Newsom Says "Screw The Law!"

Red States is a moron and cannot grasp this simple fact. The Mayor of a City is not an agent of the federal government and it isn't in his job responsibilities to do so. He instead is tasked with enforcing city law and ordinance and for ensuring that those laws and ordinances are implemented. I for one do not want my municipal taxes used to enforce a federal law so as to subsidize those who passed those law by giving them a free ride. Southern states and cities would be forced to bear the greatest amount and would have to pay the most while northern cities get a free ride. This is a fundamental violation of the rights of the taxpayers of San Francisco who would now be paying for the enforcement of a federal law while those who are from northern cities and smaller towns would not have to do so. This is asinine and only fucking morons would suggest that it is the duty of cities to enforce federal law.

If their Mayor enforced the law, the taxpayers would save tens of millions of dollars in tax dollars

We are not talking about enforcing the law - we are taling about obeying the law
Try reading the contents of the law, then try to say with a straight face Newsome is not breaking the law

I have read the law in question asshole but it is apparent that you are retarded and your interpretation of the law is that of a fucking moron. Why don't you become a judge ass I am sure you would be welcomed by a bunch of retards on the bench who agree with you but I am sure that those who understand our constitution and system of government would not agree with your silly ass as it is not a crime for a Mayor to refuse to enforce a federal law. It is one thing to refuse to obey a federal law because that would be a violation of the Constitution's supremacy clause but Newsom isn't refusing to obey federal law instead he is simply refusing to enforce it and telling the federal government and the representatives of non-San Francisco taxpayers that they aren't going to get free money from the City in the form of services in enforcing federal law.
I have read the law in question asshole but it is apparent that you are retarded and your interpretation of the law is that of a fucking moron. Why don't you become a judge ass I am sure you would be welcomed by a bunch of retards on the bench who agree with you but I am sure that those who understand our constitution and system of government would not agree with your silly ass as it is not a crime for a Mayor to refuse to enforce a federal law. It is one thing to refuse to obey a federal law because that would be a violation of the Constitution's supremacy clause but Newsom isn't refusing to obey federal law instead he is simply refusing to enforce it and telling the federal government and the representatives of non-San Francisco taxpayers that they aren't going to get free money from the City in the form of services in enforcing federal law.

It shows your are a brain dead liberal who chooses to ignore laws you don't like
If San Francisco wants to harbor illegals then more of them will flock there. Perhaps when they start closing hospitals because of lack of money and when they are more crime victims, they will come to their senses. At that time Newsom should be arrested and take to the booking station. I would like to see ALL federal money taken from San Francisco until they start obeying the law
If their Mayor enforced the law, the taxpayers would save tens of millions of dollars in tax dollars

We are not talking about enforcing the law - we are taling about obeying the law

That is your opinion but the reality is that city taxes are not generally used to benefit illegal immigrants and so long as this is the case the responsibility rests with the state and federal government to address the enforcement of state and federal law. If you knew anything about how muncipalities operate you would understand that this is true, and that to use city resources to enforce a federal law is an improper use of city taxes and fees. On the other hand illegal immigrants generally benefit from state and federal taxes without paying into that tax system. On the other hand almost every municipal tax or fee is also paid by illegal immigrants in one form or another so long as they are alive. This isn't true of how state and federal governments are funded and that is why the federal government is responsible for enforcing its own laws. I agree that enforcing the law will save millions of dollars but I for one do not want city resources and funds to be used to enforce a non-municipal law as this is not what they are intended for. Mayor Newsom isn't violating a law instead he is simply refusing to allow the federal government to be a parasite and to get something for nothing. I for one support him in that even though I disagree with his opinion on illegal immigration.
That is your opinion but the reality is that city taxes are not generally used to benefit illegal immigrants and so long as this is the case the responsibility rests with the state and federal government to address the enforcement of state and federal law. If you knew anything about how muncipalities operate you would understand that this is true, and that to use city resources to enforce a federal law is an improper use of city taxes and fees. On the other hand illegal immigrants generally benefit from state and federal taxes without paying into that tax system. On the other hand almost every municipal tax or fee is also paid by illegal immigrants in one form or another so long as they are alive. This isn't true of how state and federal governments are funded and that is why the federal government is responsible for enforcing its own laws. I agree that enforcing the law will save millions of dollars but I for one do not want city resources and funds to be used to enforce a non-municipal law as this is not what they are intended for. Mayor Newsom isn't violating a law instead he is simply refusing to allow the federal government to be a parasite and to get something for nothing. I for one support him in that even though I disagree with his opinion on illegal immigration.

So kids of illegals do not go to school? Illegals do not use health facilities? What about the illegals in jail? Or the crimes victims who use government servies? The list goes on

Illegals are costing SF lots of money and all of us are paying the bill
Since when can elected officials pick and choose what laws they enforce?

Since this country was formed as a republic. Cities enforce city ordinances and laws, counties enforce county laws and ordinances, the states enforce state laws and the federal government enforces federal laws. The cities do not enforce county laws, and the counties do not enforce city laws, etc. If you do not understand this than you are a fucking moron. It is a fundamental violation of the rights of the people for various departments and levels of governments to perform the functions of another.
Since this country was formed as a republic. Cities enforce city ordinances and laws, counties enforce county laws and ordinances, the states enforce state laws and the federal government enforces federal laws. The cities do not enforce county laws, and the counties do not enforce city laws, etc. If you do not understand this than you are a fucking moron. It is a fundamental violation of the rights of the people for various departments and levels of governments to perform the functions of another.

Federal law supersedes local and sate laws
So kids of illegals do not go to school? Illegals do not use health facilities? What about the illegals in jail? Or the crimes victims who use government servies? The list goes on

Illegals are costing SF lots of money and all of us are paying the bill

Which city tax or fee is used to fund these city health facilities, jails and other city services such as garbage and waste removal? When you answer that question you will realize that illegal immigrants also pay those same taxes and fees. If and when the people of San Francisco want to pass a city ordinance addressing these problems they can do so and the Mayor will be expected to enforce city law and ordinance as that is part of his job responsibilities but until that time the people of San Francisco and their elected officials cannot be expected to enforce federal law and to provide a free service to the federal government and thus save state and federal tax payers money. The day that cities start enforcing federal laws is the day we cease to be a republic and cities are nothing more than appendages of the federal government and all the talk about various levels of governments and checks and balances is worth nothing because it will have ceased to exist. People who live in a city do not expect to see a County Official at their door enforcing city law instead they expect to see a city official, and the same goes for county, state and federal law.
Which city tax or fee is used to fund these city health facilities, jails and other city services such as garbage and waste removal? When you answer that question you will realize that illegal immigrants also pay those same taxes and fees. If and when the people of San Francisco want to pass a city ordinance addressing these problems they can do so and the Mayor will be expected to enforce city law and ordinance as that is part of his job responsibilities but until that time the people of San Francisco and their elected officials cannot be expected to enforce federal law and to provide a free service to the federal government and thus save state and federal tax payers money. The day that cities start enforcing federal laws is the day we cease to be a republic and cities are nothing more than appendages of the federal government and all the talk about various levels of governments and checks and balances is worth nothing because it will have ceased to exist. People who live in a city do not expect to see a County Official at their door enforcing city law instead they expect to see a city official, and the same goes for county, state and federal law.

Most illegals work under the table for cash and pay little in taxes. They send their home to Mexico
Federal law supersedes local and sate laws

I never said it did and in fact I already made reference to the supremacy clause of the Constitution but this has nothing to do with the supremacy caluse of the constitution instead it has to do with the assumption on your part that cities are required to enforce federal law when in reality they are not instead that is the function of the federal government. Cities handle many details of our lives but few of them have to do with immigration or other policy issues and most of them have to do with funding garbage removal, waste-water and providing city parks and services to those who live within the municipalities. One function of the city is zoning and this is a perfect example of how federal and state law supercede local and state laws. Simply put, city zoning laws cannot violate the constitution, or state law but the city is not required to enforce federal law. If a San Francisco law or ordinance was in violation of federal law or the Constitution than federal law would supercede the local ordinance but that isn't the case here. Instead, you argue that cities are required to enforce federal law when they are not.
What is so hard for you to understand the Mayor is in clear violation of Federal law?

The fact he is a liberal is not enough to give him a pass
Most illegals work under the table for cash and pay little in taxes. They send their home to Mexico

Please provide evidence that the City of San Francisco is funded by income taxes. When your retarded ass pays income tax who do you pay it to? This should be an easy one you fucking moron. How about the 9-11 tax on your phone jackass? How about on the illegal immigrants phone?
What is so hard for you to understand the Mayor is in clear violation of Federal law?

The fact he is a liberal is not enough to give him a pass

This has nothing to do with him being liberal and everything to do with the fact that refusing to enforce federal law is not a crime and is not a violation of federal law and if there was such a law it would be a violation of the Constitution as our form of government is a constitutional republic and not a centeralized empire. The Mayor of San Francisco no more has to enforce federal law than federal officials have to enforce San Francisco laws and ordinances.
You can't possibly be THIS dense. Do you understand the concept of the difference between the feds, the state, and local law enforcement? How about jurisdiction?

The mayor is a city official. He doesn't have to enforce any law that is not on the books for his city. That's what he is elected to do.

The federal government took immigration away from the individual states. It isn't his responsibility.

Telling a moron this is like talking to a wall. He cannot understand that this is something that conservatives and liberals agree on and that only his retarded ass thinks that city officials are tasked with enforcing federal law. He cannot seem to grasp the simple fact that the law in question is a federal law and therefore it is the responsibility of the federal government to enforce it just like city laws are the responsibility of city officials. Mayor Newsom no more has to enforce federal law than President Bush has to enforce San Francisco ordinances.
Please provide evidence that the City of San Francisco is funded by income taxes. When your retarded ass pays income tax who do you pay it to? This should be an easy one you fucking moron. How about the 9-11 tax on your phone jackass? How about on the illegal immigrants phone?

San Francisco 's City budget grew by 70% between 1995 and 2003, a rate three times faster than inflation. Increased spending was largely the result of transportation, as well as continued spending on public health

Any idea how much of the increased demand for services came from illegals?
Telling a moron this is like talking to a wall. He cannot understand that this is something that conservatives and liberals agree on and that only his retarded ass thinks that city officials are tasked with enforcing federal law. He cannot seem to grasp the simple fact that the law in question is a federal law and therefore it is the responsibility of the federal government to enforce it just like city laws are the responsibility of city officials. Mayor Newsom no more has to enforce federal law than President Bush has to enforce San Francisco ordinances.

The Feds should be swarming into SF and arrest the illegals and Newsome
It is not aiding and abetting if the police are not required to by policy, and if the city has not included it in its laws, and the state has not included it in state laws local police are required to enforce.

Local police are NOT INS agents. What part of that is confusing you?

He cannot understand that local, county and state law enforcement enforce local, county and state laws respectively and federal agents enforce federal laws. Each of these agencies are tasked with enforcing different laws. What Red States fails to understand is that so long as state and local law are not required to by state and local laws to inform federal agents that they have an illegal immigrant in their custody no crime is being committed. Federal agents aren't required to inform city, county and state officials if they see someone breaking a city, county or federal law either.
San Francisco 's City budget grew by 70% between 1995 and 2003, a rate three times faster than inflation. Increased spending was largely the result of transportation, as well as continued spending on public health

Any idea how much of the increased demand for services came from illegals?

And how much of that money came from illegal immigrants? Unless the illegal does not breath in San Francisco he is paying city taxes and fees. If he rents he is paying city property tax, if he uses the phone he is paying the 9-11 surchage, etc. The city tax structure is based on services and not on income as is the case with the federal and state governments. San Francisco roads and public transit has little to do with illegal immigrants. You are trying to make a connection between demand and funding and if this is the case than everyone paying the same tax is intrinsically unfair (i.e., since wealthy people benefit more from our transportation system they should pay more). I doubt your retarded ass would argue that this is the case and you only do so when it serves your purposes. Until you can show that there is a city tax which immigrants do not pay (i.e., property tax either as the homeowner or renter) than you do not have a point as they pay the same amount as everyone. Your argument is retarded and you are a moron. Now shut the fuck up and go find a retard who agrees with you and vote for their retarded ass as I am sure there are enough fucking moronic asses including yourself who could run for office but don't expect us to become an empire because I for one agree with Patrick Henry that this is the worst form of government.

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