Neo Nazis Are Wonderful People: Here is proof.

Do any of you right wingers want to try to defend this?
No, fucktard. No one wants to defend it because no one likes Nazis. You might be able to convince the idiots on your side that the right supports Nazis, but its all bullshit, which is why you arent getting any republicans to defend it. How fucking stupid ARE you?
Let me ask you something. How many Republicans have spoken out against the blatant hatred, racism and anti Semitism that is griping the country and being suborned by Trump? I can't think of any. Silence is as bad as openly supporting the far right because it is dishonest. They are pretending that it isn't happening.
I think the blacks getting shot everyday in 2016 was the corporate media using racism to rally the troops.

Blacks proved that kind of news only discourages them from voting. Remember republicans poisoned them in flint? How did Snyder get the elected? People in flint didn’t show up to vote
Do any of you right wingers want to try to defend this?
No, fucktard. No one wants to defend it because no one likes Nazis. You might be able to convince the idiots on your side that the right supports Nazis, but its all bullshit, which is why you arent getting any republicans to defend it. How fucking stupid ARE you?
Let me ask you something. How many Republicans have spoken out against the blatant hatred, racism and anti Semitism that is griping the country and being suborned by Trump? I can't think of any. Silence is as bad as openly supporting the far right because it is dishonest. They are pretending that it isn't happening.
I think the blacks getting shot everyday in 2016 was the corporate media using racism to rally the troops.

Blacks proved that kind of news only discourages them from voting. Remember republicans poisoned them in flint? How did Snyder get the elected? People in flint didn’t show up to vote
Sorry, not following you here . The corporate media was shooting blacks? They were inventing stories about blacks getting shot? They were somehow responsible for blacks getting shot? How does this kind of news only discourages them from voting?
Let me ask you something. How many Republicans have spoken out against the blatant hatred, racism and anti Semitism that is griping the country and being suborned by Trump? I can't think of any. Silence is as bad as openly supporting the far right because it is dishonest. They are pretending that it isn't happening.

Yours is the side that is pushing racism, while falsely accusing your opposition of it. While there are a few Republicans who are openly racist, they represent an extreme fringe, not supported by the vast majority of us. And yes, I will gladly condemn such, wherever they appear. Equally, I condemn bullshitting liars, such as yourself, who are so fond of falsely accusing the vast majority of us iof racism, in the complete absence of any rational basis for these lies. But then, given how degenerate your own ideology has become,l and how impossible it is to defend it from any position involving honest and rational arguments, all you have left is false accusations of racism and bigotry to direct at those who will not agree to your insane and outright evil positions.

I've challenged you, in the past, to distance yourself from,and to condemn, some of the perverted, immoral sexual filth that your side is promoting, especially that which is directed at children. The result, of course, is predictable. Rather than condemn it, you openly support this filth, including the sexual manipulation, exploitation, and abuse of children. Even if we Republicans were as racist as you falsely claim, it still would not be nearly as bad as what you openly defend and support.
Do any of you right wingers want to try to defend this?
No, fucktard. No one wants to defend it because no one likes Nazis. You might be able to convince the idiots on your side that the right supports Nazis, but its all bullshit, which is why you arent getting any republicans to defend it. How fucking stupid ARE you?
Let me ask you something. How many Republicans have spoken out against the blatant hatred, racism and anti Semitism that is griping the country and being suborned by Trump? I can't think of any. Silence is as bad as openly supporting the far right because it is dishonest. They are pretending that it isn't happening.
I think the blacks getting shot everyday in 2016 was the corporate media using racism to rally the troops.

Blacks proved that kind of news only discourages them from voting. Remember republicans poisoned them in flint? How did Snyder get the elected? People in flint didn’t show up to vote

You know it was other blacks shooting them, right Silly Bonobo?

How did the DNC controlled media convince them to do that?
Do any of you right wingers want to try to defend this?
No, fucktard. No one wants to defend it because no one likes Nazis. You might be able to convince the idiots on your side that the right supports Nazis, but its all bullshit, which is why you arent getting any republicans to defend it. How fucking stupid ARE you?
Let me ask you something. How many Republicans have spoken out against the blatant hatred, racism and anti Semitism that is griping the country and being suborned by Trump? I can't think of any. Silence is as bad as openly supporting the far right because it is dishonest. They are pretending that it isn't happening.
I think the blacks getting shot everyday in 2016 was the corporate media using racism to rally the troops.

Blacks proved that kind of news only discourages them from voting. Remember republicans poisoned them in flint? How did Snyder get the elected? People in flint didn’t show up to vote
Sorry, not following you here . The corporate media was shooting blacks? They were inventing stories about blacks getting shot? They were somehow responsible for blacks getting shot? How does this kind of news only discourages them from voting?
The media made sure to hype all the blacks that got shot by cops during Obama’s time in office. Do you think they were encouraged to vote for Hillary? The message was democrats take blacks for granted and blacks here even said the democrats let them down.

But blm got the whites to show up.
Do any of you right wingers want to try to defend this?
Nope. He's one of yours. A STATIST. A worshiper of GODvernment.
Wrong. You know he's a Republican. Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No Democrat believes that.
Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No, but that's what your masters have told you to say.

or, do you actually have a quote of that?

NO, he doesn't, because he knows it is a filthy lie.
Do any of you right wingers want to try to defend this?
Nope. He's one of yours. A STATIST. A worshiper of GODvernment.
Wrong. You know he's a Republican. Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No Democrat believes that.
Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No, but that's what your masters have told you to say.

or, do you actually have a quote of that?

NO, he doesn't, because he knows it is a filthy lie.
I posted the link to the video clip of him saying those words , dude....Was that fake news?? Now tell us that this is a lie also:

President Trump rescinded $400,000 grant to help combat far-right extremism and Neo Nazi's.

An ex-skinhead who co-founded an organization that focuses on battling “far-right extremism” says President Trump revoked a federal grant issued by the Obama administration supporting the group’s mission.

“Under President Obama, my organization, Life After Hate, was awarded a $400,000 grant to help combat far-right extremism,” co-founder Christian Picciolini told CBS News’ John Dickerson Sunday. “And when President Trump took office, immediately that grant was rescinded."

“We were the only organization of the pool of grantees that was focused on white supremacist, extremists and disengaging people from that movement," Picciolini said.
Do any of you right wingers want to try to defend this?
Nope. He's one of yours. A STATIST. A worshiper of GODvernment.
Wrong. You know he's a Republican. Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No Democrat believes that.
Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No, but that's what your masters have told you to say.

or, do you actually have a quote of that?

NO, he doesn't, because he knows it is a filthy lie.
I posted the link to the video clip of him saying those words , dude....Was that fake news?? Now tell us that this is a lie also:

No, you didn't, because he never said it.

What he said was there were fine people on both sides of the ISSUE OF HISTORICAL STATUES.

The nazis were trying to co-opt that issue to inflate their numbers and perceived relevance, and you are helping them.

You are the one working with the nazis, supporting their efforts because you have a common interest.

Making them look relevant.
Nope. He's one of yours. A STATIST. A worshiper of GODvernment.
Wrong. You know he's a Republican. Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No Democrat believes that.
Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No, but that's what your masters have told you to say.

or, do you actually have a quote of that?

NO, he doesn't, because he knows it is a filthy lie.
I posted the link to the video clip of him saying those words , dude....Was that fake news?? Now tell us that this is a lie also:

No, you didn't, because he never said it.

What he said was there were fine people on both sides of the ISSUE OF HISTORICAL STATUES.

The nazis were trying to co-opt that issue to inflate their numbers and perceived relevance, and you are helping them.

You are the one working with the nazis, supporting their efforts because you have a common interest.

Making them look relevant.
PLEASE! Stop lying!
Wrong. You know he's a Republican. Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No Democrat believes that.
Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No, but that's what your masters have told you to say.

or, do you actually have a quote of that?

NO, he doesn't, because he knows it is a filthy lie.
I posted the link to the video clip of him saying those words , dude....Was that fake news?? Now tell us that this is a lie also:

No, you didn't, because he never said it.

What he said was there were fine people on both sides of the ISSUE OF HISTORICAL STATUES.

The nazis were trying to co-opt that issue to inflate their numbers and perceived relevance, and you are helping them.

You are the one working with the nazis, supporting their efforts because you have a common interest.

Making them look relevant.
PLEASE! Stop lying!

Well, that was a surrender if I ever saw one.

I made a claim about a link you claim to have supported.

If what you said was true, you could have easily REPOSTED it and demonstrated that I was lying.

Instead you just made an unsupported accusation.

You are a vile person for smearing someone unfairly and falsely with supporting neo-nazis.

Also, with the act of lying like that, you demonstrate that you know you are in the wrong, in opposing President Trump, for you obviously do not believe that the Truth is on your side.

Yet, you hold to your side.

Interesting that.
PLEASE! Stop lying!

Wrong. You know he's a Republican. Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No Democrat believes that.
Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No, but that's what your masters have told you to say.

or, do you actually have a quote of that?

NO, he doesn't, because he knows it is a filthy lie.
I posted the link to the video clip of him saying those words , dude....Was that fake news?? Now tell us that this is a lie also:

No, you didn't, because he never said it.

What he said was there were fine people on both sides of the ISSUE OF HISTORICAL STATUES.

The nazis were trying to co-opt that issue to inflate their numbers and perceived relevance, and you are helping them.

You are the one working with the nazis, supporting their efforts because you have a common interest.

Making them look relevant.
PLEASE! Stop lying!

The only one lying is you, Stalinist shithead.
Nope. He's one of yours. A STATIST. A worshiper of GODvernment.
Wrong. You know he's a Republican. Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No Democrat believes that.
Trump told us some Nazi's are "very fine people".

No, but that's what your masters have told you to say.

or, do you actually have a quote of that?

NO, he doesn't, because he knows it is a filthy lie.
I posted the link to the video clip of him saying those words , dude....Was that fake news?? Now tell us that this is a lie also:

No, you didn't, because he never said it.

What he said was there were fine people on both sides of the ISSUE OF HISTORICAL STATUES.

The nazis were trying to co-opt that issue to inflate their numbers and perceived relevance, and you are helping them.

You are the one working with the nazis, supporting their efforts because you have a common interest.

Making them look relevant.

PeePee is a mentally ill deviant and apologist for homosexual pedophiles; it doesn't care about facts and truth in reporting.
If the daughters surname is Kuhn - Fricker she's probably a "Jew"

So, why would a Neo-Nazi who hates Jews, be going out to date a "Jewish daughter???????????

Did ya know the guy who invented the term "anti-Semitism" ---- and intended it to apply to Jews ---- was himself married, very happily, to a Jewish woman?
Do any of you right wingers want to try to defend this?
Nope. He's one of yours. A STATIST. A worshiper of GODvernment.
A fervent Trump supporter, like yourself
A fervent Trump supporter

fact, or opinion?
The neo-nazi movement was vital for Trump's emerging from the primaries and edging out Clinton in the general.

Yep. These guys sure thought so.

So did this guy...

fake 'progressives' keep neo-nazis going; nobody else pays any attention to them, and most of their clubs are kept alive by paid govt. informants. Democrats need them as foils because they think they deflect attention away from their own fascist violence and racism and hate crimes.
Virginia teen shot girlfriend’s parents and self because they wouldn’t let their daughter date a neo-Nazi

I wonder if he said "Merry Christmas " before he pulled the trigger

A Reston, VA couple are dead and their daughter’s boyfriend is in critical condition after the teenager shot them both and then himself because they refused to let their daughter date a neo-Nazi.
The Washington Post said that Buckley Kuhn-Fricker, 43, and her husband Scott, 48, were shot dead in their daughter’s bedroom in the early morning hours of Friday, Dec. 22 and that the teen gunman turned the gun on himself, but survived.

Do any of you right wingers want to try to defend this? I mean, after all, how many of you blamed the victim after Charlottesville. How many of you defended Trump when he said there are fine people on both sides and that the Nazis had a permit to march when the counter protesters , allegedly did not!! Speak up! Let's hear from you scum bukettes

The Washington Post said that Buckley Kuhn-Fricker, 43, and her husband Scott, 48, were shot dead in their daughter’s bedroom in the early morning hours of Friday, Dec. 22 and that the teen gunman turned the gun on himself, but survived.

Mrs. Kuhn-Fricker’s mother Janet Kuhn told the Post that the family had deep misgivings about the boy their daughter was dating. Mrs. Kuhn-Fricker called the teen an “outspoken neo-Nazi” and friends and family say she had forced her daughter to break up with the boy in the days before the double murder.

“We can’t allow her to see someone associated with Nazis,” a friend who spoke on the condition of anonymity recalled Kuhn-Fricker saying. “We don’t associate with hate groups in our house.”

The two teens had been dating since June. The family became concerned when their daughter began to parrot pro-Nazi talking points like blaming Europe’s Jewish population for World War II.

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Mrs. Kuhn-Fricker — a social justice activist who specialized in improving the lives of the elderly — saw messages on her daughter’s phone attributed to an online account believed to be operated by the teen boy, who the Post declined to name.

The concerned mom printed off copies of the messages, which “had retweeted missives praising Hitler, supporting Nazi book burnings, calling for ‘white revolution,’ making derogatory comments about Jews and featuring an illustration of a man hanging from a noose beneath a slur for gay people.”

She submitted the information to the principal of her daughter and the boy’s school and asked the boy’s mother to keep him away from her daughter.

Late Friday night, the Kuhn-Fricker’s were awakened by a noise in their daughter’s room. They found the boy there brandishing a gun. An angry confrontation reportedly ensued, wherein the boy murdered both adults and shot himself.

Mrs. Kuhn-Fricker’s final Facebook post, written when she believed she had permanently excised the disturbed teen from her family’s life, said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

The quote is commonly attributed to Irish philosopher and statesman Edmund Burke.

Read the full report here.

Watch video about this story, embedded below:
What a heart breaking story. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

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