Nelson Mandela dead

I am watching BBC World News. They are covering Mandela's death pretty much without any breaks. For them, and probably a large proportion of the world, Nelson Mandela's death is a major point in human history, and he was a major force in modern human history.

Nelson Mandela no longer has to hear or be around this hatred.

30 years in prison was not enough for some of you. Although many here couldn't handle 30 days on that prison island. Jailed for fighting against a system that every human being on earth knows wasn't right.

When he had a chance to pay back hatred with hate, he forgave them.

Now in death, people still come from under rocks to throw stones.

THANK GOD, MANDELA no longer breathes the same air as these hateful people.

Oh the irony. A commie marxist negro dies and we must respect him yet if a pro white person dies its open season...gotcha. The hypocrisy is overwhelming to say the least. I am just glad the marxist pos is dead. End of story. This place is the perfect test for banning freedom of speech or expression.
Would you like a little Horst-Wessel with those fries, sir?

Lighten-up, Francis... folks are just pausing to remark upon the passing of a remarkable fellow and world leader.

The man started off as part of an increasingly violent and communist-like resistance movement, and morphed into someone quite remarkable and devoted to consensus and inclusiveness and forgiveness and goodwill and practicality.

Such an evolution would be remarkable in its own right, but all the more so in someone who eventually attained supreme political power in a nearly-revolutionary context, and who worked hard to apply those hard-won and gentler principles to the upheaval and transition that his country was enduring as power changed hands.

In that way, and others, the guy set an example of goodwill, persistence and forgiveness which a number of other disadvantaged countries can profit from, on his own continent and elsewhere.

Nobody is nominating Mandela for Sainthood, but he ended-up changing his own outlook to a more inclusive and forgiving and consensus-based model that came to be prized by much of the rest of the world, and it's understandable that folks tend to remember the latter-day and change-facilitating positives in his life rather than harping on old negatives.

It's no big deal if folks take a little time to pay memorial tribute to such a remarkable fellow.

Let 'em.
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Can we stop politicizing this man's death please? Geez. Why do people feel the need to make politics out of death? He's one of the iconic figures of the 20th Century, and all we can do is how it impacts us politically? For pete's sakes, knock it off.

There's just a handful of figures I place in that iconic category - Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and Nelson Madella....others may have different names.

I'm with you TK - it's petty ot politicize. He did something most of us would never have the courage or ability to do.

To your point, it is sort of bewildering. Persons like Mandela and Washington and a great many others would have preferred to live their lives as simple men; farmers, scholars, etc... They got into politics because it was the last resort, not their profession. The political apparatus in every country is what governs that nations' laws unless you're talking about some banana republic where gangs do the governing. They arrived at politics because they were not allowed to live simple lives as farmers, scholars, etc... They became involved because it was the way to change the equation; not because of their desire to become a factor in the equation.

So when the political leanings are all one sees it's a sign that the person performing the observation is either ignorant of the observed history or they are simply and crassly put; a turd.

It's somewhat instructive given our current state of affairs in the U.S. to look at the current crop of public servants we have up in Washington and ask yourself who up there was called to politics and who up there was the one who picked up the phone and made the call to get into politics themselves.
I wonder if S. Africa will make his birth a national holiday?

Can we stop politicizing this man's death please? Geez. Why do people feel the need to make politics out of death? He's one of the iconic figures of the 20th Century, and all we can do is how it impacts us politically? For pete's sakes, knock it off.

"He's one of the iconic figures of the 20th century" is itself a political statement.
A great deal of the hate from folks against Mandela has to do with the fact that Reagan veto'd anti-apartheid measures, and was handed one of most crushing legislative defeats when his veto was over ridden. Apartheid and Mandela's role in its end exposed one of the major short comings of the way we fought the Cold War. Accepting Mandela means accepting we screwed up royally during the Cold War.

He was a great man and we are unlikely to his kind again in our lifetimes.

I have seen no 'hate' of Mandela, just a little scepticism whether he was in fact the greatest man who ever lived.
Mandella was a modern day Moses freeing his people from oppression

Let my people go
Amen brother. Amen!

A great deal of the hate from folks against Mandela has to do with the fact that Reagan veto'd anti-apartheid measures, and was handed one of most crushing legislative defeats when his veto was over ridden. Apartheid and Mandela's role in its end exposed one of the major short comings of the way we fought the Cold War. Accepting Mandela means accepting we screwed up royally during the Cold War.

He was a great man and we are unlikely to his kind again in our lifetimes.
You're probably right.

They are just extremely angry because they know that that RW palooka Reagan doesn't hold a candle to a great man like Mandela. Reagan couldn't shine Mandela's shoes.

No question that Reagan misread the apartheid situation.........wrong side of history
Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in a South African prison. He could easily have chosen a path of revenge when he was released from prison and achieved power. Instead he chose the path of peace and brotherhood of all men. Those that hate him are speaking to their own demons, he exorcised his own demons. He was a great man that achieved great things with his life. Sad that the haters here cannot see their own cancerous mental problems.

I don't understand how anyone could hate him. That's twisted. He fought against apparthied. How can that be wrong?

Mandela was a good man who quite rightly fought against apartheid. But he was not Moses and to criticize him is not 'hatred'. Nor are those pointing out that he was not perfect suffering from 'cancerous mental health problems' as you hysterically phrase it.
I remember the day he was released from prison. The first words out of his mouth were to thank the communist party of SA

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This must be sad day for the ultra right, They will have to watch all those news shows on what a great man he was. Yes, I really think his influence in the US has encouraged many in the African American community to aspire to greater things. Take Obama as an example.

I know it must be painful for many in the TP also. Mandela was a man of integrity and strength. He faced injustice and held the dream in an eight by eight foot cell for years. He was a great man.

Mandela was a true patriot risking all for a cause

TeaTards are just a bunch of old white guys running around in silly hats.......Look at me, I'm a patriot!
Mandella was a modern day Moses freeing his people from oppression

Let my people go
Amen brother. Amen!

A great deal of the hate from folks against Mandela has to do with the fact that Reagan veto'd anti-apartheid measures, and was handed one of most crushing legislative defeats when his veto was over ridden. Apartheid and Mandela's role in its end exposed one of the major short comings of the way we fought the Cold War. Accepting Mandela means accepting we screwed up royally during the Cold War.

He was a great man and we are unlikely to his kind again in our lifetimes.
You're probably right.

They are just extremely angry because they know that that RW palooka Reagan doesn't hold a candle to a great man like Mandela. Reagan couldn't shine Mandela's shoes.

No question that Reagan misread the apartheid situation.........wrong side of history
Yeah because things are so well in S. Africa now eh? Shall we compare it to Apartheid S. Africa?
I am watching BBC World News. They are covering Mandela's death pretty much without any breaks. For them, and probably a large proportion of the world, Nelson Mandela's death is a major point in human history, and he was a major force in modern human history.

If you adore wall-to-wall leftist propaganda, today or any other day, watch the BBC.
I am watching BBC World News. They are covering Mandela's death pretty much without any breaks. For them, and probably a large proportion of the world, Nelson Mandela's death is a major point in human history, and he was a major force in modern human history.

If you adore wall-to-wall leftist propaganda, today or any other day, watch the BBC.
Well, the BBC does seem a bit like MSNBC here in the States, with some noticeable Leftist leanings oftentimes in their coverage, but it IS a fairly reliable non-US source for world news, which is usually superior to the fluff global coverage served-up by our own MSM outlets... I tend to include them in my various news reading material at least a couple of times each week, although I take what they - and all the others - say with a grain or two of salt. I grant you that the next couple of days will be a final example of Mandela Mania on the BBC, but, we're gonna see a lot of that on THIS side of The Pond, as well, so... I dunno... mebbe it's a 'wash' after all, so long as one doesn't rely exclusively on such?
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Amen brother. Amen!

You're probably right.

They are just extremely angry because they know that that RW palooka Reagan doesn't hold a candle to a great man like Mandela. Reagan couldn't shine Mandela's shoes.

No question that Reagan misread the apartheid situation.........wrong side of history
Yeah because things are so well in S. Africa now eh? Shall we compare it to Apartheid S. Africa?

Argue in favor of keeping people as second class citizens if you wish
Amen brother. Amen!

You're probably right.

They are just extremely angry because they know that that RW palooka Reagan doesn't hold a candle to a great man like Mandela. Reagan couldn't shine Mandela's shoes.

No question that Reagan misread the apartheid situation.........wrong side of history
Yeah because things are so well in S. Africa now eh? Shall we compare it to Apartheid S. Africa?

Yes things are starting to go very well in South Africa.
They got rid of their socialist over the top burdensome regulations which caused the black markets. Now they are starting to rise from their poverty as each one is becoming their own little entrepreneur's.
This is why Bono said that Capitalism works.

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