New Democrat Campaign "Ad"


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
New Democrat Campaign "Ad"

Sadly this isn't even an exaggeration it's literally their platform. IMO, the Democrat platform has now been accurately depicted. I think this about sums it up.
New Democrat Campaign "Ad"

Sadly this isn't even an exaggeration it's literally their platform. IMO, the Democrat platform has now been accurately depicted. I think this about sums it up.

Dear Doc7505
No need for satire to push a legal argument
that the Democratic Platform espouses political beliefs,
and that abusing Govt to "establish" beliefs and penalize
other beliefs is Discrimination by Creed, a civil rights violation,
and a whole GROUP conspiring to abuse office to violate
equal rights constitutes a FELONY.

The Democratic Platform clearly states and acknowledges
this as a BELIEF:

2016 Democratic Party Platform (DRAFT)
Universal Health Care

We believe as Democrats that health care is a right, not a privilege, and our health care system should put people before profits.

Thus, BELIEFS cannot be established through govt
where this becomes a political RELIGION.

I keep hearing complaints about Democrats doing this as a party.

But haven't found people willing to actually take steps to
SUE the party on the grounds of violating laws by
Discrimination by Creed by establishing beliefs
and penalizing other beliefs and regulating on the basis of religion.

Even the ACA Mandates regulated on the basis of religion,
requiring citizens to JOIN and PAY a membership in
govt approved religious organizations in order to be
exempt from tax penalties!

Excerpt from the Affordable Care Act
Excerpt from H.R. 3590: U.S. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [26 U.S.C. §5000A(d)(2)(B)(ii); p. 128]:

(2) Religious exemptions

(B) Healthcare sharing ministry.

(i) In general: Such term [note: "term" refers to "penalty"] shall not include any individual for any month if such individual is a member of a healthcare sharing ministry for the month.

(ii) Healthcare sharing ministry: The term "healthcare sharing ministry" means an organization:

(I) which is described in section 501(c)(3) and is exempt from taxation under section 501(a),
(II) members of which share a common set of ethical or religious beliefs and share medical expenses among members in accordance with those beliefs and without regard to the State in which a member resides or is employed,
(III) members of which retain membership even after they develop a medical condition,
(IV) which (or a predecessor of which) has been in existence at all times since December 31, 1999, and medical expenses of its members have been shared continuously and without interruption since at least December 31, 1999, and
(V) which conducts an annual audit which is performed by an independent certified public accounting firm in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and which is made available to the public upon request.

Doc7505 Why didn't Constitutionalists and Conservatives sue over the Mandates?
1. They were too busy using this legal conflict to vote out opponents and vote in their own.
Instead of addressing and fixing the problem, both sides use it to stoke voters for elections and political gains.
Similar to using gun or abortion politics to rally for or against one party or another, instead of solving either problem!
2. The court and legal process is too expensive and not guaranteed a win, even though
I believe the argument is sound. There wasn't support to pursue it because resources
were better invested in #1 and just using elections to vote this down or out, as Trump and Congress did under his insistence
3. the Republicans are ALSO too bent on pushing THEIR right to life beliefs, and Second Amendment beliefs
by "majority rule" and party politics. So this precludes or contradicts arguing against Democrats abusing
party and majority rule to push beliefs in "right to health care" "marriage equality or LGBT as a class"
and "gun control" the way prolife advocates want to push for abortion regulations.

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