New Picture on the Twenty Dollar bill

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
The Congress of the U.S is passing a law that they want to change and replace the Picture on the twenty dollars will to a Woman called Tubman, She was involved in the Civil right fight in the South. I have not idea who thinks this is good. If they want someone one it why not MLK , this was requested by the Gov of MD of all places. This is nothing but Politicial play making. Martin L King would be the right pick if you really wanted to change the twenty.
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The Congress of the U.S is passing a law that they want to change and replace the Picture on the twenty dollars will to a Woman called Tubman, She was involved in the Civil right fight in the South. I have not idea who thinks this is good. If they want someone one it why not MLK , this was requested by the Gov of MD of all places. This is nothing but Politicial play making. Martin L King would be the right pick if you really wanted to change the twenty.
I'm guessing that they are looking for someone that is a minority and a female. But she was a Republican and a second amendment advocate. And so, I think that it will be great to have her on the twenty dollar bill.
Moe kowtowing to the negroes...will it never end?

The liberals seem not to understand that the more they try to force negroes down the peoples throats the more they will resent the so called democratic party.

They already have the black vote...this stupidity will not help them at all...the more crap we see like this...the more votes the Republican Party will get.
The Congress of the U.S is passing a law that they want to change and replace the Picture on the twenty dollars will to a Woman called Tubman, She was involved in the Civil right fight in the South. I have not idea who thinks this is good. If they want someone one it why not MLK , this was requested by the Gov of MD of all places. This is nothing but Politicial play making. Martin L King would be the right pick if you really wanted to change the twenty.
I'm guessing that they are looking for someone that is a minority and a female. But she was a Republican and a second amendment advocate. And so, I think that it will be great to have her on the twenty dollar bill.

Interesting...then maybe there is a plus to this instance of the democrats constant attempts to promote Negroes at the expense of whites.

But once it becomes widely known this lady supported the 2nd amendment then the democrats will fall all over themselve in a rush to relegate this lady to the dustbin of history.hehheh
As I said before, since feminists insist/bitch that women are paid $0.77 on the dollar compared to men, that makes this bill only worth $15.40.

Well with a negro on it the value will drop even further no doubt. Who wants to walk around with a picture of a Negro in their pocket.

This stupdity is like the crap that went on in Stalinist Russia....the feds forcing unpopular stuff on the people just to demonstrate their power.
Unsurprisingly, rightwing racism and hate is alive and well in America – such is the bane of conservativism.

If things are so bad for Negroes in America

why have they never even considered returning to da mudda land?

Of course we all know why....there is no place on earth where they are more tolerated and kowtowed to than right here in America

With the help of the media most folks even overlook their horrendous crime stats as well as the documented sick behavior of MLK

Irregardless.....let us talk about something actually relevant to this lady in do you feel about how she supported the 2nd amendment?
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