Netanyahu lays out preconditions for Gazans going forward


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
And I hope he and all Israelis stick to these conditions!!! NEVER back down! :clap:

Destroy Hamas, deradicalize the Palestinians: Netanyahu lays out preconditions for peace in Wall Street Journal op-ed​

(JTA) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu laid out his preconditions for peace with Gaza in a Monday op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, saying, “Hamas must be destroyed, Gaza must be demilitarized, and Palestinian society must be deradicalized.”

“These are the three prerequisites for peace between Israel and its Palestinian neighbors in Gaza,” Netanyahu wrote.

The outline for a peace agreement came as Israel pushed its ground offensive farther into Gaza in its campaign to destroy the Hamas terrorist group. The counter-offensive sparked by the Oct. 7 atrocities against Israelis has caused widespread destruction and suffering in Gaza, and continues amid mounting international pressure for a ceasefire.

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I was reading an article earlier today, and around the entire world there is ONE single country that is predominantly Jewish, and that of course is Israel.
At the same time, there are many countries predominantly Muslim, and many of them, it's the state religion.
And yet, there are millions of people around the world, that demand that Israel be destroyed. These people are so fragile, and so weak-minded, they cannot deal with the Jews having one little homeland that they can call their own. I say fuck 'em! They've poked the hornets' nest, and now they can deal with the consequences!

"Palestine Will Be Free In Our Lifetime!" Well, it's not looking that way, and in fact, they are likely now to lose control of what they had.
Some people need to be hit on their heads with a baseball bat before they can accept the rules of modern society. Palestinians are the most of these. I'd just like to thank Bibi for doing such a great job.
And I hope he and all Israelis stick to these conditions!!! NEVER back down! :clap:

Destroy Hamas, deradicalize the Palestinians: Netanyahu lays out preconditions for peace in Wall Street Journal op-ed​

They have always destroyed resistance to theft of land and water assets.
And I hope he and all Israelis stick to these conditions!!! NEVER back down! :clap:

Destroy Hamas, deradicalize the Palestinians: Netanyahu lays out preconditions for peace in Wall Street Journal op-ed​

I was thinking if the Arab nations didn't hate most Palestinians themselves, then they would have gotten an Arab coalition to assist the people (seperate them from Hamas & other group fighters) to erradicate Hamas and or force them to surrender. Maybe help barricade them to the north and assist the people in the south. Weed out hiding fighters in the South while Israel strikes the North to remove Hamas, something to that affect if they feel to many Citizens are in harms way, they are to blame for not participating in helping Palestinians who are being forced to stay up north or being used by Hamas as shields in the South. Instead they have coalitions who blame the wrong party and create thuggery across the globe.
Where's this religion of peace we hear about, maybe it should be called the religion of pieces, they want a piece of this continent and a piece of that.
Without sane, reasonable minds on both sides conflict there will never end. Teaching kids to hate definitely contributes to the growth of terrorism. It is a form of child abuse.
Netanyahu is the problem. Him and the other extremists running the government. Get rid of Netanyahu and Hamas. That's the answer.
You're clueless. Both sides haven't ceased fighting since the UN created Israel. Palestinians have an excellent chance for peace and control just about all of Gaza had Arafat accepted the deal Clinton brokered. Arafat was dealing with the dove Barak. It was an insult to the Nobel prize when Arafat was awarded the prize for peace. Bibi is no dove and not an apologist like Biden kissing Xi's hand while bowing.
You're clueless. Both sides haven't ceased fighting since the UN created Israel. Palestinians have an excellent chance for peace and control just about all of Gaza had Arafat accepted the deal Clinton brokered. Arafat was dealing with the dove Barak. It was an insult to the Nobel prize when Arafat was awarded the prize for peace. Bibi is no dove and not an apologist like Biden kissing Xi's hand while bowing.
No, I'm not the clueless one. That deal was a joke. Do the research and stop your blind support of the Israeli government. Because if you believe in the bible, a man will eventually lead the Israeli government who will make Hitler look kind. So then it is important to check Israel instead of cosigning anything they do even when it's obviously wrong.
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Netanyahu is the problem. Him and the other extremists running the government. Get rid of Netanyahu and Hamas. That's the answer.
Hamas was their demafasict supporters existed prior to Netanyahau
Get rid of Netanyahu and Hamas. That's the answer.

Hamas, PLO, PIJ, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, and The Arab League have been perpetually attacking Israel since 1948, through right-wing, left-wing, and moderate governments, the attacks have never stopped.

The enemies of Israel don't care who is in government, as long as it's a Jew, they will continue to attack.
You're clueless. Both sides haven't ceased fighting since the UN created Israel. Palestinians have an excellent chance for peace and control just about all of Gaza had Arafat accepted the deal Clinton brokered. Arafat was dealing with the dove Barak. It was an insult to the Nobel prize when Arafat was awarded the prize for peace. Bibi is no dove and not an apologist like Biden kissing Xi's hand while bowing.

You don't know what you're talking about. Disconnected bantustans crisscrossed with Jewish only roads and settlements and checkpoints does make a contiguous state. The European Zionists were never satisfied with the land they were given.

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