New Report Shows Marijuana Arrests Unfairly Target Blacks

After reading all of the comments....why the hate? I think Topspin is right. And, we all do it, or most of us do it. I don't see why Topspin should be attacked for posting this article because it says what we already know to be true....white people can have weed and black people get arrested for having weed, and that's not fair.
I do agree with a lot of the neg posters to an extent. Like I agree most whites I know are not burning tree in public and are paranoid of getting caught. I don't really think it's racism but the cops are in the poor neighborhoods looking for crime. Should they decide to pat down the customers at GAP they might start finding some white kids with pot.
So all of you potheads are going to stop going to your supplier, where you would pay no taxes, and start going to a government supplier where you pay probably very high taxes?

Ya right.

Using that logic, bootlegging would have continued just as strong after the end of Prohibition.
So all of you potheads are going to stop going to your supplier, where you would pay no taxes, and start going to a government supplier where you pay probably very high taxes?

Ya right.

Not that you've shown the first clue about economics but: yes we will pay the tax. Cig companies wil put the street seller out of business by follinging the cigaretter model.
say $20 pack with $10 being tax.

Ya right.

So that guy that doesn't work but sells pot.... hates authority, hates cops and hates working for "the man" is going to stop selling pot and start working a real job?

Ummmmm... doubt it. He will just lower the prices to make his pot worth the risk of not buying from government dealer.

It really doesn't matter what the dealer wants, unless he can undercut the competition.
It's shocking that guy needs to tell people he's not elite. Duh. Hoe about way below average as more descriptive on at least economics.
Sorry bout that,

1. Pots not freedom, its chains, chains that bind the brain to low ideals.
2. Lets not make it legal and say we did, much better idea! .....peanut gallery~ :clap2::clap2::clap2:
3. Its for weak minded people which gives everyone else who isn't a pot smoker an undue~advantage over them! .........peanut gallery~ .......:lol::lol::lol:
4. Keep America on an equal footing, keep pot illegal, even in California!

If you don't want to be targeted for marijuana, then don't smoke or carry marijuana.

Not exactly rocket science there.
So all of you potheads are going to stop going to your supplier, where you would pay no taxes, and start going to a government supplier where you pay probably very high taxes?

Ya right.

Not that you've shown the first clue about economics but: yes we will pay the tax. Cig companies wil put the street seller out of business by follinging the cigaretter model.
say $20 pack with $10 being tax.

Ya right.

So that guy that doesn't work but sells pot.... hates authority, hates cops and hates working for "the man" is going to stop selling pot and start working a real job?

Ummmmm... doubt it. He will just lower the prices to make his pot worth the risk of not buying from government dealer.

Alot of the expense of illegal drugs comes from the fact they are illegal. Higher profit margins are required to compensate for higher risk and higher potential legal costs.

Removing the illegality removes a substantial cost burden from the government. They set the price at whatever they want based on how much they want to tax it.

There will still be illegal sales, but the insane profit margins will be gone. Add the fact the government now has a finanical incentive to stop competition you will see much more enforcement on illicit dealers, who will now be hit with steep monetary fines as well as jail time. Dealing in it illegally will not be worth it profit wise.

Also add in the fact that consumers will now know exactly what they are getting. Regulation will fall to the FDA, and you will be able to figure out what quality of pot you are buying.
I'm inclined to agree wth you on this. Having said that, I just can't believe how disengenuous the state is on trying to get this pushed through and the gov. signing it. It all comes down to money with them. It's been illegal forever and now that they need money they will embrace it with open arms.
Your reasoning is sound but the factor you've overlooked is the very reason why marijuana has been illegal forever. There is BIG money at stake.

If California goes legal and the overall effect is positive, which it surely will be, it won't be long before the rest of America will open its eyes and soon after the death knell will sound for a major trafficking syndicate and number of deeply entrenched, symbiotic rackets beginning with the drug-law enforcement industry, from door-busting cops, judges and prison guards to piss-testing labs and prison builders.

For that reason, as soon as Proposition19 appears on the formal agenda, which will be pretty soon, Californians can expect a massive bombardment of Reefer Madness propaganda occurring 24/7 on every medium from television to the backs of cereal boxes. And because a recent poll of prospective voters predicts a very close contest I am not very optimistic, mainly because a well-financed ad campaign will have a powerful effect on voters.
So all of you potheads are going to stop going to your supplier, where you would pay no taxes, and start going to a government supplier where you pay probably very high taxes?

Ya right.

Economics does not work that way.
Let me explain capitalism to you:
1. In THIS world you and I live in the three biggest commodities are
They are all three intertwined. Most of the weapons and drugs are sold illegally. Why? Because in the underground prohibition market they bring TEN TIMES MORE $$$.
So if you wanted to buy either, what would you want? Would you want them to be legal or illegal knowing full well the undisputed fact that when guns and drugs are illegal THEY COST TEN TIMES MORE.
You didn't know that???
I think that it will come down to the cost for a bag of weed.
My friends son has medical weed, and he pays through the nose for it.
I really doubt the people who will end up using it the most will not be able to afford the legal weed. It's not like buying a bottle of Johnnie Walker.
I think that it will come down to the cost for a bag of weed.
My friends son has medical weed, and he pays through the nose for it.
I really doubt the people who will end up using it the most will not be able to afford the legal weed. It's not like buying a bottle of Johnnie Walker.

When it is legal it is THE EXACT SAME THING as buying a bottle of JohnnY Walker.
I prefer the Blue.
I think that it will come down to the cost for a bag of weed.
My friends son has medical weed, and he pays through the nose for it.
I really doubt the people who will end up using it the most will not be able to afford the legal weed. It's not like buying a bottle of Johnnie Walker.

Well no shit. It is distributed through the doctors.
Dam son, catch on. Legalize it and it drops 80%.
I think that it will come down to the cost for a bag of weed.
My friends son has medical weed, and he pays through the nose for it.
I really doubt the people who will end up using it the most will not be able to afford the legal weed. It's not like buying a bottle of Johnnie Walker.

Well no shit. It is distributed through the doctors.
Dam son, catch on. Legalize it and it drops 80%.

Got a link to that, dad, or are you just talking out your ass?
I think that it will come down to the cost for a bag of weed.
My friends son has medical weed, and he pays through the nose for it.
I really doubt the people who will end up using it the most will not be able to afford the legal weed. It's not like buying a bottle of Johnnie Walker.

Well no shit. It is distributed through the doctors.
Dam son, catch on. Legalize it and it drops 80%.

Got a link to that, dad, or are you just talking out your ass?

Who distributes medical weed Moe?
If you grow it and smoke it please inform us why you need a doctor.
A 5th grader would not need a link to understand that.
Note to the uninformed:
I can provide a link that states, with proof, that Adoplh Hitler is leading Al Qaeda
Well no shit. It is distributed through the doctors.
Dam son, catch on. Legalize it and it drops 80%.

Got a link to that, dad, or are you just talking out your ass?

Who distributes medical weed Moe?
If you grow it and smoke it please inform us why you need a doctor.
A 5th grader would not need a link to understand that.
Note to the uninformed:
I can provide a link that states, with proof, that Adoplh Hitler is leading Al Qaeda

So your saying you have nothing....but your word. I see......

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