Nevada Turnout low compared to 2008


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Economic woes, anti-Obama sentiment fail to draw large turnout - Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012 | 10:07 p.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Turnout was unlikely to match 2008, when 44,000 Republicans participated in Nevada’s caucuses. Complete figures were not released by the state party as of 10 p.m. Saturday, an indication of a lackluster showing.

To illustrate how important voter enthusiasm is, quickly answer this question: Who won the 2008 Nevada Democratic caucus, when 116,000, many of them newly registered voters, caucused?

No, it wasn’t President Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton won.

Once again- the argument for Romney was that he was the guy who unlike an actual conservative, could bring over those moderates, independents and even a few Democrats.

But once again... turnout was down. No enthusiasm. Except for SC, participation in all the Republican contests is either down or flat.

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