Neocon Fossil Bob Bennett (Squish-UT) Ditched

So DUD, being a 'mod' gives you the power to hijack a thread and put your kindergarten label on it?

WHEN will we see this 'libertarian' side DUD. So far, all we ever get from you is a far right wing pea brain Bush apologist.

It wasn't a hijack. It was a merge. The one that came first gets the overall title of the merge.

:cuckoo::cuckoo: want to suck off DUD
So DUD, being a 'mod' gives you the power to hijack a thread and put your kindergarten label on it?

WHEN will we see this 'libertarian' side DUD. So far, all we ever get from you is a far right wing pea brain Bush apologist.

It wasn't a hijack. It was a merge. The one that came first gets the overall title of the merge.

:cuckoo::cuckoo: want to suck off DUD

Project much?
They're two threads about the same topic, Jethro....If you want to snivel about it, like you do everything else, go whine to Gunny and/or CW...I'm sure they'll give your churlish petulance all the consideration it deserves. :lol:

Your kindergarten label is not a topic. It is 'petulant', 'snivel', 'churlish' and an indictment of your intelligence.
It's refreshing to see the GOP finally waking up from the damage of Bushs' 'Compassionate Conservatism' mantra. Seems Conservatives made the party pay for the idiocy that ensued.

I suspect we will see much more of these things to come.
They're two threads about the same topic, Jethro....If you want to snivel about it, like you do everything else, go whine to Gunny and/or CW...I'm sure they'll give your churlish petulance all the consideration it deserves. :lol:

Your kindergarten label is not a topic. It is 'petulant', 'snivel', 'churlish' and an indictment of your intelligence.

You're just jealous because you weren't smart enough to come up with it, and that you aren't observant enough to know it was a thread merge.
So that explains your constant comparing of anyone who isn't a Fabian socialist knuckledragger with Nazis....Thanks for clearing that up. :lol:

Did someone mention projection??? No pea brain. It explains YOUR response to seeing the word. It has become the right wings bell.
It's refreshing to see the GOP finally waking up from the damage of Bushs' 'Compassionate Conservatism' mantra. Seems Conservatives made the party pay for the idiocy that ensued.

I suspect we will see much more of these things to come.

You're right, no Nazi would ever embrace compassion. Hatred is a much more effective way of rallying the 'troops'

yeah, please drive everyone sane away from the party....

gotta keep that 20% minority satisfied. :woohoo:

Ever notice how when your side does it it's "just going back to principles" but when the other side does it it's a "purge"?
It's refreshing to see the GOP finally waking up from the damage of Bushs' 'Compassionate Conservatism' mantra. Seems Conservatives made the party pay for the idiocy that ensued.

I suspect we will see much more of these things to come.

You're right, no Nazi would ever embrace compassion. Hatred is a much more effective way of rallying the 'troops'


If you don't like it sport? Go start your own Forums and stop polluting these.
It's refreshing to see the GOP finally waking up from the damage of Bushs' 'Compassionate Conservatism' mantra. Seems Conservatives made the party pay for the idiocy that ensued.

I suspect we will see much more of these things to come.

You're right, no Nazi would ever embrace compassion. Hatred is a much more effective way of rallying the 'troops'


The Nazis were actually Socialists. It's true. Do your own research if you don't believe me. Adolf Hitler used to openly boast about being a lifelong loyal Socialist. Hitler & the Nazis were Socialist/Corporatists much like this current Administration and the previous one. The Nazis really were Socialists. It's true.
It is pretty humorous observing Socialists/Progressives accusing everyone of being Nazis when you realize that the Nazis themselves were actually Socialists. I blame our severely dumbed-down public school system for their ignorance.
In any case....

I lived in SLC for awhile, and Bennett has been about as popular as a pork chop at a mosque for several years now.

Amnesty, bailouts, earmarks, un-stimulating "stimulus" spending...The lot of it has been getting on their nerves.....And unless Orrin Hatch gets his poop in a group, this may well be his last term as well.
In any case....

I lived in SLC for awhile, and Bennett has been about as popular as a pork chop at a mosque for several years now.

Amnesty, bailouts, earmarks, un-stimulating "stimulus" spending...The lot of it has been getting on their nerves.....And unless Orrin Hatch gets his poop in a group, this may well be his last term as well.

Agreed. The fallouyt is going to affect both parties. I see it as unavoidable. Dump the incumbents fever is catching on rapidly.

And of course we have several of the perps of disaterous policies already bailing. But it won't help them avoid the responsibility of what they've done to this nation.

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