Never trust anti gunners....they lie because they have an irrational fear of guns....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here is an article looking at more lies put out by anti gun groups to promote their own fear of is an irrational fear, but it controls their actions, so they will do anything that they have to to get rid of guns....

Unraveling more gun-control lies

In discussing the lies and distortions popular among anti-rights extremists – and their media supporters – I recently commented on their claims that “3,000 children die in gun violence every year,” and that “gun deaths exceed traffic deaths” in this or that state. I only mentioned these in passing, but I think they deserve more thorough scrutiny.
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Here is an article looking at more lies put out by anti gun groups to promote their own fear of is an irrational fear, but it controls their actions, so they will do anything that they have to to get rid of guns....

So let me get this straight.

1 person dies of Ebola in the US, and we go into a full panic mode.

32,000 people die of gunshot wounds and another 78,000 are injured, and you don't think that's cause for concern?
I think you have it reversed...


Here is an article looking at more lies put out by anti gun groups to promote their own fear of is an irrational fear, but it controls their actions, so they will do anything that they have to to get rid of guns....

So let me get this straight.

1 person dies of Ebola in the US, and we go into a full panic mode.

32,000 people die of gunshot wounds and another 78,000 are injured, and you don't think that's cause for concern?

Let's see. 32,000 - 9,000 gun murders = 23,000 suicides.....

But you notice something.....these groups aren't focused helping people deal deal with whatever issues led them to kill just want to use the deaths to ban the object they are afraid of.....guns....

And considering that of the 9,000 gun murders 80% are comitted by inner city gangs in cities controlled by democrats....leaving 1,800 gun murders by non gang affiliated killers...

you notice they don't focus their energy on breaking up the reasons kids join gangs...they focus on the object they are afraid of....guns......

they have an irrational fear of guns...they are looney about them.....

There are over 310 million guns in a country of 310 million people...and only 8-9,000 are used to commit murder.....

And that is what terrifies the irrational anti gunners....a number so small when put in context it is surprising that the anti gunners aren't referred for psychiatric counseling....
And joe....1.6 million Americans use guns every year to stop violent criminal attack and save lives vs. 8-9,000 gun murders and 6-700 accidental gun deaths....

I know you went to a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat party....but try to figure this out.....

Which number is bigger....1.6 million or 8-9,000.....take however much time you need....
Thanks, Bill, your NRA talking points are as unconvincing as the last 200 times you've said them.

So how is it that you guys have to draw your weapons 1.6 million times a year, and yet only managed to kill 200 bad guys?
So how is it that you guys have to draw your weapons 1.6 million times a year, and yet only managed to kill 200 bad guys?

It is so simple Joe even you should be able to understand abiding citizens carrying weapons for self defense do not want to shoot anyone....ever....but when a violent criminal monster ends up in their life, and they have no choice, they prefer to live and keep their loved ones alive rather than do as you and the other anti gunners suggest that they do....and that is to quietly submit to whatever brutal, violent, dehumanizing plans the violent criminal intends to commit against them....

So....a law abiding citizen uses only that force which is absolutely necessary to keep from being a most cases...that is simply displaying the weapon, or drawing the weapon and holding the criminal for the police....

The fact that in 1.6 million defensive uses of guns only 200 monsters are killed shows the restraint and composure of law abiding gun should be proud of them, not condemning of them....

and so you know....I don't use NRA talking points...having researched and debated this topic for a few years now....I have created my own talking points based on the truth, facts, reality and having a fully functional moral compass....
It is so simple Joe even you should be able to understand abiding citizens carrying weapons for self defense do not want to shoot anyone....ever....but when a violent criminal monster ends up in their life, and they have no choice, they prefer to live and keep their loved ones alive rather than do as you and the other anti gunners suggest that they do....and that is to quietly submit to whatever brutal, violent, dehumanizing plans the violent criminal intends to commit against them....

Guy, that's horseshit. You gunner come on here every day with your snuff fantasies about how you just can't wait to shoot you a negro... er... criminal. You treat Darren Wilson and George Zimmerman like they are heroes when they do. I simply find it impossible to believe that there are 1.6 million instances when it's you, a criminal and a justifiable situation where you can shoot them, and you only do it 200 times.
Yep......JoeB see's a photo of a gun and his head explodes!!!:boobies::boobies::gay:

And yes......Wilson is a stud hero to tens of millions of Americans, happy to say!!!:rock:Lost in the whole Ferguson debacle was how fucking good of a shot Wilson was!!! Brilliant with 4 shots to the arm and when the savage kept coming, he knocked his hat off!! Dang.........
Thanks, Bill, your NRA talking points are as unconvincing as the last 200 times you've said them.

So how is it that you guys have to draw your weapons 1.6 million times a year, and yet only managed to kill 200 bad guys?

And it'll be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than that next year s0n >>>>

Holiday gun sales booming locally and nationally

Oh Joe.....I hear there is a big holiday sale on NurfGun's down at Walmart, but better get there fast as the place is already running out of ammo.
It is so simple Joe even you should be able to understand abiding citizens carrying weapons for self defense do not want to shoot anyone....ever....but when a violent criminal monster ends up in their life, and they have no choice, they prefer to live and keep their loved ones alive rather than do as you and the other anti gunners suggest that they do....and that is to quietly submit to whatever brutal, violent, dehumanizing plans the violent criminal intends to commit against them....

Guy, that's horseshit. You gunner come on here every day with your snuff fantasies about how you just can't wait to shoot you a negro... er... criminal. You treat Darren Wilson and George Zimmerman like they are heroes when they do. I simply find it impossible to believe that there are 1.6 million instances when it's you, a criminal and a justifiable situation where you can shoot them, and you only do it 200 times.

Oh, there is the other part of the equation...the criminal....since most criminals don't like regular hours, or hard work...but like to rape, rob and kill innocent people....when they are confronted by someone armed with a gun who is going to actually shoot them if they press an attack....they don't....they run....because 1) they don't want to be shot and 2) they don't want to go and sit in a jail sell for 5 there is that as well...

Of all the posters here are the only one who speaks about violent fantasies of killing minorities....and try to tell us that is what we an internet friend.....I suggest you get some real help......

As to Darren Wilson....he was doing his job and Brown was a really, really stupid, violent teenager....raised in a broken home and trained to hate cops....and taught that it was okay to intimidate other you can see as he casually robbed that store....

George Zimmerman....was doing nothing wrong, did not shoot anyone....until Trayvon Martin....another stupid, violent teenager raised in a broken home and taught to hate cops and attacked him and was trying to crack his head open with that sidewalk.....

Neither Wilson or Zimmerman wanted to shoot was the stupid, violent criminals who pressed the attack.....ever consider that Joe.....?
Oh....and if a violent criminal encounters someone with a gun...they run...then just find someone who doesn't have a gun to rape, rob or murder.....there are a lot more people walking around unarmed than there are carrying the means to defend themselves.....
Here is an article looking at more lies put out by anti gun groups to promote their own fear of is an irrational fear, but it controls their actions, so they will do anything that they have to to get rid of guns....

So let me get this straight.

1 person dies of Ebola in the US, and we go into a full panic mode.

32,000 people die of gunshot wounds and another 78,000 are injured, and you don't think that's cause for concern?

32,000? On which planet do you live again?
Thanks, Bill, your NRA talking points are as unconvincing as the last 200 times you've said them.

So how is it that you guys have to draw your weapons 1.6 million times a year, and yet only managed to kill 200 bad guys?

Because the goal isn't to kill, idiot. the goal is to STOP the crime! Pull your head out of your ass before you make a real fool out of yourself.......ooops. Too late!
Oh, there is the other part of the equation...the criminal....since most criminals don't like regular hours, or hard work...but like to rape, rob and kill innocent people....when they are confronted by someone armed with a gun who is going to actually shoot them if they press an attack....they don't....they run....because 1) they don't want to be shot and 2) they don't want to go and sit in a jail sell for 5 there is that as well...

Of all the posters here are the only one who speaks about violent fantasies of killing minorities....and try to tell us that is what we an internet friend.....I suggest you get some real help......

Were you actually paying attention to the Trayvon Martin and Mike

Brown threads, where your fellow gun nuts were cheering that they were happy that the "thugs" got what "was coming to them"? DId you miss all those, because I think I recall you being one of the guys doing the cheering.

As to Darren Wilson....he was doing his job and Brown was a really, really stupid, violent teenager....raised in a broken home and trained to hate cops....and taught that it was okay to intimidate other you can see as he casually robbed that store....

Yup, you see, exacctly my point, you get aroused at the thought of killing someone over a petty crime. So you would really have me believe that there are 1.6 million instances where that could happen, and amazingly, it only happens 200 times? Seriously? Meh, not really.

Here's the reality. Usually when a crime happens, it's done and over before anyone can react.

George Zimmerman....was doing nothing wrong, did not shoot anyone....until Trayvon Martin....another stupid, violent teenager raised in a broken home and taught to hate cops and attacked him and was trying to crack his head open with that sidewalk.....

HOw do you know how he was raised? Frankly, the kid was walking home from buying candy and some strange dude starts following him despite several attempts to evade. sounds to me like if someone had a legitimate claim to self-defense, it was Trayvon. But man, it's a good thing Zimmerman had a gun, because being beaten up by a smaller, weaker kid is kind of embarrassing.

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