New Version Of Obamacare Webiste is Being Implimented!

Good question

because, for the reactionary left. it was never really about healthcare
or affordability

It was about getting the gov'ts foot even more 'in the door'

The Statists/Progressives have been after Healthcare since Wilson...They finally got it.

It is imploding around them.

BTW? A Progressive is a Communist that grabs power in little pieces at a time...:eusa_whistle:
Dear liberals, in regards to, perhaps a lesson in accountability is in order:

Hey, stop mocking Obama and Obamacare!

This is about forcing really shitty insurance down America's throat...making people pay butt loads more for the same product...and then making them turn over vast amounts of deeply personal information to Government Bureaucrats that can't secure the data, and will use it for all kinds of reasons they won't tell us about.

It is a Socialist's dream. Btw...they have a crack team working with the latest technology to fix the problems.

Hey, stop mocking Obama and Obamacare!

This is about forcing really shitty insurance down America's throat...making people pay butt loads more for the same product...and then making them turn over vast amounts of deeply personal information to Government Bureaucrats that can't secure the data, and will use it for all kinds of reasons they won't tell us about.

It is a Socialist's dream. Btw...they have a crack team working with the latest technology to fix the problems.

Agree comrade
Just can't wait for the same quality of people that designed and implemented
Papa Obama care to do their wonderful work on the IPAB

Hopefully the Supreme Court will rule that their word is final
Just like in Canada now

[ame=]The Obsolete Man - YouTube[/ame]
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Hey, stop mocking Obama and Obamacare!

This is about forcing really shitty insurance down America's throat...making people pay butt loads more for the same product...and then making them turn over vast amounts of deeply personal information to Government Bureaucrats that can't secure the data, and will use it for all kinds of reasons they won't tell us about.

It is a Socialist's dream. Btw...they have a crack team working with the latest technology to fix the problems.


LOL! Absolutely. What company in their right mind would use obsolete webtech/code (1990's) to build a website, and expect it to talk to OTHER sites that have different technology (Year 20xx)?

I see their problem is linking to other sites/parts of the code that are more advanced...different structure...

I also think this was on purpose as Obama and the Democrats make people so sick of this (as the drones and the Media go on and on about it), that people will SCREAM for something different...and be willing to comply...SINGLE PAYER is the ultimate goal.

Rumors have it that Valerie Jarrett son in law worked for the company that made the website . Might be the reason they went for that company and explains a lot

sure, corruption is the core of the left
Rumors have it that Valerie Jarrett son in law worked for the company that made the website . Might be the reason they went for that company and explains a lot

sure, corruption is the core of the left

Lies, deceit for power over others...

And I restate the script of the left..."Blame, Minimize, Deny, Obfuscate..."

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods

(no doubt the 'spiritual' nature of the statement, bothers the left)
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Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods

(no doubt the 'spiritual' nature of the statement, bothers the left)

As it should...they have no clue that there are powers larger than they stare into space...or even hear a bird tweeting on a nearby branch...

It never occurs to them...only what can I do to bilk the guy that has more than me?

No no. Stone tablets and chisels.

The First Lady's classmate was told the ObumblerCare internet application "system" design should be tablet-ready!

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