Nearly 3/4 of Million Manufacturing Jobs Lost to China Since 2008!!!


Apr 22, 2007
And 2.1 mil since 2001! That hemogaging of manufacturing jobs MUST STOP!!! Every size Bill Clinton REMOVED the trade barriers with China and pushed/propelled China into the WTO, they have been rapidly created the LARGEST trade deficit btw two countries in the HISTORY of the World!!! Those high paying manufacturing jobs must come back.

The libs will say it's because of the Chinese slave wages. ACTUALLY that is a falllacy: In reality, with shipping costs, US increase automation and efficiency and the rise of wages in China (and throughout Asia) it costs less to manufacturing in US to deliver to US cities than it does China (Japan, South Korea, Indonesia or any of the Asia countries), yet we still are losing manufacturing jobs to mainly China! Something needs to be done.

So what are the reasons:
(1) Over, broad and burdensome regulation:
This is the number 1 factor. First you have to deal with Fed laws, then State and then Local ordiances. The cost, paperwork, restrictions are DESTROYING us. I work in legal/compliance for a global corporation. Just getting any little thing done that should be route is extremely tough. Heck putting an expansion onto a building is costly, complex and over-burdensome. This is the #1 reason we are losing jobs.

(2) Unions:
Unions strong arm employers, force them into HORRENDOUS agreements, allow for ZERO flexibility in down economic times, force unsustainable pension plans down their throats and cry about everything when more is expected from them. Private unions have a place, but their power should be much much less than it is. The power of the corrupt Unions drives entire industries over seasons.

(3) Currency Manipulations:
Every candidate and President since Clinton discussed it, but neither Bush or Obama did anything. It's amazing they can get away with such a gangster move, but we let them.

(4) Taxation:
We have the LARGEST corporate tax rate in the world. Then we have a tax shelter policy that actually ENCOURAGES oversea outsourcing. Then personal income taxes, which effects our SUCCESSFULL small business owners through the flow through taxation system, are so complex (making accounting costly) and high, they drive small business owners also across the sea. Simplicity and less taxation is a solution.

How Many Jobs Have We Lost to China Since 2008? | Economy In Crisis
More than 662,000 U.S. Jobs Lost to China Since 2008.

Some alarming new data was released showing that 662,100 net U.S. jobs were lost between 2008 and 2011 due to our growing trade deficit with China.

This new data from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) reports: “Between 2001 and 2011, the trade deficit with China eliminated or displaced more than 2.7 million U.S. jobs, over 2.1 million of which (76.9 percent) were in manufacturing. These lost manufacturing jobs account for more than half of all U.S. manufacturing jobs lost or displaced between 2001 and 2011.”

Click here for an interactive map showing the job loss data in each state and congressional district.

One of the principal reasons for this staggering job loss is China’s undervalued currency.
And 2.1 mil since 2001! That hemogaging of manufacturing jobs MUST STOP!!! Every size Bill Clinton REMOVED the trade barriers with China and pushed/propelled China into the WTO, they have been rapidly created the LARGEST trade deficit btw two countries in the HISTORY of the World!!! Those high paying manufacturing jobs must come back.

The libs will say it's because of the Chinese slave wages. ACTUALLY that is a falllacy: In reality, with shipping costs, US increase automation and efficiency and the rise of wages in China (and throughout Asia) it costs less to manufacturing in US to deliver to US cities than it does China (Japan, South Korea, Indonesia or any of the Asia countries), yet we still are losing manufacturing jobs to mainly China! Something needs to be done.

So what are the reasons:
(1) Over, broad and burdensome regulation:
This is the number 1 factor. First you have to deal with Fed laws, then State and then Local ordiances. The cost, paperwork, restrictions are DESTROYING us. I work in legal/compliance for a global corporation. Just getting any little thing done that should be route is extremely tough. Heck putting an expansion onto a building is costly, complex and over-burdensome. This is the #1 reason we are losing jobs.

(2) Unions:
Unions strong arm employers, force them into HORRENDOUS agreements, allow for ZERO flexibility in down economic times, force unsustainable pension plans down their throats and cry about everything when more is expected from them. Private unions have a place, but their power should be much much less than it is. The power of the corrupt Unions drives entire industries over seasons.

(3) Currency Manipulations:
Every candidate and President since Clinton discussed it, but neither Bush or Obama did anything. It's amazing they can get away with such a gangster move, but we let them.

(4) Taxation:
We have the LARGEST corporate tax rate in the world. Then we have a tax shelter policy that actually ENCOURAGES oversea outsourcing. Then personal income taxes, which effects our SUCCESSFULL small business owners through the flow through taxation system, are so complex (making accounting costly) and high, they drive small business owners also across the sea. Simplicity and less taxation is a solution.

How Many Jobs Have We Lost to China Since 2008? | Economy In Crisis
More than 662,000 U.S. Jobs Lost to China Since 2008.

Some alarming new data was released showing that 662,100 net U.S. jobs were lost between 2008 and 2011 due to our growing trade deficit with China.

This new data from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) reports: “Between 2001 and 2011, the trade deficit with China eliminated or displaced more than 2.7 million U.S. jobs, over 2.1 million of which (76.9 percent) were in manufacturing. These lost manufacturing jobs account for more than half of all U.S. manufacturing jobs lost or displaced between 2001 and 2011.”

Click here for an interactive map showing the job loss data in each state and congressional district.

One of the principal reasons for this staggering job loss is China’s undervalued currency.

good list but don't forget our budgets deficits. If we had Newt's Balanced Budget Amendment the Chinese and Japanese would have had to buy our goods and services because there would have been no deficits to buy with their Walmart dollars.
good list but don't forget our budgets deficits. If we had Newt's Balanced Budget Amendment the Chinese and Japanese would have had to buy our goods and services because there would have been no deficits to buy with their Walmart dollars.

good list but don't forget our budgets deficits. If we had Newt's Balanced Budget Amendment the Chinese and Japanese would have had to buy our goods and services because there would have been no deficits to buy with their Walmart dollars.

of course if it was BS you would not be so afraid to say why? What does your fear tell you about the IQ and character of a liberal???
good list but don't forget our budgets deficits. If we had Newt's Balanced Budget Amendment the Chinese and Japanese would have had to buy our goods and services because there would have been no deficits to buy with their Walmart dollars.

of course if it was BS you would not be so afraid to say why? What does your fear tell you about the IQ and character of a liberal???

Why? It is obvious to anyone who can think.
There is no connection between a balanced budget ammendment and WalMart.

Tell me why did the republican controlled congress do away with Paygo?
good list but don't forget our budgets deficits. If we had Newt's Balanced Budget Amendment the Chinese and Japanese would have had to buy our goods and services because there would have been no deficits to buy with their Walmart dollars.

of course if it was BS you would not be so afraid to say why? What does your fear tell you about the IQ and character of a liberal???

Why? It is obvious to anyone who can think.
There is no connection between a balanced budget ammendment and WalMart.

Tell me why did the republican controlled congress do away with Paygo?

why change the subject to paygo???????? Are you afraid of the subject????
of course if it was BS you would not be so afraid to say why? What does your fear tell you about the IQ and character of a liberal???

Why? It is obvious to anyone who can think.
There is no connection between a balanced budget ammendment and WalMart.

Tell me why did the republican controlled congress do away with Paygo?

why change the subject to paygo???????? Are you afraid of the subject????

Forget paygo. Explain the connections between a balanced budget ammendment and WalMart.
Why? It is obvious to anyone who can think.
There is no connection between a balanced budget ammendment and WalMart.

Tell me why did the republican controlled congress do away with Paygo?

why change the subject to paygo???????? Are you afraid of the subject????

Forget paygo. Explain the connections between a balanced budget ammendment and WalMart.

I did!!! Japan and China buy our deficit with their WalMart dollars rather than our products. If we had Newts BBA there would be no liberal deficit to buy and so they would to buy our goods and services thus stimulating our economy.

As a liberal you be nearly illiterate so not be able to understand. Sorry
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why change the subject to paygo???????? Are you afraid of the subject????

Forget paygo. Explain the connections between a balanced budget ammendment and WalMart.

I did!!! Japan and China buy our deficit with their WalMart dollars rather than our products. If we had Newts BBA there would be no liberal deficit to buy and so they would to buy our goods and services thus stimulating our economy.

As a liberal you be nearly illiterate so not be able to understand. Sorry

You are not too bright are you?

You have it a little backwards, if Americans did not buy Chinese stuff they could not buy our debt bonds.
But to limit chinese stuff to WalMart is pure stupidity.

When did WalMart start?
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Forget paygo. Explain the connections between a balanced budget ammendment and WalMart.

I did!!! Japan and China buy our deficit with their WalMart dollars rather than our products. If we had Newts BBA there would be no liberal deficit to buy and so they would to buy our goods and services thus stimulating our economy.

As a liberal you be nearly illiterate so not be able to understand. Sorry

You are not too bright are you?

When did WalMart start?

no idea, are you afraid to say why you think this is important??????
What does your fear tell you?
Walton's assistant, Bob Bogle, came up with the name "Wal-Mart" for the new chain.[2] By 1967, the company grew to 24 stores across the state of Arkansas, and had reached $12.6 million in sales, and by 1968, the company opened its first stores outside of Arkansas in Sikeston, Missouri and Claremore, Oklahoma.[3]

The company's first stock split occurred in May 1972 at a market price of $47. By this time, Walmart was operating in five states: Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri and Oklahoma, and entered Tennessee in 1973, and Kentucky and Mississippi in 1974. As the company moved into Texas in 1975, there were 125 stores with 7,500 associates, and total sales of $340.3 million.

History of Walmart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As of October 2009, Walmart stores operate in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

From the above link.
I did!!! Japan and China buy our deficit with their WalMart dollars rather than our products. If we had Newts BBA there would be no liberal deficit to buy and so they would to buy our goods and services thus stimulating our economy.

As a liberal you be nearly illiterate so not be able to understand. Sorry

You are not too bright are you?

When did WalMart start?

no idea, are you afraid to say why you think this is important??????
What does your fear tell you?

Sorry I am not a right winger I am not fear driven.
Walton's assistant, Bob Bogle, came up with the name "Wal-Mart" for the new chain.[2] By 1967, the company grew to 24 stores across the state of Arkansas, and had reached $12.6 million in sales, and by 1968, the company opened its first stores outside of Arkansas in Sikeston, Missouri and Claremore, Oklahoma.[3]

The company's first stock split occurred in May 1972 at a market price of $47. By this time, Walmart was operating in five states: Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri and Oklahoma, and entered Tennessee in 1973, and Kentucky and Mississippi in 1974. As the company moved into Texas in 1975, there were 125 stores with 7,500 associates, and total sales of $340.3 million.

History of Walmart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

why is the submoronic illiterate idiot liberal changing the subject to the history of Walmart????????????????????????????
Walton's assistant, Bob Bogle, came up with the name "Wal-Mart" for the new chain.[2] By 1967, the company grew to 24 stores across the state of Arkansas, and had reached $12.6 million in sales, and by 1968, the company opened its first stores outside of Arkansas in Sikeston, Missouri and Claremore, Oklahoma.[3]

The company's first stock split occurred in May 1972 at a market price of $47. By this time, Walmart was operating in five states: Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri and Oklahoma, and entered Tennessee in 1973, and Kentucky and Mississippi in 1974. As the company moved into Texas in 1975, there were 125 stores with 7,500 associates, and total sales of $340.3 million.

History of Walmart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

why is the submoronic illiterate idiot liberal changing the subject to the history of Walmart????????????????????????????

Can't stay focused on a subject can you?

People all around the world buy stuff at WalMart just so China can buy our debt?
And WalMart was going strong before our debt totalled 500 billion.
Remember about where it was when Reagan took office?
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As of October 2009, Walmart stores operate in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

From the above link.

why is the submoronic illiterate idiot liberal changing the subject to the where Walmart operates???????????????????????????????
The USA is still the worlds largest manufacturer of goods in the entire world. Although, China will soon overtake us for that title (or maybe they finally did this year). That's not really a surprise though, since China has well over a billion in population vs the USA's 300 million it is expected that they have not only a larger manufacturing base (people), but also a larger consumer base (people). To really put things in focus, think about the fact that they have 4 times our population and yet we still manufacture more goods than they do.
The USA is still the worlds largest manufacturer of goods in the entire world. Although, China will soon overtake us for that title (or maybe they finally did this year). That's not really a surprise though, since China has well over a billion in population vs the USA's 300 million it is expected that they have not only a larger manufacturing base (people), but also a larger consumer base (people). To really put things in focus, think about the fact that they have 4 times our population and yet we still manufacture more goods than they do.

do you have any idea what your subject is????????????????????
A liberal will always try to change the subject rather than face his ignorance and then learn! Ignorance is the very essence of liberalism

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