New Sex Scam Comes To Light

Shattered said:
He'd find a Beavis doll waiting for him on the couch...along with his pillow, and maybe a spare blanket. :)

I prefer a different method. You've heard of "killing with kindness"? I let loose with a "Pumper-wumper-angel-man," and a pinch on the cheek, maybe some kissy noises thrown in. That pretty much sets him running.
Joz said:
So what are you trying to say?
That you've got just so much blood and that it goes where you think it's most needed ; therefore thinking/ judgement/reasoning usually fail?

Some guys....

Joz said:
I just heard this the other day. Bobby wants the band to learn it. Cute song. Better than another he wants them to learn, "Hillbillies do it in the H-ay" :eek:

I like that song too. I didn't get the line I quoted at first, then it hit me! :mm:
Hillbillies do it in the hay? Bleh, you're right!
Joz said:
I don't seed her demanding anything. Russell entered into this deal with knowledge of the situation.
This appears to be on the lines of simple bartering. You negociate until both parties are satisfed witht he outcome. I don't see Russell getting an unfair shake.

No joke. Instead of lingering in the afterglow, the poor woman had to go buy groceries! She should have gotten another $100 bucks for that!
Joz said:
WHO mentioned afterglow???
Or any kind of glow at all? Russell may have been so bad that Helen needed all the things that were bought in order to feel llike she actually came away from the experience with something.

Again with the assumption that the male is unsatisfactory. It is possible that her sole motivation is money/material things. Which would mean that her mind is someplace else while they are doing the "act." No enthusiasm..."hurry up and finish, I'm going shopping"..."are you done yet." Things along those lines.

If she is doing this - I think we can all see why he may be less than ideal in the sack.

If in fact, he is.
GotZoom said:
...... Which would mean that her mind is someplace else while they are doing the "act." No enthusiasm..."hurry up and finish, I'm going shopping"..."are you done yet." Things along those lines.
And how the hell would some of you even know anyway???
Joz said:
And how the hell would some of you even know anyway???

We're making assumptions about their bedroom life. He isn't that good..she has to buy things to feel satisfied, I made an assumption also.
Shattered said:
Noo.. You don't get any. You're in the play. :tng:



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GotZoom said:
I'm sure he would like that very much.

Would he now.. How did you come by the knowledge of how Cookie Monster thinks?
Shattered said:
Would he now.. How did you come by the knowledge of how Cookie Monster thinks?

We share a common bond. There are certain things you just know you know.

You know?

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