Here's Why He's Toast.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
"To mark this Labor Day weekend, here's a roundup of 10 eye-popping statistics on the American jobs crisis. ... which hangs over President Obama as he gears up for his big jobs speech on Thursday (not to mention his reelection campaign).

1. 25.3 million Americans: The true size of the unemployment crisis. This figure includes people who are out of work, forced to work part-time, or unable to find a full-time job, as well as those who want to work but have given up searching for a job in the past month,...

2. 6.9 million jobs: How many fewer jobs there are today than in December 2007.

3. Twenty-eight out of 32 months: The number of months since January 2009 that job growth failed to keep up with basic population growth (roughly 150,000 jobs a month).

4. 16.7%: The jobless rate for African-Americans. Black unemployment is now at its highest in 27 years.

5. 280,000: The number of jobs the American economy needs to add each month to fill its 11.3 million-job deficit by the middle of 2016.

6. 35,000: The average number of jobs the economy actually added in the past three months."
10 Eye-Popping Labor Day Stats | Mother Jones


7. "...CNN fact-checked that claim and found it to be "not the whole picture." Instead, CNN found that there has been a net increase of just 300,000 non-farm payroll jobs since Obama took office. And if you count government jobs, there are actually 400,000 fewer people working today than in January 2009.

8. "The figure of 4.5 million jobs is accurate if you look at the most favorable period and category for the administration. But overall, there are still fewer people working now than when Obama took office at the height of the recession."

9. However, Obama's job growth percentages trail far behind those of some other recent presidents, including Bill Clinton (+2.60 percent and +1.60 percent), Ronald Reagan (+1.75 percent and +2.53 percent) and even Jimmy Carter (+2.30 percent)."
Fact Check: 4.5 million new jobs created under Obama? | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

[ame=]He's right - YouTube[/ame]
I still think the country would be better in the long run with a third Carter term. Obama's so incompetent that his reelection would effectively kill the Ds as a national party and leave the LP and GOP as the two nationally viable parties.
I still think the country would be better in the long run with a third Carter term. Obama's so incompetent that his reelection would effectively kill the Ds as a national party and leave the LP and GOP as the two nationally viable parties.

Carter or Obama????

That's like asking someone whether they wanted to be OJ's wife or girlfriend!!!!
I don't doubt your facts, PC, but I doubt your contention that Romney presents anything resembling a coherent alternative. From what I understand, he either (1) proposes to increase the federal deficit even more through targetted tax cuts for rich folks, or (2) proposes to avoid increasing the deficit by "broadening" the tax base (that is, increasing taxes for the middle class).

I honestly see nothing in Romney's "plan" that will help improve employment in any way.
I don't doubt your facts, PC, but I doubt your contention that Romney presents anything resembling a coherent alternative. From what I understand, he either (1) proposes to increase the federal deficit even more through targetted tax cuts for rich folks, or (2) proposes to avoid increasing the deficit by "broadening" the tax base (that is, increasing taxes for the middle class).

I honestly see nothing in Romney's "plan" that will help improve employment in any way.

I am a conservative, rather than a Republican...

Romney will be a better choice for this nation than Obama... would multitudes of others.

But....if Romney proceeds as you suggest, I, and, I am certain, many of his supporters will be posting criticisms on this board.

I'm certain that you realize that the choices we have always come down to only two.
It's the reason that over half of the delegates to the Democratic Convention...clearly cheated in the voice vote yesterday....

...and clearly opposed to "God" and "Jerusalem" being re-included in the platform....will still vote for the party candidate.

Only two choices.

But I'm betting that there were folks watching who will simply not vote.
Last edited:
I wrote a speech for Barry.
"Hello my fellow murkins. I'm sorry I didn't do one single thing that I promised to do. I'm just a community organizer but I promise, if I get one more chance, I can fix everything."
PS . Da wife B cuttin my nuts if she can't spend dem next fo years on AF1.
"To mark this Labor Day weekend, here's a roundup of 10 eye-popping statistics on the American jobs crisis. ... which hangs over President Obama as he gears up for his big jobs speech on Thursday (not to mention his reelection campaign).

1. 25.3 million Americans: The true size of the unemployment crisis. This figure includes people who are out of work, forced to work part-time, or unable to find a full-time job, as well as those who want to work but have given up searching for a job in the past month,...
Let's examine this made up number.

12.8 million unemployed
8.2 million part time workers for economic reasons
.85 million discouraged workers
Seems to be several million short of 25.3 million, but who cares the Right always exaggerates, as soon as a Republican is elected we will never see the U-6 rate until another Democrat is elected.
"To mark this Labor Day weekend, here's a roundup of 10 eye-popping statistics on the American jobs crisis. ... which hangs over President Obama as he gears up for his big jobs speech on Thursday (not to mention his reelection campaign).

1. 25.3 million Americans: The true size of the unemployment crisis. This figure includes people who are out of work, forced to work part-time, or unable to find a full-time job, as well as those who want to work but have given up searching for a job in the past month,...

2. 6.9 million jobs: How many fewer jobs there are today than in December 2007.

3. Twenty-eight out of 32 months: The number of months since January 2009 that job growth failed to keep up with basic population growth (roughly 150,000 jobs a month).

4. 16.7%: The jobless rate for African-Americans. Black unemployment is now at its highest in 27 years.

5. 280,000: The number of jobs the American economy needs to add each month to fill its 11.3 million-job deficit by the middle of 2016.

6. 35,000: The average number of jobs the economy actually added in the past three months."
10 Eye-Popping Labor Day Stats | Mother Jones


7. "...CNN fact-checked that claim and found it to be "not the whole picture." Instead, CNN found that there has been a net increase of just 300,000 non-farm payroll jobs since Obama took office. And if you count government jobs, there are actually 400,000 fewer people working today than in January 2009.

8. "The figure of 4.5 million jobs is accurate if you look at the most favorable period and category for the administration. But overall, there are still fewer people working now than when Obama took office at the height of the recession."

9. However, Obama's job growth percentages trail far behind those of some other recent presidents, including Bill Clinton (+2.60 percent and +1.60 percent), Ronald Reagan (+1.75 percent and +2.53 percent) and even Jimmy Carter (+2.30 percent)."
Fact Check: 4.5 million new jobs created under Obama? | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

He's right - YouTube

OK, you listed what Republicans did to ruin the economy. But you forgot the part about their policies that will help improve it. Unless they don't exist and it's just about "hate" Obama?
No worries people...European Governments (who are all essentially bankrupt already) said they will bail out their system to keep it from the DOW has soared once again at the news that another government will give them taxpayer dollars to maintain their casino system.
All is good.
"To mark this Labor Day weekend, here's a roundup of 10 eye-popping statistics on the American jobs crisis. ... which hangs over President Obama as he gears up for his big jobs speech on Thursday (not to mention his reelection campaign).

1. 25.3 million Americans: The true size of the unemployment crisis. This figure includes people who are out of work, forced to work part-time, or unable to find a full-time job, as well as those who want to work but have given up searching for a job in the past month,...
Let's examine this made up number.

12.8 million unemployed
8.2 million part time workers for economic reasons
.85 million discouraged workers
Seems to be several million short of 25.3 million, but who cares the Right always exaggerates, as soon as a Republican is elected we will never see the U-6 rate until another Democrat is elected.

1. A conservative never stands so tall as when she stoops to help a liberal.

So...let's begin.

2. Had you been subject to even the most rudimentary schooling, you might have understood the use of quotation marks.

"Use quotation marks [ “ ” ] to set off material that represents quoted or spoken language. Quotation marks also set off the titles of things that do not normally stand by themselves: short stories, poems, and articles. Usually, a quotation is set off from the rest of the sentence by a comma; however, the typography of quoted material can become quite complicated. Here is one simple rule to remember..."
Quotation Marks

The above as a case in point. The source of the quotation is the bottom line.

No doubt you'll be awe-struck to find that clicking the link will take you to the very source...which you can verify, word for word. Quotation marks.

2. "Let's examine this made up number..." you say.
Well...lest you demand that I verify the material in the post, let's first notice the placement of quotation marks. Remember...the facet of literacy about which I've just instructed you?
You do remember?
Very good.

3. The material is sourced from 'Mother Jones'.

4. "Mother Jones (abbreviated MoJo) is an American independent news organization, featuring investigative and breaking news reporting on politics, the environment, human rights, and culture. Mother Jones has been nominated...blah blah blah."

5. I understand your limitations, and rather than lose your attention here, let's review. You seem to be complaining about the data in the OP....
...I've explained that not of same is mine, and have indicated that it comes from a famous magazine.
Not famous to you, but to those who are literate, who actually graduated from high school, or went even further.

6. Now pay attention: this is important.
'Mother Jones' is Leftist....way liberal.
List of political magazines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. "#3 Most Liberal - Mother Jones

Mother Jones is an independent, nonprofit magazine focused on investigative journalism. On March 22, it tweeted, "Evangelist Franklin Graham: Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated Obama administration:"

Read more: Here Are The 5 Most Liberal And Conservative Media Twitter Feeds - Business Insider

7. In conclusion....this is only fun when someone bites it big time...and, here you are, right on cue:

"but who cares the Right always exaggerates,..."

Did you get the joke????


You're the joke....Mother Jones, '... the Right always exaggerates,...'

I looked up 'ignorant' in the dictionary and found your picture.
"To mark this Labor Day weekend, here's a roundup of 10 eye-popping statistics on the American jobs crisis. ... which hangs over President Obama as he gears up for his big jobs speech on Thursday (not to mention his reelection campaign).

1. 25.3 million Americans: The true size of the unemployment crisis. This figure includes people who are out of work, forced to work part-time, or unable to find a full-time job, as well as those who want to work but have given up searching for a job in the past month,...

2. 6.9 million jobs: How many fewer jobs there are today than in December 2007.

3. Twenty-eight out of 32 months: The number of months since January 2009 that job growth failed to keep up with basic population growth (roughly 150,000 jobs a month).

4. 16.7%: The jobless rate for African-Americans. Black unemployment is now at its highest in 27 years.

5. 280,000: The number of jobs the American economy needs to add each month to fill its 11.3 million-job deficit by the middle of 2016.

6. 35,000: The average number of jobs the economy actually added in the past three months."
10 Eye-Popping Labor Day Stats | Mother Jones


7. "...CNN fact-checked that claim and found it to be "not the whole picture." Instead, CNN found that there has been a net increase of just 300,000 non-farm payroll jobs since Obama took office. And if you count government jobs, there are actually 400,000 fewer people working today than in January 2009.

8. "The figure of 4.5 million jobs is accurate if you look at the most favorable period and category for the administration. But overall, there are still fewer people working now than when Obama took office at the height of the recession."

9. However, Obama's job growth percentages trail far behind those of some other recent presidents, including Bill Clinton (+2.60 percent and +1.60 percent), Ronald Reagan (+1.75 percent and +2.53 percent) and even Jimmy Carter (+2.30 percent)."
Fact Check: 4.5 million new jobs created under Obama? | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

He's right - YouTube

OK, you listed what Republicans did to ruin the economy. But you forgot the part about their policies that will help improve it. Unless they don't exist and it's just about "hate" Obama?

Law of averages predicts you to be right SOMEDAY!!!

Didn't you know that the the Liberals from FDR on took powers not in the Constitution....and thereby caused the mortgage meltdown and financial crisis???

You didn't know???

See if someone will help you sign up for a library card.....
"To mark this Labor Day weekend, here's a roundup of 10 eye-popping statistics on the American jobs crisis. ... which hangs over President Obama as he gears up for his big jobs speech on Thursday (not to mention his reelection campaign).

1. 25.3 million Americans: The true size of the unemployment crisis. This figure includes people who are out of work, forced to work part-time, or unable to find a full-time job, as well as those who want to work but have given up searching for a job in the past month,...
Let's examine this made up number.

12.8 million unemployed
8.2 million part time workers for economic reasons
.85 million discouraged workers
Seems to be several million short of 25.3 million, but who cares the Right always exaggerates, as soon as a Republican is elected we will never see the U-6 rate until another Democrat is elected.

1. A conservative never stands so tall as when she stoops to help a liberal.

So...let's begin.

2. Had you been subject to even the most rudimentary schooling, you might have understood the use of quotation marks.

"Use quotation marks [ “ ” ] to set off material that represents quoted or spoken language. Quotation marks also set off the titles of things that do not normally stand by themselves: short stories, poems, and articles. Usually, a quotation is set off from the rest of the sentence by a comma; however, the typography of quoted material can become quite complicated. Here is one simple rule to remember..."
Quotation Marks

The above as a case in point. The source of the quotation is the bottom line.

No doubt you'll be awe-struck to find that clicking the link will take you to the very source...which you can verify, word for word. Quotation marks.

2. "Let's examine this made up number..." you say.
Well...lest you demand that I verify the material in the post, let's first notice the placement of quotation marks. Remember...the facet of literacy about which I've just instructed you?
You do remember?
Very good.

3. The material is sourced from 'Mother Jones'.

4. "Mother Jones (abbreviated MoJo) is an American independent news organization, featuring investigative and breaking news reporting on politics, the environment, human rights, and culture. Mother Jones has been nominated...blah blah blah."

5. I understand your limitations, and rather than lose your attention here, let's review. You seem to be complaining about the data in the OP....
...I've explained that not of same is mine, and have indicated that it comes from a famous magazine.
Not famous to you, but to those who are literate, who actually graduated from high school, or went even further.

6. Now pay attention: this is important.
'Mother Jones' is Leftist....way liberal.
List of political magazines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. "#3 Most Liberal - Mother Jones

Mother Jones is an independent, nonprofit magazine focused on investigative journalism. On March 22, it tweeted, "Evangelist Franklin Graham: Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated Obama administration:"

Read more: Here Are The 5 Most Liberal And Conservative Media Twitter Feeds - Business Insider

7. In conclusion....this is only fun when someone bites it big time...and, here you are, right on cue:

"but who cares the Right always exaggerates,..."

Did you get the joke????


You're the joke....Mother Jones, '... the Right always exaggerates,...'

I looked up 'ignorant' in the dictionary and found your picture.
1. A conservative is never so pompous as when she stoops to condescension.

Your dictionary claim is no more accurate than the made up 25.3 million number with or without "quotation marks." Only PompusCheek is stupid enough to believe that "quotation marks" will turn a fake number into a real number.
thank you.
Let's examine this made up number.

12.8 million unemployed
8.2 million part time workers for economic reasons
.85 million discouraged workers
Seems to be several million short of 25.3 million, but who cares the Right always exaggerates, as soon as a Republican is elected we will never see the U-6 rate until another Democrat is elected.

1. A conservative never stands so tall as when she stoops to help a liberal.

So...let's begin.

2. Had you been subject to even the most rudimentary schooling, you might have understood the use of quotation marks.

"Use quotation marks [ “ ” ] to set off material that represents quoted or spoken language. Quotation marks also set off the titles of things that do not normally stand by themselves: short stories, poems, and articles. Usually, a quotation is set off from the rest of the sentence by a comma; however, the typography of quoted material can become quite complicated. Here is one simple rule to remember..."
Quotation Marks

The above as a case in point. The source of the quotation is the bottom line.

No doubt you'll be awe-struck to find that clicking the link will take you to the very source...which you can verify, word for word. Quotation marks.

2. "Let's examine this made up number..." you say.
Well...lest you demand that I verify the material in the post, let's first notice the placement of quotation marks. Remember...the facet of literacy about which I've just instructed you?
You do remember?
Very good.

3. The material is sourced from 'Mother Jones'.

4. "Mother Jones (abbreviated MoJo) is an American independent news organization, featuring investigative and breaking news reporting on politics, the environment, human rights, and culture. Mother Jones has been nominated...blah blah blah."

5. I understand your limitations, and rather than lose your attention here, let's review. You seem to be complaining about the data in the OP....
...I've explained that not of same is mine, and have indicated that it comes from a famous magazine.
Not famous to you, but to those who are literate, who actually graduated from high school, or went even further.

6. Now pay attention: this is important.
'Mother Jones' is Leftist....way liberal.
List of political magazines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. "#3 Most Liberal - Mother Jones

Mother Jones is an independent, nonprofit magazine focused on investigative journalism. On March 22, it tweeted, "Evangelist Franklin Graham: Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated Obama administration:"

Read more: Here Are The 5 Most Liberal And Conservative Media Twitter Feeds - Business Insider

7. In conclusion....this is only fun when someone bites it big time...and, here you are, right on cue:

"but who cares the Right always exaggerates,..."

Did you get the joke????


You're the joke....Mother Jones, '... the Right always exaggerates,...'

I looked up 'ignorant' in the dictionary and found your picture.
1. A conservative is never so pompous as when she stoops to condescension.

Your dictionary claim is no more accurate than the made up 25.3 million number with or without "quotation marks." Only PompusCheek is stupid enough to believe that "quotation marks" will turn a fake number into a real number.
thank you.

Are you pretending that you don't realize that all the statistics are from a reliably left-wing liberal source?????

The Left!!!!

Not the Right, as you erroneously attributed the data to!!!

Oh....I get attempt to weasel out of having to say you were wrong.
You'd rather be identified as being stupid??? is so stipulated.

Forrest Gump would have speak loud and slow to you…
1. A conservative never stands so tall as when she stoops to help a liberal.

So...let's begin.

2. Had you been subject to even the most rudimentary schooling, you might have understood the use of quotation marks.

"Use quotation marks [ “ ” ] to set off material that represents quoted or spoken language. Quotation marks also set off the titles of things that do not normally stand by themselves: short stories, poems, and articles. Usually, a quotation is set off from the rest of the sentence by a comma; however, the typography of quoted material can become quite complicated. Here is one simple rule to remember..."
Quotation Marks

The above as a case in point. The source of the quotation is the bottom line.

No doubt you'll be awe-struck to find that clicking the link will take you to the very source...which you can verify, word for word. Quotation marks.

2. "Let's examine this made up number..." you say.
Well...lest you demand that I verify the material in the post, let's first notice the placement of quotation marks. Remember...the facet of literacy about which I've just instructed you?
You do remember?
Very good.

3. The material is sourced from 'Mother Jones'.

4. "Mother Jones (abbreviated MoJo) is an American independent news organization, featuring investigative and breaking news reporting on politics, the environment, human rights, and culture. Mother Jones has been nominated...blah blah blah."

5. I understand your limitations, and rather than lose your attention here, let's review. You seem to be complaining about the data in the OP....
...I've explained that not of same is mine, and have indicated that it comes from a famous magazine.
Not famous to you, but to those who are literate, who actually graduated from high school, or went even further.

6. Now pay attention: this is important.
'Mother Jones' is Leftist....way liberal.
List of political magazines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. "#3 Most Liberal - Mother Jones

Mother Jones is an independent, nonprofit magazine focused on investigative journalism. On March 22, it tweeted, "Evangelist Franklin Graham: Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated Obama administration:"

Read more: Here Are The 5 Most Liberal And Conservative Media Twitter Feeds - Business Insider

7. In conclusion....this is only fun when someone bites it big time...and, here you are, right on cue:

"but who cares the Right always exaggerates,..."

Did you get the joke????


You're the joke....Mother Jones, '... the Right always exaggerates,...'

I looked up 'ignorant' in the dictionary and found your picture.
1. A conservative is never so pompous as when she stoops to condescension.

Your dictionary claim is no more accurate than the made up 25.3 million number with or without "quotation marks." Only PompusCheek is stupid enough to believe that "quotation marks" will turn a fake number into a real number.
thank you.

Are you pretending that you don't realize that all the statistics are from a reliably left-wing liberal source?????

The Left!!!!

Not the Right, as you erroneously attributed the data to!!!

Oh....I get attempt to weasel out of having to say you were wrong.
You'd rather be identified as being stupid??? is so stipulated.

Forrest Gump would have speak loud and slow to you…
Wow, you've gone from "quotation marks" make the exaggerated 25.3 million number accurate to the source that you first claimed was "independent" is now "Leftist" and therefore the exaggerated number must be accurate. I can't help but notice that you can't actually rebut my numbers but rely completely on the "Appeal to Authority" Fallacy.

Of course it is the Right who use the U-6 rate for Democrats, exaggerated when necessary, and the U-3 for Republicans. Your source is using an exaggerated U-6 number, that would make him to the Right of "independent."
1. A conservative is never so pompous as when she stoops to condescension.

Your dictionary claim is no more accurate than the made up 25.3 million number with or without "quotation marks." Only PompusCheek is stupid enough to believe that "quotation marks" will turn a fake number into a real number.
thank you.

Are you pretending that you don't realize that all the statistics are from a reliably left-wing liberal source?????

The Left!!!!

Not the Right, as you erroneously attributed the data to!!!

Oh....I get attempt to weasel out of having to say you were wrong.
You'd rather be identified as being stupid??? is so stipulated.

Forrest Gump would have speak loud and slow to you…
Wow, you've gone from "quotation marks" make the exaggerated 25.3 million number accurate to the source that you first claimed was "independent" is now "Leftist" and therefore the exaggerated number must be accurate. I can't help but notice that you can't actually rebut my numbers but rely completely on the "Appeal to Authority" Fallacy.

Of course it is the Right who use the U-6 rate for Democrats, exaggerated when necessary, and the U-3 for Republicans. Your source is using an exaggerated U-6 number, that would make him to the Right of "independent."

Is English a second language to you???


Do you have a language??

Don't you get it? The figures that you claimed were a right wing exaggeration were published by a far-left publication!!!!!


Not Right- Left!!!

Don't make me go to upper case!!

" the source that you first claimed was "independent"

No I didn't!

Blame a teacher for your problem.

"....therefore the exaggerated number must be accurate."
I don't care if you find them exaggerated or not....argue with the Left....

Come up with a scenario where the Obama-supporting Mother Jones mag is out to scuttle Obama!

I'd refer to you as a beef-brained bovine, seeking the brisance of enlightenment...

...but I don't want to insult cows.
Are you pretending that you don't realize that all the statistics are from a reliably left-wing liberal source?????

The Left!!!!

Not the Right, as you erroneously attributed the data to!!!

Oh....I get attempt to weasel out of having to say you were wrong.
You'd rather be identified as being stupid??? is so stipulated.

Forrest Gump would have speak loud and slow to you…
Wow, you've gone from "quotation marks" make the exaggerated 25.3 million number accurate to the source that you first claimed was "independent" is now "Leftist" and therefore the exaggerated number must be accurate. I can't help but notice that you can't actually rebut my numbers but rely completely on the "Appeal to Authority" Fallacy.

Of course it is the Right who use the U-6 rate for Democrats, exaggerated when necessary, and the U-3 for Republicans. Your source is using an exaggerated U-6 number, that would make him to the Right of "independent."

Is English a second language to you???


Do you have a language??

Don't you get it? The figures that you claimed were a right wing exaggeration were published by a far-left publication!!!!!


Not Right- Left!!!

Don't make me go to upper case!!

" the source that you first claimed was "independent"

No I didn't!

Blame a teacher for your problem.

"....therefore the exaggerated number must be accurate."
I don't care if you find them exaggerated or not....argue with the Left....

Come up with a scenario where the Obama-supporting Mother Jones mag is out to scuttle Obama!

I'd refer to you as a beef-brained bovine, seeking the brisance of enlightenment...

...but I don't want to insult cows.
I posted the BLS numbers for July 2012 and they prove that the 25.3 million is an exaggeration "quotation marks" or not, Liberal source or not. A Liberal would not exaggerate the number to make Obama look worse, but that is SOP for a Right-Wingnut.
Wow, you've gone from "quotation marks" make the exaggerated 25.3 million number accurate to the source that you first claimed was "independent" is now "Leftist" and therefore the exaggerated number must be accurate. I can't help but notice that you can't actually rebut my numbers but rely completely on the "Appeal to Authority" Fallacy.

Of course it is the Right who use the U-6 rate for Democrats, exaggerated when necessary, and the U-3 for Republicans. Your source is using an exaggerated U-6 number, that would make him to the Right of "independent."

Is English a second language to you???


Do you have a language??

Don't you get it? The figures that you claimed were a right wing exaggeration were published by a far-left publication!!!!!


Not Right- Left!!!

Don't make me go to upper case!!

" the source that you first claimed was "independent"

No I didn't!

Blame a teacher for your problem.

"....therefore the exaggerated number must be accurate."
I don't care if you find them exaggerated or not....argue with the Left....

Come up with a scenario where the Obama-supporting Mother Jones mag is out to scuttle Obama!

I'd refer to you as a beef-brained bovine, seeking the brisance of enlightenment...

...but I don't want to insult cows.
I posted the BLS numbers for July 2012 and they prove that the 25.3 million is an exaggeration "quotation marks" or not, Liberal source or not. A Liberal would not exaggerate the number to make Obama look worse, but that is SOP for a Right-Wingnut.

Mother Jones magazne:

'It's hardly surprising that a recent piece in the uber-liberal rag Mother Jones attempted to expose a "close-up view" of a "dark-money fundraiser" hosted in June by oil billionaires and famous libertarian conservatives Charles and David Koch. After all, the country lies awash in media consumed with and perpetuated by a left-wing bias. But in this recession, where liberals believe President Obama and his economic team can jumpstart the economy, the vitriol the media possesses for the Koch brothers and their donors -- businesspeople who've created jobs and circulated wealth -- is as baffling as it is hypocritical.'
The American Spectator : Mother Knows Best?

OK....the hour out the cage is up....

...back you go. can work on this tonight: If you say ‘gullible’ very slowly it sound like ‘oranges.’
Is English a second language to you???


Do you have a language??

Don't you get it? The figures that you claimed were a right wing exaggeration were published by a far-left publication!!!!!


Not Right- Left!!!

Don't make me go to upper case!!

" the source that you first claimed was "independent"

No I didn't!

Blame a teacher for your problem.

"....therefore the exaggerated number must be accurate."
I don't care if you find them exaggerated or not....argue with the Left....

Come up with a scenario where the Obama-supporting Mother Jones mag is out to scuttle Obama!

I'd refer to you as a beef-brained bovine, seeking the brisance of enlightenment...

...but I don't want to insult cows.
I posted the BLS numbers for July 2012 and they prove that the 25.3 million is an exaggeration "quotation marks" or not, Liberal source or not. A Liberal would not exaggerate the number to make Obama look worse, but that is SOP for a Right-Wingnut.

Mother Jones magazne:

'It's hardly surprising that a recent piece in the uber-liberal rag Mother Jones attempted to expose a "close-up view" of a "dark-money fundraiser" hosted in June by oil billionaires and famous libertarian conservatives Charles and David Koch. After all, the country lies awash in media consumed with and perpetuated by a left-wing bias. But in this recession, where liberals believe President Obama and his economic team can jumpstart the economy, the vitriol the media possesses for the Koch brothers and their donors -- businesspeople who've created jobs and circulated wealth -- is as baffling as it is hypocritical.'
The American Spectator : Mother Knows Best?

OK....the hour out the cage is up....

...back you go. can work on this tonight: If you say ‘gullible’ very slowly it sound like ‘oranges.’
If the American Spectator says they are Libs then you can be certain they are not, AS has even less credibility than you and you have none.

Again you can't answer the obvious question, why would a Lib exaggerate a number to make Obama look worse? We know that is the MO of the Right, but explain why a Lib would do it to Obama!

The more condescending you are without answering that obvious flaw in your "argument" the more foolish you look.
"To mark this Labor Day weekend, here's a roundup of 10 eye-popping statistics on the American jobs crisis. ... which hangs over President Obama as he gears up for his big jobs speech on Thursday (not to mention his reelection campaign).

1. 25.3 million Americans: The true size of the unemployment crisis. This figure includes people who are out of work, forced to work part-time, or unable to find a full-time job, as well as those who want to work but have given up searching for a job in the past month,...

2. 6.9 million jobs: How many fewer jobs there are today than in December 2007.

3. Twenty-eight out of 32 months: The number of months since January 2009 that job growth failed to keep up with basic population growth (roughly 150,000 jobs a month).

4. 16.7%: The jobless rate for African-Americans. Black unemployment is now at its highest in 27 years.

5. 280,000: The number of jobs the American economy needs to add each month to fill its 11.3 million-job deficit by the middle of 2016.

6. 35,000: The average number of jobs the economy actually added in the past three months."
10 Eye-Popping Labor Day Stats | Mother Jones


7. "...CNN fact-checked that claim and found it to be "not the whole picture." Instead, CNN found that there has been a net increase of just 300,000 non-farm payroll jobs since Obama took office. And if you count government jobs, there are actually 400,000 fewer people working today than in January 2009.

8. "The figure of 4.5 million jobs is accurate if you look at the most favorable period and category for the administration. But overall, there are still fewer people working now than when Obama took office at the height of the recession."

9. However, Obama's job growth percentages trail far behind those of some other recent presidents, including Bill Clinton (+2.60 percent and +1.60 percent), Ronald Reagan (+1.75 percent and +2.53 percent) and even Jimmy Carter (+2.30 percent)."
Fact Check: 4.5 million new jobs created under Obama? | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

He's right - YouTube

All very interesting but the media says none of this is Obama's fault.
A person risks being branded a racist if one doubts Obama's handling of the economy.
And the Obama followers still think Obama already fixed everything so the right should just STFU....

All hail Obama
All hail Obama
All hail Obama
So here is a question for politicalchic that I have asked her on several occasions, and which she has never answered:
The primary repub stated intent is to decrease taxes, and cut spending. Any con out there want to tell me when that has ever worked in a bad economy??? If you can not, then you have no reason to believe that the repubs will improve the economy.
I can not wait for politicalchic to give that obvious question a try. Got any game, political chic???

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