Saving Ohio was never the Reason to end Unions for Most


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Looks like Ohio may beat Wisconsin to the punch, as the Ohio Dems are man enough to show up and live up to their possible defeat rather than running like children.

Last night on the news, they said the Ohio bill was even worse for unions than the Wisconsin bill.

The Ohio bill passed the house, and is in the Republican controlled Senate, then to the Republican governor.

Games up boys. Unions are gonna slowly be dismantled. The massive influx of cash from unions to Democrat candidates will be severely cut off from these union break ups. Combined with the SCOTUS decision to allow corporations their freedom of speech to give to candidates, this spells doom for a lot of Democrats in future elections.


From March! :lol:
Looks like Ohio may beat Wisconsin to the punch, as the Ohio Dems are man enough to show up and live up to their possible defeat rather than running like children.

Last night on the news, they said the Ohio bill was even worse for unions than the Wisconsin bill.

The Ohio bill passed the house, and is in the Republican controlled Senate, then to the Republican governor.

Games up boys. Unions are gonna slowly be dismantled. The massive influx of cash from unions to Democrat candidates will be severely cut off from these union break ups. Combined with the SCOTUS decision to allow corporations their freedom of speech to give to candidates, this spells doom for a lot of Democrats in future elections.


From March! :lol:

don't matter, Ohio ain't saved.. the COW SHITTERS have taken over.
Get a load of this gem:

Everywhere you look, the left is getting their balls kicked in.............

I'll admit that 2008 sucked the big one. But it was worth it to see this decimation of the ideology of the left!!!

It's beacuse these Statists thought they had free reign to run roughshod over everything...Do as they was PARTY TIME on the TAXPAYER DIME...

They are finding that the Taxpayers are singing a different tune than they...and the Statists can't handle it.

They will continue to become unhinged as the real truth of how the people's rage shows it's face...

The Statists will feign ignorance, and portend to tell the taxpayer that they are wrong...

The Staists will pay for their arrogance.

If the people of Wisconsin and Ohio are stupid enough to return to the policies that will destroy their state, let 'em. We in Florida will welcome their businesses here.

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