Newt Tells A Big Lie...Again


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
November 9 Debate Transcript:

HARWOOD: Since -- since you mentioned Fannie and Freddie, Speaker Gingrich, 30 seconds to you, your firm was paid $300,000 by Freddie Mac in 2006. What did you do for that money?

GINGRICH: Were you asking me?


GINGRICH: I offer them advice on precisely what they didn't do.


Look -- look, this is not -- this is not...

HARWOOD: Were you not trying to help Freddie Mac fend off the effort by the Bush administration...


GINGRICH: No. No, I do -- I have never...

HARWOOD: ... and the -- to curb Freddie Mac.

GINGRICH: I have -- I assume I get a second question. I have never done any lobbying. Every contract was written during the period when I was out of the office, specifically said I would do no lobbying, and I offered advice.

And my advice as a historian, when they walked in and said to me, "We are now making loans to people who have no credit history and have no record of paying back anything, but that's what the government wants us to do," as I said to them at the time, this is a bubble. This is insane. This is impossible. It turned out, unfortunately, I was right and the people who were doing exactly what Congresswoman Bachmann talked about were wrong. And I think it's a good case for breaking up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and getting much smaller institutions back into the private sector to be competitive and to be responsible for their behavior.

Now I want you to take particular note that he is speaking with respect to his part as a consultant, er, "historian" in the year 2006.


And he fails to mention he actually worked for their top lobbyist for seven years.

Take note, too, how he also concocts this heroic story of himself. He is told by Freddie Mac they were being forced to make bad loans and Newt the Wonder Horse rides into town and declares this is insane. He says "this is a bubble".

And just to drive the point home, he says the GSEs should be broken up.

Well, I missed last night's debate, but I have been perusing the transcipt, and it appears Mitt Romney has read the same Q&A session Newt had with Freddie Mac that I have. He made a passing reference to it:

Newt Gingrich=
I was a consultant.

Mitt Romney
It doesn't say that you provided historical experience, it said that you were as a consultant. And you were hired by the chief lobbyist of Freddie Mac, not the CEO, not the head of public affairs. By the chief lobbyist at Freddie Mac.

You also spoke publicly in favor of these GSEs, these government- sponsored entities, at a very time when Freddie Mac was getting America in a position where we would have had a massive housing collapse. You could have spoken out aggressively. You could have spoken out in a way to say these guys are wrong, this needs to end. But instead, you were being paid by them. You were making over $1 million at the same time people in Florida were being hurt by millions of dollars.

As happens every time more information comes to light about him, Newt begins to subtly change his story:

Newt Gingrich
Well, this is a good example. As a businessman, you know that the gross revenue of Bain wasn't your personal income.

What a pathetic attempt at a diversion!

He continues:
We had a company. The company had three offices. The company was being paid. My share annually was about $35,000 a year. And the fact is I offered strategic advice, largely based on my knowledge of history, including the history of Washington.

Government-sponsored enterprises include, for example, telephone cooperatives, rural electric cooperatives, federal credit unions. There are many different kinds of government-sponsored enterprises, and many of them have done very good things. And in the early years, before some people, particularly Jim Johnson and other Democrats, began to change the model you could make a pretty good argument that in the early years, those housing institutions were responsible for a lot of people getting a lot of good housing.

Now I want you to note he says "in the early years".


But what things did Newt have to say about the GSEs in the later years? What did he have to say on the very eve of the destruction of our economy?

What did he say in 2007?


Certainly there is a lot of debate today about the housing GSEs, but I think it is telling that there is strong bipartisan support for maintaining the GSE model in housing. There is not much support for the idea of removing the GSE charters from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. And I think it's clear why. The housing GSEs have made an important contribution to homeownership and the housing finance system. We have a much more liquid and stable housing finance system than we would have without the GSEs. And making homeownership more accessible and affordable is a policy goal I believe conservatives should embrace. Millions of people have entered the middle class through building wealth in their homes, and there is a lot of evidence that homeownership contributes to stable families and communities. These are results I think conservatives should embrace and want to extend as widely as possible. So while we need to improve the regulation of the GSEs, I would be very cautious about fundamentally changing their role or the model itself.

Market-Based Models Are Key to Transforming U.S. Government to a 21st Century Organization - Freddie Mac

Read that. Over and over. Let every sentence sink in and see if each one is not EVERYTHING conservatives have been screaming about. See how each one completely contradicts his hero story. See how he favors the GSEs keeping their charters. How he praises their model! On and on.

Think about every rabid raving about Freddie Mac you have ever heard from conservatives. How it was the Democrats and their desire to get more people into homes that killed us. How they did it by forcing the GSEs to make loans. How the GSEs completely destablized the economy and how dear Dubya tried to stop them.

Look how Newt tries to cash in on that in the November debate. "It was insane!" I told them! I donned my cape and tried to stop them, BUT NOooooooo! They didn't listen!

What a scumbag piece of lying shit.

He heaps glowing praise on Freddie Mac and the bang-up job it is doing getting people into homes. He was being paid to advise their top lobbyist how to lobby lawmakers to keep the GSEs growing and going.

He loves GSEs so much, he says there should be more of them in the paragraph preceding that one.

I like the GSE model because it provides a more efficient, market-based alternative to taxpayer-funded government programs. It marries private enterprise to a public purpose. We obviously don't want to use GSEs for everything, but there are times when private enterprise alone is not sufficient to achieve a public purpose. I think private enterprise alone is not going to be able to help the Gulf region recover from the hurricanes, and government will not get the job done in a very effective or efficient manner. We should be looking seriously at creating a GSE to help redevelop this region. We should be looking at whether and how the GSE model could help us address the problem of financing health care. I think a GSE for space exploration ought to be seriously considered – I'm convinced that if NASA were a GSE, we probably would be on Mars today.

This is one lie he won't be able to laugh off.
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A lie is short and sweet. It travels halfway around the world before the Truth gets its pants on.

This is what makes evil lying fucks like Gingrich so evil. He can casually toss off gigantic whoppers with a few cute phrases. "I told them it was insane!"

And the rubes nod to themselves, "See? He knows! He's one of us."

But discovering the profound depth of his lies takes some work.

So get your asses to work and put this man back in the sewer out of which he has crawled back. He was flushed down there years ago for a reason.
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A lie is short and sweet. It travels halfway around the world before the Truth gets its pants on.

This is what makes evil lying fucks like Gingrich so evil. He can casually toss off gigantic whoppers with a few cute phrases. "I told them it was insane!"

And the rubes nod to themselves, "See? He knows! He's one of us."

But discovering the profound depth of his lies takes some work.

So get your asses to work and put this man back in the sewer out of which he has crawled back. He was flushed down there years ago for a reason.

The drooling hordes on the right are the intellectual equivalent of the drooling hordes on the left. They'll vote for a any fucking fool that makes them 'feel good'.
A lie is short and sweet. It travels halfway around the world before the Truth gets its pants on.

This is what makes evil lying fucks like Gingrich so evil. He can casually toss off gigantic whoppers with a few cute phrases. "I told them it was insane!"

And the rubes nod to themselves, "See? He knows! He's one of us."

But discovering the profound depth of his lies takes some work.

So get your asses to work and put this man back in the sewer out of which he has crawled back. He was flushed down there years ago for a reason.

The drooling hordes on the right are the intellectual equivalent of the drooling hordes on the left. They'll vote for a any fucking fool that makes them 'feel good'.

Correction, At this point I will vote for any Fucking fool that isn't Obama. Not because I like them, or they make me feel good, but because I think Obama is Destroying this Country. Period.

Believe me I know full well Newt is full of shit, So what, if he wins the Nomination I am still voting for him. Because I think it is going to Suck less than 4 more years of Obama. By the same token I would vote for Romney, Santorum, and Paul in a heart beat as well. Even though the truth is NONE of them are my choice at all.
A lie is short and sweet. It travels halfway around the world before the Truth gets its pants on.

This is what makes evil lying fucks like Gingrich so evil. He can casually toss off gigantic whoppers with a few cute phrases. "I told them it was insane!"

And the rubes nod to themselves, "See? He knows! He's one of us."

But discovering the profound depth of his lies takes some work.

So get your asses to work and put this man back in the sewer out of which he has crawled back. He was flushed down there years ago for a reason.

The drooling hordes on the right are the intellectual equivalent of the drooling hordes on the left. They'll vote for a any fucking fool that makes them 'feel good'.

Correction, At this point I will vote for any Fucking fool that isn't Obama. Not because I like them, or they make me feel good, but because I think Obama is Destroying this Country. Period.

Believe me I know full well Newt is full of shit, So what, if he wins the Nomination I am still voting for him. Because I think it is going to Suck less than 4 more years of Obama. By the same token I would vote for Romney, Santorum, and Paul in a heart beat as well. Even though the truth is NONE of them are my choice at all.

Yea, I used to feel that way... and then came Gingrich... and I realized... I don't want that man anywhere near that office. Sure, I don't want Obama either... but I cannot, in good conscience vote for an amoral DC insider like Gingrich. I have always stood against those people and I will not sacrifice that principle. I'll compromise, but not that far.

But... more importantly... he can't beat Obama. And a Gingrich/Santorum ticket would be a clusterfuck of an almighty size.
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A lie is short and sweet. It travels halfway around the world before the Truth gets its pants on.

This is what makes evil lying fucks like Gingrich so evil. He can casually toss off gigantic whoppers with a few cute phrases. "I told them it was insane!"

And the rubes nod to themselves, "See? He knows! He's one of us."

But discovering the profound depth of his lies takes some work.

So get your asses to work and put this man back in the sewer out of which he has crawled back. He was flushed down there years ago for a reason.

The drooling hordes on the right are the intellectual equivalent of the drooling hordes on the left. They'll vote for a any fucking fool that makes them 'feel good'.

Correction, At this point I will vote for any Fucking fool that isn't Obama. Not because I like them, or they make me feel good, but because I think Obama is Destroying this Country. Period.

Believe me I know full well Newt is full of shit, So what, if he wins the Nomination I am still voting for him. Because I think it is going to Suck less than 4 more years of Obama. By the same token I would vote for Romney, Santorum, and Paul in a heart beat as well. Even though the truth is NONE of them are my choice at all.

Damn. That is stupid.
Correction, At this point I will vote for any Fucking fool that isn't Obama. Not because I like them, or they make me feel good, but because I think Obama is Destroying this Country. Period.

Believe me I know full well Newt is full of shit, So what, if he wins the Nomination I am still voting for him. Because I think it is going to Suck less than 4 more years of Obama. By the same token I would vote for Romney, Santorum, and Paul in a heart beat as well. Even though the truth is NONE of them are my choice at all.

I gotta agree with LoneLaugher. That IS stupid.

Are you not paying attention? The only reason Obama is President is because our economy crashed. And who was right there helping to crash it?

Newt Fucking Gingrich.

Newt is why we have Obama. I don't want his hands anywhere NEAR the controls.
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I would vote for Romney, Santorum, and Paul in a heart beat as well. Even though the truth is NONE of them are my choice at all.

Voting for Newt if he is the nominee is sending a HUGE signal that lying works. That opportunism, hypocrisy, and a whatever-it-takes-to-get-power-is-right attitude is okay.

You need to make politicians EARN your vote.

This lesser-of-two-evils shit is how we got here!
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The drooling hordes on the right are the intellectual equivalent of the drooling hordes on the left. They'll vote for a any fucking fool that makes them 'feel good'.

Correction, At this point I will vote for any Fucking fool that isn't Obama. Not because I like them, or they make me feel good, but because I think Obama is Destroying this Country. Period.

Believe me I know full well Newt is full of shit, So what, if he wins the Nomination I am still voting for him. Because I think it is going to Suck less than 4 more years of Obama. By the same token I would vote for Romney, Santorum, and Paul in a heart beat as well. Even though the truth is NONE of them are my choice at all.

Damn. That is stupid.

Yup, so sad to see people not understand that when you vote for people like this you will only get more of it next year, and next year, and the next year.... Until you grow a standard and do write ins or vote third party you will keep getting Obama, or Bush, or... well you won't get Newt but you understand the point I'm making, they are all the same.
I would vote for Romney, Santorum, and Paul in a heart beat as well. Even though the truth is NONE of them are my choice at all.

Voting for Newt if he is the nominee is sending a HUGE signal that lying works. That opportunism, hypocrisy, and a whatever-it-takes-to-get-power-is-right attitude is okay.

You need to make politicians EARN your vote.

This lesser-of-two-evils shit is how we got here!

What he does not understand is that he is th reason we get people like Obama... Anyone but Obama gets you a weak ass ticket like McCain. Grats Obama!
I would vote for Romney, Santorum, and Paul in a heart beat as well. Even though the truth is NONE of them are my choice at all.

Voting for Newt if he is the nominee is sending a HUGE signal that lying works. That opportunism, hypocrisy, and a whatever-it-takes-to-get-power-is-right attitude is okay.

You need to make politicians EARN your vote.

This lesser-of-two-evils shit is how we got here!

Look at that. If you losers can convince yourselves that Obama and Newt and Mitt are all the can also convince yourselves that you are not responsible for anything bad that might happen.

CG.....don't you wish that Romney had more positives? You think he has fewer negatives than Newt.....but why can't he seem to get folks to buy in?

Buddy Roemer...........he's got more positives.
I have to say, as much as I disagree with some of the Paulites on the board. I can understand their position. I don't agree with it all the time. But I understand it.

But I cannot comprehend how anyone who is conservative can support a progressive like Newt. I cant understand why someone like Newt, who is blatantly lying through his teeth whenever it's convenience would be supported by anyone who supported the principles of the Tea Party. Was that support for the Tea Party princpiples a lie? Do you really want small government?

And don't give me this "everyones flawed" nonsense. Yes everyone's flawed but that doesnt mean we need to select the most flawed person.

I have more respect for the Paulites here. Atleast they are going by principle.
Look at that. If you losers can convince yourselves that Obama and Newt and Mitt are all the can also convince yourselves that you are not responsible for anything bad that might happen.


you're not particularly astute, are you?

Well, Del........I could never hope to be as astute as you. You are particularly good at doing what you just did. Claiming that others are lacking..............without actually saying anything.

How about a little more depth. I'm sure you can dazzle us with a rebuttal to my comment. We can't wait.
Look at that. If you losers can convince yourselves that Obama and Newt and Mitt are all the can also convince yourselves that you are not responsible for anything bad that might happen.


you're not particularly astute, are you?

Well, Del........I could never hope to be as astute as you. You are particularly good at doing what you just did. Claiming that others are lacking..............without actually saying anything.

How about a little more depth. I'm sure you can dazzle us with a rebuttal to my comment. We can't wait.

no, you couldn't.

saying that the choices presented are the equivalent of the lesser of x number of evils is by definition saying they are not the same, as lesser connotes, to the non-mouthbreathing among us, a difference among the x number of evils.

now, go get your shine box, skippy.


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