Never-before-seen photos released of Bush administration during 9/11

National Archives releases new photos of 9 11 -

Vice President Cheney on September 11 2001 Flickr - Photo Sharing

There are some very good photos in the mix.

The reason for why they were released is explained in the CNN article.
The flickr link will bring you too all 350 of the photos.

These are photos taken on that horrible day, September 11, 2011.

Here are some that I found particularly poignant:


Then-VP Cheney, on 911

View attachment 45783
Very poignant. The concern and distress on the Vice-President's face is clear to see.

View attachment 45784
VP Cheney, then-Pres. Bush. Just as poignant. The 43rd President had a more subued way of showing his emotions, but his eyes clearly show the sadness, the stress and the very heavy weight on his, the POTUS' shoulders. This was not long before he addressed the nation about the attacks.


VP Cheney, Pres. Bush. To the side: Condoleeza Rice, and I think, Andy Card.

View attachment 45785

I believe that is Mary Matalin on the right.

View attachment 45786
VP Cheney, First Lady Laura Bush, Second Lady Lynne Cheney

The pics really do show the sadness and the stress that all were going through on that day. You can see it on both Mrs. Bush and Mrs. Cheney's faces. According to the reports, Lynne Cheney never left VP Cheney's side even for a minute on that day. I would bet very much that the same applied to Laura Bush and the President.

There are about 345 more of these until-now unreleased photos of key members of the Bush (41) administration on 9-11 itself. These pics are mostly from the PEOC.

I found it to be deeply moving.

Go to the flicker link, look at the pics for yourself. And never forget what happened that day.

Would have thought the Shrub would have been hiding under a desk curled up in a ball but I guess he was more than safe enough in his nuke-proof underground bunker at a hidden location.

Knock it off. His name is George. W. Bush, not "shrub". Saying that shit about him is every bit as bad as the many perjoratives many Righties have for Pres. Obama. It's silly and it's stupid.
Yeah, the nickname Shrub versus this, not at all the same:

That is of course gross. But one wrong does not justify another.
not off page 1 and the hate brigade is out.

All you perfect people had perfect plans as to what to do the moment it happened, I'm sure.
It started with, don't pee your pants and run for shelter in an underground bunker, then emerge on site three days later looking like a war hero...
You are a hateful, ignorant, petty little troll with nothing to add to this thread or the world.

When you die, only your cats will miss you, once they have eaten the flesh off your bones.

That is also unneccessary.

Any adults out there?
not off page 1 and the hate brigade is out.

All you perfect people had perfect plans as to what to do the moment it happened, I'm sure.
It started with, don't pee your pants and run for shelter in an underground bunker, then emerge on site three days later looking like a war hero...
You are a hateful, ignorant, petty little troll with nothing to add to this thread or the world.

When you die, only your cats will miss you, once they have eaten the flesh off your bones.
Tell us how you really feel. :lol:
not off page 1 and the hate brigade is out.

All you perfect people had perfect plans as to what to do the moment it happened, I'm sure.
It started with, don't pee your pants and run for shelter in an underground bunker, then emerge on site three days later looking like a war hero...
Going to the PEOC is the protocol. No matter who occupies the White House.

9/11 was an inside job. It's likely that controlled demolition was involved. Buildings just don't collapse so perfectly into their own footprint, unless by controlled demolition. Building 7 is the smoking gun. But we'll never know the truth. So that's that.

not off page 1 and the hate brigade is out.

All you perfect people had perfect plans as to what to do the moment it happened, I'm sure.
It started with, don't pee your pants and run for shelter in an underground bunker, then emerge on site three days later looking like a war hero...
You are a hateful, ignorant, petty little troll with nothing to add to this thread or the world.

When you die, only your cats will miss you, once they have eaten the flesh off your bones.

That is also unneccessary.

Any adults out there?


These people aren't one dimensional characters. This is also before we move from Afghanistan to Iraq. With the exception of 1993, there had been no attack on the mainland since 1812.
President Bashar Assad:

"This does not mean that they have learned their lesson; as they still deal with this phenomenon in a hypocritical manner; they call it terrorism when it hits them, and call it revolution, freedom, democracy, and human rights when it hits us. There, its perpetrators are terrorists, and here, they are rebels and moderate opposition. They scream at the top of their voices whenever they are touched by a spark of fire while they fall deathly silent when we are burned by it.”
President al-Assad The priority is eliminating terrorism wherever it is found in Syria Syrian Arab News Agency
There´s a thread as well: Syrian President Bashar Assad adresses state of the nation in speech US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Are we supposed to feel compassion for a collection of some of the biggest fuck ups of our time?

You can be angry at the people and still be respectful of the office.

And unless you can prove to me that Pres. George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney caused 911 to happen (which they did not), then regardless of any feelings about the Iraq war, this moment happened before that war.

I was no fan of many of Bush's policies, but I always respected the man and his office.
Are we supposed to feel compassion for a collection of some of the biggest fuck ups of our time?

You can be angry at the people and still be respectful of the office.

And unless you can prove to me that Pres. George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney caused 911 to happen (which they did not), then regardless of any feelings about the Iraq war, this moment happened before that war.

I was no fan of many of Bush's policies, but I always respected the man and his office.
How is saying they were fuck ups disrespectful of the office?
President Bashar Assad:

"This does not mean that they have learned their lesson; as they still deal with this phenomenon in a hypocritical manner; they call it terrorism when it hits them, and call it revolution, freedom, democracy, and human rights when it hits us. There, its perpetrators are terrorists, and here, they are rebels and moderate opposition. They scream at the top of their voices whenever they are touched by a spark of fire while they fall deathly silent when we are burned by it.”

Und genau was soll das denn bedeuten, oder bist Du einfach hirntot?
War es nicht so, daß Amerika das Bedauern und den Rückhalt fast der gesamten Welt genoß nach den Anschlägen?
No pics of Bush reading about goats?
You know, Lyndon Johnson sat in a chair in a room at Parkland Memorial Hospital for about an hour, without moving or talking, when JFK was shot.

During times of great crisis, it is better to stop and think before doing something rash or stupid. The government's wheels will continue to turn automatically for a while, and if someone needs the President to make a decision, they will ask him.

Johnson at least had the sense to sit and think out of view of any media.
not off page 1 and the hate brigade is out.

All you perfect people had perfect plans as to what to do the moment it happened, I'm sure.
It started with, don't pee your pants and run for shelter in an underground bunker, then emerge on site three days later looking like a war hero...
Going to the PEOC is the protocol. No matter who occupies the White House.

Well, War Hero Shrub was headed to Nebraska at that time, and wasn't back at the White House until just before 7 PM.

Complete 911 Timeline Bush s Actions on 9 11
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So anguished over how the hell they were gonna get their Bin Laden buddies out of the country. It ended up going very well for em. They whisked the Bin Ladens out lickety-split. Mission accomplished.
And then they went out for cocktails with Elvis and Hitler!

Yeah, they sure did get their Bin Laden buddies out in a hurry. Why not at least pick them up for questioning? Instead, Bush's gang assisted in getting them out immediately. You don't have any questions at all about that? Ok, whatever.
President Bashar Assad:

"This does not mean that they have learned their lesson; as they still deal with this phenomenon in a hypocritical manner; they call it terrorism when it hits them, and call it revolution, freedom, democracy, and human rights when it hits us. There, its perpetrators are terrorists, and here, they are rebels and moderate opposition. They scream at the top of their voices whenever they are touched by a spark of fire while they fall deathly silent when we are burned by it.”

Und genau was soll das denn bedeuten, oder bist Du einfach hirntot?
War es nicht so, daß Amerika das Bedauern und den Rückhalt fast der gesamten Welt genoß nach den Anschlägen?

Ja, das stimmt. Unmittelbar nach den fürchterlichen Anchlägen des 11.September gab's viel Rückhalt, auch Empathie und Mitgegühl seitens vielen Nationen dieser Welt.


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