never since carter

You expect the opposition to disagree with a president who has moved the country farther to the left than any chief executive since FDR. And indeed, the changes have been epic, whether it's the nationalization of health care, the $700 billion in bailouts, the $862 billion in failed stimulus, the takeover of the car industry or attempts to control Wall Street.

Second paragraph says it all. "I am a right wing conservative and I am unhappy with anything this popularly elected administration does"

All items noted were major successes and were achieved despite right wing obstruction

You couldn't prove a single one was a success if your life depended on it... And I'm not even arguing for you to prove even 1 was a "major" success as you put it. Success would be saying the problem was solved being that's what was promised, and if you think the problem is solved I urge you to stop posting or talking to any other human beings as you only hurt and embarrass us as a species.

Nationalization of health care- Shows the bias of the original article. The Public Option was not included in the Bill, hence no "nationalization" Healthcare bill was the most sweeping health legislation in 100 years.

$700 billion in bailout- Bush deserves credit too. Once the banks started to collapse, the financial industry went into a panic and the market fell 7000 points. Bailout showed the government would stand behind the financial sector and saved us from a Depression

$862 billion in failed stimulus,- again showing rightwing bias. Stimulus provided states with much needed capital and saved the jobs of hundreds of thousands of Police, Firemen and Teachers

Takeover of the car industry - The first option was to find foreign investors willing to stand behind our auto industry. When that failed to occur, the US Government stepped in and stood behind GM and Chrysler. They also demanded collateral like any other investor. Auto companies saved, millions of jobs saved, loans repaid, GM and Chrysler solvent

Attempts to control Wall Street.- Not an attempt, a success to keep Wall Street from returning to the unchecked greed which caused a global financial collapse
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I read the first page of that piece and there is not one substantive comment! Consider only that after eight years of Bush the entire economy nearly collapsed and you can only marvel at the partisan ignorance of so many people. A surplus to a near total meltdown in eight years that required an FDR type action just to get us started out of the quagmire that is conservative republican economics.

If we are to fault anyone here it the bankers, investment buffoons, and we the people. Consider only the death of fair wages, the outsourcing of work, the purchase of foreign cars and materials whose profits assist other nations than our own, and you can only shake your head at the morons who point at Obama while the sins are theirs.

Invest in America Friends, Buy American, seems like a good idea, your constant carping, moaning, and whining may help babies get their milk bottle or breast but hardly helps the nation.

'How to Tell a Nation Is at Risk'

by Floyd Norris

"The American economy currently is doing better than it would sound from the rhetoric on both sides of the political spectrum. The two demonstrable signs that the recovery has slowed are in areas — housing and cars — where temporary stimulus programs were artificially spurring growth. It was obvious that there would be brief declines when those programs expired.

But pessimism is intense. There was talk of depression just before the latest stock market rally began, and surveys of investors show levels of bearishness normally seen only after years of market declines. In fact, the market is up sharply from early 2009, and about 20 percent above where it was a year ago."

Norris: How to Tell a Nation Is at Risk - DealBook Blog -
Second paragraph says it all. "I am a right wing conservative and I am unhappy with anything this popularly elected administration does"

All items noted were major successes and were achieved despite right wing obstruction

You couldn't prove a single one was a success if your life depended on it... And I'm not even arguing for you to prove even 1 was a "major" success as you put it. Success would be saying the problem was solved being that's what was promised, and if you think the problem is solved I urge you to stop posting or talking to any other human beings as you only hurt and embarrass us as a species.

Nationalization of health care- Shows the bias of the original article. The Public Option was not included in the Bill, hence no "nationalization" Healthcare bill was the most sweeping health legislation in 100 years.

$700 billion in bailout- Bush deserves credit too. Once the banks started to collapse, the financial industry went into a panic and the market fell 7000 points. Bailout showed the government would stand behind the financial sector and saved us from a Depression

$862 billion in failed stimulus,- again showing rightwing bias. Stimulus provided states with much needed capital and saved the jobs of hundreds of thousands of Police, Firemen and Teachers

Takeover of the car industry - The first option was to find foreign investors willing to stand behind our auto industry. When that failed to occur, the US Government stepped in and stood behind GM and Chrysler. They also demanded collateral like any other investor. Auto companies saved, millions of jobs saved, loans repaid, GM and Chrysler solvent

Attempts to control Wall Street.- Not an attempt, a success to keep Wall Street from returning to the unchecked greed which caused a global financial collapse

Aw, but rightwinger, gov't stepping into the marketplace for any reason is just icky. Doncha know that, by now??
Back in 77 the Press was enthusiastic for Carter, but never sycophantic like they were at the beginning of the 0bama's term.

I don't want to see the kind of international derision that Carter engendered. That was very dangerous then, it is even more dangerous now.
The sycophancy we see now is partially based on desperation. They see their goal within reach, and close to succeeding in ending the constitution and create their much vaunted leftist utopian fantasy of centralized control. They saw hints of it back in the 70's when their idealism was fresh. Now it has grown stale by 30 years and they are desperate to justify these ideals, lest they have to admit the truth about their beliefs and the evil on which it is founded.
Second paragraph says it all. "I am a right wing conservative and I am unhappy with anything this popularly elected administration does"

All items noted were major successes and were achieved despite right wing obstruction

You couldn't prove a single one was a success if your life depended on it... And I'm not even arguing for you to prove even 1 was a "major" success as you put it. Success would be saying the problem was solved being that's what was promised, and if you think the problem is solved I urge you to stop posting or talking to any other human beings as you only hurt and embarrass us as a species.

Nationalization of health care- Shows the bias of the original article. The Public Option was not included in the Bill, hence no "nationalization" Healthcare bill was the most sweeping health legislation in 100 years.

$700 billion in bailout- Bush deserves credit too. Once the banks started to collapse, the financial industry went into a panic and the market fell 7000 points. Bailout showed the government would stand behind the financial sector and saved us from a Depression

$862 billion in failed stimulus,- again showing rightwing bias. Stimulus provided states with much needed capital and saved the jobs of hundreds of thousands of Police, Firemen and Teachers

Takeover of the car industry - The first option was to find foreign investors willing to stand behind our auto industry. When that failed to occur, the US Government stepped in and stood behind GM and Chrysler. They also demanded collateral like any other investor. Auto companies saved, millions of jobs saved, loans repaid, GM and Chrysler solvent

Attempts to control Wall Street.- Not an attempt, a success to keep Wall Street from returning to the unchecked greed which caused a global financial collapse

If it hadn't been for an all out cry from the majority of the PEOPLE in America we would have the liberal golden ring of the Public option If it hadn't been for groups like the tea party that is.
Back in 77 the Press was enthusiastic for Carter, but never sycophantic like they were at the beginning of the 0bama's term.

I don't want to see the kind of international derision that Carter engendered. That was very dangerous then, it is even more dangerous now.
The sycophancy we see now is partially based on desperation. They see their goal within reach, and close to succeeding in ending the constitution and create their much vaunted leftist utopian fantasy of centralized control. They saw hints of it back in the 70's when their idealism was fresh. Now it has grown stale by 30 years and they are desperate to justify these ideals, lest they have to admit the truth about their beliefs and the evil on which it is founded.

You couldn't prove a single one was a success if your life depended on it... And I'm not even arguing for you to prove even 1 was a "major" success as you put it. Success would be saying the problem was solved being that's what was promised, and if you think the problem is solved I urge you to stop posting or talking to any other human beings as you only hurt and embarrass us as a species.

Nationalization of health care- Shows the bias of the original article. The Public Option was not included in the Bill, hence no "nationalization" Healthcare bill was the most sweeping health legislation in 100 years.

$700 billion in bailout- Bush deserves credit too. Once the banks started to collapse, the financial industry went into a panic and the market fell 7000 points. Bailout showed the government would stand behind the financial sector and saved us from a Depression

$862 billion in failed stimulus,- again showing rightwing bias. Stimulus provided states with much needed capital and saved the jobs of hundreds of thousands of Police, Firemen and Teachers

Takeover of the car industry - The first option was to find foreign investors willing to stand behind our auto industry. When that failed to occur, the US Government stepped in and stood behind GM and Chrysler. They also demanded collateral like any other investor. Auto companies saved, millions of jobs saved, loans repaid, GM and Chrysler solvent

Attempts to control Wall Street.- Not an attempt, a success to keep Wall Street from returning to the unchecked greed which caused a global financial collapse

If it hadn't been for an all out cry from the majority of the PEOPLE in America we would have the liberal golden ring of the Public option If it hadn't been for groups like the tea party that is.

We can only hope that we will eventually come to our senses and bring in an effective Government Option

In the mean time, morons like bigreb will continue to claim we have nationalized healthcare
Never since Carter?

How about comparing to Reagan in July of 1982?

The two are polar opposites. Reagan's economic policies brought us out of a recession and into a roaring economy. Obama's policies will do no such thing because they are hostile to business and economic growth.
Never since Carter?

How about comparing to Reagan in July of 1982?

The two are polar opposites. Reagan's economic policies brought us out of a recession and into a roaring economy. Obama's policies will do no such thing because they are hostile to business and economic growth.

What were Reagans policies? Deficit Spending

He tripled the existing deficit

If Obamas policies are hostile to business and economic growth, Why has the GDP been increasing while it collapsed under Bush's "business friendly" policies

Why are we beating a dead horse? Everybody knows obama is a failure. But for some odd reason he is still getting his agenda passed.

The odd reason is that is what "We the People" elected him to do

We the people did not vote for this agenda, We voted for a moderate liberal Democrat who apparently never existed and was just a suit worn by a radical Left winger.
Never since Carter?

How about comparing to Reagan in July of 1982?

The two are polar opposites. Reagan's economic policies brought us out of a recession and into a roaring economy. Obama's policies will do no such thing because they are hostile to business and economic growth.

What were Reagans policies? Deficit Spending

He tripled the existing deficit

If Obamas policies are hostile to business and economic growth, Why has the GDP been increasing while it collapsed under Bush's "business friendly" policies

Collapsed? Really lol.

GDP grew almost every Year bush was in office. Interestingly enough it only started to shirk after a Democrat congress was in power.

Interesting which facts you choose to omit and which you focus on.
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Why are we beating a dead horse? Everybody knows obama is a failure. But for some odd reason he is still getting his agenda passed.

The odd reason is that is what "We the People" elected him to do

We the people did not vote for this agenda, We voted for a moderate liberal Democrat who apparently never existed and was just a suit worn by a radical Left winger.

Yes we did

Healthcare reform, Afghanistan, Stimulus all part of his agenda
The two are polar opposites. Reagan's economic policies brought us out of a recession and into a roaring economy. Obama's policies will do no such thing because they are hostile to business and economic growth.

What were Reagans policies? Deficit Spending

He tripled the existing deficit

If Obamas policies are hostile to business and economic growth, Why has the GDP been increasing while it collapsed under Bush's "business friendly" policies

Collapsed? Really lol.

GDP grew almost every Year bush was in office. Interestingly enough it only started to shirk after a Democrat congress was in power.

Interesting which facts you choose to omit and which you focus on.

The economy collapsed under Bush...he did nothing for a year

If you care to name specific laws passed by the Democrats after 2007 that led to collapse .....we can talk
Why are we beating a dead horse? Everybody knows obama is a failure. But for some odd reason he is still getting his agenda passed.

The odd reason is that is what "We the People" elected him to do

We the people did not vote for this agenda, We voted for a moderate liberal Democrat who apparently never existed and was just a suit worn by a radical Left winger.

You mean he never talked about pushing sweeping healthcare reform legislation? Did he talk about tax cuts and continuing with supply-side economics? I guess I was just hearing things when he very publicly spoke about expanding stem-cell research and investing in green technologies.

Nationalization of health care- Shows the bias of the original article. The Public Option was not included in the Bill, hence no "nationalization" Healthcare bill was the most sweeping health legislation in 100 years.

$700 billion in bailout- Bush deserves credit too. Once the banks started to collapse, the financial industry went into a panic and the market fell 7000 points. Bailout showed the government would stand behind the financial sector and saved us from a Depression

$862 billion in failed stimulus,- again showing rightwing bias. Stimulus provided states with much needed capital and saved the jobs of hundreds of thousands of Police, Firemen and Teachers

Takeover of the car industry - The first option was to find foreign investors willing to stand behind our auto industry. When that failed to occur, the US Government stepped in and stood behind GM and Chrysler. They also demanded collateral like any other investor. Auto companies saved, millions of jobs saved, loans repaid, GM and Chrysler solvent

Attempts to control Wall Street.- Not an attempt, a success to keep Wall Street from returning to the unchecked greed which caused a global financial collapse

If it hadn't been for an all out cry from the majority of the PEOPLE in America we would have the liberal golden ring of the Public option If it hadn't been for groups like the tea party that is.

We can only hope that we will eventually come to our senses and bring in an effective Government Option

In the mean time, morons like bigreb will continue to claim we have nationalized healthcare

FUCK YOU AND THE THOUGHT OF A PUBLIC OPTION. I do not want nor do I need the government involved in my life. Anymore thanit already is.

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