Netanyahu: Jerusalem is under attack


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Palestinians continue to inflame tensions in east Jerusalem as prime minister orders massive reinforcement in capital after consultation with top security echelon.
Noam (Dabul) Dvir
"Jerusalem is under attack," charged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, less than 24 hours after a terrorist plowed through a crowd of Israelis at a Light Rail station.
The prime minister convened a security consultation at the Jerusalem Police headquarters with the internal security minister, the chief of police, the head of the Shin Bet, the mayor, and the regional commander – as rock throwing incidents continued across the capital.
Netanyahu ordered the assembled officials to emphasize Israeli sovereignty over all parts of Jerusalem using massive reinforcements.
"Jerusalem is not the only city under attack by terrorists; other cities across the world are, as well. But the offensive in Jerusalem is supported by the chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Abu Mazen, who glorifies the murderers and embraces the group they belong to – Hamas," said Netanyahu.
Netanyahu used the occasion to remind world powers of the threat posed by terrorism. "Against these acts we face international flaccidity. But there is no such weakness here. We will stand strong for our rights and our obligations to protect our capital."

Netanyahu Jerusalem is under attack - Israel News Ynetnews

What is he going to start another war now, I know he is worried about his re election. Personally I don't know how much more the Pals can take , over taking the temple mount, confiscating and destroying homes, and shooting at any kid that throws a stone.
Palestinians continue to inflame tensions in east Jerusalem as prime minister orders massive reinforcement in capital after consultation with top security echelon.
Noam (Dabul) Dvir
"Jerusalem is under attack," charged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, less than 24 hours after a terrorist plowed through a crowd of Israelis at a Light Rail station.
The prime minister convened a security consultation at the Jerusalem Police headquarters with the internal security minister, the chief of police, the head of the Shin Bet, the mayor, and the regional commander – as rock throwing incidents continued across the capital.
Netanyahu ordered the assembled officials to emphasize Israeli sovereignty over all parts of Jerusalem using massive reinforcements.
"Jerusalem is not the only city under attack by terrorists; other cities across the world are, as well. But the offensive in Jerusalem is supported by the chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Abu Mazen, who glorifies the murderers and embraces the group they belong to – Hamas," said Netanyahu.
Netanyahu used the occasion to remind world powers of the threat posed by terrorism. "Against these acts we face international flaccidity. But there is no such weakness here. We will stand strong for our rights and our obligations to protect our capital."

Netanyahu Jerusalem is under attack - Israel News Ynetnews

What is he going to start another war now, I know he is worried about his re election. Personally I don't know how much more the Pals can take , over taking the temple mount, confiscating and destroying homes, and shooting at any kid that throws a stone.
Clearly, the Israelis have pushed the Palestinians to a point of helplessness...This is the beginning of a new Intifada if the constant pressure of settlement building is not relieved along with no Statehood in sight...
The Reconquista continues apace - and is nearly complete now - fragment-acquisition and mop-up operations continue - tick, tick, tick.
The toilet paper Baron continues to spew crap by proposing more death and destruction...


  • kondor.jpg
    68.3 KB · Views: 76
The Reconquista continues apace - and is nearly complete now - fragment-acquisition and mop-up operations continue - tick, tick, tick.
The toilet paper Baron continues to spew crap by proposing more death and destruction...
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, little Hamas Apologist and Propagandist.

I propose no death and destruction.

I serve-up an observation which restates the obvious.

What has been (and still is) going on - along with implications for the outcome.
Palestinians continue to inflame tensions in east Jerusalem as prime minister orders massive reinforcement in capital after consultation with top security echelon.
Noam (Dabul) Dvir
"Jerusalem is under attack," charged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, less than 24 hours after a terrorist plowed through a crowd of Israelis at a Light Rail station.
The prime minister convened a security consultation at the Jerusalem Police headquarters with the internal security minister, the chief of police, the head of the Shin Bet, the mayor, and the regional commander – as rock throwing incidents continued across the capital.
Netanyahu ordered the assembled officials to emphasize Israeli sovereignty over all parts of Jerusalem using massive reinforcements.
"Jerusalem is not the only city under attack by terrorists; other cities across the world are, as well. But the offensive in Jerusalem is supported by the chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Abu Mazen, who glorifies the murderers and embraces the group they belong to – Hamas," said Netanyahu.
Netanyahu used the occasion to remind world powers of the threat posed by terrorism. "Against these acts we face international flaccidity. But there is no such weakness here. We will stand strong for our rights and our obligations to protect our capital."

Netanyahu Jerusalem is under attack - Israel News Ynetnews

What is he going to start another war now, I know he is worried about his re election. Personally I don't know how much more the Pals can take , over taking the temple mount, confiscating and destroying homes, and shooting at any kid that throws a stone.
Clearly, the Israelis have pushed the Palestinians to a point of helplessness...This is the beginning of a new Intifada if the constant pressure of settlement building is not relieved along with no Statehood in sight...
Could not have said it better myself!
Israel vows crackdown after Palestinian car attack - Yahoo News
But chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat accused Netanyahu of turning a blind eye to Israel's provocative actions in the city's strife-hit east.
"The man, once he looks at the mirror... should know who's responsible for the miserable situation of Palestinians and Israelis, the escalation of violence and so on," he said.
"He plants the seeds of desperation."
Relatives said Shaludi had been recently released from prison where he served 14 months for disturbing the peace, a euphemism for participating in unrest.
Palestinian community officials say the wave of unrest is fuelled by a sense of hopelessness resulting from Israel's policies in east Jerusalem, which have left many youths with a sense they have nothing to lose.
Palestinians continue to inflame tensions in east Jerusalem as prime minister orders massive reinforcement in capital after consultation with top security echelon.
Noam (Dabul) Dvir
"Jerusalem is under attack," charged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, less than 24 hours after a terrorist plowed through a crowd of Israelis at a Light Rail station.
The prime minister convened a security consultation at the Jerusalem Police headquarters with the internal security minister, the chief of police, the head of the Shin Bet, the mayor, and the regional commander – as rock throwing incidents continued across the capital.
Netanyahu ordered the assembled officials to emphasize Israeli sovereignty over all parts of Jerusalem using massive reinforcements.
"Jerusalem is not the only city under attack by terrorists; other cities across the world are, as well. But the offensive in Jerusalem is supported by the chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Abu Mazen, who glorifies the murderers and embraces the group they belong to – Hamas," said Netanyahu.
Netanyahu used the occasion to remind world powers of the threat posed by terrorism. "Against these acts we face international flaccidity. But there is no such weakness here. We will stand strong for our rights and our obligations to protect our capital."

Netanyahu Jerusalem is under attack - Israel News Ynetnews

What is he going to start another war now, I know he is worried about his re election. Personally I don't know how much more the Pals can take , over taking the temple mount, confiscating and destroying homes, and shooting at any kid that throws a stone.
Clearly, the Israelis have pushed the Palestinians to a point of helplessness...This is the beginning of a new Intifada if the constant pressure of settlement building is not relieved along with no Statehood in sight...
Could not have said it better myself!
Israel vows crackdown after Palestinian car attack - Yahoo News
But chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat accused Netanyahu of turning a blind eye to Israel's provocative actions in the city's strife-hit east.
"The man, once he looks at the mirror... should know who's responsible for the miserable situation of Palestinians and Israelis, the escalation of violence and so on," he said.
"He plants the seeds of desperation."
Relatives said Shaludi had been recently released from prison where he served 14 months for disturbing the peace, a euphemism for participating in unrest.
Palestinian community officials say the wave of unrest is fuelled by a sense of hopelessness resulting from Israel's policies in east Jerusalem, which have left many youths with a sense they have nothing to lose.

Yes well said, the "- 'Seeds of desperation' " Its very sad for such young people to feel such helplessness and hopelessness. He was a victim himself.
I wish Netanfuckyou would shut his god-damn mouth! What does he expect?

If you want to be a country that spends more than a decade proclaiming itself at war and bringing violence to others, then one should expect that violence will sometimes be directed at you as well. Far from being the by-product of primitive and inscrutable religions, that behavior is the natural reaction of human beings targeted with violence.
Israel is the cause of all the violence.

pbel, et al,

This is a bit self-serving. Again, with self-victimization.

Clearly, the Israelis have pushed the Palestinians to a point of helplessness...This is the beginning of a new Intifada if the constant pressure of settlement building is not relieved along with no Statehood in sight...

The claim of --- "constant pressure of settlement building" --- is the claim (in other words) that the Israelis are making greater and greater economic, and infrastructure investments that will eventually benefit Palestinians; an investment portfolio that the Palestinians haven't been able to make in themselves in more than four decades of self-rule and government.

Most Respectfully,
pbel, et al,

This is a bit self-serving. Again, with self-victimization.

Clearly, the Israelis have pushed the Palestinians to a point of helplessness...This is the beginning of a new Intifada if the constant pressure of settlement building is not relieved along with no Statehood in sight...

The claim of --- "constant pressure of settlement building" --- is the claim (in other words) that the Israelis are making greater and greater economic, and infrastructure investments that will eventually benefit Palestinians; an investment portfolio that the Palestinians haven't been able to make in themselves in more than four decades of self-rule and government.

Most Respectfully,
Self rule at the point of a gun?...Rocco, I don't want to be disrespectful, but let us know when you come back to planet Earth...
pbel, et al,

Again, you getting it wrong.

pbel, et al,

This is a bit self-serving. Again, with self-victimization.

Clearly, the Israelis have pushed the Palestinians to a point of helplessness...This is the beginning of a new Intifada if the constant pressure of settlement building is not relieved along with no Statehood in sight...

The claim of --- "constant pressure of settlement building" --- is the claim (in other words) that the Israelis are making greater and greater economic, and infrastructure investments that will eventually benefit Palestinians; an investment portfolio that the Palestinians haven't been able to make in themselves in more than four decades of self-rule and government.

Most Respectfully,
Self rule at the point of a gun?...Rocco, I don't want to be disrespectful, but let us know when you come back to planet Earth...

It is not "self-rule at the point of a gun." It is the security containment and quarantine of Jihadists, Insurgents and Terrorist, firmly imbedded in the general population that overwhelmingly provides material assistance to --- and the --- cover and concealment for --- the Jihadist, Insurgents and Terrorists with a very long history of criminality --- and a --- firmly documented past of practicing war-like behaviors that threaten regional security and peace.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
pbel, et al,

Again, you getting it wrong.

pbel, et al,

This is a bit self-serving. Again, with self-victimization.

Clearly, the Israelis have pushed the Palestinians to a point of helplessness...This is the beginning of a new Intifada if the constant pressure of settlement building is not relieved along with no Statehood in sight...

The claim of --- "constant pressure of settlement building" --- is the claim (in other words) that the Israelis are making greater and greater economic, and infrastructure investments that will eventually benefit Palestinians; an investment portfolio that the Palestinians haven't been able to make in themselves in more than four decades of self-rule and government.

Most Respectfully,
Self rule at the point of a gun?...Rocco, I don't want to be disrespectful, but let us know when you come back to planet Earth...

It is not "self-rule at the point of a gun." It is the security containment and quarantine of Jihadists, Insurgents and Terrorist, firmly imbedded in the general population that overwhelmingly provides material assistance to --- and the --- cover and concealment for --- the Jihadist, Insurgents and Terrorists with a history of criminality and a firmly documented past of practicing war-like behaviors that threaten regional security and peace.

Most Respectfully,
Thank you for your delusions...I suppose the terrorist George Washington was wrong to fire at the British occupiers in Boston!!
pbel, et al,

Well, you didn't quite get it right; but I get your point.

pbel, et al,

Again, you getting it wrong.

pbel, et al,

This is a bit self-serving. Again, with self-victimization.

Clearly, the Israelis have pushed the Palestinians to a point of helplessness...This is the beginning of a new Intifada if the constant pressure of settlement building is not relieved along with no Statehood in sight...

The claim of --- "constant pressure of settlement building" --- is the claim (in other words) that the Israelis are making greater and greater economic, and infrastructure investments that will eventually benefit Palestinians; an investment portfolio that the Palestinians haven't been able to make in themselves in more than four decades of self-rule and government.

Most Respectfully,
Self rule at the point of a gun?...Rocco, I don't want to be disrespectful, but let us know when you come back to planet Earth...

It is not "self-rule at the point of a gun." It is the security containment and quarantine of Jihadists, Insurgents and Terrorist, firmly imbedded in the general population that overwhelmingly provides material assistance to --- and the --- cover and concealment for --- the Jihadist, Insurgents and Terrorists with a history of criminality and a firmly documented past of practicing war-like behaviors that threaten regional security and peace.

Most Respectfully,
Thank you for your delusions...I suppose the terrorist George Washington was wrong to fire at the British occupiers in Boston!!

FYI: General George Washington did not command The Siege of Boston (April 19, 1775 – March 17, 1776) the engagement that opened the Revolutionary War. General George Washington was not commissioned as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army on June 19, 1775; three months later. (But as I said: I get your point.)

General Washington, and all the other founding fathers, were Traitors to God, King, and Country. They were not terrorist, in that the Revolutionary War was fought by conventional military means, in a manner consistent with the times. But make no mistake. They knew what they were doing and the risks they were taking.

"We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately."
--- Ben Franklin --- In the Continental Congress just before signing the Declaration of Independence, 1776.
There are consequences for their actions and they understood the penalty for opposing the Crown. This is something the Palestinians have yet to learn and understand. We know from history, the metal from which our Founders were made. We have yet to understand the what the Palestinians are made of.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
The Reconquista continues apace - and is nearly complete now - fragment-acquisition and mop-up operations continue - tick, tick, tick.
The toilet paper Baron continues to spew crap by proposing more death and destruction...
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, little Hamas Apologist and Propagandist.

I propose no death and destruction.

I serve-up an observation which restates the obvious.

What has been (and still is) going on - along with implications for the outcome.
!!!!!!!!!!!Since when did it arise that you were someone's,anyone's pretty hard thing to do whilst wallowing in that cesspit you live in
pbel, et al,

Well, you didn't quite get it right; but I get your point.

pbel, et al,

Again, you getting it wrong.

pbel, et al,

This is a bit self-serving. Again, with self-victimization.

Clearly, the Israelis have pushed the Palestinians to a point of helplessness...This is the beginning of a new Intifada if the constant pressure of settlement building is not relieved along with no Statehood in sight...

The claim of --- "constant pressure of settlement building" --- is the claim (in other words) that the Israelis are making greater and greater economic, and infrastructure investments that will eventually benefit Palestinians; an investment portfolio that the Palestinians haven't been able to make in themselves in more than four decades of self-rule and government.

Most Respectfully,
Self rule at the point of a gun?...Rocco, I don't want to be disrespectful, but let us know when you come back to planet Earth...

It is not "self-rule at the point of a gun." It is the security containment and quarantine of Jihadists, Insurgents and Terrorist, firmly imbedded in the general population that overwhelmingly provides material assistance to --- and the --- cover and concealment for --- the Jihadist, Insurgents and Terrorists with a history of criminality and a firmly documented past of practicing war-like behaviors that threaten regional security and peace.

Most Respectfully,
Thank you for your delusions...I suppose the terrorist George Washington was wrong to fire at the British occupiers in Boston!!

FYI: General George Washington did not command The Siege of Boston (April 19, 1775 – March 17, 1776) the engagement that opened the Revolutionary War. General George Washington was not commissioned as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army on June 19, 1775; three months later. (But as I said: I get your point.)

General Washington, and all the other founding fathers, were Traitors to God, King, and Country. They were not terrorist, in that the Revolutionary War was fought by conventional military means, in a manner consistent with the times. But make no mistake. They knew what they were doing and the risks they were taking.

"We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately."
--- Ben Franklin --- In the Continental Congress just before signing the Declaration of Independence, 1776.
There are consequences for their actions and the understood the penalty for opposing the Crown. This is something the Palestinians have yet to learn and understand. We know from history, the metal from which our Founders were made. We have yet to understand the what the Palestinians are made of.

Most Respectfully,
HaHa you forgot to include "corroded and corrupted" metal you all ended up being......your Founding Fathers would be ashamed of how you turned out...that is for sure,but keep bullshitting to I said ASHAMED..I got it right but did you get the point.

most respectfully
theliq, et al,

I get your point. I also understand that it is lacking considerably.

HaHa you forgot to include "corroded and corrupted" metal you all ended up being......your Founding Fathers would be ashamed of how you turned out...that is for sure,but keep bullshitting to I said ASHAMED..I got it right but did you get the point.

No matter what you may think of the Founders and Americans, or me --- the fact of the matter is --- the Palestinians are not taking responsibility for their actions.

Most Respectfully,
pbel, et al,

This is a bit self-serving. Again, with self-victimization.

Clearly, the Israelis have pushed the Palestinians to a point of helplessness...This is the beginning of a new Intifada if the constant pressure of settlement building is not relieved along with no Statehood in sight...

The claim of --- "constant pressure of settlement building" --- is the claim (in other words) that the Israelis are making greater and greater economic, and infrastructure investments that will eventually benefit Palestinians; an investment portfolio that the Palestinians haven't been able to make in themselves in more than four decades of self-rule and government.

Most Respectfully,

Seriously, I can't decide whether you are delusional, softheaded, or think pro-Palestinians are stupid. The below short video shows Palestinians reaping some of the benefits of Jewish infrastructure investment. ~ Susan
East Jerusalem is under attack alright, from Israeli insurgents.

Note that the Palestinian violence was in "RESPONSE" to the Israeli violence.
Palestinians continue to inflame tensions in east Jerusalem as prime minister orders massive reinforcement in capital after consultation with top security echelon.
Noam (Dabul) Dvir
"Jerusalem is under attack," charged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, less than 24 hours after a terrorist plowed through a crowd of Israelis at a Light Rail station.
The prime minister convened a security consultation at the Jerusalem Police headquarters with the internal security minister, the chief of police, the head of the Shin Bet, the mayor, and the regional commander – as rock throwing incidents continued across the capital.
Netanyahu ordered the assembled officials to emphasize Israeli sovereignty over all parts of Jerusalem using massive reinforcements.
"Jerusalem is not the only city under attack by terrorists; other cities across the world are, as well. But the offensive in Jerusalem is supported by the chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Abu Mazen, who glorifies the murderers and embraces the group they belong to – Hamas," said Netanyahu.
Netanyahu used the occasion to remind world powers of the threat posed by terrorism. "Against these acts we face international flaccidity. But there is no such weakness here. We will stand strong for our rights and our obligations to protect our capital."

Netanyahu Jerusalem is under attack - Israel News Ynetnews

What is he going to start another war now, I know he is worried about his re election. Personally I don't know how much more the Pals can take , over taking the temple mount, confiscating and destroying homes, and shooting at any kid that throws a stone.

Read the opening words of your post again and see who it is starting the next war, and it isn't Israel. The problems are all caused by the Palestinians 7C outlook on reality, and how they were given all the land of the world by their god.
Palestinians continue to inflame tensions in east Jerusalem as prime minister orders massive reinforcement in capital after consultation with top security echelon.
Noam (Dabul) Dvir
"Jerusalem is under attack," charged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, less than 24 hours after a terrorist plowed through a crowd of Israelis at a Light Rail station.
The prime minister convened a security consultation at the Jerusalem Police headquarters with the internal security minister, the chief of police, the head of the Shin Bet, the mayor, and the regional commander – as rock throwing incidents continued across the capital.
Netanyahu ordered the assembled officials to emphasize Israeli sovereignty over all parts of Jerusalem using massive reinforcements.
"Jerusalem is not the only city under attack by terrorists; other cities across the world are, as well. But the offensive in Jerusalem is supported by the chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Abu Mazen, who glorifies the murderers and embraces the group they belong to – Hamas," said Netanyahu.
Netanyahu used the occasion to remind world powers of the threat posed by terrorism. "Against these acts we face international flaccidity. But there is no such weakness here. We will stand strong for our rights and our obligations to protect our capital."

Netanyahu Jerusalem is under attack - Israel News Ynetnews

What is he going to start another war now, I know he is worried about his re election. Personally I don't know how much more the Pals can take , over taking the temple mount, confiscating and destroying homes, and shooting at any kid that throws a stone.
Clearly, the Israelis have pushed the Palestinians to a point of helplessness...This is the beginning of a new Intifada if the constant pressure of settlement building is not relieved along with no Statehood in sight...

Its the other way round the Palestinians have very clearly pushed Israel to the point of helplessness, and now they are responding with violence of their own. The next intifada will see many dead bodies and bloodshed and only the Palestinians could be blamed. The settlements are built on JEWISH OWNED land stolen in 1948/1949 by the Palestinians, and the Jews now have the chance to impose their right of return.

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