News we could be talking about instead of Cain: Solyndra, F&F, Lobbyists, ...


Feb 14, 2011
Washington Post news alert:

Obama fundraiser George Kaiser advised his business associates as they lobbied the White House to help solar company Solyndra sell its solar panels and win other government contracts, newly released emails show.

Records made public today by House Republicans show Kaiser’s associates
were interested in winning White House assistance in selling its panels to the government, and that they discussed Solyndra with Obama administration officials in charge of stimulus funding. At one point, the messages refer to Solyndra as “prime poster children” of the stimulus program. Kaiser, who is linked to funds that held investments in Solyndra, has previously denied any involvement in the lobbying efforts.

See more:

Solyndra e-mails show Obama fundraiser discussed lobbying White House - The Washington Post
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Even people on the left recognize that Obama is playing to the cameras for political gain with little or no substance.

"Well, I think what's happening is that there is a sense of a bit of Groundhog Day feeling, that every Friday, the first Friday of each month, we get these job numbers, and, really, nothing is fundamentally changing," Arianna Huffington said on ABC's "This Week."

"And the most depressing thing is, really, what was in Ron Suskind's book, Paul Volcker quoting Larry Summers, saying that politicians, when it comes to reform, just want to be caught trying. And you saw that in your interview with John Boehner. He's laminated proof of how he's trying to create jobs. You see the president in front of crumbling bridges that have been crumbling ever since he's been in the White House, but suddenly we're getting closer to 2012, so he wants to be seen to be trying to create infrastructure jobs."

"But it's all a show," Huffington says about Obama's push to improve America's infrastructure in order to create jobs. "And the American people sense it, that there's no real effort or will to create jobs, because there are many ideas out there about how it could be done, but it's not happening."

Arianna Huffington On Obama's Jobs Plan: "All A Show" | RealClearPolitics
Isn't it odd that we are yet to hear Obama admit he flushed billions down the toilet on an assumption that green energy would of created 6 million or so jobs, and being it failed, he wants to make the honest millionaires pay for his mistakes? that would be like me charging 10,000 to start a business,,a year later, the business fails, I owe 15,000 and decide to rob a bank to pay off the debt.
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Obama putting the Canada's XL pipeline decision on hold until after the election.

Unable to face what might be taken as a choice between his labor supporters or his environmental supporters ...
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Obama putting the Canada's XL pipeline decision on hold until after the election.

Unable to face what might be taken as a choice between his labor supporters or his environmental supporters ...

gas has averaged around $3.50 a gallon since March? Obama and Chewbabca don't care,have made no effort to bring down the price, going to Martha's Vinyard,Spain and pissing off our tax money on 4000.00 purses is more important.,,,oh wait,,,thats the Chicago Way.
Obama putting the Canada's XL pipeline decision on hold until after the election.

Unable to face what might be taken as a choice between his labor supporters or his environmental supporters ...

He puts politics before our country, as usual. Obama is a weak man and a coward.

Reporting from Washington— The Obama administration put off until after the 2012 election a politically charged decision on whether to approve the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline, easing one problem for President Obama but opening another with the missed opportunity to boost job growth.
Much more:

Keystone XL pipeline decision delayed until after 2012 election -

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