New York governor inching closer to legalizing prostitution

No reason at all for prostitution to be illegal, especially when porn is not. You can get paid to have sex as long as someone is filming it, but not if you are alone. How fucking stupid can our laws be?

Its just a lot easier to tax smut. That's the key right there are to the reason why.

Porn is a physical item that can take a tax stamp. The government can hardly tattoo a tax stamp on every hoe's buttocks.
So you legalize it, you regulate it and you tax it. Once a month, licensed sex workers have to go in for an exam to make sure they don't have any diseases, and to make sure they aren't being abused by their employers. Seems pretty reasonable to me.

Back in the day (as late as the early 90s) the Navy Corpsmen would check the "ladies" that worked in the bars outside of Subic Bay in Olongapo. They only had so much time and started with the bars closest to the base, so those would charge more and the further away from the base you got, the less they would charges since they were not checked by the Navy

They also had a big, 3x3 box of rubbers next to the gate and you grabbed some as you headed out for the night
NY law enforcement operates on a budget. They have to prioritize where they gonna spend their money. That's all.
NY law enforcement operates on a budget. They have to prioritize where they gonna spend their money. That's all.

I don't think hassling the pimps, hoes and johns in NYC is really a priority. The DA is more interested in high profile political cases and cracking down on police officers that give a hard time to the city's Dope Pushers and thieves

New York Governor Kathy Hochul will make $1 million in public funds available to provide health care to sex workers over a span of two years. The money provides funding to two organizations for primary and sexual care, and even dental care, to potential prostitutes.

One of the benefiting organizations, Callen-Lorde, has described itself as one of the "global leaders in LGBTQ+ health care."

On its website, the organization endorses the decriminalization of prostitution: “Callen-Lorde firmly and without reservation supports the health, rights, and dignity of sex workers. We are opposed to laws that disproportionately regulate and criminalize bodily autonomy, sexuality and sexual and reproductive health and rights. We support the total decriminalization of sex work as an important step to protect and respect the human rights of all sex workers,” the website stated.

The organization also celebrated June 2023 legislation signed by Hochul to declare New York state a sanctuary for those who have illegally given children sex-change drugs, hormones, or surgeries.

So once again democrats have taken it upon themselves to make things that are illegal legitimate, like illegal immigration. It is a repetitive behavior of not liking a law and simply ignoring the law whether the law is against prostitution or gender reassignment for children or illegal immigration, etc.

Does this mean that New York will no longer have an issue with Trump paying the sex worker Stormy Daniels all that money to keep quiet about her sex acts?

I'm guessing not. Again, picking and choosing laws you hate and like, all based on political whims is what the democrat party is all about. Sure, you will go to jail for not paying taxes and lying on gun registration forms EXCEPT..............if your last name is Biden.
I still would not pay to have sex with her.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul will make $1 million in public funds available to provide health care to sex workers over a span of two years. The money provides funding to two organizations for primary and sexual care, and even dental care, to potential prostitutes.

One of the benefiting organizations, Callen-Lorde, has described itself as one of the "global leaders in LGBTQ+ health care."

On its website, the organization endorses the decriminalization of prostitution: “Callen-Lorde firmly and without reservation supports the health, rights, and dignity of sex workers. We are opposed to laws that disproportionately regulate and criminalize bodily autonomy, sexuality and sexual and reproductive health and rights. We support the total decriminalization of sex work as an important step to protect and respect the human rights of all sex workers,” the website stated.

The organization also celebrated June 2023 legislation signed by Hochul to declare New York state a sanctuary for those who have illegally given children sex-change drugs, hormones, or surgeries.

So once again democrats have taken it upon themselves to make things that are illegal legitimate, like illegal immigration. It is a repetitive behavior of not liking a law and simply ignoring the law whether the law is against prostitution or gender reassignment for children or illegal immigration, etc.

Does this mean that New York will no longer have an issue with Trump paying the sex worker Stormy Daniels all that money to keep quiet about her sex acts?

I'm guessing not. Again, picking and choosing laws you hate and like, all based on political whims is what the democrat party is all about. Sure, you will go to jail for not paying taxes and lying on gun registration forms EXCEPT..............if your last name is Biden.
Dang so you get govt funded healthcare to be a hooker? Think of all those small business owners engaged in legal business that have to pay for their own…what a betrayal to the working class in NY
Uh, no, they are worried that a law that doesn't work actually makes matters worse for sex workers. It's no surprise, for instance, that sex workers are more likely to be victims of serial killers and other abuse, because they are marginalized.

Well, they are, which is why Hunter is paying them back along with a penalty.
Seriously, guys, if all you have going into 2024 is Hunter's dick-pics, you really don't have much of a platform to run on.

Whenever you prostitute your body out, you're gonna attract killers, rapists, and other assorted freaks.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul will make $1 million in public funds available to provide health care to sex workers over a span of two years. The money provides funding to two organizations for primary and sexual care, and even dental care, to potential prostitutes.

One of the benefiting organizations, Callen-Lorde, has described itself as one of the "global leaders in LGBTQ+ health care."

On its website, the organization endorses the decriminalization of prostitution: “Callen-Lorde firmly and without reservation supports the health, rights, and dignity of sex workers. We are opposed to laws that disproportionately regulate and criminalize bodily autonomy, sexuality and sexual and reproductive health and rights. We support the total decriminalization of sex work as an important step to protect and respect the human rights of all sex workers,” the website stated.

The organization also celebrated June 2023 legislation signed by Hochul to declare New York state a sanctuary for those who have illegally given children sex-change drugs, hormones, or surgeries.

So once again democrats have taken it upon themselves to make things that are illegal legitimate, like illegal immigration. It is a repetitive behavior of not liking a law and simply ignoring the law whether the law is against prostitution or gender reassignment for children or illegal immigration, etc.

Does this mean that New York will no longer have an issue with Trump paying the sex worker Stormy Daniels all that money to keep quiet about her sex acts?

I'm guessing not. Again, picking and choosing laws you hate and like, all based on political whims is what the democrat party is all about. Sure, you will go to jail for not paying taxes and lying on gun registration forms EXCEPT..............if your last name is Biden.

Even dental care? Well that would make for a good advertising campaign for the NY tourist industry:

"Our whores have the prettiest, whitest teeth you'll ever come across."
Uh, no, they are worried that a law that doesn't work actually makes matters worse for sex workers. It's no surprise, for instance, that sex workers are more likely to be victims of serial killers and other abuse, because they are marginalized.

Maybe if we had more trained and licensed Pimps to run herd over the Hoes and to protect them from the freaks? Have pimping as a vocational course for kids without the ability to learn auto mechanics or carpentry?
I don't think hassling the pimps, hoes and johns in NYC is really a priority. The DA is more interested in high profile political cases and cracking down on police officers that give a hard time to the city's Dope Pushers and thieves
I don't know what their biggest issues are up in NY but obviously it's not prostitution. Everybody is in a budget crunch and some things just have to give.
Even dental care? Well that would make for a good advertising campaign for the NY tourist industry:

"Our whores have the prettiest, whitest teeth you'll ever come across."

A lot of johns prefer Hoes without teeth at all. Will the dentists be performing voluntary extractions to the ladies?
Uh, no, they are worried that a law that doesn't work actually makes matters worse for sex workers. It's no surprise, for instance, that sex workers are more likely to be victims of serial killers and other abuse, because they are marginalized.

Well, they are, which is why Hunter is paying them back along with a penalty.
Seriously, guys, if all you have going into 2024 is Hunter's dick-pics, you really don't have much of a platform to run on.
Sex workers are targeted for murders because it's a far harder murder to solve. A girl with no connection to you will follow you to a place of your choosing discreetly and at night.
No reason at all for prostitution to be illegal, especially when porn is not. You can get paid to have sex as long as someone is filming it, but not if you are alone. How fucking stupid can our laws be?
It shows how disingenuous the legal system is.

Porn in itself is legalized prostitution, rife with issues all it's own that the Left would argue is a virtue for society.

Again, no parent wishes their child to be a porn star.

Except maybe Joe Biden who I'm sure is proud of his boy.
Sex workers are targeted for murders because it's a far harder murder to solve. A girl with no connection to you will follow you to a place of your choosing discreetly and at night.
The prostitution/porn industry is a death cult. Their entire lives are consumed with not reproducing, and opening themselves up to diseases that can kill them and/or being killed by predators.

But then, the Left is a culture of death that they are proud of, due to fewer carbon footprints. So, it makes sense they support it like they do legalizing illicit drugs that kill about 200 people a day.

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