who edited the report, the “talking points,” produced by the CIA and approved by the nation’s intelligence agencies? The Obama administration is saying it wasn’t them:

The White House yesterday denied it edited talking points about the terrorist attack that killed the American ambassador to Libya — contradicting remarks made a day earlier by disgraced ex-CIA chief David Petraeus.

“The only edit that was made by the White House and also by the State Department was to change the word ‘consulate’ to the word ‘diplomatic facility,’ since the facility in Benghazi was not formally a consulate,” Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes told reporters aboard Air Force One.

“Other than that, we were guided by the points that were provided by the intelligence community. So I can’t speak to any other edits that may have been made.”

This leaves us with the following choices:

1) Petraeus is lying.

2) The Obama administration is lying.

3) Neither is lying, and some other intermediary changed the report.

That last is hard to believe as you’d expect there to be a verifiable chain of who all handled this information. There just can’t be that many people who are allowed to access and edit this sort of information. If not, we’re apparently to believe that the Obama administration is running off to the media spouting talking points edited, from the time they were produced by the intelligence community, by some unknown entity.


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Say Anything White House Claims They Didn't Edit Benghazi Talking Points » Say Anything
I think we all know who is lying and it ain't Petraeus.

He's out so why the hell would he lie??

Of course if anyone thinks that fuck in the WH or that pack of boobs he surrounds himself with give a shit about those four dead Americans they are sadly deluded.

He won. Anyone who cares should get in the back of the bus and STFU.
Oh what utter partisan bullcrud.... do you right wingers ever stop lying? ever?

Is this your pass to Heaven, lying ALL the time? You are calling the whitehouse liars yet it is YOU and ALL the right wing propaganda machine LYING once again....

Are you ever going to stop being fooled by your beloved right wing trash media? Ever?

How many times will it take being fooled by them or lead by them in to the wrong direction?

The white house DID NOT change the intelligence reports, THAT'S A FACT JACK. And Petrayus said he did not change them but that the intelligence agencies DID...he did not know which intelligence agency changed them, but that they were NOT changed for ANY POLITICAL REASON.

Yet you still blather on with your silly, lying talking points.

The paper trail SHOWS THE WHITE HOUSE did not make the changes to the unclassified report that susan Rice had to use. PERIOD.

So once again, you are lying.

But that is what you've been taught, isn't it? Lying while you accuse others of lying..... Rush and Fox et al....taught you well....

You really think Obama would have told your ilk to "Bring it on" if he had changed them....? Really?

You've been played a fool....
Next Stage In Scandal: White House Claims They Didn’t Edit Benghazi Talking Points​

So who is lying? Could it be Axelrod?​

Rob Port @ Say Anything:

Earlier this week David Petraeus told Congress that talking points the CIA issued in the aftermath of the Benghazi attack were edited to exclude references to al-Qaeda involvement. UN Ambassador Susan Rice, in the days after the attack, used talking points in media appearances which made no reference to a planned terrorist attack. She further stated that “the currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo.”

In other words, the attack wasn’t an act of terrorism planned and executed by terrorists but rather a protest of a YouTube clip which spiraled out of control.

So who edited the report, the “talking points,” produced by the CIA and approved by the nation’s intelligence agencies? The Obama administration is saying it wasn’t them:

The White House yesterday denied it edited talking points about the terrorist attack that killed the American ambassador to Libya — contradicting remarks made a day earlier by disgraced ex-CIA chief David Petraeus.

“The only edit that was made by the White House and also by the State Department was to change the word ‘consulate’ to the word ‘diplomatic facility,’ since the facility in Benghazi was not formally a consulate,” Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes told reporters aboard Air Force One.

“Other than that, we were guided by the points that were provided by the intelligence community. So I can’t speak to any other edits that may have been made.”

This leaves us with the following choices:

1) Petraeus is lying.

2) The Obama administration is lying.

3) Neither is lying, and some other intermediary changed the report.

That last is hard to believe as you’d expect there to be a verifiable chain of who all handled this information. There just can’t be that many people who are allowed to access and edit this sort of information. If not, we’re apparently to believe that the Obama administration is running off to the media spouting talking points edited, from the time they were produced by the intelligence community, by some unknown entity.


Read more:
Say Anything White House Claims They Didn't Edit Benghazi Talking Points » Say Anything

notice the play of words there? The only edit, yet 'we were guided by the points that were provided'.
Guided - To serve as a guide
Guide - a. One who shows the way by leading, directing, or advising.
Sounds to me like they really did revise it, using the CIA points they wished to use as just a guide as to what they might say, as they took it under advisement. Pretty spiffy way of hoping others don't see they are speaking out of both sides of their mouths.
Oh what utter partisan bullcrud.... do you right wingers ever stop lying? ever?

Is this your pass to Heaven, lying ALL the time? You are calling the whitehouse liars yet it is YOU and ALL the right wing propaganda machine LYING once again....

Are you ever going to stop being fooled by your beloved right wing trash media? Ever?

How many times will it take being fooled by them or lead by them in to the wrong direction?

The white house DID NOT change the intelligence reports, THAT'S A FACT JACK. And Petrayus said he did not change them but that the intelligence agencies DID...he did not know which intelligence agency changed them, but that they were NOT changed for ANY POLITICAL REASON.

Yet you still blather on with your silly, lying talking points.

The paper trail SHOWS THE WHITE HOUSE did not make the changes to the unclassified report that susan Rice had to use. PERIOD.

So once again, you are lying.

But that is what you've been taught, isn't it? Lying while you accuse others of lying..... Rush and Fox et al....taught you well....

You really think Obama would have told your ilk to "Bring it on" if he had changed them....? Really?

You've been played a fool....

The problem is nobody but the White House has the whole paper-trail and they're not giving it to investigators.

Obama runs to the cameras to take credit when something positive happens but when something bad happens it's like trying to find the missing-link trying to discover what really happened. A wall of silence greets anyone who wants to discover the truth.

And I think Obama is capable of just about anything. Often times he's caught doing something and then giving a speech shortly afterwards accusing the opposition of it.

But this is what you voted for.........4 more fucken years of this happy horseshit.
Oh what utter partisan bullcrud.... do you right wingers ever stop lying? ever?

Is this your pass to Heaven, lying ALL the time? You are calling the whitehouse liars yet it is YOU and ALL the right wing propaganda machine LYING once again....

Are you ever going to stop being fooled by your beloved right wing trash media? Ever?

How many times will it take being fooled by them or lead by them in to the wrong direction?

The white house DID NOT change the intelligence reports, THAT'S A FACT JACK. And Petrayus said he did not change them but that the intelligence agencies DID...he did not know which intelligence agency changed them, but that they were NOT changed for ANY POLITICAL REASON.

Yet you still blather on with your silly, lying talking points.

The paper trail SHOWS THE WHITE HOUSE did not make the changes to the unclassified report that susan Rice had to use. PERIOD.

So once again, you are lying.

But that is what you've been taught, isn't it? Lying while you accuse others of lying..... Rush and Fox et al....taught you well....

You really think Obama would have told your ilk to "Bring it on" if he had changed them....? Really?

You've been played a fool....

So your contention is that the head of the CIA does not have daily briefings with the POTUS or at least his administration?

Your contention is that the WH was oblivious to it being a planned attack when the rest of the country already knew? It was so freakin obvious I don't think anyone had any doubt.

So the real question is, why did they push a false story so long and so hard? That they did can not be denied intelligently.
Oh what utter partisan bullcrud.... do you right wingers ever stop lying? ever?

Is this your pass to Heaven, lying ALL the time? You are calling the whitehouse liars yet it is YOU and ALL the right wing propaganda machine LYING once again....

Are you ever going to stop being fooled by your beloved right wing trash media? Ever?

How many times will it take being fooled by them or lead by them in to the wrong direction?

The white house DID NOT change the intelligence reports, THAT'S A FACT JACK. And Petrayus said he did not change them but that the intelligence agencies DID...he did not know which intelligence agency changed them, but that they were NOT changed for ANY POLITICAL REASON.

Yet you still blather on with your silly, lying talking points.

The paper trail SHOWS THE WHITE HOUSE did not make the changes to the unclassified report that susan Rice had to use. PERIOD.

So once again, you are lying.

But that is what you've been taught, isn't it? Lying while you accuse others of lying..... Rush and Fox et al....taught you well....

You really think Obama would have told your ilk to "Bring it on" if he had changed them....? Really?

You've been played a fool....

The problem is nobody but the White House has the whole paper-trail and they're not giving it to investigators.

Obama runs to the cameras to take credit when something positive happens but when something bad happens it's like trying to find the missing-link trying to discover what really happened. A wall of silence greets anyone who wants to discover the truth.

And I think Obama is capable of just about anything. Often times he's caught doing something and then giving a speech shortly afterwards accusing the opposition of it.

But this is what you voted for.........4 more fucken years of this happy horseshit.

Sigh, once again the propaganda machine of the liberal left MSM is winning. They have us focused on whom knew what when instead of what lead up to the deaths of our men. Really cleaver how they manipulate the story line away from the real issue.
Oh what utter partisan bullcrud.... do you right wingers ever stop lying? ever?

Is this your pass to Heaven, lying ALL the time? You are calling the whitehouse liars yet it is YOU and ALL the right wing propaganda machine LYING once again....

Are you ever going to stop being fooled by your beloved right wing trash media? Ever?

How many times will it take being fooled by them or lead by them in to the wrong direction?

The white house DID NOT change the intelligence reports, THAT'S A FACT JACK. And Petrayus said he did not change them but that the intelligence agencies DID...he did not know which intelligence agency changed them, but that they were NOT changed for ANY POLITICAL REASON.

Yet you still blather on with your silly, lying talking points.

The paper trail SHOWS THE WHITE HOUSE did not make the changes to the unclassified report that susan Rice had to use. PERIOD.

So once again, you are lying.

But that is what you've been taught, isn't it? Lying while you accuse others of lying..... Rush and Fox et al....taught you well....

You really think Obama would have told your ilk to "Bring it on" if he had changed them....? Really?

You've been played a fool....

Partisan bulls shit huh?

Of course you will believe the left version. Funny it was the administration that pushed that video bullshit for how long?? They knew it was a terrorist attack yet sent their minions out to every morning talk show still pushed that video crap.

They also knew the consulate had requested more security how many times and were denied?

I guess any person with a couple of brain cells, even you, can see who's lying. Well. Mayby not.
Oh what utter partisan bullcrud.... do you right wingers ever stop lying? ever?

Is this your pass to Heaven, lying ALL the time? You are calling the whitehouse liars yet it is YOU and ALL the right wing propaganda machine LYING once again....

Are you ever going to stop being fooled by your beloved right wing trash media? Ever?

How many times will it take being fooled by them or lead by them in to the wrong direction?

The white house DID NOT change the intelligence reports, THAT'S A FACT JACK. And Petrayus said he did not change them but that the intelligence agencies DID...he did not know which intelligence agency changed them, but that they were NOT changed for ANY POLITICAL REASON.

Yet you still blather on with your silly, lying talking points.

The paper trail SHOWS THE WHITE HOUSE did not make the changes to the unclassified report that susan Rice had to use. PERIOD.

So once again, you are lying.

But that is what you've been taught, isn't it? Lying while you accuse others of lying..... Rush and Fox et al....taught you well....

You really think Obama would have told your ilk to "Bring it on" if he had changed them....? Really?

You've been played a fool....

How is it that the WhiteHouse comes out and says, "We didn't do it" and you believe it even though it is completely implausible that the Whitehouse didn't know that terrorists were involved? So was Obama so disinterested that he didn't pick up the phone and call Petreaus after a CIA installation was attacked? Don't forget while you're following that logic that, by their own words, Nixon was not a crook and Clinton did not have sexual ralations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
I had another thought, it is the Republican's fault.

Such a big deal was the Obama kill list and the killing of an American citizen and his 16 year old son that Obama didn't want to use a predator to help in the situation. So there the left can now be happy. That is a better way to blame the Republicans then just saying they are responsible because they want answers.
I had another thought, it is the Republican's fault.

Such a big deal was the Obama kill list and the killing of an American citizen and his 16 year old son that Obama didn't want to use a predator to help in the situation. So there the left can now be happy. That is a better way to blame the Republicans then just saying they are responsible because they want answers.

Asking for answers is racist.
Its all Wehrwolfen ever posts. No surprise there.
Oh what utter partisan bullcrud.... do you right wingers ever stop lying? ever?

Is this your pass to Heaven, lying ALL the time? You are calling the whitehouse liars yet it is YOU and ALL the right wing propaganda machine LYING once again....

Are you ever going to stop being fooled by your beloved right wing trash media? Ever?

How many times will it take being fooled by them or lead by them in to the wrong direction?

The white house DID NOT change the intelligence reports, THAT'S A FACT JACK. And Petrayus said he did not change them but that the intelligence agencies DID...he did not know which intelligence agency changed them, but that they were NOT changed for ANY POLITICAL REASON.

Yet you still blather on with your silly, lying talking points.

The paper trail SHOWS THE WHITE HOUSE did not make the changes to the unclassified report that susan Rice had to use. PERIOD.

So once again, you are lying.

But that is what you've been taught, isn't it? Lying while you accuse others of lying..... Rush and Fox et al....taught you well....

You really think Obama would have told your ilk to "Bring it on" if he had changed them....? Really?

You've been played a fool....
If the white house did not make the change, why aren't they looking for the person who did? Has anyone been fired yet? Among all parties involved, only the white house had something to gain by this false narrative. It supports the white house myth that obama has Al Quaeda on its heels. We won the war on terror. This was a major portion of obama's reelection. It wasn't true. But no truth should penetrate the wall of obama's fabrications.
Well if you really want to know this looks like about the best explanation I have heard. Glenn Beck Analyzes U.S. Consulate Attack in Benghazi, Libya | Video | which is dated September 17th.

What do I have to after such a shocking revelation? Big fucking deal. This is the real world and shit went down and the results were tragic but what is the most tragic is the way some in the republican party is using this for political purposes. As Romney stated so eloquently in the third debate about what he would do different, "Not damn thing" (OK, I am paraphrasing a little.) What I have to say to the republicans who are using this for personal gain, "Stop being a fucking politician and be an American" We are fighting the good fight. There is a reason it is call a fight.
Next Stage In Scandal

you mean the mccain manufactured scandal that even his friends are bailing out on?

that one?

Please provide a link with proof that HIS FRIENDS ARE BAILING. It appears to me this story just keeps getting hotter, and still could very well lead to the IMPEACHMENT of the KENYAN.

Because gee... you libroid shit for brains wouldn't be in here just talking SHIT to cover for obamalamadingdong and his LYING PACK OF SHIT STAINS would you? Ooohh noooo... neeevvveerrrr... pfft... :lol:

Last edited:
007 if you want to send me nasty message in private via 'new reputation' whatever that is or what it does..i dont know and dont care..

at least have the ball sack to accept them in kind...welcome to my ignore list little man.

this would've been your reply had you been man enough to accept reciprocal playground taunts that you would send another...coward :D ...

007 said:
Hi, you have received -1585 reputation points from 007.
Reputation was given for this post.

Idiot... go talk shit somewhere else.


Note: This is an automated message.

nopes..staying right here to annoy you as much as possible for as long as possible.

thanks for the 'new reputation' whatever that is..or whatever it does..i really dont know..but thanks :)

you get to send me one more nasty message then you go to ignore :)

hope you are smiling today.
I had another thought, it is the Republican's fault.

Such a big deal was the Obama kill list and the killing of an American citizen and his 16 year old son that Obama didn't want to use a predator to help in the situation. So there the left can now be happy. That is a better way to blame the Republicans then just saying they are responsible because they want answers.

Asking for answers is racist.

It;s homophobic not to ask questions.
You righties want someone to champion your campaign against the administration. Grab Dennis Kucinich, put him on your shoulders, and carry him around. Good luck with that one.

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