New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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Well, well, well. What do we have here? It appears that the narrative of Benghazi being a "spontaneous protest brought on by a video" was the work of none other than White House officials.

Newly released emails on the Benghazi terror attack suggest a senior White House aide played a central role in preparing former U.N. ambassador Susan Rice for her controversial Sunday show appearances -- where she wrongly blamed protests over an Internet video.

More than 100 pages of documents were released to the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. Among them was a Sept. 14, 2012, email from Ben Rhodes, an assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser for strategic communications.

The Rhodes email, with the subject line: "RE: PREP Call with Susan: Saturday at 4:00 pm ET," was sent to a dozen members of the administration's inner circle, including key members of the White House communications team such as Press Secretary Jay Carney.

In the email, Rhodes specifically draws attention to the anti-Islam Internet video, without distinguishing whether the Benghazi attack was different from protests elsewhere.

The email lists the following two goals, among others:

"To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy."

"To reinforce the President and Administration's strength and steadiness in dealing with difficult challenges."

The email goes on to state that the U.S. government rejected the message of the Internet video. "We find it disgusting and reprehensible. But there is absolutely no justification at all for responding to this movie with violence," the email stated
Benghazi emails suggest White House aide involved in prepping Rice for ?video? explanation | Fox News
You do realize that people who watch fox news are less knowledgable on world affairs than people who do not watch fox? You do realize that?
I can see why you would do this but why would I or any thinking person want to watch and believe a media outlet that makes them dumber?

You? Think? With what brain cells? Obviously you don't read links, do you?

The 100 pages of emails (does this look like Fox News to you?):
Benghazi 4-7-14 | Judicial Watch

And how can you get upset for me quoting Fox News when you just cited MEDIA MATTERS?! YOU EEEEDIOT! Thinking people NEVER quote Media Matters.
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Wow, yeah who cares about some dead American employees? So what if they were sacrificed to the Obama campaign?
You really are a shithead loser.
Stevens and his team chose to go there. They decided they were safe enough. No one died at the official Embassy that day, which was 400 miles away and protected. I know the facts are inconvenient to you but those are the facts.

American employees died begging for help from their government, which wished them away in a campaign of lies and betrayed them.
And this doesnt bother you in the least.

Why is this different than all the other employees that have died overseas? Why are you pushing only this investigation that involves 6 whole people and ignoring the rest?
Stevens and his team chose to go there. They decided they were safe enough. No one died at the official Embassy that day, which was 400 miles away and protected. I know the facts are inconvenient to you but those are the facts.

American employees died begging for help from their government, which wished them away in a campaign of lies and betrayed them.
And this doesnt bother you in the least.

Why is this different than all the other employees that have died overseas? Why are you pushing only this investigation that involves 6 whole people and ignoring the rest?

Why didn't they just simply just give a damn and do their fucking jobs? Never leave anyone behind, never leave them there to die at the hands of our enemies!
Well, well, well. What do we have here? It appears that the narrative of Benghazi being a "spontaneous protest brought on by a video" was the work of none other than White House officials.

is this another of the fake emails put out by House GOP staffers?

I can't wait until 2016 so that the cons will finally stop ranting about benghazi

Yes they will, because they have a worse record than dems..

I can't wait until 2016 so that the cons will finally stop ranting about benghazi

Yes they will, because they have a worse record than dems..


Uhh, for what? And you lose all credibility by citing Mother Jones.
Here is something you do not seem to understand. Mother Jones posts both blogs and facts. When they post a blog/opinion you have a right to be skeptical. However, when they post facts (the graph in question) you are left with two choices. You can either accept the facts OR you can find proof the facts are wrong. Ignoring the facts, which appears to be your choice for ignoring reality, is not an option.
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Yes they will, because they have a worse record than dems..


Uhh, for what? And you lose all credibility by citing Mother Jones.
Here is something you do not seem to understand. Mother Jones posts both blogs and facts. When they post a blog/opinion you have a right to be skeptical. However, when they post facts (the graph in question) you are left with two choices. You can either accept the facts OR you can find proof the facts are wrong. Ignoring the facts, which appears to be your choice for ignoring reality, is not an option.

you mean lying like obama?
greed like al gore? stupidity like nancy pelosi?

libs are losers who lie to themelves
it's hilarious watching left-wing morons make useful idiots of themselves doing the dirty work for a gazillionaire HEDGE-FUND guru and capitalist hypocrite like george soros
I can't wait until 2016 so that the cons will finally stop ranting about benghazi
A rant is the exact word. That's all they have.

No, we hae the truth: the Obama White House lied to protect their re-election chances.
Obama lied, people died.

I don't agree with his changing the narrative of the reason for the attack, but nobody died due to him lying. They were already dead. They were killed due to a failed response to the attacks, as has happened under many administrations. Don't pretend you gave a shit when a Republican was in office.
I'm sorry guys, this story is legit. And you simply cannot handle the fact that the White House was in the middle of this coverup and misinformation.

I think this ends Hitlery's run at the White House.

Too bad, really. We could run Alfred e Neuman and beat that slimey ****.

Elizabeth Warren? No chance. She'd get crushed.

Not sure who else dimocrap scum have. Some 'nobody' I guess.

They always do that. They always pull some 'nobody' out of their asses and run him because every time they run a publicly KNOWN dimocrap for an open presidency, they get their clocks cleaned.

I hope Hitlery still runs. Watching her melt down in public will be one of the most joyous moments in my life
Uhh, for what? And you lose all credibility by citing Mother Jones.
Here is something you do not seem to understand. Mother Jones posts both blogs and facts. When they post a blog/opinion you have a right to be skeptical. However, when they post facts (the graph in question) you are left with two choices. You can either accept the facts OR you can find proof the facts are wrong. Ignoring the facts, which appears to be your choice for ignoring reality, is not an option.

you mean lying like obama?
greed like al gore? stupidity like nancy pelosi?

libs are losers who lie to themelves

No conservative has ever lied??
Well, well, well. What do we have here? It appears that the narrative of Benghazi being a "spontaneous protest brought on by a video" was the work of none other than White House officials.

Benghazi emails suggest White House aide involved in prepping Rice for ?video? explanation | Fox News
You do realize that people who watch fox news are less knowledgable on world affairs than people who do not watch fox? You do realize that?
I can see why you would do this but why would I or any thinking person want to watch and believe a media outlet that makes them dumber?

You? Think? With what brain cells? Obviously you don't read links, do you?

The 100 pages of emails (does this look like Fox News to you?):
Benghazi 4-7-14 | Judicial Watch

And how can you get upset for me quoting Fox News when you just cited MEDIA MATTERS?! YOU EEEEDIOT! Thinking people NEVER quote Media Matters.
fox news is pretty much accepted as a mouth piece for the gop. They have been caught in one lie after another. When seven different surveys show that those who watch fox know less about the world than those who do not watch fox it says something about fox. Now, if Media Matters has been shown to be dishonest and to lie on its site I have never heard of it. Basically you sound like you are screaming another variation of the gop mantra "Liberal media!! Liberal media!!" when you whine about Media Matters.
It doesn't bother me because that's not what happened. You simply believe that it did, when it didn't.

the pretend rabbi is also a compulsive liar.

ask him where he and the other nutters were during baby bush's 13 benghazis with their 50 dead.

oh wait....

Oh that was sooo pre-2009. Now they care...really! They really do!

Know what you two cock-breath faggots?

Start a separate thread on those incidents and stop trying to derail this one.

scum sucking slime.
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