New Obama Attack: Romney Paid Too Much In Taxes On Purpose. How Evil!!!!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I've seen this ridiculous charge being made at MSNBC earlier this week and now this morning on Fox News with Chris Matthews by Obama spokesperson Robert Gibbs.

He actually tried to attach negative connotations to Mitt intentionally paying more taxes than he should have. I guess I've seen just about everything. I think it has become crystal clear that it doesn't really matter what Romney does.....the overactive minds of Obama's brain-trust will simply talk smack about it.

I don't expect the Obama campaign to be honest but this is just one more example of how they twist the truth and turn something positive into something negative.

This is how they claimed that the attacks on our embassies weren't Obama's fault. It wasn't lax security that allowed protesters to invade our embassies. Nope. The whole focus needs to be on Romney shooting before aiming. Obama has had a terrible two weeks and all the press says is that Romney has had a bad two weeks and he's going down in flames. Last night I heard this on Saturday Night Live. If the liberals on SNL didn't have the GOP to make fun I think they would run out of material.

So the major push now that most of Obama's attacks have petered out is that Romney, they claim, said he should be disqualified. What he actually said was this:

"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."

Now look at this. Did Romney break the law to ignore some of his deductions????


So essentially, what Romney said still stands and fact is he did not break the law to pay more as is being accused. The key word is legally. We all have the legal right to ignore deductions to boost our tax liabilities. However MSNBC and the Obama campaign are claiming Romney doesn't.


Romney pays more taxes than 'legally due,' disqualifies himself to be president - The Ed Show
So you will be paying more.. Thanks we need the cash

No......but you have the right to pay more. As a matter of fact you can start skipping meals and sending the cash for those meals to the Obama campaign.

Same for birthdays, Christmas, weddings........knock yourself out. :D

You left out having a YARD SALE for Obama.. "Obama needs your junk"

That faggot better keep his hands off my junk.
What percent of US Americans pay more in Taxes than due filing an itemized return?

Hmmm..? Let's Goggle this...... Must be many right?​

Goggle: "What percent of Americans pay more in Taxes than due."​

Only Mitt's name comes up so far? This is going to be a very hard research project I see!
Democrats had their talking points ready to go no matter what Romney's tax returns showed.
Pretty simple to clear up then.

Release 12 years of taxes..and see if this behavior traverses other returns.
Romney chose to give money to charity without asking taxpayers to subsidize it.

Obama couldn't even give his own kids money without expecting taxpayers to subsidize it.

Yet in this new bizarro world, something is wrong with Romney?
What percent of US Americans pay more in Taxes than due filing an itemized return?

Hmmm..? Let's Goggle this...... Must be many right?​

Goggle: "What percent of Americans pay more in Taxes than due."​

Only Mitt's name comes up so far? This is going to be a very hard research project I see!

I don't know what the percentages are but every year I ignore some of my deductions because I feel that it reduces my chances of being audited. You can carry over some of your deductions legally if you want to.

I usually have enough deductions not to pay any income taxes. I pay through the nose for FICA and Medicare but I almost every year have enough write-off to not pay any income taxes.

But I choose to pay some in hopes that the IRS won't come knocking on my door. I've gone through enough audits to know even if they find nothing it's still a major pain.
What percent of US Americans pay more in Taxes than due filing an itemized return?

Hmmm..? Let's Goggle this...... Must be many right?​

Goggle: "What percent of Americans pay more in Taxes than due."​

Only Mitt's name comes up so far? This is going to be a very hard research project I see!

Most Americans don't worry about what others pay or what they make.. They worry about putting food on the table and how much Uncle Sam is going to steal from their paycheck to pay for government funded abortions, Solyndra, and other CRAP like that. Common sense Americans know that the US government cannot be trusted with their money. Like Mudwhistle stated, being you liberals want so badly to give more to this government check the box and STFU already about it. No one is stopping you.
My brother opened a liquor store in my town. He had to have a background check AND an audit. Guess what the audit found? He didn't pay taxes for three years. He filed to make up for it and open a business HE built. They paid him. He hadn't filed in three years and when he did HE GOT MONEY BACK!!!!! He didn't file because he didn't want a government handout. They forced him to.

I've seen this ridiculous charge being made at MSNBC earlier this week and now this morning on Fox News with Chris Matthews by Obama spokesperson Robert Gibbs.

He actually tried to attach negative connotations to Mitt intentionally paying more taxes than he should have. I guess I've seen just about everything. I think it has become crystal clear that it doesn't really matter what Romney does.....the overactive minds of Obama's brain-trust will simply talk smack about it.

I don't expect the Obama campaign to be honest but this is just one more example of how they twist the truth and turn something positive into something negative.

This is how they claimed that the attacks on our embassies weren't Obama's fault. It wasn't lax security that allowed protesters to invade our embassies. Nope. The whole focus needs to be on Romney shooting before aiming. Obama has had a terrible two weeks and all the press says is that Romney has had a bad two weeks and he's going down in flames. Last night I heard this on Saturday Night Live. If the liberals on SNL didn't have the GOP to make fun I think they would run out of material.

So the major push now that most of Obama's attacks have petered out is that Romney, they claim, said he should be disqualified. What he actually said was this:

"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."

Now look at this. Did Romney break the law to ignore some of his deductions????


So essentially, what Romney said still stands and fact is he did not break the law to pay more as is being accused. The key word is legally. We all have the legal right to ignore deductions to boost our tax liabilities. However MSNBC and the Obama campaign are claiming Romney doesn't.


Romney pays more taxes than 'legally due,' disqualifies himself to be president - The Ed Show

The key word is legally.

If you do your taxes and calculate that by law you owe $10,000, that is the amount that is LEGALLY DUE.

If you choose to eliminate a deduction, or part of a deduction, so that your tax bill is increased to, say, $15,000,

you have chosen to pay more than was LEGALLY DUE. That's what Romney did, and that's what Romney originally said would disqualify him from being president.
I thought Romney was a bit of an ass folding to the liberal left and releasing more tax returns. But now that I see what he did I have a better opinion about Romney.

I think he isn't releasing the tax returns, that he is under no requirement to release, because they will show the same thing this tax return showed. He gave without being asked and in alignment with his beliefs did not want it to be revealed. He was giving unselfishly. Kudos for Romney I hope he stands more firm and tells the liberal left that twists good into evil to go to hell. He walks the walk.
What percent of US Americans pay more in Taxes than due filing an itemized return?

Hmmm..? Let's Goggle this...... Must be many right?​

Goggle: "What percent of Americans pay more in Taxes than due."​

Only Mitt's name comes up so far? This is going to be a very hard research project I see!

Your stupid is painful so your username is the only accurate thing about you.
My brother opened a liquor store in my town. He had to have a background check AND an audit. Guess what the audit found? He didn't pay taxes for three years. He filed to make up for it and open a business HE built. They paid him. He hadn't filed in three years and when he did HE GOT MONEY BACK!!!!! He didn't file because he didn't want a government handout. They forced him to.

So he got money back because the tax laws required him to pay less than had been withheld?
Don't forget,

the real reason Mitt paid more than was due was that he had to avoid being caught in another lie.

He'd already gone on record saying that he'd never paid less than 13% in the last ten years.

He had to manipulate the system to get the 2011 rate back UP to 13%.

I've seen this ridiculous charge being made at MSNBC earlier this week and now this morning on Fox News with Chris Matthews by Obama spokesperson Robert Gibbs.

He actually tried to attach negative connotations to Mitt intentionally paying more taxes than he should have. I guess I've seen just about everything. I think it has become crystal clear that it doesn't really matter what Romney does.....the overactive minds of Obama's brain-trust will simply talk smack about it.

I don't expect the Obama campaign to be honest but this is just one more example of how they twist the truth and turn something positive into something negative.

This is how they claimed that the attacks on our embassies weren't Obama's fault. It wasn't lax security that allowed protesters to invade our embassies. Nope. The whole focus needs to be on Romney shooting before aiming. Obama has had a terrible two weeks and all the press says is that Romney has had a bad two weeks and he's going down in flames. Last night I heard this on Saturday Night Live. If the liberals on SNL didn't have the GOP to make fun I think they would run out of material.

So the major push now that most of Obama's attacks have petered out is that Romney, they claim, said he should be disqualified. What he actually said was this:

"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."

Now look at this. Did Romney break the law to ignore some of his deductions????


So essentially, what Romney said still stands and fact is he did not break the law to pay more as is being accused. The key word is legally. We all have the legal right to ignore deductions to boost our tax liabilities. However MSNBC and the Obama campaign are claiming Romney doesn't.


Romney pays more taxes than 'legally due,' disqualifies himself to be president - The Ed Show

It's not about how much Romney paid but rather whether the amount he paid makes sense. Should tax rules make it possible for the super wealthy to pay so little? If not, then what is a reasonable and fair rate?

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