NBC/WSJ poll: NRA more popular than entertainment industry


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
NBC/WSJ poll: NRA more popular than entertainment industry
As Washington prepares for a political battle over the Obama White House's proposals to curb gun violence after the Newtown, Conn., shootings, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds that the National Rifle Association is more popular than the entertainment industry.

Forty-one percent of adults see the NRA -- the nation's top gun lobby -- in a positive light, while 34 percent view it in a negative light.

By comparison, just 24 percent have positive feelings about the entertainment industry, and 39 percent have negative ones.

The NRA's fav/unfav score is virtually unchanged from its 41 percent-to-29 percent rating in the Jan. 2011 NBC/WSJ poll, nearly two years before the Newtown shootings.​

NYCarbineer I've re-worked your signature for you:

A Liberal is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned how to stand up for himself.
Daveman's an idiot; we don't need a poll for that.

In Just One Month, The NRA Has Torpedoed Its Reputation

NRA Approval Ratings Tank After Press Conference - Business Insider
I see you didn't bother to read anything.

From my link:

Forty-one percent of adults see the NRA -- the nation's top gun lobby -- in a positive light, while 34 percent view it in a negative light.​

From your link:

After the press conference and a subsequent appearance on "Meet the Press," the NRA's favorability shifted to a 42-45 negative split...​

Hmmmm...your link shows the NRA as being viewed MORE favorably than my link.

Who's the idiot, again? Hint: You.


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