New Zimmerman pics

It will take time for all of this to unravel. Interesting note on the linked video. Watch the second video. What they say is what I have been saying all along. Even though Martin may have been beating Zimmerman, it does not give Zimmerman the right to kill Martin if Zimmerman was the aggressor. In other words, if Zimmerman tracked Martin down, cornered him, and then started a shoving match that led to a fight that he then was losing, he can't kill in self-defense.

This has to be the premise of the prosecutions case, because without Zimmerman being the aggressor, he does have the right to defend himself. The question is whether or not the prosecution has any real evidence that Zimmerman was actually the aggressor and is lying about Martin jumping him when he was heading back to his car. The only eye witness account I have heard is someone saying that Martin was on top of Zimmerman before the gun went off. Unfortunately, that eye witness account did not include anything about what led up to that point.

It will take time for all of this to unravel. Interesting note on the linked video. Watch the second video. What they say is what I have been saying all along. Even though Martin may have been beating Zimmerman, it does not give Zimmerman the right to kill Martin if Zimmerman was the aggressor. In other words, if Zimmerman tracked Martin down, cornered him, and then started a shoving match that led to a fight that he then was losing, he can't kill in self-defense.

This has to be the premise of the prosecutions case, because without Zimmerman being the aggressor, he does have the right to defend himself. The question is whether or not the prosecution has any real evidence that Zimmerman was actually the aggressor and is lying about Martin jumping him when he was heading back to his car. The only eye witness account I have heard is someone saying that Martin was on top of Zimmerman before the gun went off. Unfortunately, that eye witness account did not include anything about what led up to that point.

The only way your story holds water is if Zimm actually assaulted trayvon. And I dont see that. Trayvon didnt have a single mark on him. Well other then the bullet hole that he wouldnt have recieved had he not attacked Zimm in the first place.
All evidence consistently points to trayvon striking Zimm first.
So as a law abiding citizen,would YOU have attacked Zimm?
I know I wouldnt have. I would have called police instead of taking the law into my own hands.

And the powder burns are consistent with someone shooting from his back while someone was beating the shit out of you.

I'm not saying Zimms not a dickhead. He may very well be. I know I cant stand a wanna be cop. But they wont convict him of anything.
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did those birdbrains at MSNBC actually expected Zimmerman to walk into the Police Station bleeding profusely from the head? and remember when some bimbo said "See, hes not bleeding, that the icing on the cake, Zimmerman is guilty!!,,,,,well more or less, something like that.
did those birdbrains at MSNBC actually expected Zimmerman to walk into the Police Station bleeding profusely from the head? and remember when some bimbo said "See, hes not bleeding, that the icing on the cake, Zimmerman is guilty!!,,,,,well more or less, something like that.

This case has brought out every birdbrain in the flock. I would be astounded at the depths of ignorance these people are willing to go to in an attempt to prove their point but we've all seen this insanity before.

It will take time for all of this to unravel. Interesting note on the linked video. Watch the second video. What they say is what I have been saying all along. Even though Martin may have been beating Zimmerman, it does not give Zimmerman the right to kill Martin if Zimmerman was the aggressor. In other words, if Zimmerman tracked Martin down, cornered him, and then started a shoving match that led to a fight that he then was losing, he can't kill in self-defense.

This has to be the premise of the prosecutions case, because without Zimmerman being the aggressor, he does have the right to defend himself. The question is whether or not the prosecution has any real evidence that Zimmerman was actually the aggressor and is lying about Martin jumping him when he was heading back to his car. The only eye witness account I have heard is someone saying that Martin was on top of Zimmerman before the gun went off. Unfortunately, that eye witness account did not include anything about what led up to that point.

Actually, even if the scenario you presented were true, Zimmerman could be acquitted because he is charged with 2nd degree murder, not manslaughter, so even if he started the fight and then shot Martin out of panic, not malice, he is guilty, at most, of manslaughter, not murder. However, since there seems to be no evidence that Zimmerman either pushed Martin or verbally abused him, unless you believe some one eying you with suspicion is grounds for a physical assault Zimmerman cannot in any way be considered to have started the fight and even a manslaughter conviction would not be warranted.
and if Zimmerman jumped Trayvon, he would of taken him down easily, wouldnt of had to shoot him. so much for that brainless Congresswoman who claimed that scenario. makes her look just as dumdfounded as Chris Matthews/Ed Schultz.

It will take time for all of this to unravel. Interesting note on the linked video. Watch the second video. What they say is what I have been saying all along. Even though Martin may have been beating Zimmerman, it does not give Zimmerman the right to kill Martin if Zimmerman was the aggressor. In other words, if Zimmerman tracked Martin down, cornered him, and then started a shoving match that led to a fight that he then was losing, he can't kill in self-defense.

This has to be the premise of the prosecutions case, because without Zimmerman being the aggressor, he does have the right to defend himself. The question is whether or not the prosecution has any real evidence that Zimmerman was actually the aggressor and is lying about Martin jumping him when he was heading back to his car. The only eye witness account I have heard is someone saying that Martin was on top of Zimmerman before the gun went off. Unfortunately, that eye witness account did not include anything about what led up to that point.

Just figuring that out now, huh. Sort of a game changer. I wonder how things would have turned out without all of the projection and misreporting. Until we know for sure, who touched who first, and who was the first to use violence, and under what circumstances, it is projection and speculation, based on thin air. Welcome to the show.
Until we know for sure, who touched who first, and who was the first to use violence, and under what circumstances, it is projection and speculation, based on thin air. Welcome to the show.

True, but the SA must believe she has a case, correct?
At the end of the day, this will end up a case of que es muy macho.... two numbskull's with too much testosterone and not enough brains crossed paths and sadly, one young man is dead.
Until we know for sure, who touched who first, and who was the first to use violence, and under what circumstances, it is projection and speculation, based on thin air. Welcome to the show.

True, but the SA must believe she has a case, correct?

Or she may just think all this jumped-up hype about it requires her to try to make one, because certain dumb shits in the populace refuse to accept any justice that allows for Zimmerman to be innocent.

While I'm at it, I'd like to comment on Martin's batshit parents. First they go on TV pissing and moaning about how they've never heard Zimmerman say he was sorry about killing Trayvon. Then, when he DOES say it, they piss and moan about how he's "pandering" for bail, and it's "disingenuous", and they're furious that he's allowed to make an apology. Why don't they make up their fucking minds?! They either wanted to hear him apologize, or they didn't (and somehow think they should have some right to control what other people can and can't say). Pick one, for God's sake! Talk about some "disingenuous pandering". It seems like every word these people utter is geared solely toward getting themselves more media attention. I wonder if they're already shopping around for book and movie deals.
and if Zimmerman jumped Trayvon, he would of taken him down easily, wouldnt of had to shoot him. so much for that brainless Congresswoman who claimed that scenario. makes her look just as dumdfounded as Chris Matthews/Ed Schultz.

You can't reverse someone once they have taken you down? Happens in wrestling all the time
What I find interesting...

Trayvon's parents told the press that Zimmerman hadn't even apologized to them....

And then when he did apologize, their attorney claims they're furious cuz he apologized, and that it's self-serving.

What fucking assholes.
and if Zimmerman jumped Trayvon, he would of taken him down easily, wouldnt of had to shoot him. so much for that brainless Congresswoman who claimed that scenario. makes her look just as dumdfounded as Chris Matthews/Ed Schultz.

You can't reverse someone once they have taken you down? Happens in wrestling all the time

Says the expert of man on man reversals?
did those birdbrains at MSNBC actually expected Zimmerman to walk into the Police Station bleeding profusely from the head? and remember when some bimbo said "See, hes not bleeding, that the icing on the cake, Zimmerman is guilty!!,,,,,well more or less, something like that.

Zimmerman was treated by paramedics at the scene, though didn't go to the hospital. They likely cleaned the wounds to see how bad they were. Looks like he could have used a couple stitches maybe, but chose not to.

Zimmerman said that he did not chase Martin and certainly wasn't out of breath on the 911 call, so probably wasn't moving too fast, the way a person would be if they were actually running after someone. I would think he'd have to run pretty fast to keep up with the youth. Martin was athletic and could have been back at the place he was staying in a matter of seconds as close as he was to the house. Zimmerman said something to the effect that Martin ran off and he walked a little ways to see which way Martin ran. After all, what good is calling police if you can't point them in the right direction. He said he was walking back to his truck when Martin circled around and confronted him. This tells me that Martin was not scared at all. Martin then asked if Zimmerman had a problem and when he replied 'no', Martin said, 'well, you do now.' We know from witness reports that Zimmerman was on the ground with Martin on top of him beating him. The gashes on back of his head and grass stains on the clothing verified this. The gun powder residue on both men shows they were real close at the time of the shooting. The physical evidence so far seems to support Zimmerman.

Zimmerman had his gun hidden in a holster under his jacket and it likely would not have come into play if Martin hadn't seen it when Zimmerman's coat fell open during the scuffle. Zimmerman claims Martin saw the gun and went for it, but Zimmerman got it first and shot. If this is true, then it would be self defense.

Why didn't Martin keep running back to the house and call for help if he really feared Zimmerman or thought he was being followed. He had to know Zimmerman was on the phone, and maybe even knew he was talking to the 911 operator. Did Martin not want police there? I still don't get why he would turn around and go after Zimmerman when he was able to get away from him so easily.

We know Martin was on his third suspension from school and there was indications that he may have possessed stolen goods. They found a backpack full of jewelry and watches and a screw driver, often used for breaking and entering. He also had a bag with pot residue, which just mean the pot had already been smoked.

I hope they televise the trial so we all get to hear the testimony and evidence. I am anxious to hear why Zimmerman stated that Martin was acting suspicious. Walking down the street is not suspicious, though walking in people's yards or looking in windows would be.

There is much explaining to do yet and there should be a wealth of evidence in this case. We will hear about the gun residue on both, the angle of the bullet, the condition of clothing and evidence at the scene. At least the evidence doesn't lie and the truth shouldn't start a race war between blacks and whites over what a Hispanic man did to defend himself. This whole thing has been blown so far out of proportion that it's ridiculous. I think Sharpton, Jackson, Fuckakhan and the Black Panthers have a lot of explaining to do for their inflammatory rhetoric.
At the end of the day, this will end up a case of que es muy macho.... two numbskull's with too much testosterone and not enough brains crossed paths and sadly, one young man is dead.

That's what it looks like now.....
It might be real but there are things about it that give me doubt. If his head was "repeatedly slammed into the ground on the lawn" which I believe was his version, the wound on top would not be so straight. Also, the previous photos of him show a vertical mark and this one is horizontal. Finally, the jacket is missing the black trim on the collar that shows in the previous photos.

There could be an explanation for all that but this photo seems inconsistent with his retelling and other photos.
If this is genuine, I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.

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