Newspaper rejects ad over the word Christian

If you think that was wrong....what about this? when is this censoring of Conservative and Christian content online will stop???? WHEN?????THIS IS ENOUGH!

"Many expressions of Christian belief have been censored by YouTube, which is owned by Google.

But on Tuesday, even the word “Christian” ran afoul of the social-media giant.

Chad Robichaux reported an ad for his ministry to veterans was rejected for including the word “Christian.”

Robichaux was instructed to “please remove the unacceptable content to continue.”"



Now even the word 'Christian' is too hot for YouTube - WND - WND
Newspaper rejects ad over the word "Christian"

OPINION (Fox News) – The owners of a Christian bookstore in Knoxville, Tennessee were dumbfounded after the News Sentinel rejected their ad because it included an offensive word – “Christian.” Lois McGinnis and her family own Cedar Springs Christian Store. They recently decided to close a second location of the store so they decided to place an ad in the classified section of the newspaper, which is owned by Gannett. The advertisement read: “Store closing sale – Cedar Springs Christian Store – Clinton Highway location – All merchandise, fixtures, slat walls must go. Sale through

Wait until u pigs doing this get those same rules jacked right back up your own asses. We're sorry your sto stupid but you will learn sooner or later you get what you beg for eve when ur a total idiot.
All of this is a distraction to keep everyone from focusing on the real news. They are trying to make the immigrants to feel like they are at home. Making sure that they doesn't return to their homeland. The Globalist cannot be having any terrorist group going around blowing up their farmlands because of White ownership..

Over 30 Major News Organizations Linked to George Soros

George Soros and His Minions Target the Middle East Forum

Being Like Soros in Buying Farm Land Reaps Annual Gains of 16%

Why is George Soros selling gold and buying farmland?

Wow! Obama drives down coal company stocks, and Soros buys them on the cheap

Newspaper rejects ad over the word "Christian"

OPINION (Fox News) – The owners of a Christian bookstore in Knoxville, Tennessee were dumbfounded after the News Sentinel rejected their ad because it included an offensive word – “Christian.” Lois McGinnis and her family own Cedar Springs Christian Store. They recently decided to close a second location of the store so they decided to place an ad in the classified section of the newspaper, which is owned by Gannett. The advertisement read: “Store closing sale – Cedar Springs Christian Store – Clinton Highway location – All merchandise, fixtures, slat walls must go. Sale through

Wait until u pigs doing this get those same rules jacked right back up your own asses. We're sorry your sto stupid but you will learn sooner or later you get what you beg for eve when ur a total idiot.

Unfortunately a lot of us out there are going to be proven right
No matter where ya go in the USA ...when CW2 starts......... it will all be local

Kilumgood kilemall

May history record we didnt want it or start it

Freedom is not given but taken !
if you want to reject it in a newspaper.....well fool

but if you are going to reject it from online....from these CIA controlled Google and Tweeter and FB traitors....who are now in Italy having fun at your cost!............scum that they are....


these losers....are NOT

going to have it their way!

in Italy spending money.....or under their Earth in bunkers hiding from Justice

They are scum

and they will pay.

you can count on it.
Xianity is unique amongst the religions in its peculiar capacity to secrete atheism, which resonates well with this current indignance. 1500 years ago, when xians were accused of atheism, the accusers were speaking a universal truth that continues to be reinforced today (see Klages, Science of Character).

'Free and safe in Providence enjoying religious liberty and separation of church and state, Roger Williams was later able to elaborate on his doctrines of religious liberty. His most famous work, The Bloody Tenent of Persecution for the Cause of Conscience Discussed, appeared in 1644. A sequel, The Bloody Tenent Yet More Bloody, rebutting the reply of the leading Massachusetts divine, Rev. John Cotton, appeared eight years later....Again unusual for his time, Williams insisted that not only Protestants, but (all [italics]) religions must be completely free, including "the most paganish, Jewish, Turkish, or anti-Christian consciences and worships." '
(Rothbard MN, Conceived in Liberty, pp. 176-7)

Freedom of religion was invented by the Baptists; it's one of their key sect playrooms. Thomas Helwys invented the term, and was martyred for his book on it. The Baptists influence got it enshrined in the Bill Of Rights.
"'Freedom Of The Press' belongs to those who own the presses."- Guess Who
This was an ad, not a report. Businesses are not allowed to deny service based on religion or race. They can’t be forced to endorse any issue but they can’t deny service based on religion, etc.

Doesn't mean they don't try, nor does t mean the 19 year old interns they hire to handle the routine stuff like selling ads and writing them up would know they can't, nor would care if they're brainwashed enough.
Xianity is unique amongst the religions in its peculiar capacity to secrete atheism, which resonates well with this current indignance. 1500 years ago, when xians were accused of atheism, the accusers were speaking a universal truth that continues to be reinforced today (see Klages, Science of Character).

'Free and safe in Providence enjoying religious liberty and separation of church and state, Roger Williams was later able to elaborate on his doctrines of religious liberty. His most famous work, The Bloody Tenent of Persecution for the Cause of Conscience Discussed, appeared in 1644. A sequel, The Bloody Tenent Yet More Bloody, rebutting the reply of the leading Massachusetts divine, Rev. John Cotton, appeared eight years later....Again unusual for his time, Williams insisted that not only Protestants, but (all [italics]) religions must be completely free, including "the most paganish, Jewish, Turkish, or anti-Christian consciences and worships." '
(Rothbard MN, Conceived in Liberty, pp. 176-7)

Freedom of religion was invented by the Baptists; it's one of their key sect playrooms. Thomas Helwys invented the term, and was martyred for his book on it. The Baptists influence got it enshrined in the Bill Of Rights.
And airplanes were invented by Al Sharpton’s muvah.
There is a particular problem here. We don't know whether we are talking about politics or the Christian faith, now that the republican party has married itself to a group of "Christians" (no denomination mentioned) who try to shit all over the Christian faith, like frankie graham and "focus on the family." I don't know what to think when someone says that s/he is a "Christian" any more. Nowadays, when I hear someone say that they are a "Christian," my first reaction is "get the garlic, he's out of his mind." I used to think of the Christian faith as holy and a place of comfort and dignity. But with the public cheapening of this faith in the last few years, I have to rethink it. It is a shame that the word "Christian" is now anathema, but these right-wingers have successfully tried to bring the Christian faith down. I'm sorry for these people who run this store if they are not part of this group. If they are, they are just getting what is coming to them. As they say, karma's a bitch.
Xianity is unique amongst the religions in its peculiar capacity to secrete atheism, which resonates well with this current indignance. 1500 years ago, when xians were accused of atheism, the accusers were speaking a universal truth that continues to be reinforced today (see Klages, Science of Character).

'Free and safe in Providence enjoying religious liberty and separation of church and state, Roger Williams was later able to elaborate on his doctrines of religious liberty. His most famous work, The Bloody Tenent of Persecution for the Cause of Conscience Discussed, appeared in 1644. A sequel, The Bloody Tenent Yet More Bloody, rebutting the reply of the leading Massachusetts divine, Rev. John Cotton, appeared eight years later....Again unusual for his time, Williams insisted that not only Protestants, but (all [italics]) religions must be completely free, including "the most paganish, Jewish, Turkish, or anti-Christian consciences and worships." '
(Rothbard MN, Conceived in Liberty, pp. 176-7)

Freedom of religion was invented by the Baptists; it's one of their key sect playrooms. Thomas Helwys invented the term, and was martyred for his book on it. The Baptists influence got it enshrined in the Bill Of Rights.
And airplanes were invented by Al Sharpton’s muvah.

Go ahead and make a fool out of yourself; I don't mind.

Thomas Helwys - Wikipedia

Thomas Helwys (c. 1575 – c. 1616), an Englishman, was one of the joint founders, with John Smyth, of the General Baptist denomination.

In the early seventeenth century, Helwys was principal formulator of that distinctively Baptist request: that the church and the state be kept separate in matters of law, so that individuals might have a freedom of religious conscience. Thomas Helwys was an advocate of religious liberty at a time when to hold to such views could be dangerous. He died in prison as a consequence of the religious persecution of Protestant dissenters under King James I.
There is a particular problem here. We don't know whether we are talking about politics or the Christian faith, now that the republican party has married itself to a group of "Christians" (no denomination mentioned) who try to shit all over the Christian faith, like frankie graham and "focus on the family." I don't know what to think when someone says that s/he is a "Christian" any more. Nowadays, when I hear someone say that they are a "Christian," my first reaction is "get the garlic, he's out of his mind." I used to think of the Christian faith as holy and a place of comfort and dignity. But with the public cheapening of this faith in the last few years, I have to rethink it. It is a shame that the word "Christian" is now anathema, but these right-wingers have successfully tried to bring the Christian faith down. I'm sorry for these people who run this store if they are not part of this group. If they are, they are just getting what is coming to them. As they say, karma's a bitch.

Lol what a moronic troll post. Whose sock are you , anyway?
Newspaper rejects ad over the word "Christian"

OPINION (Fox News) – The owners of a Christian bookstore in Knoxville, Tennessee were dumbfounded after the News Sentinel rejected their ad because it included an offensive word – “Christian.” Lois McGinnis and her family own Cedar Springs Christian Store. They recently decided to close a second location of the store so they decided to place an ad in the classified section of the newspaper, which is owned by Gannett. The advertisement read: “Store closing sale – Cedar Springs Christian Store – Clinton Highway location – All merchandise, fixtures, slat walls must go. Sale through

Wait until u pigs doing this get those same rules jacked right back up your own asses. We're sorry your sto stupid but you will learn sooner or later you get what you beg for eve when ur a total idiot.

"Diversity" was always a lie. They are waging Culture War, and we are not fighting back.
There is a particular problem here. We don't know whether we are talking about politics or the Christian faith, now that the republican party has married itself to a group of "Christians" (no denomination mentioned) who try to shit all over the Christian faith, like frankie graham and "focus on the family." I don't know what to think when someone says that s/he is a "Christian" any more. Nowadays, when I hear someone say that they are a "Christian," my first reaction is "get the garlic, he's out of his mind." I used to think of the Christian faith as holy and a place of comfort and dignity. But with the public cheapening of this faith in the last few years, I have to rethink it. It is a shame that the word "Christian" is now anathema, but these right-wingers have successfully tried to bring the Christian faith down. I'm sorry for these people who run this store if they are not part of this group. If they are, they are just getting what is coming to them. As they say, karma's a bitch.

Lol what a moronic troll post. Whose sock are you , anyway?

There are millions of decent Christians in this world. Why do scum like frankie graham, hagee, jeffress, focus on the family, the family research council want to destroy this faith? This is not a "troll post." There is a problem here. People like them are just trying to spew hatred in the U.S., and across the world. Jesus is not involved in their doings, neither do they worship him or believe in his teachings. They have brought shame to the Christian faith. They seem to link the Christian faith with right-wing politics.

Politics and religion must be separated. I must point out that we have never had a president who was not of the Christian faith, but I would gladly vote for a candidate who follows another faith.

BTW: I think that the Baptists are all split apart. I've worked with decent Baptists, I miss my friend and co-worker, Joanne, who died. She was a firm believer in Jesus, a Baptist. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are Baptist ministers. Jimmie Carter is a Baptist, although not a minister, and he made a decision to resign from the Southern Baptist Convention. I believe that Al Gore is also a Baptist. All of these were never, are never, whiners and none has made a career of attacking other people or warmongering.
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Poor #30 has been duped. Xianity secretes atheism. We will be excerpting to support this claim and invite #30 to do the same to refute it.
Post #30 may have won a vote for the post being informative, though was this a democratic vote? How does one gauge the vote's validity? On faith? This is an interesting thread for studying propaganda and for guessing how many voted in the election.

The wiki page for Helwys (post #30) states: '....the Helwys home became a haven for Puritans, one of many groups of English dissenters within the Church of England.'

'The best account of communism in Plymouth Colony is in the memoir by William Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation (Morison, ed., 1952).'
(Rothbard MN, Conceived in Liberty, p. 505)

Of Plymouth Plantation
Of Plymouth Plantation - Wikipedia
#33's problem is the following of faith at all, when it's really caution, not wisdom. Knowledge is replacing faith planetwide, and thus it has to get political. It had better get political, because this traditionally-accepted freedom of religion excludes freedom from religion. Of Plymouth Plantation, p. 243 is missing. This fact goes well with the concept of propaganda and the concept of communism at Plymouth. What were these pilgrims thinking and why this early scrubbing of documents?
Poor #30 has been duped. Xianity secretes atheism. We will be excerpting to support this claim and invite #30 to do the same to refute it.

Yes, you're a babbling loon. No need to keep proving it over and over again.
A further annoyance for the modern revisionists is that it was the 'evangelicals' of the First and Second Great Awakenings that elected Thomas Jefferson to the VP office and then President, and the Baptists were the leaders in defeating the Federalists. They were even important in the states which had established sects with taxing privileges, like Massachusetts and Connecticut.
We first took a closer look at Picaro's Helwys page, which put us on the Puritan-communism trajectory, though the apparent argument for the separation of church and state Picaro says comes from the Baptists in England. Therefore, we must first schizoanalyze the English Baptists before they come across the water to America. The reason is because we can see the atheism hiding within English Baptist DNA as early as 1641.

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