New Trump admin order for separated parents: Leave U.S. with kids or without them

Finally; a president that is actually serious about cracking down on illegal immigration...Trump absolutely rocks!

Maybe now something will be done other than grant amnesty to every Pablo, Jose and Rosita that sneaks across the border, with ninos in tow.
Actually, parents illegally invading the US shouldn't even be given a choice. They show up with their fuck-trophies in tow, or not, they go back across the border. Let them deal with Mexico, like they should have in the first place. For others arriving at ports of entry not on the southern border, they are put back onto the first conveyance of kind returning to their country of origin. They can be held at their port of entry until such transportation becomes available...with their ankle-biters. No harm, no foul. Maybe ICE can provide pamphlets detailing legal methods of entering this country. I'm tired of excuses. A crime is a crime, misdemeanor or felony. US citizens convicted of crimes don't get to cart their spawn off to prison with them, and they certainly don't get to send them to prime summer camps indefinitely, and on the taxpayers' dime.
Actually, parents illegally invading the US shouldn't even be given a choice. They show up with their fuck-trophies in tow, or not, they go back across the border. Let them deal with Mexico, like they should have in the first place. For others arriving at ports of entry not on the southern border, they are put back onto the first conveyance of kind returning to their country of origin. They can be held at their port of entry until such transportation becomes available...with their ankle-biters. No harm, no foul. Maybe ICE can provide pamphlets detailing legal methods of entering this country. I'm tired of excuses. A crime is a crime, misdemeanor or felony. US citizens convicted of crimes don't get to cart their spawn off to prison with them, and they certainly don't get to send them to prime summer camps indefinitely, and on the taxpayers' dime.
Apparently (or so they tell us) there is some stupid ass loopholes the government must follow to keep the whole process legal.

In A Nutshell:
Corrupt Latin American Governments are the fault of the gullible voters who regularly elect crooked politicians that rob them blind and socialistas who continuously promise them something for nothing but deliver only tyranny.

And when word gets out that those dumb ass American gringos are granting amnesty to whoever crashes the border, they pack up and head north and bring their socialist baggage with them to where the Democrats are waiting with loopholes, amnesty and more promises of something for nothing.

The problem is the dumb ass republicans allow the corrupt ass democrats to control this ridiculous ass immigration process. Republicans need to take a lesson from the Democrat Playbook. When Obama didn't like a law, he simply ignored it; hint-hint!

If we don't get a grip on this, the US will soon look like one of those corrupt ass 3rd world Latin American shit-holes, complete with a Banananista Revolution being fought from sea to shining sea.
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Kick there ass back across the border, with there ducklings waddling behind them.
Most people fleeing from somewhere bring their children. If you needed to run, would you leave your children behind? This idea is not only illogical, it defies what we know of human nature. Ever see pictures of people fleeing the fighting in Syria, carrying their children and their elderly on their backs? How retarded can right-wingers be?

Why dont they apply for asylum in their home country?
It's a lot shorter trip and far less dangerous for their kids.
Most people fleeing from somewhere bring their children. If you needed to run, would you leave your children behind? This idea is not only illogical, it defies what we know of human nature. Ever see pictures of people fleeing the fighting in Syria, carrying their children and their elderly on their backs? How retarded can right-wingers be?

Why dont they apply for asylum in their home country?
It's a lot shorter trip and far less dangerous for their kids.

They are fleeing their country. Good grief, the right-wingers are incredibly stupid. It's amazing and disheartening how many ignorant Americans there are. You sound like you voted for the orange whore.
Actually, parents illegally invading the US shouldn't even be given a choice. They show up with their fuck-trophies in tow, or not, they go back across the border. Let them deal with Mexico, like they should have in the first place. For others arriving at ports of entry not on the southern border, they are put back onto the first conveyance of kind returning to their country of origin. They can be held at their port of entry until such transportation becomes available...with their ankle-biters. No harm, no foul. Maybe ICE can provide pamphlets detailing legal methods of entering this country. I'm tired of excuses. A crime is a crime, misdemeanor or felony. US citizens convicted of crimes don't get to cart their spawn off to prison with them, and they certainly don't get to send them to prime summer camps indefinitely, and on the taxpayers' dime.
Apparently (or so they tell us) there is some stupid ass loopholes the government must follow to keep the whole process legal.

In A Nutshell:
Corrupt Latin American Governments are the fault of the gullible voters who regularly elect crooked politicians that rob them blind and socialistas who continuously promise them something for nothing but deliver only tyranny.

And when word gets out that those dumb ass American gringos are granting amnesty to whoever crashes the border, they pack up and head north and bring their socialist baggage with them to where the Democrats are waiting with loopholes, amnesty and more promises of something for nothing.

The problem is the dumb ass republicans allow the corrupt ass democrats to control this ridiculous ass immigration process. Republicans need to take a lesson from the Democrat Playbook. When Obama didn't like a law, he simply ignored it; hint-hint!

If we don't get a grip on this, the US will soon look like one of those corrupt ass 3rd world Latin American shit-holes, complete with a Banananista Revolution being fought from sea to shining sea.

Meh.....I'd say at a minimum 60% of Republicans these days are RINOs and dont want an immigration bill.
Then you have the Soros and his new world order minions like bush,barry,hillary
Most people fleeing from somewhere bring their children. If you needed to run, would you leave your children behind? This idea is not only illogical, it defies what we know of human nature. Ever see pictures of people fleeing the fighting in Syria, carrying their children and their elderly on their backs? How retarded can right-wingers be?

Why dont they apply for asylum in their home country?
It's a lot shorter trip and far less dangerous for their kids.

They are fleeing their country. Good grief, the right-wingers are incredibly stupid. It's amazing and disheartening how many ignorant Americans there are. You sound like you voted for the orange whore.

Asylum seekers = The new Illegal alien.
Just when I think they can’t sink any lower...they do.
They want to keep the kids....trump knows that child sex trafficking is lucrative.

Seems that it was the Clintons that ran to the rescue of Laura Silsby that was trying to whisk 33 children out of Haiti claiming that they were orphans and she was starting up one.......what the fuck? So she needed a starter kit? Turns out that the 33 children were not orphaned at all. The Clintons ran to her rescue.....but move along, folks....nothing to see here.

Actually, parents illegally invading the US shouldn't even be given a choice. They show up with their fuck-trophies in tow, or not, they go back across the border. Let them deal with Mexico, like they should have in the first place. For others arriving at ports of entry not on the southern border, they are put back onto the first conveyance of kind returning to their country of origin. They can be held at their port of entry until such transportation becomes available...with their ankle-biters. No harm, no foul. Maybe ICE can provide pamphlets detailing legal methods of entering this country. I'm tired of excuses. A crime is a crime, misdemeanor or felony. US citizens convicted of crimes don't get to cart their spawn off to prison with them, and they certainly don't get to send them to prime summer camps indefinitely, and on the taxpayers' dime.
Apparently (or so they tell us) there is some stupid ass loopholes the government must follow to keep the whole process legal.

In A Nutshell:
Corrupt Latin American Governments are the fault of the gullible voters who regularly elect crooked politicians that rob them blind and socialistas who continuously promise them something for nothing but deliver only tyranny.

And when word gets out that those dumb ass American gringos are granting amnesty to whoever crashes the border, they pack up and head north and bring their socialist baggage with them to where the Democrats are waiting with loopholes, amnesty and more promises of something for nothing.

The problem is the dumb ass republicans allow the corrupt ass democrats to control this ridiculous ass immigration process. Republicans need to take a lesson from the Democrat Playbook. When Obama didn't like a law, he simply ignored it; hint-hint!

If we don't get a grip on this, the US will soon look like one of those corrupt ass 3rd world Latin American shit-holes, complete with a Banananista Revolution being fought from sea to shining sea.
I think you got that in a nutshell!
Most people fleeing from somewhere bring their children. If you needed to run, would you leave your children behind? This idea is not only illogical, it defies what we know of human nature. Ever see pictures of people fleeing the fighting in Syria, carrying their children and their elderly on their backs? How retarded can right-wingers be?

Why dont they apply for asylum in their home country?
It's a lot shorter trip and far less dangerous for their kids.
Because the give a shit about those kids except as tokens, kinda like we use on the subway. They can always breed more brats.
Then stuff like this happens:
Sick Child Couldn’t Walk After U.S. Took Him From His Mom

There will be dead kids, it's inevitable for how things are run. This could get really ugly and it wouldn't surprise me if adults will die in detention as well.
But wait! We've been told that kid, and many others, would die anyway if they hadn't been dragged here by parents who care so very much they'd risk detention and surrender their children to the government.
Oh please; wake up and smell the coffee.

You've been victimized by the "Fake News" epidemic.

The entire MSM has turned into a 24/7 Slam-Trump marathon.
This ain't rocket surgery einstein!

Child Abusing Foreign Born Mothers.jpg

In all seriousness, do you believe American OR foreign born people are acting in the best interests of their CHILDREN, as well as their community and Nation, when they intentionally introduce newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens to a traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood upbringing fraught with struggles, depression, sorrow, uncertainty, community violence, community FEAR, demeaning government handouts, resentment, sadness, hardships and PAIN?

Frankly, I'd like to see foreign born people with children illegally entering the USA, arrested and charged with Criminal Child Endangerment and Maltreatment for FAILING to place ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional and physical well-being of the children they CHOOSE to create.

Honestly, I have very little respect for adults IRRESPONSIBLY teaching and conditioning their children and teens, to believe it is okay to scoff at, and DISREGARD criminal or civil Rules of Law established by the American people, as well as any other Nation.

If Americans genuinely care about our planet's children they would do everything in their power to EDUCATE our foreign born neighbors about a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition: "Childhood Trauma" aka "Adverse Childhood Experiences" (#ACEs).

During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor, shared knowledge regarding an easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

EYE-OPENING knowledge Oprah exuberantly declares is a "game changer."

YouTube search terms: "Oprah Winfrey Dancing On Table Tops, Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"

If Americans genuinely care about our planet's children, in addition to EDUCATION, they would offer our foreign born neighbors an unlimited supply of SAFE, effective birth control devices that would allow for a HEALTHY sex life, while preventing CHILDREN from irresponsibly being introduced to an UNHEALTHY, potentially life scarring childhood upbringing.

American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect;

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