Need to bring back the draft

You may draft all you want for some civilian service. While I believe that military service would help many people learn a trade and instill a sense of pride in themselves, and I believe that a draft would reduce criminal activity.

I really wouldn't want those draftees to be serving in the active military. Our military is doing just fine without it. Don't need it and the country really doesn't want it.

As usual, you're fucking clueless about the issue. We do need the draft to maintain our occupations and after the next major terrorist attack the draft will be instituted within 6 months. Our military is not doing "just fine" or maybe you consider historical highs for suicides and prescribed medication addiction as being cool?

You make a good point but the draft will not solve those problems.
They will add to them.

The only solution would be to end the occupations but what a draft would do is hasten the brakes on military expansion while alleviating many of the issues inherent with having troops.practically live in war. Fewer rotations means a lot less stress and while some draftees would be a problem the majority would fall in line. All military training is centered on training invdividuals seeing their units as an individual.
Volunteer militaries are highly motivated, highly skilled and very lethal.

I'd rather have the soldier next to me be someone who volunteered to be there rather than someone who was compelled to be there by law.

Vietnam was a sneak peek of what 21st century warfare would be like. It was viewed as an anomaly, unconventional and atypical of modern warfare. All the generals, admirals and other so-called experts thought the war of the future would be fought at the Fulda Gap between two superpowers with multi-dimensional forces from the air, land and sea. That war never happened.

The pattern has been consistent with Vietnam: Grenada, Haiti, Somalia, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan and a dozen combat actions that the public isn't even aware ever took place. you can't fight this type of warfare with draftees. You need motivated warriors who are mission-oriented and willing to think outside the box to achieve results.

The bigger issue isn't the nature of warfighting forces. The issue is when and why an administration sends troops into harm's way and the overall political objectives it wants the military to achieve.

Special operations IS the future of warfare. John F. Kennedy knew that, Ronald Reagan understood it, and George W. Bush knew it as well. The problem is within the walls of the Pentagon. But with people like Pete Schoomacker, Henry Shelton and Dick Cody being posted to senior positions, there's hope that the Pentagon will eventually pull its collective head out of its ass and get on board. It's a classic struggle between straight-leg infantry types and snake eaters.

Verbatim of what I have heard from soldiers in the field home on leave a few weeks ago.
Thanks for posting this. Good friends of my sons, young men I have known since the late 80s as kids. They volunteered and want to be there.
My brother did 3 tours in Nam. Ask him about those draftee units and if he wanted one behind, beside or supporting his unit.

Drafee units?

Somebody is bullshitting somebody here. Can't be sure who, but somebody is remembering something that never happened.

There were no draftee "units".

The Army and Marine Corps both drafted people during Viet Nam, and neither created draftee units.

There was no official policy but happened as a natural course from needing draftees.
American Experience | Two Days in October | People & Events | PBS
Verbatim of what I have heard from soldiers in the field home on leave a few weeks ago.
Thanks for posting this. Good friends of my sons, young men I have known since the late 80s as kids. They volunteered and want to be there.
My brother did 3 tours in Nam. Ask him about those draftee units and if he wanted one behind, beside or supporting his unit.

Drafee units?

Somebody is bullshitting somebody here. Can't be sure who, but somebody is remembering something that never happened.

There were no draftee "units".

The Army and Marine Corps both drafted people during Viet Nam, and neither created draftee units.

There was no official policy but happened as a natural course from needing draftees.
American Experience | Two Days in October | People & Events | PBS

Can you name any single unit of the army or Marine Corps during Viet Nam that was an all draftee unit?

I don't think you can.

I never saw one, never heard of one, and the whole idea that such a thing existed, and that somebody's heroic brother feared working with such a unit during the V N conflict is entirely an ad hoc response to this subject that was entirely a fabrication.

Stop and put your thinking cap pn for a second.

How many senior NCOs do you suppose were DRAFTED?!

They ALL either enlisted or REenlisted to have enough time in rank to become senior EMs.

Somebody's heroic brother is either a figment of somebody's imagination or that brother is spinning tales to his younger brother.
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Volunteer militaries are highly motivated, highly skilled and very lethal.

I'd rather have the soldier next to me be someone who volunteered to be there rather than someone who was compelled to be there by law.

... .

Very well said. My son volunteered some 17-18 years ago and has served his country, his family and himself very well over the years. We're all enormously proud of him and his career. I don't pretend to know the military as an "insider" but I do think some sort of draft should be reinstated. Before that can happen, though, we first need to have people who are actually educated, we need people who love and respect their country ... and who respect themselves. I have to agree with another poster on this thread who said everybody should give at least 2 years of themselves to the military. My suggestion would be that those two years be given between high school and college so that maybe they would be more mature, look at life from a more realistic view, and be more appreciative of this college education they think they're "entitled" to or at least come out with a skill they could actually use in civilian life. They need to know that they need to give back to the country which has given them so much.
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Isn't it ironic that the only war in modern history that needed to be fought was fought and won by a largely drafted Army.

As were three for which there was no valid excuse to go participate in.
Don't forget ww1.

I didn't.
In the 20th century, there were four major conflicts/wars in which the participants were drafted. WW1, WW2, Korea, and Vietnam.

Three of them should never have seen US participation and WW2 would have been highly unlikely had we stayed out of WW1.
Drafee units?

Somebody is bullshitting somebody here. Can't be sure who, but somebody is remembering something that never happened.

There were no draftee "units".

The Army and Marine Corps both drafted people during Viet Nam, and neither created draftee units.

There was no official policy but happened as a natural course from needing draftees.
American Experience | Two Days in October | People & Events | PBS

Can you name any single unit of the army or Marine Corps during Viet Nam that was an all draftee unit?

I don't think you can.

I never saw one, never heard of one, and the whole idea that such a thing existed, and that somebody's heroic brother feared working with such a unit during the V N conflict is entirely an ad hoc response to this subject that was entirely a fabrication.

Stop and put your thinking cap pn for a second.

How many senior NCOs do you suppose were DRAFTED?!

They ALL either enlisted or REenlisted to have enough time in rank to become senior EMs.

Somebody's heroic brother is either a figment of somebody's imagination or that brother is spinning tales to his younger brother.

What part of "it was not official policy" confused the fuck out of you?
Reading through all this I'm not even sure if Bentlight is truly for or against a new draft. I do know that he is wrong as usual. There were no such thing as "Draftee Units" officially or unofficially. And I talk experience because I served with draftees.
Reading through all this I'm not even sure if Bentlight is truly for or against a new draft. I do know that he is wrong as usual. There were no such thing as "Draftee Units" officially or unofficially. And I talk experience because I served with draftees.

So you admit to not knowing my position but you're confident im wrong. You have the emotional maturity of an autistic tadpole.

I provided a link pointing out draftees were often piece mealed in to replace existing units so like I said, it wasn't official policy but a natural occurance for rotations. There is no official USMB policy that says you have to ignore common sense or information but you making an ass of yourself is a natural occurrence of you posting. It also doesn't mean every single soldier was a draftee. It only means the majority were draftees bcause recruitment could not maintain pace with deployment rotations.....which is why the draft was instituted.

I noticed you ignored the fact military suicides are at record highs. But hey, ignore that fact since you think the military is just fine.
Here's another link on draftees making up a majority of a unit.

"ASA enlisted personnel were mostly draftees ,
although due to the stringent mental requirements
many ASA enlisted men were either college
graduates or college - bound ; it was not unusual to
have ASA soldiers with more education than their
platoon leaders."
That's funny, you quote a blog written by someone named " wombat-socho " as proof that there were draftee units, and then talk about one of the most secretive units in the military.....LOL, you funny...
That's funny, you quote a blog written by someone named " wombat-socho " as proof that there were draftee units, and then talk about one of the most secretive units in the military.....LOL, you funny...

Holy fuck you are stoopid. For the ?????? time. I never said there were "Draftee Units."

It sucks having to spoonfeed intentionally dishonest cowards like you. What whiny tune did you use to ignore the info I presented in the last link? The asa ceased in 1977 so your pathetic attempt to ignore it is as predictable as it is sad.

Still no comment on the record suicides in the military you say is doing "just fine?" This is why shitbags like you got kicked out of the military during the drawdown. I bet both my big brass ones you lie to people and tell them you retired strictly of your own volition.
I was drafted during Vietnam War.

There were no 100% Draftee Units.

But most units were heavily composed of conscripts like myself.

Usually all of the NCO's and Officers were enlisted.
That's funny, you quote a blog written by someone named " wombat-socho " as proof that there were draftee units, and then talk about one of the most secretive units in the military.....LOL, you funny...

Holy fuck you are stoopid. For the ?????? time. I never said there were "Draftee Units."

It sucks having to spoonfeed intentionally dishonest cowards like you. What whiny tune did you use to ignore the info I presented in the last link? The asa ceased in 1977 so your pathetic attempt to ignore it is as predictable as it is sad.

Still no comment on the record suicides in the military you say is doing "just fine?" This is why shitbags like you got kicked out of the military during the drawdown. I bet both my big brass ones you lie to people and tell them you retired strictly of your own volition.

Nice to see that you still insist upon your feeble attempts to dis my service record. Keep trying, you simply can't do it. I know it hurts to see someone who is better than you are at almost everything you wished you were. But you know, all of us can't be the best. And me? I never claimed anything than what I am. Just a retired Signal Corps Sergeant who never claimed anything more than that. And you still can't stand it...

Almost makes me feel sorry for your meager existence. So keep attacking since that's what seems to makes you happy. But do tell us are you for or against a new draft? Since that is the theme of the thread.
I was drafted during Vietnam War.

There were no 100% Draftee Units.

But most units were heavily composed of conscripts like myself.

Usually all of the NCO's and Officers were enlisted.

What is this? Special Ed Day? I never said there were units that were 100% draftees.
That's funny, you quote a blog written by someone named " wombat-socho " as proof that there were draftee units, and then talk about one of the most secretive units in the military.....LOL, you funny...

Holy fuck you are stoopid. For the ?????? time. I never said there were "Draftee Units."

It sucks having to spoonfeed intentionally dishonest cowards like you. What whiny tune did you use to ignore the info I presented in the last link? The asa ceased in 1977 so your pathetic attempt to ignore it is as predictable as it is sad.

Still no comment on the record suicides in the military you say is doing "just fine?" This is why shitbags like you got kicked out of the military during the drawdown. I bet both my big brass ones you lie to people and tell them you retired strictly of your own volition.

Nice to see that you still insist upon your feeble attempts to dis my service record. Keep trying, you simply can't do it. I know it hurts to see someone who is better than you are at almost everything you wished you were. But you know, all of us can't be the best. And me? I never claimed anything than what I am. Just a retired Signal Corps Sergeant who never claimed anything more than that. And you still can't stand it...

Almost makes me feel sorry for your meager existence. So keep attacking since that's what seems to makes you happy. But do tell us are you for or against a new draft? Since that is the theme of the thread.

Don't play the sympathy card again failed lifer. It's not dissing your service to point out you got the boot versus a voluntary retirement. It's called honesty. (That explains why it seems so foreign to you)

Still no comment on the record suicides. Yep. You care soooooooooo fucking much about our troops you turn a blind eye to that one.
Holy fuck you are stoopid. For the ?????? time. I never said there were "Draftee Units."

It sucks having to spoonfeed intentionally dishonest cowards like you. What whiny tune did you use to ignore the info I presented in the last link? The asa ceased in 1977 so your pathetic attempt to ignore it is as predictable as it is sad.

Still no comment on the record suicides in the military you say is doing "just fine?" This is why shitbags like you got kicked out of the military during the drawdown. I bet both my big brass ones you lie to people and tell them you retired strictly of your own volition.

Nice to see that you still insist upon your feeble attempts to dis my service record. Keep trying, you simply can't do it. I know it hurts to see someone who is better than you are at almost everything you wished you were. But you know, all of us can't be the best. And me? I never claimed anything than what I am. Just a retired Signal Corps Sergeant who never claimed anything more than that. And you still can't stand it...

Almost makes me feel sorry for your meager existence. So keep attacking since that's what seems to makes you happy. But do tell us are you for or against a new draft? Since that is the theme of the thread.

Don't play the sympathy card again failed lifer. It's not dissing your service to point out you got the boot versus a voluntary retirement. It's called honesty. (That explains why it seems so foreign to you)

Still no comment on the record suicides. Yep. You care soooooooooo fucking much about our troops you turn a blind eye to that one.

Please tell us how you know that I "got the boot". I'm sure all of us are waiting in anticipation for your next lie. You are a proven liar and have no right to talk about honesty and this is simply another of your lies. So go ahead and tell us your lie.

I might comment on the suicide rate of todays military if I had a reason to, and had studied the subject. But since I haven't, I won't make a fool of myself by making a comment about something I do not know about. Unlike some people.

Oh and please tell us how much you care about the troops while you are spreading your lies. May as well add to the list.
Volunteer militaries are highly motivated, highly skilled and very lethal.

I'd rather have the soldier next to me be someone who volunteered to be there rather than someone who was compelled to be there by law.

Vietnam was a sneak peek of what 21st century warfare would be like. It was viewed as an anomaly, unconventional and atypical of modern warfare. All the generals, admirals and other so-called experts thought the war of the future would be fought at the Fulda Gap between two superpowers with multi-dimensional forces from the air, land and sea. That war never happened.

The pattern has been consistent with Vietnam: Grenada, Haiti, Somalia, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan and a dozen combat actions that the public isn't even aware ever took place. you can't fight this type of warfare with draftees. You need motivated warriors who are mission-oriented and willing to think outside the box to achieve results.

The bigger issue isn't the nature of warfighting forces. The issue is when and why an administration sends troops into harm's way and the overall political objectives it wants the military to achieve.

Special operations IS the future of warfare. John F. Kennedy knew that, Ronald Reagan understood it, and George W. Bush knew it as well. The problem is within the walls of the Pentagon. But with people like Pete Schoomacker, Henry Shelton and Dick Cody being posted to senior positions, there's hope that the Pentagon will eventually pull its collective head out of its ass and get on board. It's a classic struggle between straight-leg infantry types and snake eaters.

Verbatim of what I have heard from soldiers in the field home on leave a few weeks ago.
Thanks for posting this. Good friends of my sons, young men I have known since the late 80s as kids. They volunteered and want to be there.
My brother did 3 tours in Nam. Ask him about those draftee units and if he wanted one behind, beside or supporting his unit.

Drafee units?

Somebody is bullshitting somebody here. Can't be sure who, but somebody is remembering something that never happened.

There were no draftee "units".

The Army and Marine Corps both drafted people during Viet Nam, and neither created draftee units.

Ok, I worded it completely wrong and you are completely right about ALL draftee units.
But you know my point and are running from it like a monkey on fire.
Enlisted men do not want to have cherry draftees in a combat zone and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that in the early 60s draftees were around 80K when my brother and his buddies enlisted and they were almost 400K in 1966 when my brother and his buddies were in the thick of it. Units were flooded with draftees from 65-68.
60% of deaths in Nam were age 21 and younger. Now tell me that a younger drafted soldier makes a better soldier and back it up. A volunteer force is older, better educated, more mature and better trained. Enlisted men acounted for 70% of deaths in Viet Nam. They were the ones CALLED for combat time and time and time again. Why? I assume you are smart enough to figure that one out.
No enlisted man wants a PREDOMINANTLY draftee unit or a unit that was a 'piecemeal" unit behind them if they had a choice. Do I have to explain what a piecemeal unit was?
I can assure no one is bull shitting as those are the words of my brother early after his return and often for the last 41 years. My mother almost had a nervous breakdown when he was there, he has the battle ribbons to show for it and two of his childhood buddies are buried down the street from here as they were killed in 1966.
Verbatim of what I have heard from soldiers in the field home on leave a few weeks ago.
Thanks for posting this. Good friends of my sons, young men I have known since the late 80s as kids. They volunteered and want to be there.
My brother did 3 tours in Nam. Ask him about those draftee units and if he wanted one behind, beside or supporting his unit.

Drafee units?

Somebody is bullshitting somebody here. Can't be sure who, but somebody is remembering something that never happened.

There were no draftee "units".

The Army and Marine Corps both drafted people during Viet Nam, and neither created draftee units.

Ok, I worded it completely wrong and you are completely right about ALL draftee units.
But you know my point and are running from it like a monkey on fire.
Enlisted men do not want to have cherry draftees in a combat zone and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that in the early 60s draftees were around 80K when my brother and his buddies enlisted and they were almost 400K in 1966 when my brother and his buddies were in the thick of it. Units were flooded with draftees from 65-68.
60% of deaths in Nam were age 21 and younger. Now tell me that a younger drafted soldier makes a better soldier and back it up. A volunteer force is older, better educated, more mature and better trained. Enlisted men acounted for 70% of deaths in Viet Nam. They were the ones CALLED for combat time and time and time again. Why? I assume you are smart enough to figure that one out.
No enlisted man wants a PREDOMINANTLY draftee unit or a unit that was a 'piecemeal" unit behind them if they had a choice. Do I have to explain what a piecemeal unit was?
I can assure no one is bull shitting as those are the words of my brother early after his return and often for the last 41 years. My mother almost had a nervous breakdown when he was there, he has the battle ribbons to show for it and two of his childhood buddies are buried down the street from here as they were killed in 1966.

The disparaging of fellow Americans is quite bizarre. Instead of soapboxing I will provide a link to a well known Unit from Vietnam that were 75% draftees.


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