Newsflash: George W. Bush can not run for president in 2012.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Day after day reading these threads, I'm constantly seeing critiques of our president met with "But what about Bush" or "Where were you for 8 years under Bush". Then, when someone on the right or a Tea Party supporter suggests we vote in someone more fiscally responsible, more competent, or just simply more transparent than our current politicians, we are met with "Oh you mean like Bush/Cheney/Haliburton/Evil Empire I hate 'em so much".

Seeing our liberal friends obviously have little knowledge of federal laws (see immigration debate, Sestak job offer, etc), I thought maybe I should just fill them in.

To all the lefties: George W. Bush cannot run for president in 2012. He's not allowed to by law. Presidents are limited to 2 terms. FDR's socialist/borderline communist actions scared Americans so much, that afterwards they passed the law limiting 2 terms to avoid dictatorship should someone like him come along again (Which it has, under Obama).

So, from now on, when we say we want someone better, we aren't talking about Bush. We are talking about someone better than Bush, and FAR better than Obama. Mmmkay?

When we say we want fiscal responsibility, a secure border, smart diplomacy with aggressive terrorists or terror sponsoring nations, common sense entitlement programs...........we are talking about someone better than Bush, and FAR better than Obama to bring that. Mmmkay?

So, just to review:

1. George W. Bush cannot run in 2012.
2. We all want someone better than Bush.
3. We want someone far far better than Obama (you obviously do not).

So, back to the debate guys. I hope I cleared up that issue for the left. Bush is gone. And he can't run again. We aren't talking about electing Bush again. And no, not even "Bush's failed policies of the past 8 years!!!". No, we want better than that. We want someone extremely better than Obama. Maybe you will too.
Bush is who the republican party is now.

Its the same level of people being put forward by the right.

Do you really think Palin is better than Bush?
Day after day reading these threads, I'm constantly seeing critiques of our president met with "But what about Bush" or "Where were you for 8 years under Bush". Then, when someone on the right or a Tea Party supporter suggests we vote in someone more fiscally responsible, more competent, or just simply more transparent than our current politicians, we are met with "Oh you mean like Bush/Cheney/Haliburton/Evil Empire I hate 'em so much".

Seeing our liberal friends obviously have little knowledge of federal laws (see immigration debate, Sestak job offer, etc), I thought maybe I should just fill them in.

To all the lefties: George W. Bush cannot run for president in 2012. He's not allowed to by law. Presidents are limited to 2 terms. FDR's socialist/borderline communist actions scared Americans so much, that afterwards they passed the law limiting 2 terms to avoid dictatorship should someone like him come along again (Which it has, under Obama).

So, from now on, when we say we want someone better, we aren't talking about Bush. We are talking about someone better than Bush, and FAR better than Obama. Mmmkay?

When we say we want fiscal responsibility, a secure border, smart diplomacy with aggressive terrorists or terror sponsoring nations, common sense entitlement programs...........we are talking about someone better than Bush, and FAR better than Obama to bring that. Mmmkay?

So, just to review:

1. George W. Bush cannot run in 2012.
2. We all want someone better than Bush.
3. We want someone far far better than Obama (you obviously do not).

So, back to the debate guys. I hope I cleared up that issue for the left. Bush is gone. And he can't run again. We aren't talking about electing Bush again. And no, not even "Bush's failed policies of the past 8 years!!!". No, we want better than that. We want someone extremely better than Obama. Maybe you will too.


Fair enough. We will only look forward then. So we are no longer talking about Bush/Cheney but the Republican Party as a whole. Is there anything in the recent record of the GOP showing that they will be spending responsibly?
Does their 8 years from 2001-2009 not count at all in determining their future fiscal responsibility?

Its great to see you want someone far, far better than Obama. If thats the case, I will vote for him too. But we are a little over two years away from the election, would you be able to identify who that person might be or whose candidacy you would support?
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Looks like the conservative Republican central planners have decided to write GW Bush out of the history books.

George who!!?? We never supported THAT guy!!!

I wouldn't be surprised if eventually the right blames Bush's elections and presidency on the Democrats.
Day after day reading these threads, I'm constantly seeing critiques of our president met with "But what about Bush" or "Where were you for 8 years under Bush". Then, when someone on the right or a Tea Party supporter suggests we vote in someone more fiscally responsible, more competent, or just simply more transparent than our current politicians, we are met with "Oh you mean like Bush/Cheney/Haliburton/Evil Empire I hate 'em so much".

Seeing our liberal friends obviously have little knowledge of federal laws (see immigration debate, Sestak job offer, etc), I thought maybe I should just fill them in.

To all the lefties: George W. Bush cannot run for president in 2012. He's not allowed to by law. Presidents are limited to 2 terms. FDR's socialist/borderline communist actions scared Americans so much, that afterwards they passed the law limiting 2 terms to avoid dictatorship should someone like him come along again (Which it has, under Obama).

So, from now on, when we say we want someone better, we aren't talking about Bush. We are talking about someone better than Bush, and FAR better than Obama. Mmmkay?

When we say we want fiscal responsibility, a secure border, smart diplomacy with aggressive terrorists or terror sponsoring nations, common sense entitlement programs...........we are talking about someone better than Bush, and FAR better than Obama to bring that. Mmmkay?

So, just to review:

1. George W. Bush cannot run in 2012.
2. We all want someone better than Bush.
3. We want someone far far better than Obama (you obviously do not).

So, back to the debate guys. I hope I cleared up that issue for the left. Bush is gone. And he can't run again. We aren't talking about electing Bush again. And no, not even "Bush's failed policies of the past 8 years!!!". No, we want better than that. We want someone extremely better than Obama. Maybe you will too.


Fair enough. We will only look forward then. So we are no longer talking about Bush/Cheney but the Republican Party as a whole. Is there anything in the recent record of the GOP showing that they will be spending responsibly?
Does there 8 years from 2001-2009 not count at all in determining their future fiscal responsibility?

Its great to see you want someone far, far better than Obama. If thats the case, I will vote for him too. But we are a little over two years away from the election, would you be able to identify who that person might be or whose candidacy you would support?

YOur right RW. Until the Reps nominate someone to run against Barry Boy. Who knows??

As for 2001-2008 the Dems were in there just as much as the Reps. They were all spending like drunken sailors. The Dems are spending even more now.

As for the Reps, if they get back in power, they better get back to being fiscally conservative or they will be out on their asses again.

As for Bush and Barry Boy. Well they don't spend the money. Thats the Clowns in Congress. Get it right folks.

Politics. Ain't they wonderful.
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Day after day reading these threads, I'm constantly seeing critiques of our president met with "But what about Bush" or "Where were you for 8 years under Bush". Then, when someone on the right or a Tea Party supporter suggests we vote in someone more fiscally responsible, more competent, or just simply more transparent than our current politicians, we are met with "Oh you mean like Bush/Cheney/Haliburton/Evil Empire I hate 'em so much".

Seeing our liberal friends obviously have little knowledge of federal laws (see immigration debate, Sestak job offer, etc), I thought maybe I should just fill them in.

To all the lefties: George W. Bush cannot run for president in 2012. He's not allowed to by law. Presidents are limited to 2 terms. FDR's socialist/borderline communist actions scared Americans so much, that afterwards they passed the law limiting 2 terms to avoid dictatorship should someone like him come along again (Which it has, under Obama).

So, from now on, when we say we want someone better, we aren't talking about Bush. We are talking about someone better than Bush, and FAR better than Obama. Mmmkay?

When we say we want fiscal responsibility, a secure border, smart diplomacy with aggressive terrorists or terror sponsoring nations, common sense entitlement programs...........we are talking about someone better than Bush, and FAR better than Obama to bring that. Mmmkay?

So, just to review:

1. George W. Bush cannot run in 2012.
2. We all want someone better than Bush.
3. We want someone far far better than Obama (you obviously do not).

So, back to the debate guys. I hope I cleared up that issue for the left. Bush is gone. And he can't run again. We aren't talking about electing Bush again. And no, not even "Bush's failed policies of the past 8 years!!!". No, we want better than that. We want someone extremely better than Obama. Maybe you will too.


Fair enough. We will only look forward then. So we are no longer talking about Bush/Cheney but the Republican Party as a whole. Is there anything in the recent record of the GOP showing that they will be spending responsibly?
Does there 8 years from 2001-2009 not count at all in determining their future fiscal responsibility?

Its great to see you want someone far, far better than Obama. If thats the case, I will vote for him too. But we are a little over two years away from the election, would you be able to identify who that person might be or whose candidacy you would support?

YOur right RW. Until the Reps nominate someone to run against Barry Boy. Who knows??

As for 2001-2008 the Dems were in there just as much as the Reps. They were all spending like drunken sailors. The Dems are spending even more now.

As for the Reps, if they get back in power, they better get back to being fiscally conservative or they will be out on their asses again.

Politics. Ain't they wonderful.

It would be nice, but it doesn't work that way.

When you are out of power for 8 years, you put your desired expenditures on hold. Once you take take out your list

The next generation of Republicans will be no different

Fair enough. We will only look forward then. So we are no longer talking about Bush/Cheney but the Republican Party as a whole. Is there anything in the recent record of the GOP showing that they will be spending responsibly?
Does there 8 years from 2001-2009 not count at all in determining their future fiscal responsibility?

Its great to see you want someone far, far better than Obama. If thats the case, I will vote for him too. But we are a little over two years away from the election, would you be able to identify who that person might be or whose candidacy you would support?

YOur right RW. Until the Reps nominate someone to run against Barry Boy. Who knows??

As for 2001-2008 the Dems were in there just as much as the Reps. They were all spending like drunken sailors. The Dems are spending even more now.

As for the Reps, if they get back in power, they better get back to being fiscally conservative or they will be out on their asses again.

Politics. Ain't they wonderful.

It would be nice, but it doesn't work that way.

When you are out of power for 8 years, you put your desired expenditures on hold. Once you take take out your list

The next generation of Republicans will be no different

You may be right RW.

Only time will tell though. LOL
Day after day reading these threads, I'm constantly seeing critiques of our president met with "But what about Bush" or "Where were you for 8 years under Bush". Then, when someone on the right or a Tea Party supporter suggests we vote in someone more fiscally responsible, more competent, or just simply more transparent than our current politicians, we are met with "Oh you mean like Bush/Cheney/Haliburton/Evil Empire I hate 'em so much".

Seeing our liberal friends obviously have little knowledge of federal laws (see immigration debate, Sestak job offer, etc), I thought maybe I should just fill them in.

To all the lefties: George W. Bush cannot run for president in 2012. He's not allowed to by law. Presidents are limited to 2 terms. FDR's socialist/borderline communist actions scared Americans so much, that afterwards they passed the law limiting 2 terms to avoid dictatorship should someone like him come along again (Which it has, under Obama).

So, from now on, when we say we want someone better, we aren't talking about Bush. We are talking about someone better than Bush, and FAR better than Obama. Mmmkay?

When we say we want fiscal responsibility, a secure border, smart diplomacy with aggressive terrorists or terror sponsoring nations, common sense entitlement programs...........we are talking about someone better than Bush, and FAR better than Obama to bring that. Mmmkay?

So, just to review:

1. George W. Bush cannot run in 2012.
2. We all want someone better than Bush.
3. We want someone far far better than Obama (you obviously do not).

So, back to the debate guys. I hope I cleared up that issue for the left. Bush is gone. And he can't run again. We aren't talking about electing Bush again. And no, not even "Bush's failed policies of the past 8 years!!!". No, we want better than that. We want someone extremely better than Obama. Maybe you will too.

Obama is tackling Bush's failed policies one by one and succeeding.

His mistake is believing he can work with Republi-cants. If they have so many solutions, where were they 1 to 9 years ago? Oh, that's right. They were busy helping move jobs overseas and deregulating Wall Street, the EPA and OSHA.

Drill Baby Drill.
This just replaces 8 years of criticisms of Bush met with "Clinton did it!"

But hey, no worries, you'll get your turn to cry like a pussy too and defend the shitty policies of your next guy with "what about Obama!"
Damned right, Clinton did it. A job market so good, that they took off the penalties for working to get more workers into the market. The longest sustained economic boom in the history of this nation. A semi-balanced budget.

Do you really want to compare a very successful Presidentcy with the two terms of Bush? Because, if you do, let's put it on National TV.
Damned right, Clinton did it. A job market so good, that they took off the penalties for working to get more workers into the market. The longest sustained economic boom in the history of this nation. A semi-balanced budget.

Do you really want to compare a very successful Presidentcy with the two terms of Bush? Because, if you do, let's put it on National TV.

But don't forget, he got a blowjob.
Damned right, Clinton did it. A job market so good, that they took off the penalties for working to get more workers into the market. The longest sustained economic boom in the history of this nation. A semi-balanced budget.

Do you really want to compare a very successful Presidentcy with the two terms of Bush? Because, if you do, let's put it on National TV.

Yeah. The last four years is when he accomplished everything.

The last four years with a Rep Congress. He couldn't do shit with the Dems who were in power when he took the presidency.

He and that Rep Congress did do a lot.

Barry Boy and the Dems are now in the process of rolling back Welfare reform. Just what we need. More people for the taxpayers to support.

An well. He does want us to be like Europe doncha know.
Damned right, Clinton did it. A job market so good, that they took off the penalties for working to get more workers into the market. The longest sustained economic boom in the history of this nation. A semi-balanced budget.

Do you really want to compare a very successful Presidentcy with the two terms of Bush? Because, if you do, let's put it on National TV.

Yeah. The last four years is when he accomplished everything.

The last four years with a Rep Congress. He couldn't do shit with the Dems who were in power when he took the presidency.

He and that Rep Congress did do a lot.

Barry Boy and the Dems are now in the process of rolling back Welfare reform. Just what we need. More people for the taxpayers to support.

An well. He does want us to be like Europe doncha know.

Got proof? What SPECIFICALLY did the Republican controlled Congress do to help Clinton "accomplish everything"?
Damned right, Clinton did it. A job market so good, that they took off the penalties for working to get more workers into the market. The longest sustained economic boom in the history of this nation. A semi-balanced budget.

Do you really want to compare a very successful Presidentcy with the two terms of Bush? Because, if you do, let's put it on National TV.

But don't forget, he got a blowjob.

A well deserved blowjob.

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