New Year’s Resolutions For Climate Scientists


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
New Year’s Resolutions For Climate Scientists
Posted on December 28, 2011 by Steven Goddard
I will admit that warming has been much slower than we expected
I will admit that recent sea level rise is nothing unusual or threatening
I will admit that our forecasts of declining snow cover were wrong
I will admit that Arctic temperatures are cyclical, and that we have no idea what will happen to Arctic ice over the next 50 years
I will admit that our forecasts of Antarctic warming have been a total failure.
I will admit that Polar Bear populations are not threatened
I will admit that climate models have demonstrated no skill, and are nothing more than research projects
I will admit there was a Medieval Warm Period
I will admit that that there was a Little Ice Age
I will stop pretending that we don’t have climate records prior to 1970
I will admit that the surface temperature record has been manipulated and is contaminated by UHI
I will stop making up data where none exists
I will honestly face skeptics in open debate.
I will quit trying to stop skeptics from being published
I will admit that glaciers have been disappearing for hundreds or thousands of years
I will stop telling people that the climate is getting more extreme, without producing any evidence
I will admit that hurricanes are on the decline
I will admit that severe tornadoes are on the decline
I will admit that droughts were much worse in the past
I will admit that efforts to shut down power plants have potentially very serious consequences for the future
I will pay for my own tickets to tropical climate boondoggles like Cancun, rather than improperly using taxpayer money for political activism
I will admit that there is no missing heat
I will admit that temperatures have been cooling for at least the last decade
I will publish the raw data and not lose it.
etc. etc. etc.

hahahaha, I got a good laugh out of those. anybody want to add to the list?
New Year’s Resolutions For Climate Scientists
Posted on December 28, 2011 by Steven Goddard
I will admit that warming has been much slower than we expected
I will admit that recent sea level rise is nothing unusual or threatening
I will admit that our forecasts of declining snow cover were wrong
I will admit that Arctic temperatures are cyclical, and that we have no idea what will happen to Arctic ice over the next 50 years
I will admit that our forecasts of Antarctic warming have been a total failure.
I will admit that Polar Bear populations are not threatened
I will admit that climate models have demonstrated no skill, and are nothing more than research projects
I will admit there was a Medieval Warm Period
I will admit that that there was a Little Ice Age

I will stop pretending that we don’t have climate records prior to 1970
I will admit that the surface temperature record has been manipulated and is contaminated by UHI
I will stop making up data where none exists
I will honestly face skeptics in open debate.
I will quit trying to stop skeptics from being published
I will admit that glaciers have been disappearing for hundreds or thousands of years
I will stop telling people that the climate is getting more extreme, without producing any evidence
I will admit that hurricanes are on the decline
I will admit that severe tornadoes are on the decline
I will admit that droughts were much worse in the past
I will admit that efforts to shut down power plants have potentially very serious consequences for the future
I will pay for my own tickets to tropical climate boondoggles like Cancun, rather than improperly using taxpayer money for political activism
I will admit that there is no missing heat
I will admit that temperatures have been cooling for at least the last decade
I will publish the raw data and not lose it.
etc. etc. etc.

hahahaha, I got a good laugh out of those. anybody want to add to the list?

Nothing to add. I highlighted those points that have vexed me since i switched sides in this debate.

I started out thinking that the party line of AGW must be right, but, as I became more and more familiar with it, concluded that the warming while real was explained by a myth based on big words and bad science.

Good humor.
the earth isn't warming? I thought we have been warming for over 10,000 years? ;)

Actually, no.

According to the proxy evidence, we were warming about 10,000 years ago and then we started to cool and continued to cool down until we were just about the temps we are currently enjoying.

That cooling seems to have continued until about 9,000 years ago and then we warmed to a point that turned out to be the peak of temperature for the Halocene Age, our current interglacial, which is about a degree warmer, Fahrenheit, than we are today, give or take.

With a few peaks and valleys, we warmed and cooled in a general cooling trend to about 2000 years ago when we started on a gradual increase in temperature again. This continued until about 1200 years ago when we started to cool and actually fell to the lowest point of temperature during this Interglacial.

Some think that the cooling was caused by a reduction of Solar radiation which seems pretty logical. The cooling resulted in global famine, plague and misery beyond the ability of leadership of the age to overcome.

Since the temps bottomed out in about 1650, we have been on a general warming trend and are now about half way to the peak established in this era of about a degree Fahrenheit warmer than today.

For about 10,000 years we have vacillated within a standard deviation of about a degree C.

During the last 2000 years we have warmed by about 0.7 degrees.

This is not runaway warming. It is astonishing stability. My living room has greater climate vacillations than this on a daily basis.

Periods of warming are marked by things like the Golden Age of Greece, Pax Romana, The Renaissance, The Age of Reason and the Computer Age.

Periods of cooling are marked by things like the Black Death and the rise of Pro Wrestling.
New Years resolutions for denialist.

Tell more and bigger lies.

care to elaborate?

I can think of examples for just about every statement in the OP. when you say denialists lie, which lies are you talking about? and do you include most sceptics under the term 'denialist'?

personally I wish climate scientists would stop looking the other way and ignoring bad science because they think it is harmful to 'the greater good'. there is no room for little white lies or lies of omission in science.
My resolution: Don't deal with the trolls at all.

The only questions are 'when' and 'how bad'. 'If' is a foregone conclusion, which I don't have time to argue with idiots about, anymore.

New Year’s Resolutions For Climate Scientists
Posted on December 28, 2011 by Steven Goddard
I will admit that warming has been much slower than we expected
I will admit that recent sea level rise is nothing unusual or threatening
I will admit that our forecasts of declining snow cover were wrong
I will admit that Arctic temperatures are cyclical, and that we have no idea what will happen to Arctic ice over the next 50 years
I will admit that our forecasts of Antarctic warming have been a total failure.
I will admit that Polar Bear populations are not threatened
I will admit that climate models have demonstrated no skill, and are nothing more than research projects
I will admit there was a Medieval Warm Period
I will admit that that there was a Little Ice Age
I will stop pretending that we don’t have climate records prior to 1970
I will admit that the surface temperature record has been manipulated and is contaminated by UHI
I will stop making up data where none exists
I will honestly face skeptics in open debate.
I will quit trying to stop skeptics from being published
I will admit that glaciers have been disappearing for hundreds or thousands of years
I will stop telling people that the climate is getting more extreme, without producing any evidence
I will admit that hurricanes are on the decline
I will admit that severe tornadoes are on the decline
I will admit that droughts were much worse in the past
I will admit that efforts to shut down power plants have potentially very serious consequences for the future
I will pay for my own tickets to tropical climate boondoggles like Cancun, rather than improperly using taxpayer money for political activism
I will admit that there is no missing heat
I will admit that temperatures have been cooling for at least the last decade
I will publish the raw data and not lose it.
etc. etc. etc.

hahahaha, I got a good laugh out of those. anybody want to add to the list?
So basically, you want honest people to resolve to lie like CON$.
the earth isn't warming? I thought we have been warming for over 10,000 years? ;)

Actually, no.

According to the proxy evidence, we were warming about 10,000 years ago and then we started to cool and continued to cool down until we were just about the temps we are currently enjoying.

That cooling seems to have continued until about 9,000 years ago and then we warmed to a point that turned out to be the peak of temperature for the Halocene Age, our current interglacial, which is about a degree warmer, Fahrenheit, than we are today, give or take.

With a few peaks and valleys, we warmed and cooled in a general cooling trend to about 2000 years ago when we started on a gradual increase in temperature again. This continued until about 1200 years ago when we started to cool and actually fell to the lowest point of temperature during this Interglacial.

Some think that the cooling was caused by a reduction of Solar radiation which seems pretty logical. The cooling resulted in global famine, plague and misery beyond the ability of leadership of the age to overcome.

Since the temps bottomed out in about 1650, we have been on a general warming trend and are now about half way to the peak established in this era of about a degree Fahrenheit warmer than today.

For about 10,000 years we have vacillated within a standard deviation of about a degree C.

During the last 2000 years we have warmed by about 0.7 degrees.

This is not runaway warming. It is astonishing stability. My living room has greater climate vacillations than this on a daily basis.

Periods of warming are marked by things like the Golden Age of Greece, Pax Romana, The Renaissance, The Age of Reason and the Computer Age.

Periods of cooling are marked by things like the Black Death and the rise of Pro Wrestling.

:lol::lol::lol: I owe you rep for that one!
My resolution: Don't deal with the trolls at all.

The only questions are 'when' and 'how bad'. 'If' is a foregone conclusion, which I don't have time to argue with idiots about, anymore.


"When and how bad" would be more appropriately stated "when and how much" would it not?

"If" seems not to be a forgone conclusion in view of the last decade, but it seems very likely that the "if" part is continuing.

The "why" part seems to me to be the crux of the whole question, though. The AGW crowd says that men can stop the climate change because men have caused the climate change.

The "why" is what is needed to be shown and, if the "why" is the causation by CO2, it has not been.

Happy New Year to you, also!
My resolution: Don't deal with the trolls at all.

The only questions are 'when' and 'how bad'. 'If' is a foregone conclusion, which I don't have time to argue with idiots about, anymore.


"When and how bad" would be more appropriately stated "when and how much" would it not?

"If" seems not to be a forgone conclusion in view of the last decade, but it seems very likely that the "if" part is continuing.

The "why" part seems to me to be the crux of the whole question, though. The AGW crowd says that men can stop the climate change because men have caused the climate change.

The "why" is what is needed to be shown and, if the "why" is the causation by CO2, it has not been.

Happy New Year to you, also!

code...........the OCD warmers coulndt give a rats ass about the "why". Conveniently ignored by ALL of them.
New Year’s Resolutions For Climate Scientists
Posted on December 28, 2011 by Steven Goddard
I will admit that warming has been much slower than we expected
I will admit that recent sea level rise is nothing unusual or threatening
I will admit that our forecasts of declining snow cover were wrong
I will admit that Arctic temperatures are cyclical, and that we have no idea what will happen to Arctic ice over the next 50 years
I will admit that our forecasts of Antarctic warming have been a total failure.
I will admit that Polar Bear populations are not threatened
I will admit that climate models have demonstrated no skill, and are nothing more than research projects
I will admit there was a Medieval Warm Period
I will admit that that there was a Little Ice Age
I will stop pretending that we don’t have climate records prior to 1970
I will admit that the surface temperature record has been manipulated and is contaminated by UHI
I will stop making up data where none exists
I will honestly face skeptics in open debate.
I will quit trying to stop skeptics from being published
I will admit that glaciers have been disappearing for hundreds or thousands of years
I will stop telling people that the climate is getting more extreme, without producing any evidence
I will admit that hurricanes are on the decline
I will admit that severe tornadoes are on the decline
I will admit that droughts were much worse in the past
I will admit that efforts to shut down power plants have potentially very serious consequences for the future
I will pay for my own tickets to tropical climate boondoggles like Cancun, rather than improperly using taxpayer money for political activism
I will admit that there is no missing heat
I will admit that temperatures have been cooling for at least the last decade
I will publish the raw data and not lose it.
etc. etc. etc.

hahahaha, I got a good laugh out of those. anybody want to add to the list?
So basically, you want honest people to resolve to lie like CON$.

actually I think the point of the OP is to ask climate scientists to stop manipulating data to distort and exaggerate conclusions into preordained statements of catastrophic AGW.
New Year’s Resolutions For Climate Scientists
Posted on December 28, 2011 by Steven Goddard
I will admit that warming has been much slower than we expected
I will admit that recent sea level rise is nothing unusual or threatening
I will admit that our forecasts of declining snow cover were wrong
I will admit that Arctic temperatures are cyclical, and that we have no idea what will happen to Arctic ice over the next 50 years
I will admit that our forecasts of Antarctic warming have been a total failure.
I will admit that Polar Bear populations are not threatened
I will admit that climate models have demonstrated no skill, and are nothing more than research projects
I will admit there was a Medieval Warm Period
I will admit that that there was a Little Ice Age
I will stop pretending that we don’t have climate records prior to 1970
I will admit that the surface temperature record has been manipulated and is contaminated by UHI
I will stop making up data where none exists
I will honestly face skeptics in open debate.
I will quit trying to stop skeptics from being published
I will admit that glaciers have been disappearing for hundreds or thousands of years
I will stop telling people that the climate is getting more extreme, without producing any evidence
I will admit that hurricanes are on the decline
I will admit that severe tornadoes are on the decline
I will admit that droughts were much worse in the past
I will admit that efforts to shut down power plants have potentially very serious consequences for the future
I will pay for my own tickets to tropical climate boondoggles like Cancun, rather than improperly using taxpayer money for political activism
I will admit that there is no missing heat
I will admit that temperatures have been cooling for at least the last decade
I will publish the raw data and not lose it.
etc. etc. etc.

hahahaha, I got a good laugh out of those. anybody want to add to the list?
So basically, you want honest people to resolve to lie like CON$.

actually I think the point of the OP is to ask climate scientists to stop manipulating data to distort and exaggerate conclusions into preordained statements of catastrophic AGW.
Then why did you ask honest people to lie about it cooling for "at least the last decade?"

Even data from deniers Christy and Spencer, who actually got caught manipulating the data to distort and exaggerate a conclusion of global cooling while it was actually warming, shows the globe has warmed [FONT=arial, verdana, helvetica]+0.14 °C this last decade.[/FONT]
Here is why I know that AGW is a scam:

1. They had to change the name from Global Warming to Climate Change, so they could blame everything on Carbon Dioxide.
2. The answer to the problem is Socialism.
3. A blatant conspiracy to marginalize opponents.
4. The claim: "The science is settled".
My resolution: Don't deal with the trolls at all.

The only questions are 'when' and 'how bad'. 'If' is a foregone conclusion, which I don't have time to argue with idiots about, anymore.


How bad? Shit! I live in Chicago and if this warming continues, the 3000 feet of ice over my house is going to melt.
I'll be doomed!
So basically, you want honest people to resolve to lie like CON$.

actually I think the point of the OP is to ask climate scientists to stop manipulating data to distort and exaggerate conclusions into preordained statements of catastrophic AGW.
Then why did you ask honest people to lie about it cooling for "at least the last decade?"

Even data from deniers Christy and Spencer, who actually got caught manipulating the data to distort and exaggerate a conclusion of global cooling while it was actually warming, shows the globe has warmed [FONT=arial, verdana, helvetica]+0.14 °C this last decade.[/FONT]

even the BEST data, which havent gone through peer review yet to see if the way they cut up data adds a spurious warming, shows that 1/3 of the locations show cooling. the global average temp uses a lot of areas like the arctic which has madeup and infilled data that say what the people running the data sets want them to say. the whole thing depends on the weightings of different areas, and the adjustments made to the raw data.

you keep saying Christie and Spencer were caught manipulating data yet you never show any proof. their data set and methods are much more open and responsive to criticisms than most of the others yet you seem to have a hard on against them while holding credulous high esteem for other data sets that hide their data and methodologies so that it is difficult to find and correct mistakes.
actually I think the point of the OP is to ask climate scientists to stop manipulating data to distort and exaggerate conclusions into preordained statements of catastrophic AGW.
Then why did you ask honest people to lie about it cooling for "at least the last decade?"

Even data from deniers Christy and Spencer, who actually got caught manipulating the data to distort and exaggerate a conclusion of global cooling while it was actually warming, shows the globe has warmed [FONT=arial, verdana, helvetica]+0.14 °C this last decade.[/FONT]

even the BEST data, which havent gone through peer review yet to see if the way they cut up data adds a spurious warming, shows that 1/3 of the locations show cooling. the global average temp uses a lot of areas like the arctic which has madeup and infilled data that say what the people running the data sets want them to say. the whole thing depends on the weightings of different areas, and the adjustments made to the raw data.

you keep saying Christie and Spencer were caught manipulating data yet you never show any proof. their data set and methods are much more open and responsive to criticisms than most of the others yet you seem to have a hard on against them while holding credulous high esteem for other data sets that hide their data and methodologies so that it is difficult to find and correct mistakes.
As you well know, the satellite data does not cover the poles, so you are just spewing pure bullshit when you discredit the fact that the satellite data, even from deniers, shows warming for the last decade that you what honest people to lie about and "admit that temperatures have been cooling for at least the last decade."

I've posted the proof over a dozen times when you've asked for it, but each time you've cut and run from the thread only to post the above highlighted lie in a new thread.
how is it dishonest when the satellites dont give numbers for areas they dont cover but it is OK with you when Hansen makes up numbers for those same areas?
how is it dishonest when the satellites dont give numbers for areas they dont cover but it is OK with you when Hansen makes up numbers for those same areas?
Please show where Hansen made up pole numbers for satellite data, you pathological liar.

If you remember, the whole time Spencer and Christy were cooking the UAH satellite data by using the opposite sign for diurnal satellite decay, you deniers used the phony UAH data to accuse Hansen of making up the numbers. Even now that Christy and Spencer have been discredited and Hansen vindicated you still parrot the same made up lie about Hansen, proving yet again what I have repeatedly shown on this board, "Once a CON$ervative sinks their teeth into a lie, they never let go."

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