New Poll: Trump Is KILLING It!

You have no proof they didn't, but the vote differential is so striking that any thinking man would say so. Sounds like your deck is full of deuces and jokers. I'm not defending anything to the likes of you-your girl lost and you have to deal with that.

I have no need to prove a negative just because you can't prove your bullshit is real.

/—-/ Oh you can prove it by posting evidence that states tightly control voter registration against illegals. Now read this: New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election

lol.... the heritage foundation writes an article based on the mercer family foundation funded dude, who wrote 'clinton cash'?
can you have possibly gotten a more biased CONspiracy laden article? me thinx not.

howeverrrrrrr................... now for something completely different- the truth:

Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — The now-disbanded voting integrity commission launched by the Trump administration uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud, according to an analysis of administration documents released Friday.

In a letter to Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who are both Republicans and led the commission, Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap said the documents show there was a “pre-ordained outcome” and that drafts of a commission report included a section on evidence of voter fraud that was “glaringly empty.”

“It’s calling into the darkness, looking for voter fraud,” Dunlap, a Democrat, told The Associated Press. “There’s no real evidence of it anywhere.”

Republican President Donald Trump convened the commission to investigate the 2016 presidential election after making unsubstantiated claims that between 3 million and 5 million ballots were illegally cast. Critics, including Dunlap, reject his claims of widespread voter fraud.
Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud
Some people believe in God, some believe Trump colluded, some believe Hillary had people killed. I believe 3 million illegals voted. Beliefs can't be proven with numbers any more than they can be dispelled.
Great, so you believe in fairies. Thanks for the admission.
/——/ Gee whiz, I just found proof. Let’s see how to dismiss this, Spanky. Majority of Democrats Want Illegal Aliens to Vote, Deciding Our Policies

Recently, San Francisco approved illegal aliens voting in local elections. It allows the illegals to decide policies, funding, and direction on issues such as education. Foreigners who broke our laws to come into the United States, some of whom are criminals and terrorists, get to decide leaders and policies.
You have no proof they didn't, but the vote differential is so striking that any thinking man would say so. Sounds like your deck is full of deuces and jokers. I'm not defending anything to the likes of you-your girl lost and you have to deal with that.

I have no need to prove a negative just because you can't prove your bullshit is real.

/—-/ Oh you can prove it by posting evidence that states tightly control voter registration against illegals. Now read this: New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election

lol.... the heritage foundation writes an article based on the mercer family foundation funded dude, who wrote 'clinton cash'?
can you have possibly gotten a more biased CONspiracy laden article? me thinx not.

howeverrrrrrr................... now for something completely different- the truth:

Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — The now-disbanded voting integrity commission launched by the Trump administration uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud, according to an analysis of administration documents released Friday.

In a letter to Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who are both Republicans and led the commission, Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap said the documents show there was a “pre-ordained outcome” and that drafts of a commission report included a section on evidence of voter fraud that was “glaringly empty.”

“It’s calling into the darkness, looking for voter fraud,” Dunlap, a Democrat, told The Associated Press. “There’s no real evidence of it anywhere.”

Republican President Donald Trump convened the commission to investigate the 2016 presidential election after making unsubstantiated claims that between 3 million and 5 million ballots were illegally cast. Critics, including Dunlap, reject his claims of widespread voter fraud.
Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud
Some people believe in God, some believe Trump colluded, some believe Hillary had people killed. I believe 3 million illegals voted. Beliefs can't be proven with numbers any more than they can be dispelled.
From Mr bullwinkle
What ARE the results of Trump's presidential labors? We got a wall? We got a nuke-free NK? We got free trade? We got a nuke deal with Iran? We got friends that look up to us? We got a Republican House? What has been accomplished since Trump took office? He may LOOK busy, but what does he do other than insult, govern by tweet, sign reneging XOs with bold sharpies, play golf, hawk his rental properties like a used car salesman, lie like a rug, and go thru staff like salts thru an old maid?
/——-/ YARN - here we go again. Same old broken record from the libtards. President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List | MAGA PILL

I have no need to prove a negative just because you can't prove your bullshit is real.

/—-/ Oh you can prove it by posting evidence that states tightly control voter registration against illegals. Now read this: New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election

lol.... the heritage foundation writes an article based on the mercer family foundation funded dude, who wrote 'clinton cash'?
can you have possibly gotten a more biased CONspiracy laden article? me thinx not.

howeverrrrrrr................... now for something completely different- the truth:

Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — The now-disbanded voting integrity commission launched by the Trump administration uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud, according to an analysis of administration documents released Friday.

In a letter to Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who are both Republicans and led the commission, Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap said the documents show there was a “pre-ordained outcome” and that drafts of a commission report included a section on evidence of voter fraud that was “glaringly empty.”

“It’s calling into the darkness, looking for voter fraud,” Dunlap, a Democrat, told The Associated Press. “There’s no real evidence of it anywhere.”

Republican President Donald Trump convened the commission to investigate the 2016 presidential election after making unsubstantiated claims that between 3 million and 5 million ballots were illegally cast. Critics, including Dunlap, reject his claims of widespread voter fraud.
Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud
Some people believe in God, some believe Trump colluded, some believe Hillary had people killed. I believe 3 million illegals voted. Beliefs can't be proven with numbers any more than they can be dispelled.
Great, so you believe in fairies. Thanks for the admission.
/——/ Gee whiz, I just found proof. Let’s see how to dismiss this, Spanky. Majority of Democrats Want Illegal Aliens to Vote, Deciding Our Policies

Recently, San Francisco approved illegal aliens voting in local elections. It allows the illegals to decide policies, funding, and direction on issues such as education. Foreigners who broke our laws to come into the United States, some of whom are criminals and terrorists, get to decide leaders and policies.
We're talking about federal elections, Spunky, not local elections for school boards. :eusa_doh:

Are you simply not capable of posting relevant information to the discussion?
/—-/ Oh you can prove it by posting evidence that states tightly control voter registration against illegals. Now read this: New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election

lol.... the heritage foundation writes an article based on the mercer family foundation funded dude, who wrote 'clinton cash'?
can you have possibly gotten a more biased CONspiracy laden article? me thinx not.

howeverrrrrrr................... now for something completely different- the truth:

Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — The now-disbanded voting integrity commission launched by the Trump administration uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud, according to an analysis of administration documents released Friday.

In a letter to Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who are both Republicans and led the commission, Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap said the documents show there was a “pre-ordained outcome” and that drafts of a commission report included a section on evidence of voter fraud that was “glaringly empty.”

“It’s calling into the darkness, looking for voter fraud,” Dunlap, a Democrat, told The Associated Press. “There’s no real evidence of it anywhere.”

Republican President Donald Trump convened the commission to investigate the 2016 presidential election after making unsubstantiated claims that between 3 million and 5 million ballots were illegally cast. Critics, including Dunlap, reject his claims of widespread voter fraud.
Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud
Some people believe in God, some believe Trump colluded, some believe Hillary had people killed. I believe 3 million illegals voted. Beliefs can't be proven with numbers any more than they can be dispelled.
Great, so you believe in fairies. Thanks for the admission.
/——/ Gee whiz, I just found proof. Let’s see how to dismiss this, Spanky. Majority of Democrats Want Illegal Aliens to Vote, Deciding Our Policies

Recently, San Francisco approved illegal aliens voting in local elections. It allows the illegals to decide policies, funding, and direction on issues such as education. Foreigners who broke our laws to come into the United States, some of whom are criminals and terrorists, get to decide leaders and policies.
We're talking about federal elections, Spunky, not local elections for school boards. :eusa_doh:

Are you simply not capable of posting relevant information to the discussion?
/——-/ And you think these illegals won’t try to vote in a national election? They have no right to vote in any election. WTF is the matter with you?
lol.... the heritage foundation writes an article based on the mercer family foundation funded dude, who wrote 'clinton cash'?
can you have possibly gotten a more biased CONspiracy laden article? me thinx not.

howeverrrrrrr................... now for something completely different- the truth:

Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — The now-disbanded voting integrity commission launched by the Trump administration uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud, according to an analysis of administration documents released Friday.

In a letter to Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who are both Republicans and led the commission, Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap said the documents show there was a “pre-ordained outcome” and that drafts of a commission report included a section on evidence of voter fraud that was “glaringly empty.”

“It’s calling into the darkness, looking for voter fraud,” Dunlap, a Democrat, told The Associated Press. “There’s no real evidence of it anywhere.”

Republican President Donald Trump convened the commission to investigate the 2016 presidential election after making unsubstantiated claims that between 3 million and 5 million ballots were illegally cast. Critics, including Dunlap, reject his claims of widespread voter fraud.
Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud
Some people believe in God, some believe Trump colluded, some believe Hillary had people killed. I believe 3 million illegals voted. Beliefs can't be proven with numbers any more than they can be dispelled.
Great, so you believe in fairies. Thanks for the admission.
/——/ Gee whiz, I just found proof. Let’s see how to dismiss this, Spanky. Majority of Democrats Want Illegal Aliens to Vote, Deciding Our Policies

Recently, San Francisco approved illegal aliens voting in local elections. It allows the illegals to decide policies, funding, and direction on issues such as education. Foreigners who broke our laws to come into the United States, some of whom are criminals and terrorists, get to decide leaders and policies.
We're talking about federal elections, Spunky, not local elections for school boards. :eusa_doh:

Are you simply not capable of posting relevant information to the discussion?
/——-/ And you think these illegals won’t try to vote in a national election? They have no right to vote in any election. WTF is the matter with you?
You just can't stay on topic, can you? One last time.... the discussion is did millions of illegals vote in the 2016 presidential election.....
Geller Report ^ | May 16, 2019

As he should be. The economy is booming, wages are up, unemployment is down, and America is respected once again, specifically by China, Russia, and Iran. Life is great in America, contrary to what the fake news media says.

According to the poll, Trump’s approval rating is at 51%, despite the fact that over 90% of the media coverage of the President is viciously hostile and bias. His numbers among millennial’s, women, and suburban voters are trending up steadily as well. These numbers should make the Democrats and the mainstream media very nervous.

However, these numbers are they are likely inaccurate. Americans have never seen an economy like this, and this poll is actually saying that only a little more than half of American voters approve of the job that President Trump is doing? BULLSHIT and impossible!

Like the polls for the 2016 presidential election that predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide, these polls are terribly bias and flawed. Trump’s approval rating is likely closer to 60 percent.

According to a new Zogby poll, President Trump is killing it. His job approval has climbed over 50%, (51%) the highest of his tenure as president, higher than Barack Obama’s (48%) was at the same time in his presidency.

Additionally, the majority of millennial’s (18-29) approve of the president (51%); even more of the age group from 25-34 approves of him (53%), and even more of those aged 35-54 (59%). 58% of men approved of Trump, a slim minority of women (48%) approved of him.

48% of suburban voters approved of Trump and a whopping 60% of rural voters approved.

Zogby wrote, “President Trump’s job approval rating has seen a post Mueller report boost! We called it a few weeks ago. But that’s not the complete story as to why the president has reached a peak in his job approval rating. Trump is also riding high on positive economic news-a record high stock market, low unemployment, and solid GDP growth at home.”


The “Trump” positive handwriting is on the wall for all Americans to see and hear. It’s simple, Trump Rally, 32,000 supporters, Biden Rally, 250 people. Case closed, BUT you will never hear the lapdog DemonRAT media spend any appreciable time pon the fact that the only place a DemmonRAT candidate can draw any sizable crowd is in an area populated by a large DemonRAT union or huge minority group!
Do you really want to say we've never seen an economy like this when all over the country people are having to donate school supplies for kids returning to school and people are living in tents because they can't pay the rent?
It wasn't like this when I was a kid; that's when people had some money. This "fantastic economy" stuff is propaganda, I think. Yes, it's fine but it's not all it is being made out to be, and people seem to be struggling more....
Some people believe in God, some believe Trump colluded, some believe Hillary had people killed. I believe 3 million illegals voted. Beliefs can't be proven with numbers any more than they can be dispelled.
Great, so you believe in fairies. Thanks for the admission.
/——/ Gee whiz, I just found proof. Let’s see how to dismiss this, Spanky. Majority of Democrats Want Illegal Aliens to Vote, Deciding Our Policies

Recently, San Francisco approved illegal aliens voting in local elections. It allows the illegals to decide policies, funding, and direction on issues such as education. Foreigners who broke our laws to come into the United States, some of whom are criminals and terrorists, get to decide leaders and policies.
We're talking about federal elections, Spunky, not local elections for school boards. :eusa_doh:

Are you simply not capable of posting relevant information to the discussion?
/——-/ And you think these illegals won’t try to vote in a national election? They have no right to vote in any election. WTF is the matter with you?
You just can't stay on topic, can you? One last time.... the discussion is did millions of illegals vote in the 2016 presidential election.....
/—-/ Yes they did, and democRATs are trying to expand it.
Tell me whats the party affiliation break down of those polls?
Every poll I've seen that has Trump underwater greatly over sample democrats when the Truth is republican/democrat nationwide break down is only 1 or 2 points from being tide and the recent trend republicans have overtaken Democrats by 2 points

the constant democrat oversampling is why almost every time republicans outperform election polls

Pollsters don’t sample based party affiliation.

Republicans don’t outperform polls almost all of the time.
Tell me whats the party affiliation break down of those polls?
Every poll I've seen that has Trump underwater greatly over sample democrats when the Truth is republican/democrat nationwide break down is only 1 or 2 points from being tide and the recent trend republicans have overtaken Democrats by 2 points

the constant democrat oversampling is why almost every time republicans outperform election polls

Pollsters don’t sample based party affiliation.

Republicans don’t outperform polls almost all of the time.
/—-/ Please repost in coherent sentences. TIA
Geller Report ^ | May 16, 2019

As he should be. The economy is booming, wages are up, unemployment is down, and America is respected once again, specifically by China, Russia, and Iran. Life is great in America, contrary to what the fake news media says.

According to the poll, Trump’s approval rating is at 51%, despite the fact that over 90% of the media coverage of the President is viciously hostile and bias. His numbers among millennial’s, women, and suburban voters are trending up steadily as well. These numbers should make the Democrats and the mainstream media very nervous.

However, these numbers are they are likely inaccurate. Americans have never seen an economy like this, and this poll is actually saying that only a little more than half of American voters approve of the job that President Trump is doing? BULLSHIT and impossible!

Like the polls for the 2016 presidential election that predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide, these polls are terribly bias and flawed. Trump’s approval rating is likely closer to 60 percent.

According to a new Zogby poll, President Trump is killing it. His job approval has climbed over 50%, (51%) the highest of his tenure as president, higher than Barack Obama’s (48%) was at the same time in his presidency.

Additionally, the majority of millennial’s (18-29) approve of the president (51%); even more of the age group from 25-34 approves of him (53%), and even more of those aged 35-54 (59%). 58% of men approved of Trump, a slim minority of women (48%) approved of him.

48% of suburban voters approved of Trump and a whopping 60% of rural voters approved.

Zogby wrote, “President Trump’s job approval rating has seen a post Mueller report boost! We called it a few weeks ago. But that’s not the complete story as to why the president has reached a peak in his job approval rating. Trump is also riding high on positive economic news-a record high stock market, low unemployment, and solid GDP growth at home.”


The “Trump” positive handwriting is on the wall for all Americans to see and hear. It’s simple, Trump Rally, 32,000 supporters, Biden Rally, 250 people. Case closed, BUT you will never hear the lapdog DemonRAT media spend any appreciable time pon the fact that the only place a DemmonRAT candidate can draw any sizable crowd is in an area populated by a large DemonRAT union or huge minority group!
Do you really want to say we've never seen an economy like this when all over the country people are having to donate school supplies for kids returning to school and people are living in tents because they can't pay the rent?
It wasn't like this when I was a kid; that's when people had some money. This "fantastic economy" stuff is propaganda, I think. Yes, it's fine but it's not all it is being made out to be, and people seem to be struggling more....
Seems to only affect a vast Majority of areas controlled by DemonRATS....LA, SF. NYC, BALT, CHIC. DET. ETC.
Tell me whats the party affiliation break down of those polls?
Every poll I've seen that has Trump underwater greatly over sample democrats when the Truth is republican/democrat nationwide break down is only 1 or 2 points from being tide and the recent trend republicans have overtaken Democrats by 2 points

the constant democrat oversampling is why almost every time republicans outperform election polls
Well the polls are doing something right because they accurately predicted Hillary would win the popular vote in 2016.
by 4 to 8 points, not the 2 she won by
only one pollster got it accurate and that was Rassmusan the pollster you ignorant liberals always want to dismiss because their result are more favorable to Trump

The RCP average of polls had Clinton winning the popular vote by 2.1%, which is exactly what she won by.
Tell me whats the party affiliation break down of those polls?
Every poll I've seen that has Trump underwater greatly over sample democrats when the Truth is republican/democrat nationwide break down is only 1 or 2 points from being tide and the recent trend republicans have overtaken Democrats by 2 points

the constant democrat oversampling is why almost every time republicans outperform election polls

Pollsters don’t sample based party affiliation.

Republicans don’t outperform polls almost all of the time.
/—-/ Please repost in coherent sentences. TIA

I did. You can’t process coherently it appears.
Tell me whats the party affiliation break down of those polls?
Every poll I've seen that has Trump underwater greatly over sample democrats when the Truth is republican/democrat nationwide break down is only 1 or 2 points from being tide and the recent trend republicans have overtaken Democrats by 2 points

the constant democrat oversampling is why almost every time republicans outperform election polls
Well the polls are doing something right because they accurately predicted Hillary would win the popular vote in 2016.
by 4 to 8 points, not the 2 she won by
only one pollster got it accurate and that was Rassmusan the pollster you ignorant liberals always want to dismiss because their result are more favorable to Trump

The RCP average of polls had Clinton winning the popular vote by 2.1%, which is exactly what she won by.
And STILL LOST a Constitutionally mandated election...KOLOL
Geller Report ^ | May 16, 2019

As he should be. The economy is booming, wages are up, unemployment is down, and America is respected once again, specifically by China, Russia, and Iran. Life is great in America, contrary to what the fake news media says.

According to the poll, Trump’s approval rating is at 51%, despite the fact that over 90% of the media coverage of the President is viciously hostile and bias. His numbers among millennial’s, women, and suburban voters are trending up steadily as well. These numbers should make the Democrats and the mainstream media very nervous.

However, these numbers are they are likely inaccurate. Americans have never seen an economy like this, and this poll is actually saying that only a little more than half of American voters approve of the job that President Trump is doing? BULLSHIT and impossible!

Like the polls for the 2016 presidential election that predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide, these polls are terribly bias and flawed. Trump’s approval rating is likely closer to 60 percent.

According to a new Zogby poll, President Trump is killing it. His job approval has climbed over 50%, (51%) the highest of his tenure as president, higher than Barack Obama’s (48%) was at the same time in his presidency.

Additionally, the majority of millennial’s (18-29) approve of the president (51%); even more of the age group from 25-34 approves of him (53%), and even more of those aged 35-54 (59%). 58% of men approved of Trump, a slim minority of women (48%) approved of him.

48% of suburban voters approved of Trump and a whopping 60% of rural voters approved.

Zogby wrote, “President Trump’s job approval rating has seen a post Mueller report boost! We called it a few weeks ago. But that’s not the complete story as to why the president has reached a peak in his job approval rating. Trump is also riding high on positive economic news-a record high stock market, low unemployment, and solid GDP growth at home.”


The “Trump” positive handwriting is on the wall for all Americans to see and hear. It’s simple, Trump Rally, 32,000 supporters, Biden Rally, 250 people. Case closed, BUT you will never hear the lapdog DemonRAT media spend any appreciable time pon the fact that the only place a DemmonRAT candidate can draw any sizable crowd is in an area populated by a large DemonRAT union or huge minority group!
Do you really want to say we've never seen an economy like this when all over the country people are having to donate school supplies for kids returning to school and people are living in tents because they can't pay the rent?
It wasn't like this when I was a kid; that's when people had some money. This "fantastic economy" stuff is propaganda, I think. Yes, it's fine but it's not all it is being made out to be, and people seem to be struggling more....
Seems to only affect a vast Majority of areas controlled by DemonRATS....LA, SF. NYC, BALT, CHIC. DET. ETC.
Yet a lot of our people live in those cities. Trumpians are always bragging about the country's economy; that includes everyone. Or at least I thought SF, NYC, BALT, CHIC etc. were part of the country.
Your "Democrats' fault" excuse is lame and doesn't hold water.
Tell me whats the party affiliation break down of those polls?
Every poll I've seen that has Trump underwater greatly over sample democrats when the Truth is republican/democrat nationwide break down is only 1 or 2 points from being tide and the recent trend republicans have overtaken Democrats by 2 points

the constant democrat oversampling is why almost every time republicans outperform election polls
Well the polls are doing something right because they accurately predicted Hillary would win the popular vote in 2016.
by 4 to 8 points, not the 2 she won by
only one pollster got it accurate and that was Rassmusan the pollster you ignorant liberals always want to dismiss because their result are more favorable to Trump

The RCP average of polls had Clinton winning the popular vote by 2.1%, which is exactly what she won by.
Since the President isn't elected by majority vote, these polls can certainly be misleading.
Great, so you believe in fairies. Thanks for the admission.
/——/ Gee whiz, I just found proof. Let’s see how to dismiss this, Spanky. Majority of Democrats Want Illegal Aliens to Vote, Deciding Our Policies

Recently, San Francisco approved illegal aliens voting in local elections. It allows the illegals to decide policies, funding, and direction on issues such as education. Foreigners who broke our laws to come into the United States, some of whom are criminals and terrorists, get to decide leaders and policies.
We're talking about federal elections, Spunky, not local elections for school boards. :eusa_doh:

Are you simply not capable of posting relevant information to the discussion?
/——-/ And you think these illegals won’t try to vote in a national election? They have no right to vote in any election. WTF is the matter with you?
You just can't stay on topic, can you? One last time.... the discussion is did millions of illegals vote in the 2016 presidential election.....
/—-/ Yes they did, and democRATs are trying to expand it.
You saying it couldn't be more worthless.... prove millions of them voted....
Geller Report ^ | May 16, 2019

As he should be. The economy is booming, wages are up, unemployment is down, and America is respected once again, specifically by China, Russia, and Iran. Life is great in America, contrary to what the fake news media says.

According to the poll, Trump’s approval rating is at 51%, despite the fact that over 90% of the media coverage of the President is viciously hostile and bias. His numbers among millennial’s, women, and suburban voters are trending up steadily as well. These numbers should make the Democrats and the mainstream media very nervous.

However, these numbers are they are likely inaccurate. Americans have never seen an economy like this, and this poll is actually saying that only a little more than half of American voters approve of the job that President Trump is doing? BULLSHIT and impossible!

Like the polls for the 2016 presidential election that predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide, these polls are terribly bias and flawed. Trump’s approval rating is likely closer to 60 percent.

According to a new Zogby poll, President Trump is killing it. His job approval has climbed over 50%, (51%) the highest of his tenure as president, higher than Barack Obama’s (48%) was at the same time in his presidency.

Additionally, the majority of millennial’s (18-29) approve of the president (51%); even more of the age group from 25-34 approves of him (53%), and even more of those aged 35-54 (59%). 58% of men approved of Trump, a slim minority of women (48%) approved of him.

48% of suburban voters approved of Trump and a whopping 60% of rural voters approved.

Zogby wrote, “President Trump’s job approval rating has seen a post Mueller report boost! We called it a few weeks ago. But that’s not the complete story as to why the president has reached a peak in his job approval rating. Trump is also riding high on positive economic news-a record high stock market, low unemployment, and solid GDP growth at home.”


The “Trump” positive handwriting is on the wall for all Americans to see and hear. It’s simple, Trump Rally, 32,000 supporters, Biden Rally, 250 people. Case closed, BUT you will never hear the lapdog DemonRAT media spend any appreciable time pon the fact that the only place a DemmonRAT candidate can draw any sizable crowd is in an area populated by a large DemonRAT union or huge minority group!
Do you really want to say we've never seen an economy like this when all over the country people are having to donate school supplies for kids returning to school and people are living in tents because they can't pay the rent?
It wasn't like this when I was a kid; that's when people had some money. This "fantastic economy" stuff is propaganda, I think. Yes, it's fine but it's not all it is being made out to be, and people seem to be struggling more....
Seems to only affect a vast Majority of areas controlled by DemonRATS....LA, SF. NYC, BALT, CHIC. DET. ETC.
Yet a lot of our people live in those cities. Trumpians are always bragging about the country's economy; that includes everyone. Or at least I thought SF, NYC, BALT, CHIC etc. were part of the country.
Your "Democrats' fault" excuse is lame and doesn't hold water. know it just keep drinking the Flint dirty water.
Geller Report ^ | May 16, 2019

As he should be. The economy is booming, wages are up, unemployment is down, and America is respected once again, specifically by China, Russia, and Iran. Life is great in America, contrary to what the fake news media says.

According to the poll, Trump’s approval rating is at 51%, despite the fact that over 90% of the media coverage of the President is viciously hostile and bias. His numbers among millennial’s, women, and suburban voters are trending up steadily as well. These numbers should make the Democrats and the mainstream media very nervous.

However, these numbers are they are likely inaccurate. Americans have never seen an economy like this, and this poll is actually saying that only a little more than half of American voters approve of the job that President Trump is doing? BULLSHIT and impossible!

Like the polls for the 2016 presidential election that predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide, these polls are terribly bias and flawed. Trump’s approval rating is likely closer to 60 percent.

According to a new Zogby poll, President Trump is killing it. His job approval has climbed over 50%, (51%) the highest of his tenure as president, higher than Barack Obama’s (48%) was at the same time in his presidency.

Additionally, the majority of millennial’s (18-29) approve of the president (51%); even more of the age group from 25-34 approves of him (53%), and even more of those aged 35-54 (59%). 58% of men approved of Trump, a slim minority of women (48%) approved of him.

48% of suburban voters approved of Trump and a whopping 60% of rural voters approved.

Zogby wrote, “President Trump’s job approval rating has seen a post Mueller report boost! We called it a few weeks ago. But that’s not the complete story as to why the president has reached a peak in his job approval rating. Trump is also riding high on positive economic news-a record high stock market, low unemployment, and solid GDP growth at home.”


The “Trump” positive handwriting is on the wall for all Americans to see and hear. It’s simple, Trump Rally, 32,000 supporters, Biden Rally, 250 people. Case closed, BUT you will never hear the lapdog DemonRAT media spend any appreciable time pon the fact that the only place a DemmonRAT candidate can draw any sizable crowd is in an area populated by a large DemonRAT union or huge minority group!


This is Pamela Geller's BLOG. This is not a legitimate source....for anything
Geller is nothing but a paranoid right wing fringe racist.

"Pamela Geller is an American political activist, blogger and commentator who is known for her anti-Muslim views and activism. She stirred controversy in 2006 for reprinting controversial cartoons of Muhammad on her blog. """"

Pamela Geller
Pamela Geller | Southern Poverty Law Center

Pamela Geller is the anti-Muslim movement's most visible and flamboyant figurehead.
Kind of like CNN and MSNBC with don lemon and chris matthews-tweedle dee and tweedle dumber.
The redneck flyover states are hurting too Mainly Dem states are seeing Population growth while farming states are crying

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