New CBO report is devastating for Obamacare

Sometimes I waiver after witnessing how firmly our USMB nutters cling to misinformation and fear tactics.......but I am fairly certain that the American people are capable of seeing through the negative spin.

To be sure, there will be nutter talking heads blurting out "The non-partisan CBO recently found that Obamacare will cost over 2 million jobs....blah....blah....blah...." from now until election day. But. I think it will ring hollow. The fact is that more people are working and the economy is improving. Reality is kicking nutter ass.

That must be why Obamacare is so popular now.
You obviously do not get it. Obama had a filibuster PROOF congress during his first 2 years in office--MEANING Republicans couldn't do a thing about Obamacare. That's why it was rushed through the senate & house (democrat controlled all the way)--and they didn't even take the time to read this 3200 page bill before they signed it.

They went through a list on the floor (even though being the minut minority-of what was going to happen) and NO ONE LISTENED. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid stopped them at every turn. Republicans were even BLOCKED from attending committee hearings on Obamacare.

There wasn't one single Republican vote to approve Obamacare--(the first in the history of this nation.)

No--DEMOCRATS OWN Obamacare all by themselves.


Welcome to your hope and change!

Nice cartoon. Completely misoepresents the facts. You must be proud.

If the labor force shrinks by 2.3 million people, a dude ( or an ass ) with a job is less likely to lose it. Do you get that? In fact, he will have more negotiating power.

Think, please.

LAW OF ECONOMICS--something I know because I have been a small business owner for over 30 years--with employees. When you add costs onto employers the very FIRST thing they CUT are JOBS.

Obamacare has not even hit the employer mandate as yet. Democrats wisely postponed that until after the mid-term election cycle coming up this November. Employers with 50 or more employees will be required to cover their employees under Obamacare. Their next OPTION--is to cut employees hours to no more than 29 hours per week--to avoid their employees costs of Obamacare--or to simply lay off employees. TAKE YOUR choice this is what is going to happen.

Now for those that are currently covered under a small business owner--that contribute to their owner employer based policy (with fewer than 50 employees)--THIS is what is already happening.

[ame=]WTAE-PA: Pennsylvania Small Business Hit With Skyrocketing Health Costs From ObamaCare - YouTube[/ame]

It's not IF Obamacare is going to affect you it's WHEN. a SMALL business owner....never having greater than 50 employees...I have absolutely no worries about any mandate. You don't either.

And...that video is certified bullshit. More reasons for you to be proud.
Someone is confused. The CBO report says,

"CBO estimates that the ACA will reduce the total number of hours worked, on net, by about 1.5 percent to 2.0 percent during the period from 2017 to 2024,"

"CBO projects that total employment (and compensation) will increase over the coming decade,"

"That increase in overall demand while the economy remains somewhat weak will induce some employers to hire more workers or to increase the hours of current employees during that period."

"rather than as an increase in unemployment (that is, more workers seeking but not finding jobs) or underemployment (such as part-time workers who would prefer to work more hours per week)"

"CBO anticipates that the ACA will lead to a net reduction in the supply of labor."

"some people will choose not to work or will work less—thus substituting other activities for work."

"CBO’s estimate that the ACA will reduce employment"

"CBO’s estimate of the ACA’s impact on labor markets is subject to substantial uncertainty,"

So, you can pick and choose whatever you want, if you are inclined to be disengenous.
No I am not calling the CBO liars just those who try to distort or outright lie about what the CBO actually said.

First off, if people chose to quit their jobs then their jobs weren't cut because of ACA it was their choice. Then to turn a good thing into a bad thing is a lie. The cartoon about the impact on his own job implies he lost it because of ACA when in fact that's is an outright lie. CBO report says many will have the ability to quit on their own.

Now this is a very good thing as many Americans have been working past retirement because of affordable HC until now. The ability to obtain affordable HC will free up thousands of jobs for those looking because the older workers can now retire as they want.

Then we see a post about 12 to 14 million becoming uninsured because HC Ins. cancelled their plans. That's is also a lie, as most of the cancelled plans will be replaced by a different plan. Also all those millions can now take advantage of the exchanges unless in States whose Gov, is trying to keep them uninsured.

The exchanges will provide better plans at a lower cost for those millions that's a good thing.

Now their may be 10,000 people who will be uninsured because of ACA compared to 40 million getting HC,. That's not perfect but an acceptable cost.

Funny how righty has no problem with us going to war under the guise of it will protect Americans at a cost of thousands of young Americans lives. See that's an acceptable loss, but if Obama protects 40 million or more with his HC plan saving tens of thousands of lives, at the cost of 10,000 temporarily uninsured, that's bad? WTF

I think we can see who is lying?

Scary people.
No I am not calling the CBO liars just those who try to distort or outright lie about what the CBO actually said.

First off, if people chose to quit their jobs then their jobs weren't cut because of ACA it was their choice. Then to turn a good thing into a bad thing is a lie. The cartoon about the impact on his own job implies he lost it because of ACA when in fact that's is an outright lie. CBO report says many will have the ability to quit on their own.

Now this is a very good thing as many Americans have been working past retirement because of affordable HC until now. The ability to obtain affordable HC will free up thousands of jobs for those looking because the older workers can now retire as they want.

Then we see a post about 12 to 14 million becoming uninsured because HC Ins. cancelled their plans. That's is also a lie, as most of the cancelled plans will be replaced by a different plan. Also all those millions can now take advantage of the exchanges unless in States whose Gov, is trying to keep them uninsured.

The exchanges will provide better plans at a lower cost for those millions that's a good thing.

Now their may be 10,000 people who will be uninsured because of ACA compared to 40 million getting HC,. That's not perfect but an acceptable cost.

Funny how righty has no problem with us going to war under the guise of it will protect Americans at a cost of thousands of young Americans lives. See that's an acceptable loss, but if Obama protects 40 million or more with his HC plan saving tens of thousands of lives, at the cost of 10,000 temporarily uninsured, that's bad? WTF

I think we can see who is lying?

Scary people.
Their next OPTION--is to cut employees hours to no more than 29 hours per week--to avoid their employees costs of Obamacare--or to simply lay off employees. TAKE YOUR choice this is what is going to happen." LOL

You gotta love the prognosticators on the right?

Obama will destroy this nation.
ACA will have Death Panels.
Obama will socialize this Nation.
Obama will lose by a landslide.

Funny when your agenda lacks anything of substance to support it, you have to rely on just wait & you will see? WTF?

Why would any true American not want HC for everyone? Kiddies Obamacare is here to stay maybe it will be tweaked to a single payer program like Medicare, but its Law.

Get over it, & yes Obama will remain Black his entire term.

Scary people.
Someone is confused. The CBO report says,

"CBO estimates that the ACA will reduce the total number of hours worked, on net, by about 1.5 percent to 2.0 percent during the period from 2017 to 2024,"

"CBO projects that total employment (and compensation) will increase over the coming decade,"

"That increase in overall demand while the economy remains somewhat weak will induce some employers to hire more workers or to increase the hours of current employees during that period."

"rather than as an increase in unemployment (that is, more workers seeking but not finding jobs) or underemployment (such as part-time workers who would prefer to work more hours per week)"

"CBO anticipates that the ACA will lead to a net reduction in the supply of labor."

"some people will choose not to work or will work less—thus substituting other activities for work."

"CBO’s estimate that the ACA will reduce employment"

"CBO’s estimate of the ACA’s impact on labor markets is subject to substantial uncertainty,"

So, you can pick and choose whatever you want, if you are inclined to be disengenous.

I choose this one.

The CBO attributed the decline in workforce participation primarily to this effect. But there were other, less important causes, too, including the likelihood that some employers will cut people’s hours, hire fewer workers or offer lower wages to new workers to avoid or compensate for a new fine on employers that do not offer insurance to employees who work more than 30 hours a week.
some employers will cut people’s hours, hire fewer workers or offer lower wages to new workers to avoid or compensate for a new fine on employers that do not offer insurance to employees who work more than 30 hours a week."

If that occurs people can now quit those jobs & reemploy knowing they wont be destroyed financially by an illness thanks to Obamacare.
The only reason so many employees provide HC is to be competitive in the job market. If a fast food store cuts employees hours the employee who thanks to Obamacare now has Ins. can move on not losing his HC.

There will be plenty of minimum wage jobs or else they will not be staffed. Its no different then any Business, could Walmart continue top operate without the Waltons, yes of course, could they operate without the employees, No they are toast.

Many workers stay at the job they hate because of HC Ins. like the CBO said, now they can leave & do other things & still have HC.

Just say thanks Obama.
That would be everyone that suddenly thinks the government should be encouraging people to be less productive."

So finally someone pointing fingers at the right.

After all its righty who thinks wages should be lower, more money should flow to the rich thus removing Trillions from the economy, millions should forgo HC Ins. making them less productive as they are now more receptive to illnesses without proper preventive care, education should be for those who can afford it, thus reducing the employabiltiy of millions, Women should not be making as much money as men even doing the same work, encourage moving jobs overseas as righty promotes thus reducing good paying jobs in America making us less productive etc etc.

In spite of righty's call to create jobs in 2010 to win some elections they have did Zero to create new jobs, did they lie in their campaign speeches?

That would be everyone that suddenly thinks the government should be encouraging people to be less productive."

So finally someone pointing fingers at the right.

After all its righty who thinks wages should be lower, more money should flow to the rich thus removing Trillions from the economy, millions should forgo HC Ins. making them less productive as they are now more receptive to illnesses without proper preventive care, education should be for those who can afford it, thus reducing the employabiltiy of millions, Women should not be making as much money as men even doing the same work, encourage moving jobs overseas as righty promotes thus reducing good paying jobs in America making us less productive etc etc.

In spite of righty's call to create jobs in 2010 to win some elections they have did Zero to create new jobs, did they lie in their campaign speeches?


Damn, I thought rdean was stupid. I really owe him an apology.
Nice cartoon. Completely misoepresents the facts. You must be proud.

If the labor force shrinks by 2.3 million people, a dude ( or an ass ) with a job is less likely to lose it. Do you get that? In fact, he will have more negotiating power.

Think, please.

LAW OF ECONOMICS--something I know because I have been a small business owner for over 30 years--with employees. When you add costs onto employers the very FIRST thing they CUT are JOBS.

Obamacare has not even hit the employer mandate as yet. Democrats wisely postponed that until after the mid-term election cycle coming up this November. Employers with 50 or more employees will be required to cover their employees under Obamacare. Their next OPTION--is to cut employees hours to no more than 29 hours per week--to avoid their employees costs of Obamacare--or to simply lay off employees. TAKE YOUR choice this is what is going to happen.

Now for those that are currently covered under a small business owner--that contribute to their owner employer based policy (with fewer than 50 employees)--THIS is what is already happening.

[ame=]WTAE-PA: Pennsylvania Small Business Hit With Skyrocketing Health Costs From ObamaCare - YouTube[/ame]

It's not IF Obamacare is going to affect you it's WHEN. a SMALL business owner....never having greater than 50 employees...I have absolutely no worries about any mandate. You don't either.

And...that video is certified bullshit. More reasons for you to be proud.

So now--not only the bi-partisan Congressional budget report is a lie--but so is the video-that is being reported by a news station-out of BLUE STATE PA.

You have NEVER been a small business owner in your entire life--nor will you ever be--that is something that is a LIE. It's you that is lying. You're just another "Lil" Einstein thumb sucking liberal.

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So now--not only the bi-partisan Congressional budget report is a lie--but so is the video-that is being reported by a news station-out of BLUE STATE PA. "

Well no righty's interpretation of what the CBO report said is a lie, & the video is a staged distortion that is hiding the truth .

Kiddies this isn't that tough really, just think then post.

So now--not only the bi-partisan Congressional budget report is a lie--but so is the video-that is being reported by a news station-out of BLUE STATE PA. "

Well no righty's interpretation of what the CBO report said is a lie, & the video is a staged distortion that is hiding the truth .

Kiddies this isn't that tough really, just think then post.


So if it's something that's contrary to what Obama told you it's a lie? That's basically stretching the limits of your mental capacity.

So according to your mental capacity Obama never said that "if you like your plan you can keep it."

[ame=]"If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan." Barack Obama Supercut - YouTube[/ame]
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LAW OF ECONOMICS--something I know because I have been a small business owner for over 30 years--with employees. When you add costs onto employers the very FIRST thing they CUT are JOBS.

Obamacare has not even hit the employer mandate as yet. Democrats wisely postponed that until after the mid-term election cycle coming up this November. Employers with 50 or more employees will be required to cover their employees under Obamacare. Their next OPTION--is to cut employees hours to no more than 29 hours per week--to avoid their employees costs of Obamacare--or to simply lay off employees. TAKE YOUR choice this is what is going to happen.

Now for those that are currently covered under a small business owner--that contribute to their owner employer based policy (with fewer than 50 employees)--THIS is what is already happening.

WTAE-PA: Pennsylvania Small Business Hit With Skyrocketing Health Costs From ObamaCare - YouTube

It's not IF Obamacare is going to affect you it's WHEN. a SMALL business owner....never having greater than 50 employees...I have absolutely no worries about any mandate. You don't either.

And...that video is certified bullshit. More reasons for you to be proud.

So now--not only the bi-partisan Congressional budget report is a lie--but so is the video-that is being reported by a news station-out of BLUE STATE PA.

You have NEVER been a small business owner in your entire life--nor will you ever be--that is something that is a LIE. It's you that is lying. You're just another "Lil" Einstein thumb sucking liberal.

[ame=]WTAE-PA: Pennsylvania Small Business Hit With Skyrocketing Health Costs From ObamaCare - YouTube[/ame]

I own a small business now. One employee and 6 reps. Have had two others that didn't survive. You are being foolish. I sign the checks, bitch.
That would be everyone that suddenly thinks the government should be encouraging people to be less productive."

So finally someone pointing fingers at the right.

After all its righty who thinks wages should be lower, more money should flow to the rich thus removing Trillions from the economy, millions should forgo HC Ins. making them less productive as they are now more receptive to illnesses without proper preventive care, education should be for those who can afford it, thus reducing the employabiltiy of millions, Women should not be making as much money as men even doing the same work, encourage moving jobs overseas as righty promotes thus reducing good paying jobs in America making us less productive etc etc.

In spite of righty's call to create jobs in 2010 to win some elections they have did Zero to create new jobs, did they lie in their campaign speeches?


Damn, I thought rdean was stupid. I really owe him an apology.

Just because someone is more stupid than rdean does not mean rdean is still not stupid. a SMALL business owner....never having greater than 50 employees...I have absolutely no worries about any mandate. You don't either.

And...that video is certified bullshit. More reasons for you to be proud.

So now--not only the bi-partisan Congressional budget report is a lie--but so is the video-that is being reported by a news station-out of BLUE STATE PA.

You have NEVER been a small business owner in your entire life--nor will you ever be--that is something that is a LIE. It's you that is lying. You're just another "Lil" Einstein thumb sucking liberal.

[ame=]WTAE-PA: Pennsylvania Small Business Hit With Skyrocketing Health Costs From ObamaCare - YouTube[/ame]

I own a small business now. One employee and 6 reps. Have had two others that didn't survive. You are being foolish. I sign the checks, bitch.

Yeah right--:clap2:


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