News Bits


Platinum Member
Dec 31, 2015
I haven't been spending much time here, but busy doing some 'independent research' and have found a lot of news that doesn't always make headlines, but probably should. I don't have time to post a new thread for each story and keep up with them, so that's what this one thread is for.....any little tid bits of news that I come across that is newsworthy. It does NOT mean I agree or believe any of them. Some may be already known, some may not. Some may be new or current or 'breaking' and some stories may be older. Some may be factual, opinion, unproven facts or even considered conspiracy theory. I'm just posting what I find that may be of interest. You do your own research and decide for yourself.

And with that said, here's a few to start.......

Greyhound: Value Drops by $156M Due to Less Illegal Immigration to U.S.

Gavin Newsom caught wiring half a billion dollars to communist China in massive face mask money laundering scheme - DC Dirty Laundry

Gavin Newsome 1/2 billion dollars to China?
I doubt that guy has seen that much money ever.
Pardon me if I skepticize about that..
Owait, that's not who I was thinking of..
I was thinking of Gavin Mcinnes.
Gavin Newsome 1/2 billion dollars to China?
I doubt that guy has seen that much money ever.
Pardon me if I skepticize about that..
Owait, that's not who I was thinking of..
I was thinking of Gavin Mcinnes.

No worries, from what I understand it was Cali tax payers money......not his own
Gavin Newsome 1/2 billion dollars to China?
I doubt that guy has seen that much money ever.
Pardon me if I skepticize about that..
Owait, that's not who I was thinking of..
I was thinking of Gavin Mcinnes.

No worries, from what I understand it was Cali tax payers money......not his own
Hah! I know somebody that didn't have to pay for that! :auiqs.jpg:
I do have this one cousin that mooches off of CA state welfare, though.
That ain't cool, but whatever.
On another note, I have some family that did pay for that, dammit!
I got family coast to coast, baby.
Aw dammit! The one that didn't have to pay for that? The parents did, because they are Californians.
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Seattle mayor may be getting her ass handed to her if this gets enough signatures. But she's only part of Seattle's problem. City council members should be recalled as well.......though I have suspicion 1 or more of the council members may be responsible for Durkans recall
This is shared from somewhere else and not my own. Long read, but interesting, VERY interesting.........

Perfect example in terms of breaking down how the cable attempts to converge upon and control certain industries within society is the video Amazing Polly uploaded two weeks ago titled—
‘Jeffrey Epstein and Mad Scientists.’
If you’ve already seen the video, fantastic!
What I intend to do is to further break down what amazing poly presented and also bridge together additional insights.
If you’re so inclined please give this post a chance. Much appreciated!
In 2000, Jeffrey Epstein created the Epstein foundation, where he became the financier of several ongoing scientific programs, experiments and ventures. These efforts also incorporated early education and youth programs.
Epstein was on the Brain, Mind and Behavior Committee; The Trilateral Commision, member of The Council on Foreign Relations; National Academy Of Science; Rockefeller University Board member and active member of The Edge Organization.
➡️ The Trilateral Commission is a non
governmental, nonpartisan discussion
group founded by David Rockefeller in
July 1973 to foster closer cooperation
among Japan, Western Europe, and
North America.
Members: More than 390
Founders: David Rockefeller, Zbigniew
Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter ⬅️
➡️ The Council on Foreign Relations,
founded in 1921, is a United States
nonprofit think tank specializing in U.S.
foreign policy and international affairs.
It is headquartered in New York City,
with an additional office in Washington,
D.C. Wikipedia
Location: New York, New York, U.S
Founders: David Rockefeller, Paul
Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Walter
Lippmann, Allen Dulles ⬅️
As you can see Epstein was extremely well-connected as member of The Trilateral Commision and CFR are literally the “movers and shakers” of the WORLD.
The Jeffrey Epstein VI (6) Foundation Supported the likes of: Stephen Hawkins, Martin Nowak, Gregory Benford, Lee Smolin, Seth Lloyd, Lawrence Krauss, A.I. scientist Marvin Minsky and Nobel Laureates Gerald’t Hooft, David Gross and Fred Wilczek.
In early 1970s at MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab, Minksky and Papert developed The Society of the Mind, who worked to demonstrate intelligence could be the product of interaction of non-intelligent parts. In other words, seeing if a sequence of events involving brain functionality, separate from consciousness, could produce thought from seemingly nowhere.
(Don’t you absolutely hate these people already? ‍♀️)
To round off his research, Marvin Minsky was cryonically frozen by a company called Alcor to be the beneficiary of his own work, at some future time.
Martin Nowak of Vienna, Austria works at Harvard as Professor of Mathematics & Biology on the Program For Evolutionary Dynamics. Nowak writes mathematical description of the evolutionary process, including the evolution of cooperation
—as in how does one coerce an unwilling person to cooperate—and in human language. These projects were developed given very generous [$30 million pledge] by Nowak’s good friend Jeffrey Epstein. Nowak also runs Department of Organismic & Evolutionary Biology, including the evolution of human biology and the dynamics of Virus infections and human cancer.
Is this really the person you want furthering or even looking into cancer research on your behalf?
Also, do not forget Martin was born in Vienna, Austria, as was Arnold Schwarzenegger and his SS military police father, to refresh your memory. As we move further in this discussion about Viral studies and the human genome, I’d like you to keep in mind organizations like “23 and Me”.
Other business associates of Epstein, include astrophysicists Laurence Krauss and Steven Pinkert, who work in human cognition and development of natural language.
Jeffrey is also connected the Santa Fe Institute which specializes in “group think” and “group dynamics”. Again, subjects steeped in manipulation and coercion tactics related to hive-mind mentality, AKA “positive peer pressure”, etc.
➡️ The Santa Fe Institute is an
independent, nonprofit theoretical l
research institute located in Santa Fe
and dedicated to the multidisciplinary
study of the fundamental principles of
complex adaptive systems, including
physical, computational, biological,
and social systems. ⬅️
Next slide shown below covers subject shown on the Santa Fe Institute’s website, where Miyakoshi M. discusses ECOG Dog’s Dream, that questions whether or not EEG is powerful enough to outline thought patterns and waves enough to have a clear imprint of the mind and process of thought.
➡️ I.e. where and by what means are
thoughts generated within the brain? ⬅️
Miyakoshi goes on to suggest what’s needed to essentially “map” thought generation in the brain is a chronically implanted, Ultra-high-density, wireless ECOG system to data mine the mind. Lastly, he proposes launching venture capital project that will sell ECOG dogs that allows pet owners to read their dogs’ thoughts via smartphone.
Here is the device in its crowdsourcing phase:

This device happens to be technology Tesla created and tech that Elon Musk is currently developing to market for human beings, shortly.
By the way, where do we often hear term “data mining” quite frequently used in the world of tech?
That’s right, in relation to BITCOIN.
Recently, I was listening to an interview with Quinn Michaels, where he clearly explained purpose behind the need to data mine for bitcoin, is simply and solely so you are interacting with A.I. and allowing it may observe you, your thought processes and help A.I. to grow. The sole purpose of data mining is so that humans interact to teach A.I.
Enter Reid Hoffman, another of Epstein’s associates who is founder LinkedIn. The theory around why Jeffrey would be connected to Hoffman is when you creating a web or sphere of influence, you would need credentialed individuals to be the face of products sold, or one could create authorities of concepts and ideas, that one could make appear as if they’d previously been properly educated and vetted. In other words human farming. This is how ones makes a criminal EMPIRE! Reid is also a venture capitalist involved in fact-checking endeavors that combat FAKE NEWS, so what he in actuality is an INFORMATION GATEKEEPER.
You’ll see the positioning of gatekeepers throughout this post.
George Church specializes in genome sequencing, known as Father of Synthetic Biology, HARVARD. Let’s remember Harvard is one of the CIA farms #Q told us about recently. Notice how many of the people Epstein interfaces with are Harvard professors, who specialize in aspects of cognitive and human studies. #Experts. Church’s work focused on particular type of neuroscience focused on brain mapping. Basically, laying out roadmaps of how the brain functions when thinking, what areas of the brain are involved, but factor in that Mr. Church is a synthetic biologist. Clones.
Clones for what purpose?
The next photo below shows Church as guest on Stephen Colbert show with Stephen quoted as saying, “That’s how you live forever; it’s who you know.” Having not watched the show, but after seeing Church’s work, one can conclude that his work involves life extension programs for the Elite.
There was also a gentleman who met with Epstein named Joi Ito who is an entrepreneur and journalist. Ito, along with Martin Nowak, continued to meet with Epstein after his 2011 rape conviction, and I’m certain Mr. Ito had to brush up on his 4AM TALKING POINTS, straight from horses (Epstein’s) mouth.
Technology over humanity was the theme and belief system of that era. The establishment brought over thousands of NAZI scientists who had conducted horrific experiments on human prisoners. We’ve all heard of Dr. Josef Mengele who experimented mostly with children and young twins. A man so brutal in his practices he was known as Dr. Death. Through Operation Paperclip, and the reformation of educational system at our top schools, who adopted essentially NAZI ideologies, is when the usurpation of our country began, as these top universities began to manufacture cookie-cutter, psychopathic, graduates. Since the CIA was clearly involved, they would secure these #Manchurian, top executives, positions and they would subsequently control corporations. The end game very much being full control or “occupation” of the United States, piece by piece. John Brockman summed up the attitude of these Elite operatives of the time when he said historically-speaking ‘only a small group of people have done all the thinking for everyone else.’
➡️ Robert Maxwell
Robert Maxwell is Ghislaine Maxwell’s Father. Ghislaine was Epstein’s longtime lover turned child procurer. However, I believe we’ve gotten that incorrect and somewhat believe Jeffrey worked for Ghislaine, or perhaps they were equal partners.
When I was researching a post I was writing on Ghislaine, I discovered her father. He was so fascinating, I ended up researching him as well. Robert Maxwell was born Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch bon in Czechoslovakia and was a British media mogul and Member of Parliament. The thing with Maxwell is that he never officially worked for MI-6, but he definitely was a spy. Originally thought to be working for Mossad as Spy extraordinaire; he not only worked as British spy, but also a Russian spy. He was known for going deep into missions and was considered by all his benefactors as the best. In fact, his nickname within the spy world was the original Roger Moore, Agent 007. As reward for his service, he was granted publishing rights for most of Britain’s scientific and educational books and journals. In essence, Robert became an INFORMATION GATEKEEPER for U.K. and as he’d previously been for Germany.
Ghislaine Maxwell worked as CEO of one of her father papers, but seemed to never be satisfied. She wanted more. After her father’s, death Ghislaine moved to New York and became a wealth NY socialite, throwing lavish dinner parties for the Elitist of Elite. Soon after, she was introduced to Epstein and moved in with him.
To keep in line with theme of this post, I’ll briefly introduce a few of Ghislaine’s sisters and highlight their areas of work:
◾️ ANN MAXWELL ♾ Montessori teacher
and hypnotherapist
World Economic Forum
Entrepreneur. Created first internet
search engine. She later created
Chiliad, a data mining software later
used by FBI’s Counterterrorism
In 1996, Christine Maxwell married Roger Molina. Roger is a Physicist, Astrnomer, Executive-Editor of Leonardo Publications at MIT Press and Professor of Arts & Technology at University of Texas, Dallas.
Roger Molina’s Father was Frank Joseph Molina, American Aeronautical Engineer, painter and pioneer in art and engineering in Canada. Dr. Frank Molina is also known as “Father of Rocketry”. He and four other people created the Jet Propulsion Lab at NASA, funded by the United States Army, this foursome also included Jack Parsons and Ed Foreman. The legendary “Rocket Boys” otherwise known as “The Suicide Squad.”
Their first attempt to launch one of their rocket designs was on Halloween 1936 in San Gabriel mountains in California, but to no avail. 15 days later was the second attempt, which proved successful. Frank Molina’s interest in the communist party while in college fell under the scrutiny of the FBI, but he later went on to start the company known as Aerojet Corporation with little to no interference from Feds. Eventually, Frank moved to France and became Secretariat of the United Nations of UNESCO under Julian Huxley.
➡️ Julian Huxley
Julian Huxley is brother of Aldous Huxley, author of ‘A Brave New World’, which is about the fourth industrial revolution, which we are currently in. ‘A Brave New World’ is story about a technocratic world. A place where families no longer exist, babies are created in test tubes and people are referred to by designators:
Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, with Gamma being the lowest status.
Well, these designator happen to be brain waves. The same brain waves accessed by the Elite during MK Ultra Programming:
Beta being sex programming and Delta being assassin programming, for example.
Jack Parsons of JPL embarked on a new adventure with his partner and scribe L.Ron Hubbard and the pair begin to work on a sex magick project to invoke the spirit of the Goddess Babalon they regarded as the female Messiah. That project was called the ‘Babylon Working’.
I wonder if L. Ron used any of his notes to write his smash-hit Dianetics?
Jack Parsons was also an acolyte of Aleister Crowley and was an adept initiate himself, it seems, when it came to practicing dark, occultic magick.
➡️ Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley was an English occultist, ceremonial magician, poet, painter, novelist, and mountaineer. He founded the religion of Thelema, identifying himself as the prophet entrusted with guiding humanity into the Æon of Horus in the early 20th century.
During his lifetime Crowley was vilified by the popular press as 'The Wickedest Man in the World', and the tabloids regularly carried sensational stories of his latest shocking exploits in occult experimentation. Naturally, when he purchased a mysterious old mansion on the shores of Loch Ness, allegedly to perform some strange secret rites, the press were fascinated.
Boleskine House is located on the south-eastern shore of Loch Ness, close to the village of Foyers, Inverness shire, Scotland. The mansion was constructed in the late 18th century by Archibald Fraser. According to a local legend, there was once a church on the site, which caught fire trapping its whole congregation inside, burning them all to death. Aleister Crowley purchased the foreboding Boleskine House in 1899 and styled himself 'Laird of Boleskine and Abertarff'. He remained there until 1913, and bizarre tales of odd goings on at Boleskine House during his occupancy are legion, though the majority probably originate in local folklore.
One story concerns a local butcher who called at the house for the meat order while Crowley was involved in the lengthy difficult ritual of Abramelin (see below). The butcher's incessant ringing of the bell broke Crowley's concentration and, irritated and frustrated, he hastily scrawled the meat order on the nearest piece of paper, which happened to have a spell written on the back. Shortly afterwards, when the butcher was cutting up the meat for Crowley's order back at his shop, he apparently lost concentration and sliced all the fingers off his right hand with the cleaver. Other stories tell of the unexplained disappearance of Crowley's housekeeper and a local workman who went out of his mind after being tormented by the dark spirits conjured up by Crowley's rituals.
Aleister Crowley - Boleskine House
The actual magical ritual which Crowley attempted to perform at Boleskine had nothing to do with black masses or black magic. It is known as the 'Abramelin Operation', taken from ' The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage', a famous grimoire (book of magical knowledge), dating back to at least the middle of the 15th century. Crowley seems to have become aware of the ritual from the 1897 translation of the book by occultist Samuel Liddel Mathers, one of the founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which Crowley had joined in 1898, before falling out with most of its members, including Mathers, a few years later. The purpose of performing the lengthy and intense Abramelin ritual was for the magician to communicate with his 'Holy Guardian Angel' or Higher Self. Unfortunately for Crowley and those around him the Abramelin rites seem to have succeeded mainly in summoning 'demons' or 'the Abramelin devils' as Crowley calls them. Crowley is blamed to this day for creating portal by which Lochness Monster was allowed to enter. During Crowley's occupancy there (at Boleskin House) were reports of a heavy, oppressive atmosphere, dark eerie shadows filled the house, fierce winds blew through the rooms despite calm weather outside, and strange figures were seen in the area. There is also a legend of an underground passage way linking the house with a nearby graveyard, said to have been utilised by Crowley for some unknown reason, perhaps to scare off intruders.
Crowley later sold Boleskine House and it subsequently had a series of private owners including, in the 1970s, Led Zeppelin guitarist and Crowley fanatic Jimmy Page. Even today the property retains a slightly sinister atmosphere. To many modern occultists the geographical and spiritual significance of Boleskine remains extremely important. In fact, practitioners of Thelema, Crowley's religious philosophy, are still instructed to 'turn and face north to Boleskine' when conducting certain magical ceremonies.
➡️ Michael Aquino
Michael Aquino (pronounced a-queen-oh for reasons I’m sure you can figure out), another acolyte of Crowley’s, shown below, happens to be a high-ranking Officer in the United States Army. The same United States Army that funded Jack Parson’s Jet Propulsion lab, by the way. According to Wikipedia, Michael A. Aquino is a Lt. Colonel, Psychological Operations, U.S. Army (Ret.) and he is also is a high level adept initiate in the Church of Satan and founder of The Temple Of Set, a Satanic Church. Aquino was identified by many in the members of the Secret Space Program, the SSP, as the main MK Ultra mind-control trainer. Namely by Max Spiers who spoke out against Aquino the most and was ultimately murdered for it.
Everyone knew Aquino was a Satanist and despite that he clearly and rather quickly moved up the ranks. One could ask, was it despite his Satanic leanings, or because of his Satanic expertises, he climbed ranks in the US Army with ease? Michael Aquino was also involved in one of the biggest child abuse scandals that rocked California in 1986. That scandal was almost identical to The Hamstead cover-up that took place in London, England. Except, this story took place in Presidio CA, coincidentally near the residence of Michael Aquino.
If we look back at Jeffrey Epstein, beginning with his arrest charges, to the individuals he supported financially, to their own business arenas, we see themes of children, child development, mind control, thought management, hypnoses, group think, etc.
Components of child ritual sex abuse.
Factoring in, such people as Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard, Aleister Crowley and Michael Aquino, all known Satanists, with exception of Hubbard as far as we know, but I believe that too will be confirmed as we unveil the inner workings of Scientology in the coming months. We are looking at the top brass of child ritual sex abuse in the United States.
Allow me to jaunt back to Crowley for a moment who wrote in one of books on occult magick, and what he called the “perfect specimen” for bringing about the most powerfully realized ritual, would be to take a young male child, below the age of 10 to sodomize, torture, and in some cases kill child. He further remarked, anally penetrating the child would open doors to other worlds, of which would make the abuser a god of his own universe. This why these people do what they do and why 800,000 children go missing each year in this country! Every single key player on this thread has practiced this atrocity or facilitated the efficacy to do so.
Moving forward, I came across an interview where a man was abducted as a child and was placed in the Secret Space Program. He went through this exact same MK Ultra mind-control “so-called” training. He explained there were three reasons to place the children into these trauma-induced hypnotic state:
1. To obey commands given with just a
simple word
2. To perform particular duties with
absolute precision
3. To create a pre-cognitive human being
or a precog as I mentioned in a previous
For the purposes of this post, I’m going to focus on reason #3. Before I do, I’d like to tell you how this gentleman ended up in the SSP. Roger was in 4th grade. He said there was a boy in his classs he didn’t get along with well. The other boy was from an Elite, very wel connected family. One day, during a science fair at school, the wealthy boy pointed out Roger to his father as the boy he’d had trouble with in class. Roger then heard the father say, ‘That’s fine, we’ll send him too’ in a threatening tone. Roger said that night he went to sleep and when he opened his eyes he was in a surgical room. He was laying on a gurney in the presence of a couple of smalll gray aliens and a reptilian. He was further restrained and they inserted a needle in his “dominant” eye. He said they first ran tests to see which of the two were his dominant eye before lower the needle into it. Then he felt his consciousness leave his body and he woke up in a secret military base where he was forced to work as a 10 year old slave. (As in free labor, among other things.)
Now getting back to point #3.
After Roger described some of the abuses, druggings and torture, he explained how these combination of events would cause the children to disassociate from their bodies. During these events the children would be turned into as precogs.
Definition precognitive:
adjective UK /ˌpriːˈkɒɡ.nə.tɪv/ US /ˌpriːˈkɑːɡ.nə.t̬ɪv/ specialized
showing or relating to knowledge of a future event, especially when this comes from a direct message to the mind, such as in a dream, rather than by reason.
These children would go into trances and be able to answer questions for wealthy Elite men, who often had purchased the children as slaves. These men would obtain future advice on business ventures, stocks & bonds; be told when and where would be the best time to launch projects and whether or not a certain business would fail or succeed. They’d even be given information about competitors or how to destroy a competitor and these people would become filthy rich from the advice of their precog slaves.
I know that’s a lot to take in.
You see, I never understood what Crowley meant when he said by torturing, preferably a young male child, a specific way would render the abuser a god in his own universe. Well, this action coupled with Crowley’s specific ritual would potentially enable to possess precog abilities. If you were one of this wealthy, elite monsters looking for inside insight to get rich and you suddenly had ability to learn anything you ever wanted or needed to know, in that person’s sick and psychotically-ravages mind, would he not be as a god? Knowing all things? This is the level of sickness and depravity we are dealing with. These are simple a few of the things Jeffrey Epstein and his upper eschelon cohorts are facilitating. They are not only providing the children to these derelicts, but are investing and creating the technology to make abominable things like this available to their bosses.
Do you see why we White Hats couldn’t wait a second longer to act? Do you see why there can be NO DEALS? Do you see why these clearly insane human devils must be cut down where they stand?
This is why she couldn’t win!
This—This is why we FIGHT
and some interesting links.......

How Did Everyone Miss This Obvious Hillary-Epstein Connection? - US Politics and News

Paedophile mastermind behind darknet sites is arrested

Romania Dismantles Third Human Trafficking Ring in Four Days

Fauci's Wife & Conflicts of interest with Gates' Vaccines | Armstrong Economics


Adam Schiff dreads criminal investigation led by federal prosecutor


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